CitNOW Newsletter - February 2014

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Dealer Principles A monthly update on selling more cars and parts more profitably


for Dealer Principals 28 February 2014

In this issue: 1

Bringing you up to CitNOW Speed.

2.1 Tips and Tricks: Vehicle Handovers 2.2 Employee Spotlight: Matt Blake 3.1 Secrets of Success: Hero Report 3.2 CitNOW of the Month 4.1 Please Welcome to CitNOW... 4.2 Your coffee cartoon

Bringing you up to CitNOW speed The team at CitNOW have released a lot of new features over the last 6 months. So we thought it might be helpful to provide a quick product roundup to ensure you are fully informed for all of CitNOW’s updates. Questions and more information - freely available at or call 01189 977740. Before the review, here’s a simple referral scheme we’d like to share with you. FREE kit boxes for your referrals – For every referral you make here that turns into a CitNOW customer (12 month contract), we’ll send you a FREE kit box. There’s no limit to this offer.


1. CitNOW Workshop - We now sell as many ‘workshop’ licenses as we do ‘sales’. If you’d like to make an immediate impact on your red and amber work conversion, this is for you: We have an integrated system with most eVHC providers in the UK. For a case study of what CitNOW did for the West Way group, click here:

...continued on page 2

Tips and Tricks: Vehicle Handovers


Don’t just make your customers happy, make them glow. With great cars come great memories, so give your customers a reminder of where it all began. As they take their new purchase home see if they would like you to record a CitNOW keep-sake of the first time that car became their car What are the benefits? • This is a customer service only CitNOW enabled dealerships can offer with ease. A feature that truly makes you stand out as a deliverer of excellent customer care. Crank up that CSI score. • The Referral Engine. What’s even better than a sale? One that brings in 5 more. With a great experience behind them your new customer becomes a publicity beacon for your dealership. Leave your dealership details in your CitNOW and remember to ask for that referral! • A customer for life, not just for Christmas: Going the extra mile (especially when it’s so easy) helps takes the relationship beyond a single transaction and creates something truly valuableCustomer loyalty. A CitNOW reminder of them driving away from your site will help to make sure, that when the time comes to move on, they come back to you. To view a short cartoon about these tips go to:

Employee Spotlight

Matthew Blake:

Regional Sales Manager

With 6 CitNOW months under his belt, Matt Blake has quickly become a cornerstone of the CitNOW road squad. Having worked as a car salesman for 14 years, Matt now sells the CitNOW kit that he used to use in the dealership, and spends much of his time on-site, travelling or at conferences showing dealers what CitNOW can do. Full of fervour and fiendish jokes, keeping Matt still, and on topic for the interview was a fun challenge. To view the outcome and learn a bit more about Matt got to:


2. CitNOW Bodyshop - ‘Bodyshop’ does more than capture a CitNOW video. Whilst creating your video the operator can tap the screen to bookmark still images to be included with your CitNOW. Click here to watch a testimonial from Sytner Oldbury where they are adding £250 retail on average to every job 3. CitNOW Web - ‘web’ will help drive more inbound enquiries from your web site and personal CitNOW requests. We can integrate with your used car locator so short CitNOWs can be produced by your sales team or photographer. We also add voiceovers to the CitNOW if you prefer. Here’s an example from Renault Retail Manchester. 4. CitNOW Sales - we’ve increased the number of purposes available. Each one comes with their own email which you can tailor - inbound, prospect, thank you, F&I, how to’s. 5. Before and after video - If you’d like your CitNOWs to look more professional or add a clear call to action every time, we can automatically add a new video before and after your technician/ sales exec’s CitNOW. This is proving very popular and we currently have a 2 week waiting list from order at the moment. Here’s a demo page with 6 dealer examples 6. SMS/text - If you look at your phone right now, I bet you have no unread text messages, but how many unread emails do you have? Sending a text gets through to your customers immediately, and will be acted on more quickly. We’ve just launched SMS on ‘workshop’ and ‘sales’ and with around 50% of all CitNOW videos being viewed on a smart phone, this is a smart low cost investment.

