University Technical College Norfolk Sixth Form Prospetus 2018

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Contents | 03

CONTENTS Welcome from the Principal Pages 04 & 05

Industry Connections Pages 24 & 25

Message from the Director Page 07

Travelling to UTC Norfolk Pages 26 & 27

Leavers Destinations Page 08

Uniform Pages 28 & 29

Our Vision Page 09 Curriculum Pages 10 & 11 Combinations of Study Page 13 Courses Pages 14 - 23

Case Studies Pages 30 - 33 Facilities Pages 34 & 35 Extra-curricular Activities Pages 36 - 39

04 | Welcome

WELCOME FROM THE PRINCIPAL There is a world shortage of scientists, technologists, engineers, mathematicians and computer specialists. This shortage threatens the ability of many local and national employers to compete internationally. Not content with this situation, in 2012, a number of local employers came together to do something about this skills gap. Together with the TEN Group and the University of East Anglia, they set up University Technical College Norfolk. And, in September 2014, UTC Norfolk opened its doors for the first time. Just 24 months after opening, we have student who have progressed to apprenticeships with local and national employers as well as many who have taken up university places as you will see on page 4. The salary prospects for students leaving us look excellent. Therefore, our goal is simple. We will provide our students with the skills and qualifications to go to university or to take up skilled employment. To achieve this, we offer a rigorous package of academic study, practical skill development and work experience.

@UTCN6THFORM We have a particular focus on engineering, but we provide a sound educational foundation to any young person who has an interest in engineering, science, maths or computing careers. We have a fabulous ÂŁ10m site which contains ÂŁ1.3m of specialist engineering and scientific equipment to provide many unique learning experiences for students. More importantly, we have a talented team of teachers and other professionals working to ensure that our students fulfil their potential. We also have the support of a number of significant employers, the sponsorship of the University of East Anglia and the backing of the TEN Group. You will find a wealth of information about us in this prospectus, however, that is no substitute for actually getting a flavour of what UTC Norfolk can offer. Therefore, I would encourage you to attend one of our future events, building tours or presentations and come and talk to the people involved. Please check our website for the latest information on future events or follow us on Twitter @UTCN6THFORM

Welcome | 05

UTC Norfolk has created a huge amount of interest from students, parents and employers and we have already had a substantial number of applications for September 2018 and beyond! If what you read and see excites you, then I would urge you to take action – and soon! A new and exciting future could be closer than you think. Alex Hayes Principal of UTC Norfolk

Joining UTCN was the best decision I will ever make in my life



- Y13 student

Message from the Director | 07

A MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR OF UTCN SIXTH FORM Joining UTC Norfolk means becoming part of a community that knows to succeed you must have vision, patience, resilience and be prepared to work hard to get to the top. If you read the case studies later in this prospectus you will see how well students who have completed their studies at UTCN are doing.

Choosing the next step in your education is a vital decision; the choice consists of so much more than choosing a collection of courses. At UTC Norfolk we will ensure you leave us with a career, and understanding of how to succeed in today’s world. Between the ages of 16-19 you will find your ‘friends for life’ and take up challenges which will shape your future. At UTC Norfolk your success is our priority; our goal is to prepare you for your future career, and to ensure you are successful in that career.

We have high expectations for students: a strong work ethic is essential, an attitude which is shared by our staff. We have a talented staff body which is excited by the power of education, and of being something special at UTC Norfolk. I look forward to working with you to achieve some outstanding grades and fulfil your dreams. I hope you would like to be part of our success and look forward to meeting you.

Saul Rice Director of Sixth Form @utcn6thform

08 | Destinations


Type of Destination


Bournemouth University

Mechanical Engineering


British Sugar

Bournemouth University

Design Engineering


Canham Consultants (Structural Engineer)

British and Irish Institute of Music

Music and Songwriting



City College Norwich

Science (Foundation Degree)


Clearwater (CAD/Design)


ECS Power

City College Norwich

Health & Social Care (Foundation Degree)


Fendercare Marine

City College Norwich

Mechanical Engineering


Harford Attachments Ltd

Hertfordshire University

Aeronautical Engineering


Jaguar Landrover

Manchester University



James Fisher

Norwich Aviation Academy

Professional Aviation Engineering Practice




National Grid


National Grid


Norfolk Property Services (NPS)


R.G. Carter




SJ Scarlett


Town Close School (I.T.)


