20DAYS prayer & fasting
28TH MAY - 16TH JUNE 2019 We are so excited to be praying and fasting for 20 days. Our focus for these 20 days is praying for our leaders.
• Pray for Ian and Heather as they look to transition from leading the church for the last 33 years • Pray for God’s protection and blessing on all the elders, pastors and trustees • Pray for wisdom, unity, and faith for all our leaders • Pray for our new leadership couple and their family, that God will be preparing all of us for a knitting together of our hearts and minds.
The scripture we are focusing on is Peter walking on water. It took LOVE for Peter to step out of the boat and go towards Jesus. It took COURAGE for Peter to make that move and take that risk. It took FAITH to keep going and not look down! In week one we are praying for LOVE. In week two we are praying for COURAGE. In week three we are praying for FAITH. Pray for our leaders. Pray for yourself. Pray for the church. Pray for our city & the nations. On each of the 20 days there are three prayers for you. A prayer for the day on the theme of the week. A prayer for the church. And a prayer for our city & the nations of the world. Enjoy! 20 Days Team - Naomi Longfield, Neil Wardingham & Jess Davidson
What’s On?
Contents 2
Fasting - Why? 3 Fasting - How? 4
Prophecies & 5-6 Scripture Daily Prayers 7-26
What’s On? TUESDAY 28TH MAY 7:30-9:30pm Prayer & Worship Night WED 29TH, THURS 30TH, FRI 31ST MAY 7-8am Early Morning Prayer TUESDAY 4TH JUNE 7:30-9:30pm Prayer & Worship Night WED 5TH, THURS 6TH, FRI 7TH JUNE 7-8am Early Morning Prayer TUESDAY 11TH JUNE 7:30-9:30pm Prayer & Worship Night WED 12TH, THURS 13TH, FRI 14TH JUNE 7-8am Early Morning Prayer SUNDAY 16TH JUNE 7:30-9:30pm ‘More of God’ Night
FASTING - WHY? Prayer & Fasting have huge potential to bring good to our broken world. Prayer & Fasting are for weakness.
We are saying to God “We are weak. We need you”. Prayer is an act of dependency. It’s saying I’m weak & there is stuff we want to see happening that we know we can’t do. Only God can save, only God can heal, only God can bring peace. Prayer is us being real about our true state of weakness. Fasting is also saying that we are weak. Miss a couple of meals and you soon realise how we you are. Fasting is not a hunger strike. It is not us trying to twist God’s arm against his will. Fasting is us coming before God as we truly are - weak and in need of Him.
Prayer and Fasting are for joy.
Jesus saw the joy that the cross would bring. He endured the cost of the cross because of the joy that was set before him. When we think of thousands gathering to Jesus we are joyful. When we think of the powers of darkness defeated we are joyful. When we think of God’s kingdom rule coming to Tyneside we are joyful. We are giving ourselves to the discipline of prayer & fasting because we can see with joy what God will do.
Prayer and Fasting are for breakthrough.
God promises to work when we humble ourselves and seek him. If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
FASTING - HOW? Getting Started If you have never fasted before - why not start now? Miss one meal and spend the time praying. If you want to try a whole day, we suggest you start fasting after breakfast. Have a juice or smoothie at lunch time and pray instead of eating. Have a hot chocolate instead of your evening meal and spend the time praying. You will feel more tired than normal, so try and go to bed early. You may wake early - so have a juice instead of breakfast and spend some time praying. Break your fasting time with lunch. You will experience joy!
Signing-Up to Fast We ask that you sign-up for each day you are fasting. Please go to ChurchSuite and sign-up for each individual day that you plan to fast. (If you haven’t got access to ChurchSuite contact comms@city-church.co.uk) Open up ChurchSuite using the mobile app or your web browser then follow these steps: 1) Go to What’s On & find the 20 Days event 2) Click on the Sign-Up bar 3) Add in your basic details: name, email & mobile number 4) Select the first day you will fast on 5) Click Proceed, then Confirm 6) Repeat for the other days you are going to fast
PROPHECIES Wineskin and Storehouse
Deuteronomy 11:13-14 - God is speaking about greater blessing and new provisions. He is calling us to faithfulness to him in this time of transition. I saw a picture of a ‘wineskin’ but it was actually more like a sack, the sort that might hold grain. There was wine in the ‘sack’ up to about a quarter or a third full. The sides of the sack were rolled down. I felt that God was saying it was time to roll up the sides of the wineskin/sack, that there was more wine coming which would fill it up more, as well as stretch the sides. We must prepare now by rolling up the sides in order to be ready when that happens. I had a sense that this was definitely to do with the transition of senior leadership as well as the next season of church life and growth. We need to “unroll” all the leadership capacity that we have to contain all that God is planning to do.
