City as a resource portfolio

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idou E lefther ia


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, Oure ilidou




A ngelopoulos F ellowship CGIU 20 14

MLA Lands c ape Arc hi tec ture Sc hool of A rc hi tec ture, Ari s totl e Uni v ers i ty of Thes sa l oni k i

CONTENTS PART A The main concept The economical aspect The sociological aspect The aesthetical aspect Applied examples PART B Red & Green A project in Lachanokipoi, Thessaloniki The masterplan Green part Red part Atmospheres Planting and harvesting diagrams PART C The WWho are we?

CGIU 2014_Clinton Global Initiative University Urban Agriculture progect in Thessaloniki Our partners_Our sponsors Mapping the city center Designing the idea

T h e project is teamwork of t he f ol l ow i ng post graduat e st udent s MLA L a n d scape A rchitecture S chool of A rchi t ect ure, A ri st ot l e U ni versi ty o f Thessaloniki: E leftheri a Gavri i l i dou, D i onysi a D edousi , E l eni O u r e ilidou, A rchitects, Maria R i t ou, A gri cul t uri st , under t he di rect i on o f the professors, Holm K l ei nmann, S arant i s G. Z. Zaf ei ropoul os.

City as a resource

PART A The main concept

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

the strategic axes problem/need

existing dynamics

lack of knowledge about agriculture from the citizens. Urban life is so far from nature and the process of food production, that crisis can have more dangerous effects here.

existence of cultivaliable fields near the city. Important interest for the cycle of food production – cultivation, harvesting, conservation, cooking. Turn to biological products – turn to natural foods.

lack of systematic research about food production and agriculture.

Aristoteleio University of Thessalonikialways a place of research and experiement on food production – agriculture. Greek companies in the area of Central Macedonia, occupied with agriculture and food production. Give value to the experience. Dynamic, creative cluster in the city of Thessaloniki can shape a product, born and promote Ideas. International Exhibition of Thessaloniki, connections with Balkans, Mediterranean Sea, Africa, Asia. Thessaloniki port and railway.

Many greek companies product foods, but it is difficult to resist in a large scale market

People that cannot cover their needs in basic elements, in food. Food that sometimes is unused in large scale market of Lachanagora.


City as a resource

proposal….in space Open school of garden design, agriculture, harvesting, plants’ care, food production, cooking, conservation. A garden / 4-5 persons service educational purposes in these fields.

Collaboration with University of Thessaloniki and companies active in the field of agriculture and food production

Centre connected with creative forces of the city, to produce ideas for ready to sell products (market research, composition, taste, innovative issues, appearance, package), . Exposition to the International Exhobition, or to the Agri Labor’s space. Connections with companies – promotion of products – Market of ideas. Workshops with scientists, economists, designers. Free offer of a percentage of cultivated food.

What is it?

The proposal examines how Urban Agriculture can contribute to an urban development, opening a social, economic and ecological renewal of the city with innovative prospects. Urban agriculture could be developed in the Greek cities, operating not only as food resource introducing the primary sector in the city but also as a generator for socio-economic transformation towards the green economy. It proposes new life – styles and social environments envisioning a new way of living the urban life.

The economical aspect

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

Where is it?

The existing public land that remains unexploited due to the abuse of the municipal and governmental funds, as well as the lack of private investment interests, motivates an alternative function other than parks, public gardens or planned green spaces in general. Former military camps, abandoned industrial areas, vacant spaces within the urban fabric, parks in need of regeneration or redesign, even parts of public squares or exposed remnants of the building blocks are areas likely to integrate this proposal after the required promise with the local authorities. The economical support is provided through foundations and corresponding institutions. People are given motivation such as a reduction on their taxes in order to participate and to cultivate the vacant land. In the future, the advertisment of companies will also contribute to the financial support of the project.

City as a resource

The sociological aspect

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

How is it?

The proposal focuses above all on the bottom-up process. In this case the public useless, degraded land concerns the autonomous cultivations and is offered to three population groups: users taking advantage of the educational values (A), users renting pre-defined lots for a specific period of time, being chosen according to their income (B) and users in need of social integration (C). The social parameter of the concept is taken highly under consideration.

City as a resource

The aesthetical aspect

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

Why now? - Now is the time to react - The city as a resource is more than ever necessary – economic recession - Thessaloniki European Youth Capital 2014 – Greece in EU presidency: favorable circumstances!!

