CLab session 3 Exploring our collaborations and prototypes Preparing for potential collaborations and cocreations...a time for us to share what we are noticing is happening to us and our context during this time. To see how this might inspire and inform us in taking action. In the Porticus application we had said we would prototype Local CLabs in two locations - yet the pandemic is not allowing us to do this. This session is preparing the ground for us to connect and explore light actions we want to activate. Giving the possibility to allocate some funding for “rapid prototypes�.
How the pandemic is showing up in my context (1) We felt some pride Being taken Care of by our government Did we celebrate too soon? Were we used for political reasons? It is our responsibility To protect And take care Of each other Especially our elderly We moved to escape racism Only to meet Brexit And we so No one caring here No gloves or face masks
I feel grateful though For Circles like this Where can care And see the glass half full ‘ A beautiful story The Pandemic invites Us to be stronger together And dance Flamenco With a red background Inspired us to initiate A shared economy Guitars, Dancing, Singing A time to reinvent ourselves Are you coming Berliners It is on Sundays
How the pandemic is showing up in my context (2) Energised by the protests Against white supremacy The constraints Are releasing us From the oppression We can create Our own solutions Find the minimal resources From a Queer perspective Living the AIDS days Every day was a funeral Testing..testing..testing Is the way to go Trust your population This is Germany’s General mood
I and we are Partisans Ready to ďŹ ght form Community An action moved to next year But still I want to do it in September I feel like a spectator from Mars Is history repeating itself? Eat popcorn! And lets bring in the Minimum income As an antidote to capitalism Nothing is completely Black or white Are we the winners Because we are alive? Or simply exhausted Maintaining distance Under police control Not being able to even Say goodbye to our dead!
How the pandemic is showing up in my context (3) We are now in societies with Two kinds of heroes Heroes that died They were our heritage We have lost their Knowledge, experience and love The other heroes Are those working in hospitals Endlessly They ones who say the last Goodbye to our dead It is time to cooperate To continue The reconstruction Of a new society
We are all at home My husband on Calls 24 hours My daughter has to Be homeschooled We need to guide her We are lucky Many children are In worse conditions Many who have nothing And even face abuse
How the pandemic is showing up in my context (4) Am I an optimistic or realist? Rotterdam is moving together I hope this will continue We have had Intelligent lockdown We are individualist and anarchists Yet we followed the rules Life is starting again Activities for children 3.5 years ago The CLab met And Trump was elected The CLab met Brexit happened Hmmmm Is this the beginning of the populist era Or the capitalist way of living?
Black lives Matter An explosion Starting a new era The glass is almost full I am hopeful Our garden has changed More vegetables Our focus is different My community Has different circles With different perspectives On what is happening Who do we trust? Perhaps we cannot know it all?
How the pandemic is showing up in my context (5) Instead do we put Our attention On our immune systems Like some older people Who did not hold fear And this protected them Is the pandemic not a call For us to live more healthily Deeply Can we not apply Our response to lockdown To climate change? To stop!
To continue lowering The air pollution Instead of rebooting the economy This is not normal Caring for Our immune systems The quality of our air Is the way to go!