Training Manual

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Fellowship One Training Manual for • Searching for a person • Adding a household • Entering a visitor contact form Also includes: Appendix A- District Designation Map




Searching for a Person Sample name: Sandy Chappelle’s 1. The first step is searching for the person in the database. If a visitor card lists both husband and wife, search both of them to see if either one is already in the database. Search the following ways first before adding a new person to the database. We don’t want to add someone who is already in the database. a. san cha (searches for all first, goes by, that begin with "san" that also have last names that begin with "cha") b. ,san (Searches for all first/goes by names that begin with "san") c. cha, (Searches for all last names that begin with "cha")

Go to step 2 if there isn’t a name that matches the visitor card.



2. Next, search by address. a. If the address is 3 or 4 digits also include SW, SE, NW, or NE. You don’t need to type the street name or apt. #. b. If the address is 5 digits only type in the address numbers (still no apt #).

Go to step 3 if there isn’t an address that matches the visitor card. 3. Next, search by phone number or e-mail address. a. Type in the complete phone number, no dashes or spaces. b. Type in part of the e-mail address.


If the visitor isn’t in the database click “Add a household” button on the bottom of the screen. Before proceeding to the next section, make sure you covered these areas: □ Searched by name

Searched by address

Searched by e-mail address or phone # Proceed to the next section to add a person to the database.




Entering a Person into the Database Step 1 Instructions- Follow parts A-H. Use the checklist on page 8 after entering information for parts A-H.

A: Only enter “Address 1” and zip code. If the address is a PO Box, you enter “Address 1,” “City,” “State/Postal code.” B: Land line # (not for cell phone #)

C: Don’t use for individual email, ever. This is only if the family uses a family email i.e. or

F: Only use: Single Separated Married Widow/Widow er DO NOT USE Child/Youth

D: The only ones we use are: Head Spouse Child E: No periods after abbreviation

G: Leave “Date of Birth” blank if the visitor didn’t provide it.

H: Click “Add another individual” if there is more than one person in the household.




If there is more than one person in the household, click “Add another individual” and type in the information in the same way you did for the first one. The only difference is that instead of “Head” in the box highlighted yellow, you will select either “Spouse” or “Child.”

J. Before proceeding to part K, make sure you covered these areas for each person in the household: □ Address

Household phone # (land line)

Household e-mail address



Status Date

Marital Status


Date of Birth

Individual cell phone #

Individual e-mail address

Added spouse and/or kids plus their information

K. Once everyone is entered in the database and part J is completed click “Save this household.” The screen in Step 2 is what comes up after clicking “Save this household.” This will take you to Step 2.


Step 2 Instructions- Follow parts A-B. Use the checklist at the bottom of this page after parts A-B.

B: Click, “Enter a Contact Form” once you confirm address is verified.

A: Make sure the check mark appears next to the address. If not, see ** below.

**Double-check the address was verified (green circle with check mark) and the phone # and email address were entered flawlessly. If the address is not verified: i. Check that you entered the zip code and address correctly. If you need to edit it, click “Edit Household” (in blue, to the right of the address). After saving your edits confirm the address is verified. ii. If the step above does not fix it, go to and click on the zip code finder, enter in the address and see if USPS has an official address in their database for it, and enter in the address exactly into our database. At the end of this step you will have covered: □ Address verification

Clicking, “Enter a Contact Form”

This will take you to the next section.



Entering a Contact Form Step 1 Instructions- Follow parts A-C. Use the checklist at the bottom of this page after parts A-C.

A: Select form “Visitor Card 217.”

B: Select the service day & date.

C: Click “Select Form.”

Once you click “Select From,” this will take you to Step 2. At the end of this step you will have completed: □ Choosing the contact form “Visitor Card 217” 10

Step 2 Part 1: Adding Contacts Instructions- Read parts A-B before selecting anything. Then proceed to part C.

Household vs. individual (see parts A-C below).