The Well and the Bucket
I saw a picture of a well and the bucket used to draw water from the well was the focus. I felt that God was saying: “City Church, you draw water from the well of my provision there is no doubt, but from how deep? There is so much more in the deep of my living waters. Are you preparing for more? Are you going to deliberately and intentionally lower your bucket further down into the deep to get the best of my provisions for you?” Anne Fothergill March 2019
Open the sluice gates The order went out from heaven: ‘Open the sluice gates!’ Then water poured out causing everyone to be tossed, tumbled. For some, the eventual outcome was good - they found themselves further along in God’s plan and purpose for their lives and His purpose. For others the outcome was bad because they resisted God’s call to repentance. For everyone it was a tumultuous time, and God was saying to ‘Go with the flow’ - stay right with Him and trust Him though we were out of our ‘comfort zone’. Louis Spence October 2018
PROPHECIES The importance of prayer
I saw the CastleGate building at twilight. There were 2 angels positioned by the old front door. They were large and powerful. I felt that they represent God’s protection. But then I heard God say: “Start corporate prayer again” “What should we pray for?” I asked. “Only 3 things: 1. Revival in your hearts that you would turn to me more 2. Protection over your leaders, not just the elders, but all your leaders 3. Revival in your city” Then I saw our building as a bright beacon, radiant and white, shining up in to the sky. As I watched it darkened and dimmed, the light was being covered. God is calling us to corporate prayer, and as the prayer happened the darkness that was trying to smother the light was broken and the brilliance of the beacon returned. Nathan Davies December 2018
SCRIPTURE Matthew 14:25-32 And in the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea. When the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” Peter said to Him, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” And He said, “Come!” And Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”
28 MAY
READ: John 3:16 Praise God that He loves us FIRST and this is the basis of our salvation and relationship with him, not works, not rules but love. Pray that God would free you from areas in your life where you are still relying on your own good works or have moved from grace to works. Pray for those who you know who do not know God.
ourchurch SUNDAYS Andy Bramhall That they would be a place of encounter with God & that we would use them to gather the whole city to Jesus For our Sundays to be a resource that helps us to live out our broader vision as a church family. We want Sundays to be a place where our passion for Jesus and His mission is fuelled and where we receive practical equipping to go out into the city and win people with the love of God.
LEADERSHIP TRAINING PILOT Andy Bramhall That the people involved would grow in their understanding of Biblical theology and leadership skills That it would be a context where people could meet God, sharpen one another and grow in character & that people would hear the call of God on their lives.
ourworld Climate change is devastating people’s lives around the world. With drought, floods, crop damage and sea level rise, millions fleeing their homes – and the world’s poorest hardest hit. Pray for cutting of greenhouse emissions – for bold leaders of nations and companies to be better stewards of our resources – to leave fossil fuels in the ground, pursue green energy, stop ever increasing consumption – for us to honour God’s creation and protect it
29 MAY
READ: 1 Corinthians 13:4-6 Praise God that He is Love. As you read through this passage, thank God for all His amazing characteristics. Pray for a deeper understanding of His love in your heart. As He fills us with the knowledge and understanding of how much He loves us, our desire to share just who He is grows.
ourchurch ALL STARS Beth Bray We have a fantastic group of children in All Stars (ages 5-11) and it’s wonderful to see them grow in their knowledge of being loved by our incredible God! Here are three ways you can pray for us: We are currently looking at a new book of the Bible each week – please pray that this helps them to see and understand God’s ‘big picture’, and that they see how they are welcomed in to God’s story. Please pray for the children to become more confident in prayer and praying for others – we would love to see our All Stars children ministering to their friends and family! We are passionate about All Stars stepping into their spiritual gifting – please pray that these gifts are nurtured and developed through our Sunday sessions in a way that blesses them, their families and the church.
ourcity Newcastle City Council is committed to end rough sleeping in the city by 2022. It can be complex issue that is not solely related to access to housing. Pray for the council and local charities in their work, and for the homeless and housing insecure to engage with the support services they need. Pray for those you walk past today who beg – look to be an example of Christ to them.