Advantages - The project consists a new turn towards agriculture. It opens new orisons to alternative and more effective ways of leveraging the natural resources and inherent possibilities of greek land, in the framework of a new green economy and a permanent culture (“perma – culture”) spirit. - The projects aims to reveal the potentials of exploiting Greek indigenous species when it tries to face the challenge of urban agriculture as part of an economic process that has to function sustainably. In this way, the interest will focus on how the natural products can become economic products, and which is the product chain that could be followed in order this product to be desirable in a large scale competitive market? Aspects like the branding of an agriculture product, the creative use/ performance of the product will be included in the agenda. - The project is a trial for everyone that would dare to come up with agriculture economy. In its appropriate function, it answers to the huge problem of unemployment in long term. - It’ s a new plain for free advertisement of enterprises who are active in agriculture production field: sponsors, nurseries etc. It motivates this economic sector and other relevant: markets of biological food, slow food restaurants, alternative cantinas with salads/ fresh juices that could be established around the area of intervention. - This scenario could take the idea off, and make the project “city as a resource” the name of a new cluster in the city. This cluster could be really creative if creative forces (designers, graphic designers, architects, managers, artists) could be involved in. - The city as a resource consist first of all new social environment in the city and offers the open opportunity for social integration for people who need it. It is also a perfect common ground in the city, especially in scale of neighborhood. - It activates the voluntarism and the participatory planning. It creates “human stock” for future similar actions in the city. - Finally it offers a new total innovative view for the function of the city. In a future scenario greek cities could be able through urban agriculture to product it’s own a percentage of the amount of food that it consumes (similar exemples: cuba, shangai).

City as a resource

Lafayette Greens

The new form of social relationships derives from the co-existence of the three groups. In details the project is described below: 1. Define the area, (at least 500m2 depending on the amount of the users, plain and appropriate ground for cultivations). 2. Recommend a volunteers’ committee of architects, landscape architects, agriculturists and residents who are going to control the operation of the project. 3. Promote the idea, including the invitation of organizations and institutions that are possibly affected. 4. Design cultivation lots and proper areas for works. Planting of common vegatables and varieties of selected species (forgotten Greek plants, botans, etc.) in beds/ pots of recycled materials like sheet metal, wooden pallets, trash bags or rubber. Either way the aesthetical balance will be carefully protected as the project consist also an in situ intervention on urban ground. The aspect of protection will be solved within the tools of appropriate planting and fencing. 5. Organize catalogs of the possible plants for cultivation, including alternative ways of planting, gardening and crop growing. 6. Propose that the main part of the seeds used for the cultivations are sponsored by plant sales outlets in exchange for their free advertisement at the relative international exhibitions. 7. Establish the rules: all users are selected by draw, all users maintain lots for maximum 1 year, and all groups are obliged to store a percentage of their crop in a common food deposit that supplies the common meals, or is directly offered to charitable organizations. 8. Propose free consulting services to the people who cultivate the area, increasing the interest for seminars open to all the citizens. 9. Control frequently the strategy, in order to ensure its sustainability.

Applied examples

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

Nomadic Green launched Prinzessinneng채rten (Princess gardens) as a pilot project in the summer of 2009 at Moritzplatz in Berlin Kreuzberg, a site which had been a wasteland for over half a century. Along with friends, activists and neighbours, the group cleared away rubbish, built transportable organic vegetable plots and reaped the first fruits of their labour.

Prinzessingarten, Moritzplatz, Berlin


City as a resource

Lafayette Greens Downtown Detroit

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

Lafayette Greens Downtown Detroit

City as a resource

Urban Garden in Langada, Thessaloniki, P. Makridis & A

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

Urban Garden in Langada, Thessaloniki, P. Makridis & A

City as a resource


ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

MaT-1. Semester Architectural Design and Landscape The Thessaloniki Project: Red and Green Prof. Holm Kleinmann, Prof. Sarantis Zafeiropoulos Team: Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Dedousi Dionisia, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

City as a resource

A project in Lachanokipoi, Thessaloniki

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

Cultivation Land


Diavata Green Houses Sindos Industrial Area

Thessaloniki Urban Landscape

East Periurban Landscape


The city’s peri-urban landscape

City as a resource

Transportation node

City’s tendencies - expansion - population mixing (immigration) - Troubled socio – economic environment