Warren Services Apprenticeship

Plymouth University

Computing and Games Development

Sussex University

Product Design

Sussex University

Computer Science

University of Derby

Outdoor Activity Leadership







University of Lincoln

Computer Science x 2

University of Plymouth


University of Suffolk

Computer Games Programming

University of West England

Aerospace Engineering




BAE Engineering


Balfour Beatty (Construction Management)


BBC (Broadcast Engineering)


BF1 Systems (Electronics )




British Army - Royal Engineers


UTCN was a great place for my son to study; the understanding and help he was given ensured he achieved the best results he could Y13 parent


Type of Destination

Our Vision | 09

OUR VISION Our vision is to develop tomorrow’s engineering and technology specialists and, looking through our destinations list below, you will see that is exactly what we do. Our Year 13 leavers have gone on to study at top universities and to take up prestigious apprenticeships. We are especially delighted with our students’ success at securing higher and advanced apprenticeships many of which are well paid and offer excellent career progression.

10 | Curriculum

SIXTH FORM CURRICULUM 2018/19 We offer the following 4 core programmes: Programme

Entry Criteria

A Level Plus

6 grade 5s and above (including English and Maths) and grade 6 in the subjects you wish to study.

Tech Bacc (Computing)

5 grade 4s including English and Maths.

Tech Bacc (Engineering)

5 grade 4s including English and Maths.

Each programme is of two years’ duration commencing in September 2018 and runs over four-days per week in school. In addition to the core programmes, all students participate in: • Voluntary work • Paid work • Further work experience • Community work

TECHNICAL BACCALAUREATE - COMPUTING Students follow the programme below: Block A

Block B

Block C

Block D

Tech Level Cyber Security

Tech Level Networking

Core Mathematics

EPQ (plus Private Study)

TECHNICAL BACCALAUREATE - ENGINEERING Students follow the programme below: Block A

Block B

Block C

Block D


Further Engineering

Core Mathematics

EPQ (plus Private Study)

Private Study is essential to consolidate the ideas covered in lessons. It is expected that students will need to spend around 5 hours per week studying privately per subject.

Curriculum | 11

A LEVEL PLUS PROGRAMME Students need to make one choice from each Option Block: Option A

Option B

Option C

Option D

Business Studies









Further Engineering

Further Engineering*

Further Maths


* Further Engineering can only be studied if Engineering has also been chosen * Further Mathematics can only be studied if Mathematics has also been chosen * EPQ can be added to any selection

I cannot thank the UTCN staff more for all the “support and guidance they have given to me, it


has been second to none. If you want to become a successful engineer, this place is for you! - Y13 student

Combinations of Study | 13

COMBINATIONS OF STUDY Study at post-16 becomes very much more productive when students follow logical combinations of subject course. e.g. Your Engineering grades will benefit from the study of concepts such as forces in Physics. What goes well with what:


Chemistry, Engineering.



Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Geography.



Biology, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Geography.

Computer Science

Business, Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, Geography.


Biology, Business, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Geography. Business, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, Engineering, Geography. Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Geography.

14 | Courses

BIOLOGY A LEVEL Examining Body: AQA Entry criteria: GCSE Biology Grade 6 or Core and Additional Science Grade 6, English Grade 6, Maths Grade 6. This Biology A Level specification will nurture your passion for biology and lay the foundations for further study and careers in biological sciences and medicine. We start off by investigating the biochemical basis of life including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids. We then investigate the cellular nature of life, including eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, using extensive laboratory techniques. This is then used to explain the development of vascular and respiratory disease. In Year 13 we explore the issues associated with genetic diversity and evolution. We then look at the homeostatic mechanisms in the body and what happens when the go wrong.

