All You Need To Prepare Before Your First Open Mic

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Al l Y o uNe e d T oPr e p a r eBe f o r eY o u r F i r s tOp e nMi c At t endopenmi csf r equent l y

1 Wat chi nganopenmi cper f or mancewi l lmakeyouacquai nt ed wi t ht heener gyandt hef eeloft hepl ace. Youwi l lgett oobser vewhatot herper f or mer sar ebr i ngi ngt o t hest ageandwhati si tt hatwi l laddval uet oyourcont entand per f or mance.

Takenot esofwhatseemsi mpor t ant

2 Beat t ent i vet owhati shappeni ngar oundyou.Agoodar t i st knowshow t ogett hebestoutoft heevent st hatoccuri nour dai l yl i ves. I ft her ei sanyt hi ngyoufindi nt er est i ngandwor t ht al ki ng about ,makenot esofi t .

Comeupwi t hauni quest yl e

3 Devel opyourper spect i veaboutt hi ngs,pr act i cea per f or mancest yl eandst i ckt oi t . Whenyoucomeupwi t hsomet hi ngi nnovat i veandsomet hi ng t hathasneverbeenwi t nessedbef or e,peopl est ar t r ecogni zi ngyoubecauseofi tandyouneverknow,youmi ght endupgoi ngvi r al .

Pl anyourset

4 Chooseyourbestpi ecest ofiti nt ot heal l ocat edt i mef r ame andi fpossi bl e,t r yt oi nt er l i nkeachoneoft hem t omai nt ai n flui di t yi nyourset . Wor konascer t ai ni ngt hebestl andi ngt i meofeachpunchand donotr ushi nt oaddi ngt oomanyoft hem i nashor tspan.

Donotunder est i mat et hepowerofmi r r or pr act i ci ng

5 St andi nf r ontoft hemi r r orandseewhi chphysi cal movement sel evat et hei mpactandi mpr ovet hedel i ver y . Pr act i ci ngi nf r ontoft hemi r r orwi l lmakeyoumor e comf or t abl ewi t ht hescr i ptandhel pyoumakei mpor t ant t weaksf oraflawl essper f or mance.

Tr ynott oi nvi t eyourf r i ends

6 Youneedt obeascar ef r eeasyoucanbewhenyouar eon st ageandt hati sonl ypossi bl ewhenyouknow peopl esi t t i ng i nf r ontofyouhar dl yknow you. I ft hi ngsdoesn’ tgowel l ,i t ’ st ot al l yfinebecauseyouar enot goi ngt oseet hem agai n.

T oknow mor e,Vi si t www. ci t ywoof er . com/ bl og

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