Wayland academy newsletter autumn 2017

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Achievement Evening Pages 4 – 7

Fuel Poverty Pages 18-19

part of the

It has been a fabulous term at Wayland Academy, students have been working incredibly hard and their generosity for others has shone through again. The new Year 7 cohort are brilliant and they have really settled in well. It was a privilege to run the cross-country course with them last week and see their perseverance and effort first hand. I also visited very bleary-eyed staff and students on the residential in September and I was assured that they all had fun and enjoyed the activities (see Pg 32-33), on the drizzly morning that I saw them they were still giving 110%. We have continued where we left off in the summer with an exciting and engaging curriculum, there are lots of stories in this issue of Newslink that demonstrate the wide range of projects and initiatives students can take part in. Year 9 Triple Science students are working with Mr Harder and Camouflaged Learning on a collaborative project with the UEA on Fuel Poverty. We have introduced PALS (Pupils, Advising, Listening and Supporting) this term, students in bright blue hoodies can be seen around the academy to support or advise any student that may need help. All members of PALS have been Safeguarding and PREVENT trained and are a great addition to our pastoral team. Students and staff have done lots for charities this term, it has been an absolute privilege to be inundated with requests to help those less fortunate.


Since September, through various cake sales, activities and non-uniform days we have raised over £2000! This has been for charities such as Help for Heroes, When You Wish Upon a Star, Bullying UK and Children in Need. Well done everyone. Our work to improve student literacy continues with Accelerated Reader, hundreds of students now benefit from this initiative and amazingly we had TWO Year 7 word millionaires in the first half term. Every Autumn we welcome back the Year 11 leavers for their Achievement Evening. The evening celebrated the individual success of every student who attended, in addition to the Academy Award winners and the Subject Award winners. All staff are incredibly proud of the record breaking results that these students achieved in the Summer. Maths and English achieved a 9 to 4 pass rate of 66% and Science achieved a brilliant 70% pass rate for grade A*-C. Details of the award winners is included within the magazine. Last year we relaunched Duke of Edinburgh, both Mr Read and I are pleased to announce that these students have successfully achieved their Silver Award and we have 28 Year 10 students signed up for this year! In this issue, we are also taking the opportunity to celebrates students’ successes outside of the

Dates for your diary DECEMBER 2017 Tues 19 - Wayland Academy closes 3.15pm for Christmas

JANUARY 2018 Thu 4 - Students return to Wayland Academy Fri 5 - Mock exam results day Thur 18 - Year 11 Parent/Teacher Conversation 4:30 - 7pm Thur 25 - Mr Rosembert’s Year 9 group UEA Business Trip Mon 29 - Mrs Thuel’s Year 9 group UEA Business Trip

FEBRUARY 2018 Fri 9 - Wayland Academy closes

academy. Included in this issue are two amazing stories of success in the ballroom. Well done guys! Parents and students alike, please continue to share your stories with us so that we can celebrate them too. We also started the new academic year with a refreshed dining hall and catering provider Edwards and Blake (see Pg13). Personally, I have eaten in the canteen every day with Mr Rosemert and I can profess that the food is great!

3.15pm for half term Mon 19 - Students return to Wayland Academy Thu 22 - Year 8 Parent/Teacher conversation 4:30 - 7pm Fri 23 - HPV Vaccinations for Year 8 & 9 Girls

MARCH 2018 Thu 15 - Year 8 Pathways Evening 5 – 7pm Mon 19 – Wed 28 - Year 10 Work

It is with heavy hearts that we also say farewell to Richard Crabtree who passed away earlier this month. Richard had been involved with the academy for many years and he will be greatly missed. We hope everyone has a brilliant Christmas break and we look forward to welcoming students back on 4th January 2018. Glen Allott Principal

Experience Mon 26 - Meningitis Vaccinations for Year 9 students Wed 28 - Wayland Academy closes 3.15pm for Easter

APRIL 2018 Mon 16 - Students return to Wayland Academy Thu 19 - Year 11 revision tips evening for parents 6 – 7pm Thu 26 - Bag2School Collection



Achievement Evening 2017 Academy Award Winners Matt Bagley is the Creative Director of Camouflaged Learning, a company that aims to be noisy and exciting every single day. He is also an engineer who has worked in Formula 1, he has raced motorbikes (badly) and is very tall.

Guest Speaker Matt Bagley from Camouflaged Learning

Unlike previous end-of-year speakers, Matt won’t be going on and on about how well he’s done, how much he’s earned or even showing you that nice new skinny tie he’s just bought. Instead, Matt intends to celebrate the only thing that secretly really matters to you: you.

We asked him to tell us more, but he refused, saying only “Look- it’s going to be an amazing time, ok? That’s all you need to know. Also, do you still have my Mariah Carey CD? I’ve looked everywhere and I can’t find it.” Luckily, we’ve worked with Matt and his team before, so what we know for sure is that it’ll be the fantastic night you deserve, and something you’ll remember for a long, long time. An absolute blast, in fact. You will see.

An Academy with

Hannah Kemp Principal’s Award Hannah achieved 8 A*-A grades, including an A grade in GCSE Law that was completed during afterschool lessons. In the new reformed GCSEs she achieved two grade 8s in English Language and Literature as well as an amazing grade 9 in Mathematics! Hannah’s amazing results are down to her hard work and unwavering dedication to her studies. This is truly an exceptional set of results which Hannah thoroughly deserves, they are testament to her relentless effort to do her best and to get to the correct answer. Well done Hannah, we wish you every success in whatever career path you decide to take, we are all sure that you have an amazing future ahead of you.



GCSE English Literature

GCSE German

Throughout the GCSE course, Hannah always had an in depth understanding of the literature that we studied. Her knowledge of the meaning of the text was especially insightful, and she could be relied upon to spot the relevance of each theme and discuss its importance to the wider world. I know how hard Hannah worked in the lead up to the exams, and her results were thoroughly deserved as a result of all of her hard work.