30 MAY
DAILY PRAYER Creator God, you who love us more than we can know, Who chose us from the very beginning to be family We praise your holy name. Jesus Christ, Son of God, Word become flesh, Who dwelt among us and was sacrificed for us, We praise your holy name. Holy Spirit, present and powerful in our lives From the moment that we first believed, We praise your holy name
ourchurch CELEBRATE RECOVERY David Longfield Ask God to continue to use Celebrate Recovery (CR) to bring change, growth, peace, healing and wholeness to all who come. New people can find CR different (and difficult), pray that all stay long enough for God to start to change their lives. Celebrate Recovery is the gospel applied to our lives. Pray that, like ripples on a pond, what God does on a Wednesday spreads out into all areas of our lives; work, family, relationships, attitudes and values and to our understanding of ourselves and of God. Ask God to increase the influence of CR by a) bringing those He wants to be there and b) by taking the CR/Gospel values of honesty, openness, acceptance, grace and dependence out into the church.
ourworld The Ebola outbreak in Congo is the second largest epidemic ever. The disease has struck two provinces, North Kivu and Ituri (a conflict zone between militias, the police and soldiers). This causes people to flee and spread the disease. Pray for peace – to allow aid to reach the most vulnerable people and the worst affected areas. Pray for people to be educated to prevent unnecessary spread of the disease.
READ: John 13:34-35 Jesus has gone before us in Love. As we engage with those around us, pray that we are constantly reminded of just how much He has shown His love for us. Pray that as you engage with friends, family and colleagues you show them a love that doesn’t depend on what they have done for you, but instead what God has done for you.
ourchurch WORSHIP Ken Riley Please pray that as a team, we allow Jesus to captivate our hearts and express that in a way that galvanises our church community into incredible times of encounter through worship and into deeper relationship with Him. That our private times spent with God affects our public gatherings. That we would be faithful to the high call of serving Jesus and our church. That God brings us more gifted musicians, singers, creatives and technicians who would bring all they have to serve Him. We would be passionate and excellent. Please pray for our Worship Pastor Ken Riley. Worship leaders Chris Wade, Joel Smith, Phil Worth, Steph Lumsdon, Tom Norrington and Ben Fothergill. Tech leaders Ross Hill and Rob Lyndsell. For the whole team to be on fire for God.
ourworld Pray for Christians helping improve the lives of the poor around the world. MAF fly medicines, aid workers, pastors to remote communities in need – pray for safety for their pilots in South Sudan, and Papua New Guinea. Engineering Ministries International uses the skills of Christian design professionals to tackle physical and spiritual needs through the development of people and projects. Pray they may design facilities that communicate the love of God in a practical way.
DAILY PRAYER Son of God, you love each of us as if there were just one of us; those who have striven hard to obey your commands, those who have drifted here, unsure of the path they trod, those who are here simply because of your grace, individuals, all of us.
ourchurch HEALING PRAYER Heather Galloway Healing prayer has been part of the life of city church for eleven years. Praise God for all the people who have received healing over this time. Please pray for healing prayer team members as we are undergoing a transition from meeting-based ministry to individual prayer this year. Pray for Gladys, Alan, Louis and Heather as they lead the team and give their time to praying with people. Pray for their health and for their families, that God would protect and bless them. Healing prayer can be a hard calling. Sometimes the challenge is to pray for healing in the face of ongoing sickness and death. Pray for the faith of all the team members, that this would deepen and grow through their persistence in prayer.
ourcity Action Language provides free English courses in Newcastle and Sunderland. The aim is to provide ESOL classes to refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants unable to access mainstream classes. They are seeking to fundraise ÂŁ75,000 to keep the service open to the hundreds of people that engage with it every week. Pray for that be found, for generosity, for new volunteers, so teachers and new English speakers are supported in their desire to learn.