A. The “Household” page of the contact form is only used when a married couple fills out the

form together. This is also the first page of the contact form. B. If there is one adult in the household, immediately select the adult from the drop down

menu as shown in the diagram above. For example, Sandy is the only adult in her household so we select “Sandy Chappelle (Head)” to go to her individual page of the contact form. At the end of B, you will have decided to do one or the other:  Use the household page to enter contacts or the individual page to enter contacts. Proceed to part C for how to add contacts.



C. On the back of the visitor card there are two sections: My Decision Today and I Would Like

Information About. If a visitor checks off any of the items under My Decision Today follow parts 1-4. For every visitor card, follow steps 5-7. If a visitor checks off any of the items under I Would Like Information About follow parts 8-9. A listing of how to process the contacts on the back of the visitor card.

1. If the visitor marked “I am committing my life to Christ” check this box. 2. If the visitor marked “I would like to be water baptized” check this box. 3. If the visitor marked “I am rededicating my life to Christ” check this box. 4. If the visitor marked “I would like to talk to a pastor” check this box.

5. Check the box “Visitor 217 (City Care)” if the visitor provided a phone #. Type in “Prayer Request” and any items from the back of the visitor card they want more information about. Follow the formatting on the sample screen. 6. Check “Visitor (letter)” if the visitor provided their address. 7. Check “Visitor (email)” if they didn’t provide a phone # but provided their email address.

8. If a visitor checks any items off under I Would Like Information About check off the same box on the contact form. If the item is not listed, and you have checked off “Visitor 217 (City Care),” type it in the “Notes” box as in the sample above. 9. If the visitor provided a prayer request (written on the front side of the visitor card) and you have checked off “Visitor 217 (City Care),” type it in the “Notes” box as in the sample above. Proceed to Part 2: Adding Attributes.


Part 2: Adding Attributes Instructions- Follow steps A-H.

A. Check the box for the district they live in. See the map on the last page. District is based on the person’s zip code. If the visitor is from out of state or lives out of the Portland Metro area leave blank. See Appendix A. B. Check the box for the age group they are in. You will get this information of the front side of the visitor card. Leave blank if the visitor doesn’t provide it.

C. Copy and paste the Prayer Request from above and add as an attribute under “More Options.” Hit “T” for today’s date. If the visitor also has a suggestion or comment on the front side of their card add it to the appropriate section under “Assimilation.” D. Check the box “217” to indicate the campus they attended. Hit “T” for today’s date under “More options.” E. Check the box “Visitor 217 Campus Saturday” if they attended the Saturday service. Check the box “Visitor of 217 Campus” if they attended on Sunday. Hit “T” for today’s date under “More options.”



F. If the visitor checked off “I am committing my life to Christ” check the box and hit “T” for today’s date under “More options.” If the visitor checked off “I am rededicating my life to Christ” check the box and hit “T” for today’s date under “More options.”

G. If the visitor provided the name of the person they came with (on the front side of the visitor card) type in the name and hit “T” for today’s date. H. If there are other people in the household drop this down to select the next person’s name. You will enter information on everyone in the household.

At the end of this section, you will have:  Added contacts where applicable: o City Care (If the visitor gave us their phone number.) o Letter (If the visitor gave us their address.) o E-mail (Use only if the visitor did not give us their phone number but gave us their e-mail address. We don’t send an e-mail if we have their phone number) o Salvation o Rededication o Baptism o I would like to talk to a pastor o Information requests  Added the attributes and today’s date based on the information given on the visitor card: o District Designation (If the visitor is from out of state or lives out of the Portland Metro area leave blank.) o Age Group o Prayer Request o Comment o Suggestion o Coffee Card redeemed o Campus o Salvation or Rededication o The name of the person who invited them Once you have completed entering all the contacts and attributes for everyone in the household click “View Summary.” Proceed to Part 3.


Part 3: Reviewing your data input Instructions: Read step A.

A. Confirm the information you entered is correct. If you forgot to add a contact or attribute

click “Return to Contact Form” and finish adding those pieces. Then click “View Summary” again and click “Save Contact.” At this point all the information you added on the contact form is saved. REMEMBER TO CLICK “SAVE CONTACT” !!! At the end of this section you will have entered a contact form for the visitor(s).




Appendix A: District Designation Map by Zip Code



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