Content Summary You will study the following main aspects of Biology. • Biochemistry: Investigating the basic chemicals at the heart of all living organisms • Cardiovascular systems and disease: Heart and lung physiology and disease, Fish and locust gas exchange systems

• Cell Biology: Investigate eukaryotic cell ultrastructure and function using light and electron microscopy. • Microbiology: Use microscopy to explain how cells behave, replicate and interact with each other • Ecology: Investigating relationships between fauna and flora, methodical modelling and testing hypotheses • Immunology: Investigating vaccination and the use of monoclonal antibodies in diagnosis and treating cancer. • I nheritance and diversity: Investigating why we are similar but different to other Sapiens, and the basis of disease

What can I expect in lessons? Biology is a truly engaging subject, delivered by an excellent and experienced practitioner, who is driven to bring out the best in your DNA. Expect lessons to be interactive with you driving the learning in the lesson. Expect most lessons to contain an element of practical work and for you to be taught the skills to carry that out effectively. Expect to work very hard in class completing a variety of learning tasks designed to stretch and challenge you. Expect to receive feedback on your written work and for you to act on it.

Courses | 15

BUSINESS STUDIES A LEVEL Examining Body: AQA Entry criteria: Standard Level 3 Entry requirements You do not need to have taken GCSE Business to join this course.

Content Summary The A level course is split into three units over two academic years. All three units are examined. There is no coursework. Each unit is worth 33.3%. Topics covered within the units include: Year One: what is business; managers and leadership; and decision making to improve operational, marketing, financial and human resource performance. Year Two: analyse strategic positions of a business; choose strategic directions for a business; learn how to pursue strategies; and how to manage strategic change in business.

What can I expect in lessons? Lessons will be business led. Each topic will include real business examples from small start-up businesses to multinational companies. You will learn about becoming an entrepreneur to being an operational manager making key strategic decisions. Lessons regularly include videos, documentaries, group work and the opportunity to research businesses that interest you. This is an opportunity to understand how businesses really work. The course links well with most other subjects and will support applications for university and the world of work. Employers in particular welcome students who already have an understanding of how a business is ran.

16 | Courses

CHEMISTRY A LEVEL Examining Body: OCR Specification A Entry criteria: GCSE Chemistry Grade B or Core and Additional Science Grade B, in addition a Grade 5 in Mathematics is recommended. Chemistry is everywhere, helping us explain the processes that allow life to occur to enabling the construction of space age materials. Chemistry is the study of substances, what they are made of, how they interact and how they alter the world around us. Having A Level Chemistry is an essential qualification for students wishing to study a diverse range of courses at University including Medicine, Dentistry, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, and Veterinary Science and also for careers such as Accountancy, Patent Attorneys, and environmental consultancy.

Content Summary You will study the three main aspects of chemistry. • Physical chemistry – the how and why reactions take place. •O rganic chemistry – the study of carbon chemistry, including how to identify functional groups and their role in life. • I norganic chemistry – focuses on the trends and patterns present in chemistry, understanding these allows to you make predictions about the unknowns and develop problem solving skills.

What can I expect in lessons? Lesson content varies depending on the course topic. Expect to spend around 25% of your time in practical lessons and 75% in theoretical lessons. Lessons are interactive and involve group work as well as individual learning time. Due to the nature of chemistry some of most important skills you can do is to ask questions and challenge your own concepts of the world around you.

Courses | 17

LEVEL 3 CAMBRIDGE TECHNICAL DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING (FURTHER ENGINEERING) Examining Body: OCR Entry criteria: Standard Level 3 entry requirements

Content Summary Study units include: • Applied Engineering Science and Mathematics • Electrical/Electronic Principles and Design • Mechanical Principles and Design • Mechanical Engineering Operations • Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing • Mechatronics Equivalent to two A Levels, this qualification is available within all of our 6th form programmes. Students selecting this course will have a clear determination to progress into an engineering focused university course or apprenticeship, and ultimately a fulfilling engineering career.

What can I expect in lessons? From day one, the sheer range of engineering topics and sectors addressed in this course will keep you engaged and busy. This is a two year course where each lesson will provide you with a new challenge, initially focused on developing basic knowledge and skills, all of which start to come together and allow you to apply them to industrial contexts and problem solving projects.