Hannah is a talented linguist and as such she can manipulate the language well. She would always strive to improve her work, she wasn’t afraid to try out new language and she never missed a deadline. Although Hannah preferred to work independently she was also generous in the time she gave to help other students, and she was always a keen competitor in class challenges.

GCSE Law For her hard work and dedication to the subject; her insightful comments in lessons and for the help and support she gave to others.

Achievement Evening 2017 Subject Award Winners

Georgia Schofield Award for School Life

Nieve Merchant GCSE Textiles Technology

If Year 11 had a voice, then Georgia was that voice.Not only was Georgia involved in every possible initiative at the academy, she also worked incredibly hard on her studies. Georgia was always dedicated and loyal in supporting the academy, she was a superb ambassador for all that we do and a brilliant role model for her peers. As a member of the Junior Leadership Team she attended many events including parents’ evenings and open evenings, she even interviewed teachers. Despite taking part in many groups at the academy, such as fund raising for Prom in the summer holidays or in the community with Guides and Youth Clubs, she achieved 10 strong GCSE passes including a B grade in Photography, which she completed in after school lessons.

This award is being presented to a pupil who worked diligently, with pride and effort throughout her Textiles GCSE. She worked at every given opportunity in class with independence and focus on precision and completing her work to the highest of standards. Her coursework was phenomenal and scored full marks gaining the 100% she deserved. She never gave anything less throughout both her coursework and examination prep. Her final grade of an A* has gained her a place on a Textiles course of her dreams. It has been a joy to teach a pupil grow in confidence and ability over two years culminating in the highest grade achievable.

As a naturally talented linguist, Caitlin was interested in all aspects of the language. She participated enthusiastically in all class activities, her confidence in speaking French increased and it was a pleasure to see her linguistic skills develop. Caitlin was a keen competitor in any challenge, sometimes taking on the opposing team single-handed! Caitlin’s work was always of a high standard, she has an excellent command of grammar and vocabulary and she thoroughly deserves this award. I hope that she will have the opportunity to use her languages in the future.

GCSE English Language Caitlin has a natural gift for using the English language for a desired effect. She has a mature style of writing and is able to express herself with flair and creativity. I was always impressed by the precision with which she was able to communicate a complex idea, and this is a skill that will put her in good stead for the future.

Georgia was always like a force of nature and we are sure that she will go on to great things. We hope that we continue to hear from her.

BTEC Performing Arts Georgia has been chosen for this award due to her consistent hard work and application of skills in all three disciplines of Musical Theatre from singing through to acting and also dancing. She showed a positive attitude throughout the course, always striving to complete her best work and never being afraid to try new things.

Caitlin Malt GCSE French

Jasmine Vincent GCSE Physical Education The GCSE PE award goes to a pupil who excelled both practically and academically. Scoring top level marks in her 4 selected practicals, and achieving the highest overall grade in the year. Her work ethic and positivity are to be admired. I know that she will go on to achieve much more in the future.


Achievement Evening 2017 Subject Award Winners

Isabella Bayley GCSE Science All of Isabella’s science teachers throughout her time at Wayland Academy have commented on her consistent focus and drive in all her lessons. At GCSE her determination to achieve was evident from the start. Her interaction with her science teachers in lessons ensured she never missed out on any of the learning. Despite some humorous setbacks in practical work, Isabella and her group never gave up on the investigations. Well done Isabella, we are all proud of your science result and wish you the very best.

Jade Campbell GCSE History

Millie Towell GCSE Art

For her excellent attitude and dedication to the course. Jade worked so hard throughout the year and attended numerous revision sessions. Jade’s positive attitude and high standards have helped her to obtain a brilliant grade. Congratulations!

The award goes to one of the quietest pupils in the class. She worked under the radar but her hard work and natural flair did not go unnoticed. Her sketchbooks were full of hours of work and planning which resulted in many original and fantastic final pieces using a range of media. Her hard work paid off and she gained an A* in her GCSE Art and design and is now studying Art at A levels. I wish her every success in all that she does in the future.

GCSE Information & Communication Technology Jade worked tirelessly in every ICT lesson. She remained focused, on task, always asked questions and got the job done! Jade was polite, wellmannered and happy to help others. Well done!

Charlotte Clubb GCSE Product Design

GCSE Child Development Jade Agent

Lucy Harrison GCSE Food Technology

Charlotte demonstrated such a positive attitude to her work in Product Design; she was focused, motivated and determined to push herself. I was so proud of Charlotte’s train and Powerpoint; it demonstrated a high level of skill and demand in the subject.

Jade worked exceptionally hard throughout the two-year course. Her enthusiasm for the subject was outstanding and she put all her efforts in to every piece of work she completed. She was always willing to contribute in class discussions and not afraid to make mistakes. Jade was a pleasure to have in the classroom. Well done.

Lucy has been awarded the prize for Food Technology for her total commitment and hard work throughout the course which culminated in achieving a great grade. Very well deserved, well done!


Unable to attend were:

Hannah Smith Rock School Music Hannah has been awarded the Rock School Music prize due to her accomplishments and additional work towards her qualification. There may have been aspects of ‘School Life’ that Hannah struggled with but she clearly proved the ability to focus on an area that really interested her. She has shown a real flair for understanding and applying herself to an area of the curriculum that she enjoys and producing some really excellent work. Well done!

Joey Ivory GCSE Mathematics Joey has been awarded the prize for Maths due to his great work ethic, hard work and determination which culminated in him being awarded a Grade 9 - an amazing achievement, well done!

Mariana Ferreira Award for Progress

Natalia Sopiela GCSE Photography

Mariana has had an amazing journey at WAN, her level of progress through to her GCSEs is nothing short of outstanding. Mariana significantly exceeded her target grades in most of her subjects and smashed national standards for progress across her range of subjects. Mariana has grown to become an excellent mathematician, scientist and performer in addition to her excellent GCSE grades in English, French and Portuguese. We hope to see you continuing to progress in the future and we are sure that you will succeed in all you choose to do. Well done Mariana.

