Sky Replica474
FPl is the top model in our rangeof aluminiumbikes. The geometries and tubing derive directly from the Dogma.The FP1 has 6061 aluminiumtubes with triple-layerT6 treatment, includinga magnesium and siliconecomponentto intensifytusionduring casting.TIG welding, full-carbonOndarM 30HM3K rear monostay and our OndarMfork. The road tests performed show the same extreme rigidity,prescision and responsivenessas the Dogma.
. A uminium6061T6 Triple ButtedFrame . ondarMFPcarbon Fork 30H[,412K . OndarM FPCarbon 30H[,43K RearSiay . FullShmanoTagfa2011 GroupSet . Sh manoWH-R500 . MOSTEwivaTyres . Sizes: 44,46,50,52,54, 56,58& 60cm . RRPe1199.00
BCF 499
We thlnk of everybodyand we alwaysthink big. That's why we made the FP2 Carbon.A new, entry-levelfull carbon lrame designedfor people who are new to cyc lng and want to start wlth a Pinarclolikea professional.The frame is powerful,the down tube is massiveand the bottom bracket, heart and fulcrum of the triange, is uny eld ng to the power you unleashwhen you standon the pedals.
. Carbon 24HN,4T2K Monococue Frame . ondarMFPcarbon 24HMl2K Fork . OndalMFP Carbon 24HN/tl2K R e a rS t a y . F ul S h m a n o1 0 52 0 1 1 Group Sei . ShirnanoWH R500 . MOST EwivaTyres . Sizes:46, 49, 53, 55, 57 & 59cm . R R P! 1 9 9 9 . 0 0
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S k y R e p l l c a5 1 6
FPQUATTROis the impressive sisterof the PARIS50.1.5.The FPOUATTROproject furtherdefinesPlnarelio's strategy to adopt asymmetryacross it s entire collection. FPQUATTBOderives directlyfrom the DOGMA frame and uses ultra reliabe 30HM12Kcarbon. Designedwith Pinarello's LAB'S SOE system (Simulation, Optimize, Evolution)it use the new OndarMFPKl fork with 1 1/8" to 1 1/4" taperingon the steeringcolumn.
B C F5 ' 1 7 . Carbon 30H[,412K Monocoque Frame . OndarM FPKCarbon Fork 30HM12K . OndarM FPKCarbon 30Htvl12K RearStay . FulShimano Utegra 6700 GroupSei . L4OSTWidcat Whees . Sizes: 44,46.5,50,51.5, 53,54,55,56,57.5& 59.5cm . RRP12799.00
<Z.rBOB 514 colouroption also available(see cover)
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The PARIS FP Carbon combjnes class c bicycle design with totaL asymmetry. Based on the DOGMA it is compact with harmonious lines. Bullt using Torayca 5 0 H N 4 1 . 5 KC a r b o n a n d Nanoalloytechnology it delivbrs top performance way above that of the multiaward winning Prince of 2009.
. C a r b o n5 0 H l M 1 . 5 K . OndarMFP Carbon 5 0 H M 15 K F o r k . ondarM FP carbon 50HlV1.5K R e a rS l a y . MOST Croxover Bottom Bracket . FrameWeighl: 10409 (basedon a 54cm) . S z e s :4 4 . 4 6 5 , 5 0 , 5 1 . 5 , 53,54,55.56,57 & 59.scm Opt ons: . FrameSet 12850.00 . ShimanoUltegra irom t4350.00 . ShimanoDura'Ace from 15399.00 . Campagnoo Chorus frorn C4699.00 . CampaSnoloSuper Record lrom 15999.00
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The DOGMA 60.1 has been recognised by both the media and public as the biggest news in the cycling world. DOGMA 60.1 is the first asymmetric racing frame, where the right side has different forms and sections from the lett. This enhances perfomance, making it the choice of the professlonal.
. Carbon60HlM1K Torayca@Frarne . ondarM FP carbon 6 0 H M 1 KF o r k . ondarM FP carbon 60Hl\l1K RearStay . IMOSTCroxover Bottom Bracket . FrameWeight:950S (basedon a 54cm) . S i z e s4 : 2 , 4 4 , 4 6 . 5 ,5 0 , 5 1. 5 ,5 3 , 5 4 , 5 5 , 5 6 , 5 7 . 5 , & 59.5cm
Optionsl . FrameSet [3500.00 . ShimanoUltegra from f5260.00 . ShimanoDura Acâ&#x201A;Ź from t6299.00 . campagnolo Chorus frcm e5599.00 . campagnolo Super Record from t6899.00
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The new KOBH frame was createdin collaboration wlth the Sky Pro Cycting Team.lt exploitsallthe extraordinarytechno ogies rntroducedin the DOGMA. The main differencebeing that the KOBHprovidesa more relaxedride as it's head & seat tube angles are reducedaround1. compared to those of the DOGMA. . Carbon 60HlV1K . O n d a r MF P K l C a r b o n 6 0 H M 1 KF o r k . Cent!ry Ride Carbon 6 0 H M 1 KR e a rS t a y . MOST Croxover Bottom Bracket . FrameWeight:10209(53cm) . Szes:45, . RRP FrameSet t3500.00