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

The categories of people and the public space

The inhabitation in phases

City as a resource

The masterplan

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

City as a resource

The Green part

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

Garden 1

Garden 3

Plaza Garden 2

Canopy-Temporal market

Cafe-museum-library Old railway, green promenade


product chain


Garden 1: perma culture Garden 2: aromatics, herbs Garden 3: forgotten plants

Laboratories, improve plant species, food chemistry, experimental planting conditions, packaging

City as a resource

Canopy - Temporal Open Market

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

Plaza - Playground

School, workshop space, seminar classes, lectures presentations

City as a resource

Railway promenade

Community table, for all who need, for all who give

Restaurant, for seminars and meals

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

Thematic gardens

City as a resource

The Red part

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

Root of grasses




Cereal fields orchards lemon trees

wagons for harvest treatments

railway promenade

The main structural characteristics: The common cereal fields along the railway The common orchards, vineyards and plazas for communication and changing their products

The agriculture land

City as a resource

The comic edition Produced by Dedousi Dionysia

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

A zoom of the area

City as a resource


ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

Cultivating and harvesting

City as a resource

Inhabiting the containers

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

The private farms

City as a resource

Planting and harvesting diagrams

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

Harvest Diagram - Vegetables

City as a resource

Harvest Diagram - Fruit Orchards

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

Aromatic Plants

City as a resource

Calamagrostis x acutiflora

liquidambar styraciflua

Cercis siliquastrrum

The colors of our area according to the planting

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

The initial flyer

City as a resource



Who are we?

Eleftheria Gavriilidou was born in Thessaloniki, Greece, in 1989. She received her Diploma as an Architect from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in April 2013, with honors. She collaboratively carried out her paper on the sustainable perception in Greek Vernacular Architecture and her diploma project on the urban regeneration of a part of the historic center of Thessaloniki, so called Fragkomahalas district. Her interests extend to various activities, projects and workshops related to architecture and arts. In 2012 she participated in the international contemporary art exhibition “OPEN 15” in Venice as part of an interdisciplinary team representing Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Currently, she is a postgraduate student in Landscape Architecture (A.U.Th.), being scholar of National Foundation of Scholarships (IKY). From April 2014, she runs the project “City as a Resource”, as part of Angelopoulos Fellowships Programs 2014 and CGIU 2014, intending to intersperse the idea of urban community gardening in her city.

Oureilidou Eleni was born in Alexandroupoli in 1988. She received her diploma from School of Architecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, with excellence. Currently, she attends Postgraduate Studies in Landscape Architecture in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Architecture. She receives scholarship from State Scholarships Foundation (IKY), fellowships of Excellence for Postgraduate Studies in Greece. She has contributed with her designing skills as an assistant and freelance architect at the undergraduate course with the title “The design process through a “play” of un-doing”, professor: Vana Tentokali. She has won prize for her diploma project with the title “A hole in the water” from e-magazine “”. She has exhibited her work, including projects, art installations and architectural models, in Greece, Germany (Berlin) and Hungary (Pecs). She has presented orally and published her research on the natural environment of river Evros Delta in the conference “Le vie dei Mercanti”, XI Forum Internazionale di Studi. Nowadays, she runs the project “City as a Resource”, as part of Angelopoulos Fellowships Programs 2014 aiming to introduce the concept of community gardens in Thessaloniki.

Maria Ritou was born in Thessaloniki, Greece, in August 1989. Currently she is a postgraduate student in Landscape Architecture, MLA (Master in Landscape Architecture), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She graduated from School of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Department of Horticulture and Viticulture, in 2013. In Spring 2011, she received a fellowship from the Lifelong Learning Programme, LLP/ERASMUS at the university of Florence, Italy, (departements of architecture and agriculture). During her studies in Agriculture she elaborated her thesis with subject “Configuration of coastal urban open spaces in Thessaloniki city”. In 2012 had an Internship at the nursery of ornamental plants of the Municipality of Thessaloniki. Interested in landscape architecture and urban landscape, has attended meetings and seminars in Greece and relevant courses during the LLP/ERASMUS. From April 2014, she runs the project “City as a Resource” as part of Angelopoulos Fellowships Programs 2014 and CGIU 2014, relevant to the promotion of the concept of urban agriculture in the city of Thessaloniki.