Natalia was a conscientious pupil who planned and prepared her photoshoots meticulously. Natalia was able to capture pure emotion through her photographs. Natalia’s presentation of her work was always thoroughly thought through to enhance her photos in interesting thought provoking ways. she always took on board criticisms and was not happy with a piece of work until it was perfect. I feel privileged to have taught Natalia for two years. I look forward to seeing her future photography work.

James Kerrison GCSE Computing

Cameron Elvin GCSE Religious Studies

James’ attitude towards computer science was excellent. He was constantly striving to better himself when it came to his class work and coursework. James focused on the task and finished them on time and to the best of his ability. Well done!

Cameron was initially reticent to think and reflect on the views of this wonderful world as expressed by people of different religious faiths. Throughout the year he became a full participant in the lessons willing to express his own views and his thoughts on the views of others. Always polite, reflective and willing. A pleasure to have in the classroom as he took his own pleasure in the progress he made throughout the year. He definitely took Nelson’s maxim of, “Do your best, then go and do better.” Well done.

GCSE Geography James maintained his enthusiasm for geography as a subject throughout the course, often contributing bits of information that expanded the knowledge base of others. His easygoing attitude, humour and intelligence made him a delight to teach.

Olivia Baker BTEC Travel and Tourism

Jack Coggin BTEC Construction

Olivia has been awarded the prize for Travel and Tourism for always working to her full potential and achieving an excellent final grade. Congratulations!

Jack has been awarded the prize for Construction for working exceptionally hard and really pushing himself to gain an overall Distinction grade. A great achievement, well done.


English & Art

English and Art Project Showcasing Year 11 Work The English and Art departments have linked up to support students’ crosscurricular learning. Whilst studying Macbeth last year and familiarising themselves with important quotations and themes, our current Year 11 students had the opportunity to explore these ideas through visual interpretation. Students based their interpretations on quotations from the play and used their emerging learning in Art, using mixed media materials, to create impressive and thoughtful images. Both the English and Art department are incredibly proud of the thought and effort that has gone in to these projects which we are pleased to have had framed and will be displaying in the English corridor; we are sure that these art pieces will inspire the learning of upcoming years!

Year 11 English Revision Since returning from the summer holidays, Year 11 English revision has been in full swing as students have been focusing on revision for Language Paper 1 (Autumn term 1) and Language Paper 2 (Autumn term 2). They are gaining confidence in using various techniques for these papers and are continuously building up revision materials in class for their exams. An additional Paper 1 revision pack has now been issued to all Year 11 students so they can continue to practice and prepare for exams outside of class. A Language Paper 2 revision pack will be issued at the end of term. Students are also able to attend an afterschool writing revision session with Mrs Stroud every Week 1, Wednesday from 3.15-4.00. Further after-school revision sessions will be announced in due course.


Even before the summer holidays, our current Year 11 students were revising for English Literature by physically connecting key concepts, themes and quotations to create a human web!

Library News

Library News

Award winning author, Frank Cottrell Boyce, gave an extremely entertaining presentation and had the audience in stitches with his anecdotes. Many were unaware that Frank is famous for the 2012 London Summer Olympic opening ceremony and is also a prolific writer having penned screenplays for Dr Who and the award-winning novel, Millions. His most recent novel, Sputnik’s Guide to Life on Earth, has been described as being “like Spielberg’s ET put in a blender with a bottle of Irn-Bru!” In July 2017, students in Year 7 visited the University of East Anglia for the 5th FLY (Festival of Literature for Youth) Festival. Its aim is to Inspire young people: • To read for pleasure • Develop a love of the printed word, wherever it appears • To discover the joy of creative writing

A selection of books were displayed to celebrate Black History Month. The books represented authors from different cultures and the lives of inspirational people and gave students the chance to read literature outside their usual choice of genre. Halloween, as usual, was a popular event and a selection of spooky

stories flew off the shelves; Vampires, Ghosts, Monsters, Haunted Houses, Frankenstein and Tales of the Supernatural; there was something for everyone! All the new Year 7 students chose a book of their choice through the BookBuzz scheme. The most popular choice this year was Danger is Everywhere by David O’Doherty. A succinct review in the Financial Times stated: “A surreal, daft and funny book . . . A bracing satirical sideswipe at today’s health-and-safety culture, aimed at kids who’ll get the irony and relish the silliness.” Congratulations to Anais Cato who is the first Year 7 student to have completed the Wayland Academy Marathon Reading Challenge!


Library News

Accelerated Reader All students in Year 7 and Year 8 have completed their Star Tests for the Accelerated Reading Programme. The Star Testing gives each of the students their Reading Age and a ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development). This is important to know, so that we can focus the students to the correct books in the library. Each book in the library that has a ZPD level is being used to encourage students to read without frustration. When students finish reading the books they have to complete a quiz on that book. If students answer 60% or more they are rewarded points and an account of how many words have been read. If they do not answer 60% or more then the words are not recorded and cannot count to being a Word Millionaire. Some of our other High Flyers are:

We have two students who are word millionaires: Year 7

Words read

Year 8

Words read

Year 7

Year 8

Thomas Easter 7S


Ruby Trice 8H


Katlin Keegan 7N

Maria-Elisa Szin 8S

Anais Cato 7S


Linus Dobbin 8M


Summer Ward 7H

Beau-Kerry Bonner 8M

Wiktor Kubaczka 7M


Benjamin Kidd 8S


Aaliyah Taylor 7M


Jayden Taylor 8S


Congratulations to Thomas and Ruby and well done to all our readers! For optimal reading growth every student should: • Practise reading unfamiliar material. • Read for a total of at least 45 minutes every day •S elect a wide range of reading materials to improve reading skills and expand vocabulary If you would like more information on the Accelerated Reading Programme please see the quick link on the Academy Website: www.waylandacademy.org.uk or email mashby@waylandacdemy.org.uk Thank you for your continued support with the Accelerated Reading Programme. Mandy Ashby


A list of favourite books: •P ig is Blue Baboon’s Bottom – Barbara Catchpole • Ottoline and the Yellow Cat – Chris Riddell • Everything’s Amazing (sort of) - Tom Gates


AWARENESS WEEK NEWSLETTER We have celebrated two Awareness Weeks rather than one this half term at Wayland Academy, because there were two causes that we felt should be highlighted. Our first Awareness Week was the nationally recognised Anti-Bullying Week; to raise the profile of stopping bullying at the Academy we had several different events and activities taking place, for example a “wear blue” non-uniform day which raised over £500 for BullyingUK. Our second Awareness Week was for Children in Need. Our students showed excellent entrepreneurship, organisational skills and compassion for others. The most amazing examples of active citizen were displayed. Students created all their own resources, spent time gathering equipment and prizes, manned stalls and brought our Academy community together.