18 | Courses

LEVEL 3 CAMBRIDGE TECHNICAL EXTENDED CERTIFICATE (ENGINEERING) Examining Body: OCR Entry criteria: Standard Level 3 entry requirements

Content Summary Study units include: • Applied Engineering Science and Mathematics • Mechanical and Electrical/Electronic Principles • Mechanical and Electrical/ Electronic Design Equivalent in size to one A Level, this qualification is available to those students looking at the A Level and A Level plus programmes. The course is designed to complement your academic study by providing you with a solid base of knowledge and skills in engineering. The most common progression routes from this course would include university or apprenticeship programmes.

What can I expect in lessons? During your engineering study at UTCN, you can expect new challenges every day. If applying your maths and science knowledge to real world engineering problem solving whets your appetite then this course is for you.

Courses | 19

LEVEL 3 EXTENDED PROJECT QUALIFICATION (EPQ) Examining Body: AQA The Level 3 EPQ is an outstanding opportunity for you to complete a project in a subject area of your choice. The award is the equivalent of an AS level, and is worth up to 28 UCAS points. Many students choose an area they plan to study at University, and/or want to have a career in. You will plan, develop and realise your project which can be an artefact or an extended report/ essay. Through the EPQ you will learn independent study skills that are vital in the workplace and Further Education; you will learn how to manage your time wisely, meet deadlines and develop research skills. Each student produces an artefact/extended report, keeps a detailed log of their learning journey and gives a presentation at the end of their project. You are marked across these three areas, and there are no exams! The EPQ is recognised and respected by top universities and employers, and shows that you can work independently over an extended period of time. You will learn much about yourself and about your chosen area throughout the course, with excellent support from your allocated supervisor. This is a great opportunity to study something you love, and show what you can do when given responsibility for your own learning.

20 | Courses

MATHEMATICS A LEVEL Examining Body: Edexcel Entry criteria: Grade 6 or higher at GCSE

Content Summary Mathematics A-level is for both those who find the subject enjoyable and interesting but also for those who wish to use it to facilitate their studies and interest in other subjects. Mathematics is a powerful and beautiful subject that teaches students new skills and problem solving techniques that can be used in both Mathematics and in the pursuit of many careers. The course is broken down into the study of Pure Mathematics which includes algebra, calculus, trigonometry and many other challenging and interesting areas of Mathematics. Students also study the applications of Mathematics through Statistics and Mechanics; these areas are especially useful for those students looking to progress in the world of Engineering, Computing, Architecture, Finance and Business.

What can I expect in lessons? Mathematics is taught in a variety of ways including investigations, problem solving and applications. Lessons are designed to be interesting, progressive and challenging for all students. Students can expect lessons to include the use of technology, mechanical demonstrations and real-life scenarios throughout the course.

Courses | 21

FURTHER MATHEMATICS A LEVEL Examining Body: Edexcel Entry criteria: Grade 8 or higher at GCSE

Content Summary Further Mathematics A-level is for students who have a deep rooted passion for the subject and enjoy the most challenging and thoughtprovoking of problems. A-level Further Mathematics is designed to broaden and deepen the mathematical understanding and skills including Further Pure Mathematics and Further Mechanics and Statistics.

What can I expect in lessons? Students will study Further Mathematics alongside their Mathematics lessons, with many topics supporting and extending their previous learning. Students will also learn new and exciting areas of Mathematics such as Proof, Matrices, Complex Numbers and Hyperbolic Functions. Further Mathematics A-Level is the ideal course for those wishing to take Mathematics further at University.

22 | Courses

PHYSICS A LEVEL Examining Body: OCR Specification A Entry criteria: GCSE Physics Grade B or Core and Additional Science Grade B, in addition due to the high level of Mathematics, a Grade 5 in Mathematics is essential, and a Grade 6 is desirable. Physics is the most fundamental science. It involves the study of the universe and its origins, and how matter behaves through space and time, from the very large to the very small. It seeks to explain how the physical world operates through Laws and the concepts of forces and energy. Having A-Level Physics will open up the doors to a great variety of courses at University including Engineering, Mathematics, Economics, Physics and Architecture. It is also looked upon favourably for those wishing to enter business and finance as the analytical and problem skills you develop are well sought after.