CGIU 2014_Clinton

Global Initiative University

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

Three days of experience: exchanging ideas, communicating with students from all over the world. The Greek team met and talked with celebrities such as: Jimmy Wales Wikipedia Founder Bill Drayton Ashoka Chief Executive Officer Manal Al-Sharif IT Consultant, Columnist, and Blogger Right2Dignity and BlueNetworks


John McCain United States Senator from Arizona Rosario PĂŠrez President and Chief Executive Officer, Pro Mujer Khalid Fellahi Senior Vice President and General Manager, Western Union Digital

Commitments guide

Each year, CGI U hosts a meeting where students, youth organizations, topic experts, and celebrities come together to discuss and develop innovative solutions to pressing global challenges. President Clinton, Secretary Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton hosted CGI U 2014 at Arizona State University in metropolitan Phoenix from March 21-23, 2014. The meeting brought together more than 1,100 students to make a difference in CGI U’s five focus areas: Education, Environment and Climate Change, Peace and Human Rights, Poverty Alleviation, and Public Health.

City as a resource

23/4/2014: Day of action. Community service that aims to transform a previously vacant 15-acre lot in downtown Phoenix into a vibrant and sustainable public space.

CGI U Conference, 21/4/2014-23/4/2014

1. The Angelopoulos Fellows 2014 with Jimmy Wales _Wikipedia Founder 2. Talking with Bill Drayton_Ashoka Chief Executive Officer and Holly Sargent_Founding Director of the Harvard Kennedy School, Women’s Leadership Board.

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

Building the Urban Garden in Phoenix_ Day of Action: CGI U 2014

CGI U Conference, 21/4/2014-23/4/2014

City as a resource

Urban Agriculture progect in Thessaloniki

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

View from Upper City to Thermaikos Gulf

Thessaloniki: Cultivate and Beautify The current social and economic situation encourages new ways of thinking and acting in the cities. Not only demand the citizens of today more green spaces for gathering and connecting with one another, but also spaces to cultivate their own food choosing at the same time a healthier life style. Neighborhoods of Thessaloniki are in need of an agriculture project more than other cities of Greece. The initial thought is to create a small free space for cultivation and social gathering for people of all ages. This space is going to expand gradually, depending on the willingness of people who are going to support it voluntarily. This small free space in the city’s dense built environment will be transformed into a network of urban community gardens, delivering a clear message to the future residents: Open Spaces are the structural backbone of the urban life.

City as a resource

West Districts_Immigrants

Municipality of Menemeni-Ampelokipoi

City Center Upper City

Thermaikos Gulf

Green spaces

Municipality of Kalamaria


ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

Parking Parko_Exarxeia Athens

On the 7th March 2009, along with the collective “Us, Here and Now and for All of Us�, it organised an event where all residents and enthusiastic supporters united to squat on the space and demand the obvious, that the parking turns into a park! They broke the asphalt with drills and cutters, they brought trucks carrying soil, planted flowers and trees and in the end they celebrated it. The response and determination of all involved exceeded any expectations and the park was born.

City as a resource

Our partners_Our sponsors

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

The Sponsor

The advisor _Angelopoulos


Holly Taylor Sargent_Preparing the Greek team for CGI U Holly Taylor Sargent is the Founding Director of the Harvard Kennedy School Women’s Leadership Board. She is also the founder and CEO of HTSargent, LLC., a consulting firm specializing in creative and entrepreneurial advice to non-profit organizations and individual philanthropists.

Building up our concept

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Holm Kleinmann_

City as a resource

Institut Architektur und Städtebau Oldenburg


Finding out the appropriate space

Prof. Ioannis Tsalikidis Prof. in Landscape Architecture, School of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Dep.Head of the Joint Postgraduate Program in Landscape Architecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Honorary visiting Lecturer, University of Manchester, UK

Possible Partners D. Matziris, Dean of Green ( D. Zervas, Dean of Quality of Life ( thessaloniki) G. Mpoutaris, Mayor

Olympia Datsi_Thessaloniki Youth Ccapital 2014 ( Dynamo Project Space (

Municipality of Thessaloniki

Useful contacts

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

Possible Volunteers

WHY NOT non profit group of young people who love organizing events for the city


Granazia of soliadity

(non profit group offering food, organising community tables etc)

Pes to dytika ( non profit volunteers’ group focusing in the west districts YMCA Thessaloniki (friends of sports that are also volunteers collaborating with municipality)