ANTI-BULLYING WEEK A wide range of activities were completed in the Academy during Anti-Bullying week. Alongside our non-uniform day we had assemblies, maths tasks, creative and persuasive writing tasks, role play scenarios on how to deal with bullying, a French poster campaign and lots more.

Following on from Anti-Bullying Week we invited all Year 7,8,9 and 10 students to volunteer to attend an Anti-Bullying workshop led by Mr Allott and Mrs Ewens. We were massively impressed by over 150 students who volunteered to share their thoughts and views on how to combat bullying.

CHILDREN IN NEED From Netball Shoot-outs to Guess-the-Name-ofthe-Teddy; from Tombolas to Milkshake Stands; from Pin-the-Patch-on-the-Pudsey to Cake Stalls, the ideas came thick and fast. We have currently raised over £800 and still have more activities planned in the upcoming weeks.

Students enjoyed the time they were given to reflect on the damage bullying can cause and how to prevent it. “During Anti-Bullying Week we did a small acting session where one of us was being bullied and someone else was the bully. There were a few other people who were either the teacher or a friend. We learnt about who to tell if someone was being bullied and how to deal with it. We also learned how serious bullying can get and how it can make someone feel.”

part of the


Computer Science

Year 9 Study Inner Workings of Computers Year 9 students began their studies for GCSE Computer Science with a variety of screwdrivers and old PCs. Tasked with removing and identifying the hardware of the PC, they approached it with enthusiasm. Removing the different hardware seemed relatively easy for the class; putting them back together however, seemed somewhat more of a challenge.



From Our Kitchen by Edwards and Blake We have had some interesting and exciting food served from our Academy kitchen this term. We had a themed food day each month with the most popular being Indian Day and followed by Halloween day with graveyard lasagne. Our most recent was Mexican Day when the students enjoyed chicken enchiladas, chicken fajitas and beef burritos. We celebrated our Achievement Evening where a beautiful selection of food was devoured by our guests and Class of 2017. Christmas dinner was served on Thursday 14th December, with students enjoying a traditional roast turkey dinner with all the trimmings and for those who wanted an alternative had mushroom, cranberry, apricot and roasted squash layered loaf with vegetarian gravy, followed by homemade Christmas pudding with cream or chocolate sponge with chocolate sauce followed by a mince pie and squash, all for ÂŁ2.30. It was so nice to see the students sitting enjoying their lunch, talking to each other about how they were looking forward to the Christmas festivities. We look forward to seeing what delights are on offer in the New Year. Merry Christmas from Our Kitchen by Edwards and Blake



Richard Crabtree As an academy we have some very sad news to share: Richard Crabtree, who has been associated with Wayland Academy and previously Wayland Community High School for many, many years has very sadly passed away. For many years Richard was a governor supporting and helping the school in a variety of ways. When he relinquished his responsibility as a governor he continued to be a regular visitor; he was very involved in helping fundraise for our first cohort of leavers who gained scholarships to Gordonstoun, as well as being one of the main organisers of our annual Senior Citizen’s Christmas Party entertaining the old folk with his compering skills! He helped out on numerous trips, be it a day trip to London or a residential trip to Rome and was known for enjoying his food, never saying no if there were sweets or chocolate of any kind on offer!! He enjoyed attending academy events, bringing his camera with him to take shots for Newslink, and he always contributed to the prizes for our annual Achievement Evening, for which we are very grateful. Latterly, he came in as an invigilator during our exam seasons to help oversee the students taking their various exams. Richard was a real stalwart of the academy and will be very sadly missed. We send our heartfelt sympathy and best wishes to Richard’s family.

Our PALS Team We are pleased to introduce our PALS (Pupils Advising, Listening and Supporting) to you. They are training in Safeguarding, Anti-bullying and Prevent and are on duty at break and lunchtimes for students to speak to about any issues they may have.



Academy Uniform Blue school shirt

Tie - in House colours

Coats/jackets - These should be showerproof. Denim and leather items are not suitable for the Academy. Hooded tops are not allowed in the Academy.

Black Blazer with Academy logo (Plain black V neck jumpers are permitted).

Blue school shirt

Tie - in House colours

Trousers – Black trousers. Style and length must be suitable for Academy use; no denim, canvas, cord, chino or jean style trousers may be worn. Trousers should not be skinny or tight to the leg and ankle. Skirt – The Academy skirt is the only acceptable skirt and must be no shorter than knee length and not altered.

Plain black shoes, plain grey or black socks (no higher than knee length) or tights (for girls).

Hair and Make up


Conventional, tidy and natural in colour and appearance. Sculpted, dyed and shaved styles are not allowed. Long hair will need to be tied back for Science, PE and Technology work. Hairbands must be plain black and either a thin black Alice band or small bobble/elastic. Discreet make up is allowed.

One small stud per ear lobe (no other piercing allowed). A watch may be worn. Facial piercings are not permitted. All jewellery must be removed for PE lessons. The Academy cannot take responsibility for loss or theft of jewellery.






Attendance & Fit for School Information At the end of your child’s school career we want to know that they are leaving us with a solid foundation for their chosen path in life. What can you do? For them to fulfil their potential you need to ensure they are in school as much as possible. In order to do this they need your guidance and support.

What can they do? They need to be in school every day, they need to be punctual, correctly dressed, equipped and ready to work.