Content Summary • Foundations of physics – Dimensional analysis with Scalars and Vectors. • Forces and motion – Newton’s Laws, projectile motion, work energy and power, car safety and material properties.

• Electrons, waves, and photons – Kirchoff’s Laws, Quantum Physics, wave phenomena, and electrical circuits. • Newtonian world and astrophysics – Field forces including gravitational, electric and magnetic fields, higher level mechanics and cosmology. • Particles and medical physics – Nuclear Physics and applied physics in medicine.

What can I expect in lessons? Certain sections of the course will require more practical work than others but you can expect to spend around 75% of your time in theoretical lessons and 25% of your time in practical lessons. Questioning in Physics is essential to improve understanding and for this reason, group work is encouraged but you will also need to be a confident independent learner. Challenging yourself and each other is the best way to improve your grasp of a new concept.

Courses | 23

24 | Industry Connections

Future Marine Services

KLM Engineering

FMS bring over 25 years of maritime, engineering and logistics knowledge to UTC Norfolk. Led by Yvonne Mason, FMS and their partner company, SafeSTS, are passionately committed to promoting the maritime industry and to providing skilled careers to the young people of Norfolk.

Based at Norwich Airport and employing


Lotus Cars

Gardline Marine Sciences is an international and multi-disciplinary marine service company at the forefront of marine management. They combine high quality marine science, real world commercial acumen with the latest technology and software, research analysis and management tools, offering a full range of marine scientific services.

Colin Chapman created the Lotus legend in 1948, with his innovative ideas on building lightweight cars saying “Adding power makes you faster on the straights. Subtracting weight makes you faster everywhere�. Since that day, Lotus have epitomised engineering excellence and their innovative engineering approach and problem-solving expertise have been used by clients from many industries.

The TEN Group


Transforming Education in Norfolk (TEN) Group, as lead sponsor, is at the forefront of educational thinking in a growing range of fields, including the highly innovative approach taken to entrepreneurship at City College Norwich. As a federation, the TEN Group stands for educational excellence, being future focused and recognising people at the core of their purpose and passion.

The University of East Anglia is a highly respected and forward-thinking university with an international reputation for excellence. The support of the UEA is strong, providing UTC Norfolk students with enhanced experiences and opportunities that will benefit them when applying for engineering and energy related degree programmes.

400 staff, KLM UK Engineering perform maintenance checks and repairs on a wide variety of aircraft including the Airbus A320 and the Boeing 737.

Industry Connections | 25

The following employers and organisations have supported UTCN: • Aviva • BT • Balfour Beatty • British Sugar • Cranswick Foods • ECS Power and Contol • Ford and Slater • Future Marine Services • Gardline • KLM • Lotus • Morgan Sindall • NPS • Opito • Pinnacle Consulting Engineers • RG Carter • Royal Navy • Safe STS • Seajacks • Statoil • Tarmac • Thurne • Vattenfall • Warren Services

26 | Travelling to UTCN

TRAVELLING TO UTC NORFOLK UTCN Contract Bus The UTCN bus pass is available to any student travelling into the city on any service other than First Buses. This also includes students who live in the city centre or are dropped off/collected in the city centre by a parent/carer. UTCN bus passes cost £65 per term, payable up front, and are issued at the beginning of each term.

Travelling to UTCN on a First Bus Within Norwich Zones 1 - 5 If you are travelling to UTCN from within Norwich Zones 1 – 5 (check on the First Bus website which zone you are in) the most cost effective options are: • Norwich FirstTrio pass - £335 – valid for three terms • Norwich FirstSolo pass - £120 – valid for one term

Outside of Norwich Zone 5 If you are travelling to UTCN from outside of Norwich Zone 5 the most cost effective options are: • Network FirstTrio pass - £530 – valid for three terms • Network FirstSolo pass - £190 – valid for one term

All these passes can be used during the weekends and holidays. Tickets can be purchased online, as a mobile “M” ticket or from the First Travel shop on Castle Meadow. As well as covering the journey into Norwich these passes can also be used on the UTCN contract bus.