READ: Romans 8:28 Praise God that through the difficulties in life, the pain, the confusion and the times when God seems far away, HE WORKS FOR OUR GOOD. We are called to love him. Pray for those you know who are struggling through painful or confusing circumstances, that God’s love would be ever present. That they would be assured that He is with them, and will work all things together for their good.
ourchurch COMMUNICATIONS Tom Norrington Signage: we are already seeing lots of new people drawn into citychurch because they have seen the new signs, pray that more and more passers by would notice them and come to church! Integration: We are looking to improve our Get Connected process. Ask for God’s inspiration, wisdom and creativity to help us strengthen our integration process Capacity: We could boost our internal and external comms even more with extra hands on deck. Designers/organisers/planners/creatives. Churchsuite: for the vast majority of church family to engage with the app as the hub of all citychurch info/talks/events/rotas/teams/groups. External Reach. Reaching new people through social media, paid advertisement, personal invites. The church would be empowered to communicate the good things going on and draw others in.
ourworld Burundi currently has an estimated 1 in 6 children suffering from chronic malnutrition. Tearfund are working alongside two partner organisations to bring food supplies and nutrition training. Pray for funding for these centres to enable people to receive food and training.
READ: Joshua 1:9 God it is not a choice whether we are to be courageous but a command. Help us to take this seriously as we seek to step out of what we have made our comfort zone and know that you have gone before us. That you love us and have promised to be with us wherever we go.
ourchurch YOUTH FOR CHRIST Jamie Daniels At North East Youth for Christ ‘we’re about seeing young people’s lives changed by Jesus’. If you could please pray for the region’s youth, that we can reach them with the hope only found in Jesus. Pray for our ASK 7:7 events, that we see young people come to know Jesus for the first time, as well as grow in their faith and be inspired to go out and reach impact their friend’s lives. Pray that our new gap year programme, The Big Year Out, provides a fresh new environment where young Christians can explore youth ministry and grow in their faith and leadership gifting. Pray for financial resource, so we can see expansion in our team, Church partnerships and local impact. Thank you for all your prayer and support.
ourworld Venezuelans are fleeing in their thousands to escape poverty and political oppression by their president Nicolas Maduro. Aid is being prevented from arriving to help people with no food. Pray international diplomacy is bold and effective. Pray the reality of the suffering of his own people overrides the desire for power. Pray for the safety of the refugees arriving in surrounding countries in South America and for a compassionate reception.
READ: Isaiah 41:10 Is there an area in which you feel the nudging of God to step out into the unknown? What has stopped you from stepping out into what you feel Him calling you to? Pray that you will have the courage to step out & that Holy Spirit will reveal the depth of His devotion to you, and you would know His strength to step out into the unknown.
ourchurch MINISTRY TEAM Ros Bramhall Thank God for the ministry team, let’s pray for: The whole church, and those receiving prayer, to encounter God during ministry time. For more people to come forward for prayer on Sunday mornings & for powerful testimonies of healing and deliverance. For our weekly Sunday 10am prayer meeting to be a time where the team hear God and are filled with the Holy Spirit. For the team to grow in faith, expectancy, boldness and passion. For the gift of prophecy to grow in the team. For more church members to join the ministry team & for the whole church to be mobilised in praying for other people, friends, colleagues, people who they meet in daily life.
ourcity Pray for food and money to be donated to the food banks of Newcastle and Gateshead. Pray for volunteers, for local business partners, and for the recipients. Pray the reasons for people’s food poverty be addressed – that politicians take notice, and that neighbours, families and churches do what they can to support people who struggle to make ends meet.
DAILY PRAYER Lord when I fear, comfort me. When in my fear I sin, forgive me. Remind me when I fear that your love is the safest place. Lord, give me courage for the areas in my life where I have stayed comfortable instead of stepping out. May your Holy Spirit reveal the depth of your devotion to me that I would have courage to step out of my routine to hear you directing me. Show me today who you want me to encourage, who you want me to share your love with, who you want me to pray for.
ourchurch FINANCE David Lyall Please THANK GOD for his generous financial provision for us, that we have moved from the red to the black, and for the tremendous generosity of the people of City Church. PLEASE PRAY for our income from giving to be £340,000 this year. It is currently heading for about £320,000 THANK GOD for our giving to Action Foundation and PRAY that God will provide the full £75,000 to keep the language school going PRAY for a culture of generosity and cheerfulness, abundance and sacrifice in all of our lives
ourworld Globally 80 billion pieces of clothing are bought each year, the majority made in China and Bangladesh. This causes issues from water shortages from the quantity used to make cotton, to the release of untreated dyes into local water supplies, to low wages and poor working conditions. Pray for people to change their approach to ‘fast disposable fashion’. Pray for awareness of workers conditions, and for policy change to bring change to the way clothes are made.