What can we do? We need to ensure that they are safe, happy and encouraged to learn. Even if your child misses one day they will be missing valuable information which may have been given to them during a lesson and they may struggle to catch up on work missed. Poor absence can also affect a child’s ability to make and keep friendships.

Please send your child to school if they are feeling unwell with the following:


• Minor cold

• Cough

• Sore throat

• Tiredness

• Sniffle

• Tummy ache

• Headache





You will have realised by now that children often wake up feeling tired and groggy, but just like us, once they are at school and kept busy they often feel better. We are now able to provide your child with Paracetamol/Calpol with your permission PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU HAVE RETURNED YOUR CONSENT FORM. If you are unsure as to whether your child should be in school, please contact Attendance who will be able to advise you. Be assured that your child will be sent home if they are considered too ill to be in school.

DO NOT send your child to school if they have vomiting or diarrhoea. Please note that the 48 hour rule is not applicable at Wayland Academy Norfolk. Once your child feels well enough they should return to school. If you suspect your child has an infectious disease please refrain from sending them to school until you have visited your GP however please notify us anyway. It is important that you notify the Academy by 8.30am every day of your child’s absence, either contact the student absence line on 01953 881 514 or Mrs Thomas on 01953 881514 ext 202.

Please note: Evidence will be required for any medical appointments taken during school time. Local GP practices have agreed to provide medical evidence for any appointment you attend, please contact their reception.

The Law The Principal is unable to grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances, no holidays will be authorised. If you apply for a leave of absence for a holiday but still choose to take your child away you could be subject to a fixed penalty fee of ÂŁ60 per child per parent.

Part of the


Upcoming Projects

Upcoming Projects

“Yesterday saw the launch of an innovative new programme at Wayland Academy Norfolk, on the subject of Fuel Poverty. With more than 2.3 million families affected by Fuel Poverty in the UK, Camouflaged Learning, working on behalf of Community Action Norfolk and alongside scientific researchers at the Science, Society and Sustainability research group at the University of East Anglia, designed the project with the aim of not only raising awareness of this important topic, but also actively helping and supporting those households affected by Fuel Poverty. To achieve this goal, the Year 9 Triple Science students at Wayland Academy were tasked to create a comprehensively researched campaign, that offers support and guidance to those affected by Fuel Poverty, whilst also enhancing understanding of what opportunities exist to help those families in need of assistance. Matt Bagley, the Director of Doing at Camouflaged Learning said: ‘We’ve been so impressed by how creatively and sensitively the students have responded to this critical topic. Not only were their ideas incredibly inventive and insightful, they were also wonderfully thoughtful in ensuring that any help offered was free of stigma. Furthermore, their depth of understanding of their own community allowed them to tailor the ‘voice’ of their campaigns, such that their ideas could be easily accessed by anyone in need of assistance. We truly believe that what they’ve created - even just at this first stage - could make a real difference to those affected by Fuel Poverty.’


Glen Allott, the Principal of Wayland Academy Norfolk added: ‘We’re deeply proud of our students for their innovative ideas and the care for their community they’ve shown today. It’s a true testament to both our students and our staff, that our students wish to use our in-school community ethos as a model to help those in the wider world. It’s also a privilege to not only show what our students are capable of in such a meaningful and impactful way, but also to put all their hard work and achievements to practical use in helping others.’ The project is set to continue in the Spring term, when the students will present their ideas to scientists and members of the local community. It is hoped that the campaign that is judged to be most effective by the gathered audience will become part of Community Action Norfolk’s own Fuel Poverty Awareness campaign. Matt J Bagley B.Eng. (Hons), M.A. Director of Doing Camouflaged Learning: Learning Through Doing, Education Through Action

Upcoming Projects



Children in Need On Friday 24th November, the Academy held a non-uniform day with donations of £1 going to Children in Need. Students had also been tasked with developing ideas to raise money for Children in Need and they didn’t let us down. From Netball Shoot-outs to Guess-the-Name-of-the-Teddy; from Tombolas to Milkshake Stands; from Pin-the-Patch-on-thePudsey to Cake Stalls, the ideas came thick and fast. The most amazing examples of active citizen were displayed. Students created all their own resources, spent time gathering equipment and prizes, manned stalls but topping it all was the generous donation of all the ingredients for the milkshakes by the students that ran the stall. Everything from milk to flavourings to cream was funded by them, until they ran out at which point Mrs Mihalop stepped in and generously topped up their supplies.


Huge congratulations to everyone who gave up their time to raise money for an excellent cause. The total amount raised so far stands at ÂŁ720 , and with several activities still to take place is set to rise.




Remembrance Parade Our Head Girl Jessica Russon and Head Boy Henry George represented Wayland Academy at the Watton Remembrance service on Sunday 12th November. They presented a beautiful wreath at the monument. A number of our students were also involved in the Remembrance parade through Watton Town centre as part of the Girl Guides, Army and Navy Cadets.

Hero House Fundraiser

‘They gave up their todays for our tomorrow’

Let’s work together to reduce waste!! Did you know that each year in the UK we throw away nearly 15 million tonnes of food and drink? Nearly half of this is perfectly good to eat! We are very excited to be working alongside Wayland Partnership on their fantastic new scheme, Norfolk’s first ever “Community Fridge”. Based at Wayland House, the fridge will be stocked with surplus food and available to everyone across the community. Wayland Academy has layered another waste saving idea – anything that is going to be thrown away from the fridge is now going to be collected and used to feed our chickens Hilda, Doris, Lucky and Hope. Our pupils are looking forward to starting our new project where they will learn more about waste and how to reduce it. Two of our students paid a visit to Watton Bakery to meet the owner and got a sneak preview of behind the scenes. They discovered that a 4am start is necessary to enable the baker to supply his customers with fresh bread and cakes. Daily surplus items that cannot be sold are then donated to the Community Fridge to avoid wastage. They also visited Wayland House to find out exactly how the Community Fridge scheme works; food which is still in date and edible is donated by local businesses and any member of the community can visit the fridge and take an item. Items need to be weighed and signed out to enable a record to be kept of the amount of food waste avoided.