Travelling to UTCN on any other service If you are travelling to UTCN using any of the following services you need to purchase a UTCN contract bus pass for the journey between the city centre/rail station and UTCN. • Abellio Greater Anglia (train) • Anglian Bus • Konectbus • Sanders Coaches • Stagecoach

The providers above have a range of tickets and passes available. Please contact the service provider directly to find out prices and routes. In certain circumstances Norfolk County Council may be able to help with bus passes for students in Sixth Form. Their website has further information -transport

Travelling to UTCN | 27

Travelling to UTCN by car

Travelling to UTCN by moped or motorbike

Please be aware that there is no student car parking available at UTCN. This is part of the building’s planning consent and not something that we have control over. Cars are not to be parked in our neighbour’s car parks or left on the road. Norwich City Council have informed us that they will issue parking fines to cars around UTCN that are parked illegally. Car parking facilities are available at the Harford Park and Ride, you can find out more information about this on the Norfolk County Council Park and Ride website.

If you want to travel to UTCN by moped or motorbike there is specific parking available at school. Please ensure that your bike or moped is in good working order and you have the correct safety-wear for your journey. Please provide your own bike lock. Mopeds and motorbikes are parked at UTCN at your own risk.

Travelling to UTCN by bicycle If you want to travel to UTCN by push bike there are covered cycle racks available at school. We recommend that you ensure your bike is in good working order and you wear a cycle helmet for your journey. Please provide your own bike lock. Bikes are parked at UTCN at your own risk.

Useful websites • Traveline For an overview of transport services in Norfolk and Suffolk • First Buses Norfolk and Suffolk • Konect Bus • Anglian Bus • Sanders Bus

If you have any queries about travel to UTCN please contact us at using the subject header “travel”.

• Simonds Bus • Abellio Greater Anglia Train services in Norfolk and Suffolk

28 | Uniform

YEAR 12 AND 13 DRESS CODE UTC Norfolk uniform promotes high standards of personal presentation and health and safety. Our dress code has been developed with our Governing Body of employers to prepare students for the world of work. All specialist items are available from V&J Knitwear a local work wear provider. Classroom

Sixth Form students have a dress code, rather than a uniform and are expected to wear smart business dress: • Plain, charcoal grey or navy trousers – may form part of a suit

• Black shoes – plain leather without logo* • Shirt, or blouse for girls, of any colour or pattern suitable for a business environment • Dark coloured socks • Plain, charcoal grey or navy jacket suitable for a business environment – may form part of a suit • Boys only: Tie – suitable for a business environment • Girls only: Knee length, plain, charcoal grey or navy skirt with plain, navy or natural tights * For girls, the shoe style should be closed toe, with a flat or low solid heel.

Uniform | 29


• Black Chukka safety boots – with toe protection and midsole penetration protection (V&J or must be marked S1P or SBP compliant) • UTCN Dust Coat (V&J)


• Plain black or navy coat without logo (generic) • Optional black UTCN coat (V&J) • Optional black UTCN shell jacket

30 | Case Studies

Studying at UTCN really prepared me well for my Level 4 apprenticeship. I now work four days a week as an apprentice electrician for Thurne-Middleby, and go to go to college for one day a week. If not for UTCN I would not have this amazing apprenticeship that I really enjoy.

– Brandon Drewry

Case Studies | 31

Joining UTCN was the best decision I will ever make in my life. The experience that you receive goes much further than just the academic. In my time there I was able to learn practical skills that are vital for engineers, as well as, visit company’s headquarters like Google and Lotus. The time I spent at UTCN gave me the knowledge and experience that has enabled me to join Warren Services as an apprentice Engineer where I will be able to further my qualifications until I’m a fully qualified Development Engineer. I cannot thank the UTCN staff more for all of the support and guidance they have given me, it has been second to none. If you want to become a successful Engineer then UTCN is the place for you.