READ: Psalm 31:23 Is there someone you know who is facing a difficult situation or decision? Pray for courage for them to continue to trust in God through it. Pray that they would be so sure of God’s love and grace as they seek to step out in courage and faith.
ourchurch CHILDREN IN CITY CHURCH Rachel Harrison Pray for the children at home, that they will feel safe, nurtured and loved; and for their parents – that God will give them wisdom in teaching their children and modelling how to worship and follow God wholeheartedly. Pray for the children in their Sunday groups. Pray the Holy Spirit will meet with each one and gently speak to them. Pray they will grasp how much God loves them and that nothing they can do will ever make him love them less. Pray for the children at school and clubs or with friends, that they will be confident in sharing their faith and not be ashamed of the gospel. Pray that they will choose friends well and be free from bullying. Pray for the children’s health and mental well-being. Many are stressed, anxious and fearful of failure. Pray that they will know God’s peace, presence and protection daily.
ourworld South Sudan’s six year old conflict is perpetuated by many armed factions vying for control of land and resources, and by desire for vengeance for past atrocities. Pray for the success of regional diplomacy, for a weariness with war to motivate people to work for solutions that don’t involve violence. For God’s spirit of forgiveness to break the cycle of revenge. For food aid to reach the 3 million internally displaced people.
READ: Psalm 16:1-2 Thank you Lord that you are our safe place. Thank you that we can hide in your goodness and that you nurture our souls. But thank you also that you lead us from that safe place to stand strong. Thank you that with you as our source of strength we are able to stand strong and courageous.
ourchurch PROPHETIC Anne Fothergill More of the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in all we say and do! Further clarity and ability to discern what God is saying to the church corporately; growing in our position as ‘watchmen’. Also finding ways of empowering the team and others into their sense of calling. Pray for the ability to continue to speak life into the church as a body as well as to ministries and individuals Ability to find a variety of ways to help others grow in understanding of the gift of prophecy and opportunities to help others hear from God for themselves Ability to gain positive and meaningful relationships within the Catalyst Hub, New Frontiers network and beyond for training, support and connecting to what God is doing further afield
ourcity Job seeking is getting tougher with unemployment growing in the region since austerity. Pray for new opportunity and business growth in Newcastle and Gateshead. Think of businesses and employers you know and work for, that they be well-managed and profitable. Pray for unions to do good work in helping people be treated well.
READ: Ephesians 3:20-21 Praise you Lord that you do more for us than we can think to ask for. Please help direct our hearts and prayers so that we are aligned with your heart. And give us courage to see the work that you need done and to say “Here I am Lord, use me, send me. “
ourchurch ACTION FOUNDATION Julian Prior We have continued to grow and over the last 12 months supported more people than ever before (over 1,500 people). Thank God for his provision and favour on us. However, growth brings many challenges and so please pray for the following; Financial sustainability for Action Language - the project needs to raise £75,000 by July to avoid having to make cut-backs through their ‘Gift of Words’ appeal Charity Dinner 14th June – to raise awareness of and money for the charity. Please pray that they sell 200 tickets and find some sponsors For residents to be able to move on to independent living, particularly those who have been unable to move-on for some time New projects – pray our ‘Alternative to Detention’ and ‘Drop-in’ pilots start well. Pray for our staff, trustees and our volunteers – for wisdom, courage, faith, resilience, and compassion.
ourworld Yemen is a strongly Islamic nation. Those who choose to follow Jesus could face the death penalty. Due to the ongoing war Islamic extremists have been able to expand leading to the abduction of Christians. Aid is distributed through Islamic organisations that can discriminate against Christians. Pray for an end to violence. Pray God will continue to increase His kingdom in the midst of persecution and violence. Pray for grace and strength for Christians who are hiding their faith in fear.
DAILY PRAYER Lord, Grant me a cheerful spirit when things don’t go my way. If I am overwhelmed, help me to keep going. Give me courage to do whatever you ask of me. Help me know that my identity is routed in you so that my courage cannot be shaken by the waves of life.
ourchurch STUDENTS Tom Norrington Stress: students who are experiencing the pressures of exams and deadlines. To reduce the power that results have on them, but to know that they are loved. Life after University: They would be listening to the Spirit’s leading, tackling God’s call on their life. Those staying would connect even closer into life at citychurch, those moving away would find a church home somewhere else. Friendship: Increase of closeness & openness in current friendships. New friendships to come to those who are lonely. Temptation: Walk the Christian life well in such a challenging, tempting environment & to model Jesus to other students. Mental Health: Pray against the increase of anxiety, depression & selfharm among our students and their friends in the city
ourworld AMERICA. The most powerful and wealthy country in the world is beginning to select candidates for the 2020 elections – pray for men and women dedicated to equality, racial tolerance, and using power, money and faith to bless the weak and poor. Pray they be courageous to stand, for support to be nominated, and for political discourse to be changed by their words and actions. Pray American Christians make the teaching of Jesus their priority.
