6 minute read
Press 2 For Help
Performed by Citizens Theatre Young Co. 25 – 26 March 2022
Directors Note
We are thrilled, at last, to present this new-writing performance project, exploring issues around young people’s mental health. Members of the Young Co. had recognised this as a priority before the pandemic hit - little did we know where we were heading and how this issue would be even more important some two years later. We hope that you are thoroughly entertained by the new pieces we have created in collaboration with our brilliant writing mentors, and also find some new understanding and perspectives that we think will resonate with all ages.
Neil Packham, Young Co. Director
Martin O’Connor (mentor): Aidan Ali, Lomond Sebastian Docherty, Morgan Ferguson, Robbie McKerracher
Eve Nicol (mentor): Gabriel Adams, Mark Grant, Selin Guler, Abigail Sinclair, Cole Stewart
Sara Shaarawi (mentor): Sabryna Brooke, Sam McMillan, Jareen Meah, Amanda Scott
May Sumbwanyambe (mentor): Aqsa Anwar, Jack Donnan, Tara Harcombe, Michael Harkin, Helena Main, Lewis Reid
Direction and Dramaturgy - Neil Packham and Catrin Evans
Costume Designer - Elaine G Coyle
Lighting Designer - Stuart Jenkins
Design Consultant - Ailsa J Munro
Form Help: Part 1 (Martin’s group)
Treading Water (Sara’s group)
Chaos and the Crab (Martin’s group)
I notice (Eve’s group)
Form Help: Part 2 (Martin’s group)
Collide and Scope (Eve’s group)
28 days (Martin’s group)
Chicken (May’s group)
Form Help: Part 3 (Martin’s group)
In My Feelings (Martin’s group)
Support for the issues raised in the show is available from Samaritans 24hrs: call 116 123. We also have mental health first aiders from the Mental Health Network at every performance if you would like to speak to them before or after the show.

The Citizens Young Co. have developed this new work with the support and guidance of four professional playwrights. Eve Nicol, Martin O’Connor, Sara Shaarawi and May Sumbwanyambe have collaborated with the young people - sharing their skills and knowledge; facilitating their groups through the process of taking an idea onto the page; and then workshopping drafts and adding their unique creative styles to each of the pieces. It has been such a gift to have four of the industry's innovative writing talents working with us, especially during a time of so many unknowns for our sector.
Visit citz.co.uk to learn more about this creative process and hear from the mentors.
Esther Batterham - Marketing & Communications Officer, Catherine Bird - Payroll Officer, Ashleigh Blair – Scenic Artist, Alex Brady - Box Office Supervisor / IT, Suzanne Brady - Box Office, Katrina Caldwell – Learning Tutor, Peter Clerke – Learning Tutor, Natalia Cortes - Company Stage Manager, Elaine G Coyle - Head of Wardrobe, Denise Differ - Box Office Manager, Louise Dingwall - Press and Marketing Officer, Karen Dunbar – Learning Tutor, Lisa Dundas – Box Office, Elaine Ellis - Front of House, Catrin Evans – Head of Creative Learning, Barry Forde – Assistant Stage Manager, Tabitha Gardner - Front of House, Elly Goodman - Community Drama Artist, Davy Harrop - Stage Technician, Stephen Harrop - Stage Technician, Dominic Hill - Artistic Director, Neil Hobbs - Deputy Head of Lighting & Sound, Olivia Hughes - Box Office, Euan Jenkins – Stage Door Administrator/Front of House, Stuart Jenkins - Head of Lighting & Sound, Simon Jones - Stage Door Administrator, Amber Keating - Digital Officer, Jenny Knotts - Box Office, Carol Laula – Learning Tutor, Jamie Leary - Box Office, Alison Lewis – Marketing & Communications Manager, Alison MacKinnon - Head of Marketing & Communications, Carly McCaig - Community Drama Worker, Grant McDonald - Front of House, Morna McGeoch - Learning Tutor, Alex McGowan - Executive Director, Lawrie McInally - Stage Door Administrator, Claire McNeil - Finance Manager, Rachel Mimiec – Learning Tutor, Jim Morrison - Front of House, Jacqueline Muir - Production Administrator, Jack Mullen - Box Office, Ailsa Munro – Learning Tutor, Denis Murphy - Head of Workshop Katherine Murphy - Front of House, Neil Packham - Community Drama Director, Frances Poet - Literary Associate, Gail Power – Learning Tutor, Molly Ross - Individual Giving & Events Officer, Saffron Shearer – Wardrobe Assistant / Dresser, Mags Smillie - Head of Finance, Laura Smith - Deputy Head of Production, Catherine Stoddart - Front of House, Andy Stuart – Sound Supervisor, Graham Sutherland - Head of Production, Sonia Tinagli - Front of House, Martin Travers - Producer (Citizens Learning), Colin White - Learning Tutor, David Young - Facilities Supervisor
Board: April Chamberlain (Chair), Alex Reedijk (Vice Chair), Councillor Susan Aitken, Laurence Fraser, Dominic Hill, Jackie Kay, John McElwee, James Scanlon, Irene Tweedie and Louise Welsh.
Kube Networks, Two Fat Ladies
BBC Children in Need, The Boshier-Hinton Foundation, Comic Relief, Cruden Foundation, David Solomons Charitable Trust, The Ernst Maas Educational Trust, The Garrick Charitable Trust, Glasgow City Health & Social Care Partnership, Life Changes Trust, Morrisons Foundation, The National Lottery, The National Lottery Community Fund, The National Lottery through Creative Scotland, Postcode Community Trust, The Robertson Trust, The Russell Trust, Scottish Government, Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust, Souter Charitable Trust and The WA Cargill Fund
Amish Amin, David Armstrong, Susan Bell, John Bremner, Rosemary Bremner, Kevin Roderick Brown, April Chamberlain, Sean Daisley, Julie Doughty, John Ferris, Mary Henderson, Eleanor Hyland, Gordon Jeyes, John & Agnese Keeper, Joe Kelly, Chris Kenny, Roddy & Christine Macpherson, John McElwee, Miriam McKenna, Ian McSeveny, Chris Paterson, Rita Rae, Walter & Janet Reid, Adrienne Scullion, Nancy Smillie, Sheila Stallard, Larry Sullivan, Louise Welsh
Additional thanks to the many individuals that have also given donations throughout the year, and those who would prefer their support to remain anonymous.
Contact the Development Department development@citz.co.uk
Citizens Theatre warmly acknowledges support from our core funders Creative Scotland and Glasgow City Council.
With special thanks to Ann Jones and Stephen McGuire from Mental Health Network, Adam Masters and The Clutha Trust.

We’re making big changes to 119 Gorbals Street as we work to repair, conserve and transform our iconic home. We can’t wait to welcome you back to our auditorium and we’re making good progress - but we still need your help to complete the project.
Please donate now: citz.co.uk/redevelopment
You can connect with us @CitizensTheatre on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Or visit our website citz.co.uk.
Show illustration by Amber Keating, Mentor Photography by Jassy Earl, Building Render by Bennetts Associates. Citizens Theatre Ltd. Registered No. SC022513 and is a Scottish Charity No. SC001337.