Students from 8H have been extremely busy throughout November, making and selling poppies for a very special memorial tower. The idea ran alongside the British Legion Poppy Appeal, which the Academy supported again this year. However, students were able to buy unique poppies and write their own special message, on the back, to remember someone special in their lives. The poppies were then added to the memorial tower which was on display in reception. Students, from Hero House, wanted to do something to support their charity, Help for Heroes, and came up with the fundraising idea. With encouragement and support from their fantastic tutor, Mrs Beckwith, the whole tutor group got behind the idea and all got involved, working closely as a team to make it a huge success. They took on the various tasks, including making the garden, printing and cutting out the poppies and also selling them around the Academy. The other tutor groups in Hero House, organised stalls and events at break and lunchtime on Friday 10th November. Stalls varied from name the soldier to guess how many sweets were in the jar, lucky dips to cake stalls. A very popular addition was the hot chocolate café, where students enjoyed donuts and big mugs of steaming hot chocolate with squirty cream, marshmallows and chocolate sprinkles. Mmmm! A special thanks must go to Mrs George of Lincoln’s Coffee Shop in Hingham, for loaning us a hot water urn. The atmosphere in the hall was buzzing and the students support and generosity was overwhelming. Whilst the students got stuck in in the hall, the staff relaxed in the staffroom with a special coffee morning. Members of staff brought in cakes and were served by Mandy and Julie, at break, with teas and coffees. Again, all proceeds will be going to Help for Heroes. Money raised: 8H Poppy Tower - £34.46 Hot Chocolate Café - £61.41 Hero Stalls - £120.18 Staff Coffee Morning – 66.68 The grand total raised was a magnificent £282.73. BRILLIANT! I am extremely proud to be Head of Hero. Well done and a MASSIVE thank you to all who got involved. Miss Gooding



Bag2School Collection


Bag2School accept the following ‘good quality’ items for RE-USE: • Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s clothing • Paired shoes (tied together or elastic band around) • Handbags • Hats • Bags • Scarves and ties • Jewellery • Lingerie • Socks • Belts • Soft toys • Household linen •follow Curtains us on Facebook • Towels • Bedding (bed sheets, pillow cases and duvet covers)

They DO NOT accept: • Duvets and blankets • Pillows and cushions •C arpets, rugs and mats (including bath, shower and toilet mats) • Soiled, painted, ripped or wet clothing • School uniforms with and without logo • Corporate clothing and workwear • Textile off cuts, yarns or threaded material

ur next Bag 2School collection has been arranged for

Bag2School collection on 14th November 2017 saw parents dropping their bags of unwanted items. The collection weighed 140kg which converted to £56 for student funds and ECO Bugs. Wayland Academy will be holding another collection on 26th April 2017, we will send out some collection bags nearer the time or you are welcome to bring any of the following items into reception where we can store them until the collection date. Thank you for your continued support.

2nd November 2016

y questions - please ask your chool collection organiser

Mrs Ashby

School Uniform Swap Shop The Wayland Partnership would like to start a swap shop for school uniforms The idea is simple: if your child no longer needs their uniform or have grown out of it, bring it into the swap shop and swap it for the next size or another part of their uniform they might need.

BUT WE NEED YOU HELP! We cannot start the swap shop without some initial uniform donations. We need everything from shirts, trousers and skirts to jumpers and even PE kits. Please could your bring any donations into the Wayland Partnership reception (next to the police station in Watton high street). We will run the first swap shop on the 28th & 29th Dec and 2nd & 3rd Jan 2018 10am to 1pm at The Dragonfly Gallery, Wayland House, High St, Watton, IP25 6AR. If you have any questions please contact Sarah or Charlotte on 01953 883915


DT News

Product Design Weekly Diary It seems that the term has flown by this year; within the Design Technology and Art department we certainly have been kept very busy, it has been great to reflect weekly on the success and accomplishments of our students within our fantastic academy magazine 11th September It has definitely been a busy week in the DT and Art department; introducing new exciting projects to students, welcoming our Year 7s and continuing course work in Year 11. Within Year 11 Product design students have been making models of their final piece, this is an important stage as it allows students to develop their designs and test out key aspects. Its great to see Lewis Knight and Joe kemp testing their models.

9th October The department have just signed up to GoGo Hares 2018! We are so excited to be part of this great event presented by Break charity in partnership with Wild in Art. I know I cant wait to see the amazing designs and the final design that will decorate our very own Hare. Within Product Design Year 7 students have started producing designs for their Block Bot robots; I cant wait to see these finished. I also had the pleasure of visiting Mrs Allott’s year 7 art class today; they have been producing Mark making books as part of Jasper Jones project.

18th September This week I was lucky enough to pop into Mrs Allott’s Year 9 Art class; they were just starting their still life studies set around the theme of rubbish which was inspired by the work of Andy Warhol. I am looking forward to seeing the finished pieces, there are certainly some talented students in the class.

25th September. It’s been another jam packed week in the department, with photoshoots in photography inspired by the work of Steve McCurry, amazing designs in Product Design for the Ventura project and a visit to the Cranswick Country Foods for Year 10 Food and Nutrition students. We are also busy planning for ‘Black History week’ which will see students participating in some exciting activities, such as making paper dolls and creating block patterns.

2nd October This week we have been celebrating Black History Week in the department; we have completed lots of fun activities looking at the art work, designs, sculptures and inventors. Mrs Allott’s class produced sculptures inspired by African colours and tribes. I had a particularly enjoyable lesson looking at the inventions of Otis Boykin and Lonnie Johnson.


16th October We have been focusing on a range of topics as part of our Welfare days; it was great to see the work of Eddie and Kinga in Year 8 who both produced wonderful posters that focused on the Welfare topics we have been looking at in the Academy.

DT News 30th October Students in Year 7 & Year 8 have submitted their Art HLP’s via Product Design, there have been some fantastic entries and I’m eagerly awaiting to hear who the winners and runners up are. See some of the work over the page.