Volunteers of municipality


City as a resource

Mapping the city center

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

Reg i on_ 1...............................An o Po li , T h e s s a lo n i k i

Po in t _ 4 Po in t _ 3

City as a resource

Po in t _ 1 , 2

Rou t e of wal k

Wal l l imit s

Reg i on_ 1...............................An o Po li , T h e s s a lo n i k i

E m pt y l o t s ad jace nt t o t he wal l t hat cou l d b e p l ant e d

Ro ut e o f wa l k

Point _1

Wal l l imit s

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

Reg ion_ 1............... ................Ano Po li, T hessalo niki

T h e m on aste r y’s gar de n

Rou t e of wa lk

City as a resource

A Piaz za avail abl e for a sm al l m ar ke t

Wall limit s

Regi on _2 ...........Ag iou D imi t r i o u St r , T h e s s a lo ni k i

Th e Cam pu s

E m p t y l o t in s ide U n ive r s it y C amp u s

Rou t e of wal k

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

Re gi o n_ 2 .. . . . . . . . . . A g i o u D i mit rio u St r, Thes s alo n ik i

Ad d i ti o n a l l i n ea r s m a l l e r s pa ce s

Ro u te o f wa l k

City as a resource

T h e m u n i c i pa l i t y ’ s v i n eya r d

Iraklis’ stadium

Regi on _3......................Civic Ce nt e r , T h e s s a lo n i k i

Em pty lo ts fr om de m o l is he d bl oc k o f f l a t s

S chool ’s yard

Rou t e of wal k

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

To be continued....

City as a resource

Designing the idea

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

The concept....

A garden of 500m2 , including 100m2 cultivated land for the residents of the neighborhood. Estimated for 20 families or one block of flats

City as a resource

Block of flats Deck in front of the entrance Entrance

Seating boxes_Small individual storing spaces

Magnolia grandiflora

Punica granatum

Amygdalus communis

Block of flats Memorandum Hibiscus esculentus- Pisum sativum-Phaseolus vulgaris:

Being climbing plants are placed in front of the fence, at the site of the street in pots, in order to create the appropriate privateness. The color selected for the category:

Hibiscus esculentus, i.r.:0.05m, b.r.:0.30m Phaseolus vulgaris, i.r.:0.10m, b.r.:0.60m Pisum sativum, i.r.:0.05m, b.r.:0.30m

Appropriate planting distances: i.r.= in row, b.r.: between row Cucrbita pepo, Lycopersicum Lycopersicum, Solanum melongena, Capsicum annuum, Lactuca sativa, Brassica oleracea, Spinacea oleracea. Selected color: Lycopersicum i.r.:0.60m, b.r.:0.90m Solanum melongena, i.r:0.45m,b.r.:0.60m Capsicum annuum, i.r:0.30m, b.r.:0.60m Brassica oleracea, i.r.:0.20m, b.r.:0.30m Cucrbita pepo, i.r.:0.30m, b.r.:1.20m Lactuca sativa, i.r.:0.30m, b.r.:0.60m

Cucumis melo, Brassica oleracea italica & botrytis, Curcubita maxima. Selected color

Curcumis melo i.r.:0.90m, b.r.:1.50m Brassica oleracea italica, i.r.:0.30m, b.r..:0.60m Brassica oleracea botrytis, i.r.:0.30m, b.r.:0.60m

Solanum tuberosum, Daucus vulgaris. Selected color:



Solanum tuberosum, i.r.:0.25m, b.r.:0.60m Daucus carota, i.r.:0.05m, b.r.:0.40m Beta vulgaris, i.r.:0.05m, b.r.:0.45m

Allium sativum-Allium cepa. Selected color:

Allium sativum, i.r.:0.10m, b.r.:0.30m

Allium sepa, i.r.:0.05m,


Curcubita maxima, i.r.:0.60m, b.r.:0.90m

Spinacea oleracea, i.r.:0.07m, b.r.:0.30m

ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria





Peas Broccoli Cauliflower Leeks Onions ΠΠPotatos Strawberries Carrot Radish Beans Lettuce Celery Peppers Garlic Spinage Tomatos Eggplants Cabbage Cucumber Beetroots Corn Zucchini Anise

City as a resource

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Render of the small garden

Pots in case of inappropriate ground ANGELOPOULOS FELLOWSHIP CGIU_ Gavriilidou Eleftheria, Oureilidou Eleni, Ritou Maria

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