– Cailum Wilson

32 | Case Studies

During my time at the UTCN the staff continued to help me with the steps I needed to take once I finished my courses. Throughout the final year I was given options on what to do and how to achieve them, one of these options was a chance to join the Navy as a Marine Engineer. This opportunity was brilliant as it is something that will perfect my engineering knowledge as well as allowing me to travel the world while getting great pay. UTCN has given me a great start to my chosen career path.

– Adam Jones

Case Studies | 33

With hard work and the help and support from the great staff at UTCN, I was able to achieve my goal of studying Mechanical Engineering at Nottingham University. The opportunities and support at UTCN were excellent, and helped me achieve my goal of studying Engineering at a top university.

– Josh Reardon

34 | Facilities

CUTTING EDGE FACILITIES UTC Norfolk is equipped to the highest standards and contains £1.3m of specialist equipment. This kit has been procured after careful liaison with local employers to ensure that UTC Norfolk students are ‘work-ready’ when they leave us.

Facilities | 35

36 | Extra-curricular Activities

EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Not Just About Qualifications Competitions and Challenges

The UTCN Sixth form offers fantastic opportunities, not just to gain good technical qualifications, but there are also a wide range of competitions and challenges that you can participate in. These team based challenges provide you with a chance to apply your technical and business skills to problem solving tasks that have been devised by industry. Here are just some of the projects that our 6th Form students participate in: • The UTC Navy Boat Challenge – Teams design and manufacture a marine craft that is capable of retrieving lost cargo, either floating, on land or from the sea bed. This will often involve the design of robotics, winches, conveyors as well as the boat drive systems.

•F 1 in Schools – This national and international competition allows teams to design, produce and market a model F1 vehicle that meets stringent regulations, just like the real F1 setup. The teams take their models powered by CO 2 canisters and race them against competitors. • Greenpower Racing – Again a team based challenge that allows students to design and build a battery power go-cart that they take a races around the country to compete against other teams. Whilst these opportunities are fun and often exciting experiences, they also allow students to include something interesting on their CVs, which will help them with their applications to universities, apprenticeships, and careers.

Extra-curricular Activities | 37

38 | Extra-curricular Activities

DUKE OF YORK AWARD Open to students at UTCs, the Duke of York Award recognises a combination of qualifications, work experience placements and the development of wider competencies required in the workplace such as communication skills and problem solving. Students have the opportunity to complete the award throughout their Year 12 & 13 studies.

The assessment process will consist of 4 main parts: 1. S uccessful completion of 2 weeks work experience 2. Completion of at least 2 team projects in school 3. I nternal and external interviews 4. A pass grade in at least 3 A Levels or equivalent. Every student can access this award and this is an excellent opportunity to show employers that students are ready for the work environment.

Extra-curricular Activities | 39

DUKE OF EDINBURGH AWARD The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award aims to provide pupils with an enjoyable, challenging and rewarding programme of personal development, which is of the highest quality and the widest reach. It is a personal challenge available to all, not a competition against others. Completion of the award is voluntary, as pupils commit their own time to undertake activities which they have selected. UTCN offers students in Year 10 the opportunity to undertake the Silver Award level which consists of the following sections: • Volunteering – to encourage service to individuals and to the community, • Expedition – to encourage a spirit of adventure and discovery, • Skills – to encourage the development of personal interests, hobbies and social and practical skills, • Physical Recreation – to encourage participation and improvement in physical activity.

Expeditions are organised by UTCN each year and students attend regular training sessions at school in order to complete the Expedition Section. The remaining sections are completed by students in their own time. UTCN staff support students as they progress through the award, however a large amount of responsibility lies with the student. It is not necessary to have participated in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme previously as students can begin the Silver Award level as a direct entrant. The Silver Award can be completed in as little as 12 months. After completion of the Silver Award level, students are able to progress to the Gold Award level and will continue to receive support from UTCN with its completion.

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Email: 3 3 Phone: 01603 580280

Address: UTCN, Old Hall Road, Norwich, NR4 6FF

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