6th November Over the last two weeks all students in Product Design have been making ‘bottle poppies’ this project enables students to look at the importance of recycling and the properties of thermosetting and thermoset plastics, however at the same time it also allows us to produce poppies for Remembrance Sunday.

13th November This week staff were treated to a wonderful lunch by Year 10 Food and Nutrition students. The students provided staff with a delicious lunch of pumpkin and carrot soup, cheese rolls, gluten free rolls, and tarts for dessert. The presentation of the food was superb and it tasted as good as it looked. I actually ended up having two bowls of soup and two rolls as they were so nice. The following day staff also sampled the sausages that Cranswick Country Foods produced, based on the suggestion of students from their recent factory tour; the winning combination of Apricot and Moroccan Spice was amazing. I have heard that Cranworth Country Foods may start selling the sausages in their shop; I hope so as I know many of the staff would buy these.

20th November Students in Year 11 have been busy preparing for their mocks in Design Technology, Art and Photography. It was great to pop into Art today and see students working on still life pieces.


DT News

Students in Year 7 & Year 8 have submitted their Art HLP’s via Product Design


DT News


DT News


DT News



Ice Skating

Skill show

On Saturday 7th October, a group of Year 9s, 10s and 11s went to Nottingham to skate at the National Ice Centre and watch the Nottingham Panthers play Sheffield in the EIHL.

On Friday 17th November, two

The students had a great time on the ice, with most of them showing some pretty amazing skating skills. Despite expectations of heavy security, the transition across to the second ice pad was remarkably easy and we were soon settled in our seats watching the team warmups.

coaches of Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11 students set off from school at 6.30am en route to the NEC Birmingham for the annual Skills Show. The Skills Show is the nation’s largest

The Panthers played incredibly well and battled hard against arch rivals, the Sheffield Steelers throughout the game. Despite out shooting them by the incredible margin of 23:9, the Panthers went in to the first period break down by two goals. The second period was feisty, with several scuffles between Panthers’ #75 Gagnon and Steelers’ Fitzgerald, just as Zach Phillips scored for the home side. Shalla scored the second for the home side with just seven minutes left in the third, leading to a very tense finish. Sadly, despite a last minute penalty situation, it was just not the Panthers’ night; the bounces went the wrong way and the final score was 3:2 to the visitors.

skills, apprenticeships and careers event

The scoreline did not reflect the quality of the game, however, and the students had a fantastic day. The next trip will take place on Saturday 9th December; if you want to join us, pick up your letter now.

best of the best in vocational skills.

with exhibitors from five different key areas of employment: Construction and Logistics, Engineering and Technology, Health and Hospitality, Digital and Business and Creative and Design. It is also the venue for the national finals of the World Skills competition; an international competition showcasing the

Students had the chance to speak to employers, FE and HE providers and careers organisations, as well as being able to ’Have a Go’ at numerous hands-on job related activities across

Geography Lecture Trip

a wide range of industries. Our students had a great day and returned covered in glitter (from the

On the 20th of November me and a few other selected Year 11 geography students visited Dereham Sixth Form College to watch two lectures that were relevant to our GCSE course. I found it very interesting and I leant a few things that have given me extra information to include in my exams. It gave me an insight into the style of teaching that I will find when I go to university, this was useful because not everyone will enjoy this way and it will help them make a decision during college whether this is something they wish to do. This trip was very worthwhile as it was both informative and professional but fun at the same time. This has definitely got me excited about further education my future! Erin Dent H11


Media Makeup stalls) and exhausted (it’s a huge show and we always end up walking miles!).


Duke of Edinburgh Award Year 11 Early in September 12 bold students set out early on a Friday morning for the distant Malvern Hills on the Welsh border. They were there to complete their assessed expedition for their Silver Award. The next 4 days were I’m sure the students will agree the hardest but also perhaps some of the best days of their young lives. The expedition involved walking 60km with a heavy (though some peoples were heavier than others (Josh I’m looking at you!) pack containing all their food, camping equipment and a tent. The first day almost went wrong as I missed the junction (I’m only a geography teacher) but one in the right place the pupils set off on their own walking north towards the Malvern alongside the River Severn. The first night’s camping was in the excellent Camping and Caravan Site in Malvern where the hot showers were most welcome! Day two saw the pupils enjoying the stunning views from the top of Great Malvern before dropping down to a small farm campsite, that whilst basic, did have a family party being run by the owner, who saw the looks of martyrdom on the pupils faces (particularly the mixed group who were very late in) and took pity on them inviting them to join in! One hog roast and a lot of coke later the pupils went to bed happy! The final day saw a return over the Malverns back to the first campsite with the mixed group storming home in great time and the all-girl group walking in, in the dark and pouring rain but singing!! All twelve pupils completed their assessment. A really fabulous effort from them and the other staff involved. (Thank you Mrs McKie and Mr Machell).

Four of the Pupils have now completed their award and can proudly say they are D of E Silver Award Holders. They are: Emma Bambridge Emma Rear Charlotte Ross Jessica Russon The Pupils will get their Badges in the next couple of weeks, and other pupils are all nearly there (Come on you lot get your assessors reports in!). Year 10 D of E for Year 10 has kicked off with currently 28 signing up for their Silver award. If anyone suddenly feels they want to take part, they should come and see me, as whilst we are at capacity we might be able to squeeze one or two more on the minibus’s. Again well done Year 11. Mr Read D of E Manager Lead Professional in Geography.



Year 7 Residential On Wednesday 27th – Friday 29th September we took 60 Year 7 students to Bramley Lakes, Outdoor Activity Centre in Horsford near Norwich. Students took part in a number of adventurous activities including high ropes, zip line and mud run. All got thoroughly stuck in and faced each activity with enthusiasm and grit! Accommodation was in luxurious bell tents which most managed to keep spick and span. Many students got to know one another better and forged new friendships through the support they showed one another, and the teamwork that was required to complete the challenges posed. An enjoyable, if slightly muddy time was had by all including the staff. We’re looking forward to going back with our new Year 7 cohort in September 2018.