READ: 1 Corinthians 1:9 God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful. If you are feeling unsteady or uncertain remember this firm promise. God called you into fellowship with himself. He made it possible through the sacrifice of his son. He is unchanging and unchangeable.
ourchurch CRAWLERS & STOMPERS Lesley Collard & Hazel Fletcher Please give thanks for the wonderful team we have in Crawlers & Stompers, especially for the Foundry Room with it’s new decor which is such a great space to be in! Pray for: More volunteers for both teams Ongoing safety of the children who come along Unity and growing friendship and fellowship within the teams Crawlers will be a great, welcoming space for parents and babies to get to know each other & mess around every Sunday morning. Stompers will be a place where children love to be, where they have fun & also start to connect with Jesus.
ourcity Knife Crime in the North East Pray for the people who feel in such danger that they feel they must carry weapons, and that gang culture be replaced with healthier things. Pay for the protection of the vulnerable from attacks, pray for the police to be effective and creative in their work in tackling this social problem.
READ: Mark 11:22-24 Lord please help grow our faith. Help us to know that we have your power in us. The power that split seas and raised the dead is granted to us by your spirit. Help us to have the faith to believe you will move the mountains from our lives. Give us greater expectation for what your power can do and help us to pray bold prayers. Help us to have expectation to see your saving grace to move amongst our family and friends that don’t yet know you.
ourchurch CITYBUGS Fiona Malcolm CityBugs is a hangout for parents, babies and toddlers held in citychurch, Wednesdays 10:30-12. Please join us in praying that CityBugs will be a place where parents and carers feel welcome, accepted and able to come as they are. Pray that they always receive a warm welcome, are able to find meaningful friendships and receive support. Please pray for all the kids to have fun and feel valued. Pray for CityBugs to be somewhere that’s fully accessible for people who don’t go to church, but where we are able to naturally demonstrate the love of Jesus, and perhaps have conversations sharing our faith when appropriate.
ourworld 50-70,000 Christians are imprisoned in terrible labour camps throughout North Korea simply for following Jesus. Christians are considered enemies of the state due to their belief in Jesus’ higher authority than the leaders. Praise God for Christians who have decided that Jesus is worth running the risks they face. Pray for courage and faith for those stuck in camps. Pray for God to work in the heart of leader Kim Jong-un.
READ: 1 Corinthians 10:13 Thank you Lord for the promise that you are faithful to stand with us in the valleys and the trials of life. Thank you that although you don’t promise that we will never face trials you do promise us the grace and sustenance to walk through the adversity.
ourchurch STAFF Simon Warren Safety and security. God’s protecting presence to shield them from all harm and hazards, illness and stress. Pray for efficiency and productivity. That they might have the tools, supplies, strength, training, support and skills they need to accomplish their jobs. Pray for teamwork, mutual respect, co-operation, helpfulness and tolerance. A sense of ownership, satisfaction and pride in a job well done. Recognition for their efforts and praised for their faithfulness. That they will be treated with dignity, honour and courtesy and that they will display these qualities in their dealings with those they serve and interact with. Families and friendships. Peaceful homes, healthy relationships and times of rest and re-creation. Good friends, nurturing churches and feelings of love and acceptance. Most of all a deepening and close relationship with Jesus & to know how much he loves them.
ourworld Foundation Zambia exists to inspire and equip people into a deeper walk with Christ through biblical teaching on family, farming and finance. Pray for Ben and Cat Frampton who help run the Zambian programme – for strong leadership, creative problem solving, for fruit to come from their investment in relationships. Pray for favour with local chiefs and the communities they seek to bless with life-changing farming techniques.