Oscar: CitNOW of the month Richard Thorne

Secrets of Success:

Your CitNOW heroes, February 2014 Normally in the Secrets of Success feature we examine the strategies and actions of a dealership to see how they have implemented their CitNOW success. However, this month, we decided to dig even deeper and go right to the frontline of the automotive industry, the showroom and the workshop, to find the most productive CitNOW enabled technicians and sales executives. Our Goal? To find out how to make the proven benefits of CitNOW work for your dealership, and discover about how your techs and execs view CitNOW and so uncover the best methods to ensure the kitbox is utilised to its full potential. Is it training or incentives? Is it the mindset? What about managerial support? What motivation is required? How about best practice? In order to find out CitNOW left its Wokingham HQ and took to the road. We met with some of the top CitNOW heroes producing dozens and sometimes hundreds of CitNOWs a month. This translates to hours of footage, all creating customer joy and making more money, more profitably for their dealerships. We discovered some top stories and tips about the best, most effortless ways to embed the CitNOW as part of their normal, Sales


standard processing of repairs, VHCs, inquiries and prospecting. One sales executive won a customer over with a great CitNOW of a MINI:

Barons Farnborough BMW

Take a look for yourself at:

The best part? The customer was in Brazil! The Results: So what did we find? Here are just a few of the things we found 1.



Managers are crucial: At the beginning of CitNOW’s introduction, big pushes from managers and leadership teams have a huge effect on the uptake and output of CitNOW. Making CitNOW part of a quota + bonus incentive scheme, and part of the pay packet, has produced great results across a multitude of sites. Guidelines and scripts are great for getting started with CitNOW and make users more comfortable with using the system. As confidence increases letting in a bit of individual style and flair can take CitNOW output to the next level.

Sadly we can’t fit anymore in here, but if you’d like to hear about what works for those on the ground, from the techs and execs themselves, please go to:

Why it works: Draw the customer in: Richard demonstrates the unique ‘tricks’ of that individual car- the race driver steering wheel, the engine sound. Selling the sizzle: Richard reminds the customer that this vehicle is special, and that other customers are looking out for that special something to, so hurry up! Making it perfect: Forecourts can be windy places, and Richard has to contend with wind disruption in his video. Reduce wind noise to zero with a windjammer. For more information ring: 01189 977740. Below: Last month’s Oscar winner Maria McCabe with her prize.



Adam O’Sullivan Chandlers Brighton


Philip Ainley Stratstone Hull


Rashid Lamjafjaf Barons Farnborough


David Southon Ancaster Bromley


Martin McCallum Chandlers Brighton


Darren Simon Renault Retail Croydon


James Lewis Barons Farnborough


Anthony Burford Sytner Oldbury


Luke Brown Barons Farnborough


Lewis Darby Wessex Bristol


James Colwell Cotswolds Gloucester


Michael Crawly Blackstone Motors


Martin Slinger Chandlers Worthing


Rhys Steele Wessex Cardiff


Marc Peterson Chandlers Worthing


Bruce Hanna Peter Vardy Edinburgh


Rebecca Howard Stratstone Derby


Terry Murray Wessex Cardiff


Dealer Principles | 28 February 2014


Dealer Principles A monthly update on selling more cars and parts more profitably


for Dealer Principals

28 February 2014

Please welcome to CitNOW Southend Audi Harold Wood Audi Chingford Audi Chelmsford Audi Colchester Approved Audi Stansted Audi Audi West London Lexus Milton Keynes Porsche Cardiff Barnetts of St Andrews Porsche Centre Colchester Westerly Exeter BMW Lexus Leicester Redhill Honda Leeds Volkswagen Fairline Channel Islands Westerly Dorchester Porsche Centre Bristol

9 Millars Brook, Molly Millars Lane, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG41 2AD

CitNOW is part of Zype TV Limited


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