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Cittaslow Network The Netherlands
PROJECT LIST 2021 Alphen-Chaam: Walking with the mayor. To find out which social issues are important to residents and the impossibility of physical consulta- tions, residents could make a walking appointment with the mayor. They walked through the landscape together, talked about history and social issues. Of added value for residents and contributes to personal deci- sion-making by the municipality. In September the municipality has organized the Cittaslow Sunday to- gether with the supporters of Cittaslow Alphen-Chaam. Borger-Odoorn: Bee hotel and cycling route 2021-09-03_Cittaslow_ Nieuws_NAJAAR_2021. pdf (borger-odoorn.nl) +Care for nature by chil- dren Leerlingen dragen hun steentje bij - Cittaslow (cittaslow-nederland. nl) + World Bee Day Blij met de bij - Cittaslow (cittaslow-nederland.nl) EchtSusteren: Despite the limitations of the pandemic, the municipali- ty has continued to work on an international Cittaslow region. They work together with the Belgian municipality of Stad Maaseik and the German municipality of Selfkant. Apotential Cittaslow member. Wereldprimeur in de maak voor gemeenten Selfkant, Echt-Susteren en Maaseik (nieuws.nl) Eijsden-Margraten: Short foodchain, Surely know what you eat. Korte Keten Zeker (W)eten – Weet wat je eet (korteketenzekerweten.nl) This project (citizen participation) is based on a residents’ initiative aimed at short-chain development with a number of activities and objectives, including initiating and setting up a number of cooperative local gardens and/or a gentleman’s farm.
Lessons we have learned from Covid-19
The pandemic has shown the added value of our philosophy. People, the planet and profit are central and 3 can be strengthened by Cittaslow via the SDGs. - Corona has increased loneliness and at the same time shows the need for social contacts. Perso- nal contacts at home; healthcare and social encounters in public spaces. - Corona shows the importance of short supply chains. High-quality and reliable food produced in our own living environment. Due to the limited space for movement, there is a revaluation of the recreational values of nearby landscapes. - Corona shows the value of sustainable pro- duction. The most economically profitable production shifts social and environmental costs to other countries. At the same time, transportation of essential products was not always possible and this led to shortages of basic products.
The Dutch network consists of 10 municipalities. Due to a municipal reorganization, the municipality of Vianen is no longer a member of Cittaslow.