READ: Hebrews 11:1 Thank you Lord that you have revealed yourself to us even though we have not seen you in the flesh. Please continue to reveal yourself to us through your spirit. At times when we doubt your presence and love draw near to us and give us fresh revelation of your glory.
ourchurch ROOTED Kate Howorth Most importantly please pray for our youth, that they would be encountering God, growing in their faith, discovering their gifts, seeing His plans for their future, and growing in community with one another! We’re really excited about taking over 15 kids to Newday Festival this Summer! Please pray this is a great time for meeting God and everyone leaves being further in their relationship with Jesus. Year 6 kids have just joined us in Rooted. Pray they settle in quickly, feel part of the group and form great relationships with other kids and leaders. Our wonderful team (Dave, Amy, Becky, Matt T & G, Val & Kate) is a bit stretched over the next few months with having babies and studies abroad! Pray we have the numbers needed to run events & can support each other in this time.
ourworld Child marriage - 13% of Syrian women were married before the age of 18 before the conflict began, but that number has increased dramatically for a number of reasons: financial stability; protecting a girl’s honour and the family’s reputation; and as a way for girls to enter Jordan. Girls often experience complications during pregnancy and birth, domestic violence and lack of education. Pray for the continued resolution of the conflict in Syria. Pray for girls already in marriages to find the help they need.
READ: 1 John 1:9 Thank you Lord for the tremendous gift of your grace. Thank you for your willingness to forgive our sins even before we asked you to. Thank you that you remain faithful to your promise to wash us whiter than snow.
ourchurch CITY GROUPS Andy Bramhall Thank God for all 18 groups spread over Tyneside & pray for more groups to start in the next year. Pray for the leaders of City Groups as they continue to shepherd and host their groups. Pray for energy and blessing for them as they lead. Thank God for their hospitality, perseverance and sacrifice. Pray for lots more people to join a City Group. Pray for those who are new to our church that they would find welcoming spaces and great friendships in these groups Pray for a deepening of community and an increase of openness and honesty between City Group members. Pray that groups would increase the focus and effort on joining in with the mission of God in and around their community & location
ourworld Many European women have been taken by ISIS as wives and have been abandoned as their husbands flee from the military. They have been left in a vulnerable position – brainwashed and unable to speak out as they’re not being allowed back to Europe. Pray that God would raise up wise leaders to help women feel safe and speak the truth of what has happened to them, and for them to receive the support they need.
READ: Romans 10:17 Praise you Lord for Christ and his sacrifice for us. Help us to hear your word through our understanding of the grace we receive through Christ so that we may understand your love and plan better.
ourchurch ALPHA Matt George “Alpha is running an 8 week course this spring term, weekly at 8pm on Thursdays. Please pray for: Spiritual protection for the table leaders as they serve: Matt George, Kevin Smith, Paul Cowie, Sarah Wardingham and Chloe Palmer. Our guests to keep on coming every week, and they feel welcomed and valued during the discussion. Our “Holy Spirit” day away on Saturday June 8th, pray for guests to encounter the love of God and to convict them of their sins. Pray for authentic friendships to be made, and wisdom for the leaders during discussion times to be faithful to Christ in their words and encouraging guests to share their point of view.”
ourcity Give thanks for our amazing police, health and fire services and those who work to keep us safe and well. Pray for funds to be directed to the services that need it most – pray that politics does not take precedence over the protection of the vulnerable. Pray for ingenuity, energy and courage for our policemen and women, doctors, nurses, and firefighters and that they not be taken for granted.
READ: Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Help us know what it means to live by faith in Jesus in our daily lives Help us every day to die to self but live in Christ.
ourchurch SUNDAY TEAMS Andy Bramhall Thank God for the Welcome, Stewarding & Hospitality teams that volunteer on Sunday morning to keep us safe, provide us with coffee and a warm welcome! Our welcome teams are stretched; pray for more people to join the Welcome team to increase the effectiveness and strength of our welcome to newcomers and visitors. Thank God for the amazing Steward team and team leaders who keep the building safe and secure every Sunday morning. This is such an important role and a real blessing to the whole church! Help us all as a church family to be extra welcoming and friendly to those we don’t recognise! Visitors and newcomers are gifts from God, pray that we would be attentive on Sundays to showing them the kind heart & love of God !
ourcity Many people re still arriving in the North East to claim asylum – from El Salvador, Eritrea, Yemen, Congo, Sudan, Iran, and more. Pray for mental health to be safeguarded, for support from the government and local charities and churches as they await the decisions on their cases. Pray against violence and racism being directed towards them. Pray God connects them with compassionate and supportive friends and for justice to be done in their dealings with the authorities.