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Inspections are conducted prior to move in and then every other year. Inspection guidelines follow basic Housing Quality Standards, similar to what all rental properties in the city must follow.
Housing Choice Voucher Program
The Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) is accepting applications from income-qualifying households for the waiting list starting August 31, 2020, at 8:00 am. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, applications cannot be filled out at City Hall. Please apply online at www.cedarfalls.com, or pick up an application in the front lobby (just inside the front door) of City Hall at 220 Clay Street to be filled out at home and returned by mail. You may also request an application be mailed or emailed by calling (319) 273-8669. Every year the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) determines the “fair market rents” for the Cedar Falls/Waterloo Metro Area. Fair market rents are adjusted annually, and represent the cost to rent moderately-priced dwelling units of various sizes in the local housing market. The payment standards for the program are based on these fair market rents. Payment standards reflect the maximum monthly subsidy for rent and utilities combined.
Owners interested in participating in the Section 8 program may contact Debra Frost at (319) 273-8669 or Debra.Frost@cedarfalls.com.
The City of Cedar Falls administers the Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCV)—a federal program—commonly known as Section 8. This program provides rental assistance to income qualifying households in our community. See below for income guidelines. Through this program the housing voucher tenant pays 30% of their monthly adjusted gross income for rent and utilities. The city pays the remainder of the monthly rent to the property owner using the funds received from the federal government.
Current income guidelines for applicants: Family Size Income (at or below)
When people apply to the program they are placed on a waiting list. When their name moves to the top of the list they have 120 days to find suitable housing, unless their current unit meets the qualifications. Unfortunately, sometimes participants have a difficult time finding a rental unit in Cedar Falls due to limited property owner participation in the program. When participants cannot find a suitable property to rent, their timeline expires and they lose the rare opportunity for rental assistance.
Property owners may be reluctant to participate in the program because they are unfamiliar with the guidelines. However, once owners start participating, they are often surprised how easy it is. Below are some facts for those who are considering renting to a household who receives a Housing Choice Voucher.
The city sends their portion of the rent directly to the owner on the 1st of every month.
If it wags, it needs a tag!
December 31 is the expiration date for current pet licenses. Pets four months or older are required to be licensed annually by January 1. Please don’t be late, the fees for licensing your pet doubles effective April 1.
When registering your pet, please provide the following information: proof of rabies vaccination (with rabies tag number and expiration date), and proof of spay or neuter. You can have your veterinarian fax a copy of the current rabies certificate and proof of alteration to (319) 268-5126.
If you no longer have your pet(s), or would like to receive tags by mail, please contact (319) 273-8600.
Fees for dogs & cats are as follows:
Not Altered: $12 ($24 effective April 1) Altered: $6 ($12 effective April 1) Lost Tag Replacement: $1 each tag/license Mailing Fee: $1 each tag/license
Do you have a dog who loves to run and be social, but a yard that doesn’t let them?
Visit the Cedar Falls Paw Park! The park is located on South Main Street just south of the Highway 58 overpass. The 3-acre, fencedin park bodes hilly terrain, waste bags and disposal unit, and a doggie drinking fountain (during warm weather months). It even has a picnic shelter with tables, restrooms, and a parking lot for pet owners. Annual passes are $15/dog and valid from January 1–December 31; day passes are $2/dog. Dogs residing in Cedar Falls must be registered with the city to purchase a pass. What a great way for your k-9 to get off-leash exercise and socialize with other dogs!