Performing Arts

After School Music Provision The Music Arts Project (MAP) have started their very successful ‘Open Access’ music clubs every Monday and Thursday 15:30-17:00.

‘Open Access’ Music Club Every Fortnight at Wayland Academy in the Music Room Monday and Thursday 3:30pm - 5pm Starting Monday 25th Sep 2017

This gives musical opportunities to students who already have or would like to develop an interest in music. This can involve live musical performances and even technology and compositional training. The clubs are staffed by MAP staff, who are all current performers and artists themselves, bringing their experiences and expertise of live performance and musical tuition to the clubs. It has already built a friendly and inviting environment for students to come together and work towards the main goal of furthering their musical knowledge as well as building new friendships and affiliations.

Claire Marie Pugh Dance Claire Marie Pugh has recently returned from the ISTD grand finals ballroom and Latin competitions. Claire came: 3rd Nationally in Silver Quickstep 3Rd Nationally in Silver Rumba 4th Nationally in Silver Gold Waltz Pairs 1st Nationally in Silver Gold Samba Pairs After attending qualifying competitions through the year as far as Kent, Southend, Kettering and Hemelhempsted, Claire then made it to the last 30, resulting in her dancing 18 rounds at the prestigious Blackpool venue. Claire has also taken part in the Suffolk championships. That is not it for Claire as she also has the ‘Pro Am Champions’ and the ‘Open Champions of Champions’ in January 2018!


Learn to play, perform, start a band or just jam! Delivered by Music Practitioners from the Music Arts Project

Performing Arts

Harry’s Dancing Success Harry started dancing in 2009, aged just four years. He entered his first competition in 2010, with then partner Maya Clarke. Since then, Harry has won over 100 trophies and medals and has travelled all over the country competing at Blackpool, including Blackpool Winter Gardens and the tower itself. He has taken 20 exams with IDTA and ISTD and has attended many charity events and festivals. In 2015, Harry competed in the World Championship in DisneyLand Paris and came 5th in the Latin solos. Harry appeared in a dance show at Potter Leisure Resort in 2014 where he met many of the Strictly Stars including James and Ola Jordan, Karen and Kevin Clifton and Anton Du Beke.

2017 has probably been Harry’s greatest year placed at two events with current partner Lucia Zagri known as “Champions of Tomorrow” and “Stars of the Future”. At the start of November, Harry attended his 7th Grand Finals in Blackpool when he was place 2nd in the Juveniles Latin Couples and 4th in the Ballroom. Harry now moves into the Junior level of competing when competitors are aged 12-16 years. Harry’s first competition will be the Suffolk Championships on the 20th November (look out in further issues for more of Harry’s journey).


Performing Arts

West End Dance MasterClass The Year 9 Performing Arts Dance students were put through their paces during a Musical Theatre Dance masterclass led by Megan Frances, a professional dancer currently starring in the highly acclaimed ‘Thursford Spectacular’. The students took part in a full warm up, technical dance exercises (kicks/turns) and then learnt some repertoire from the musical ‘CATS’. The dance students showed they could keep up the intensity and drive required for the piece. This was a fantastic opportunity for our students to work with professional dancers and gain an insight into the ‘Industry’. Megan graduated from Elmhurst School for Dance and during her graduate year performed with The Birmingham Royal Ballet, including Swan Lake (Birmingham Hippodrome and Chrysler Hall in Virginia, USA), The Dance House and Slaughter on 10th Avenue (South of England tour) as well as performing with Japan International Youth Ballet including performances of La Bayadere and the pas de deuxfrom Coppelia Act III. Megan has danced onboard The Queen Victoria, Cunard line and has also performed in Swan Lake with The English National Ballet (The Royal Albert Hall, London). Megan danced as part of the ballet chorus in the Premiere and Olivier award winning production Les Vêpres Siciliennes with The Royal Opera (The Royal Opera House, London) and again in the revival with The Danish National Opera in Copenhagen. She has also been part of The Snowman cast as the ‘Ice Princess’ at The Peacock Theatre in the West End, London and in various theatres around the UK. Toured Germany In ‘Best of Musical Starnights’ and most recently performed in ‘Thursford Christmas Spectcular’ TV Credits: The Other Wife (Gate Televisions Productions Ltd), After the Storm music video (Frogspawn Creative TV) Vivienne Westwood Anglomania video


U14s Netball Team reach the County Finals! Firstly, huge congratulations to the U14 Netball team for qualifying for the County Finals at the South Norfolk Area Tournment. On the day the team played brilliantly and won all their games bar one therefore qualified to go through as runners up. On Saturday 11th November the team travelled to the UEA Sportspark to meet nine other teams in the county finals tournament. After a nervous first game they went on to win the next few games comfortably. Unfortunately, the first match result meant we didn’t make it through to the semi final.

Sport News

The U14 meet Olympic Medalist The U14 girls hockey team were invited to Hewett Academy to play a 7-a-side tournament. They had the amazing opportunity of meeting Olympic Gold Medalist Helen Richardson-Walsh, who gave a talk to the students followed by a question and answer session. Students were able to take photos, hold the medal and ask Helen questions about her experiences and hockey career.

The team should be very proud of how far they came – it was a great achievement and experience for all. Well done girls. The team are - Emily Shedwell, Erin Taylor, Jess Gost, Aston Green, Alex Park, Libby Andrews, Amy Loke and Bronwyn Taylor.

Reeanna Cook After a nerve racking trial we are pleased to announce Reeanna Cook has been selected to play for the FA’s Norfolk Advanced Coaching Centre this season, alongside training with Norwich City’s Academy. Reeanna has made a huge impression since September as she has been carefully selected for a regional hub day and weekend. Reeanna would like to thank all the local businesses that sponsored her last season so she could continue training. Many thanks to Trell, Millprior, Silke Moxham, Catherine’s Beauty and Watton Junior Football Club.

I would also like to mention a huge thank you to Bethany Shaw for giving up her time on a Saturday to score for the Academy during the tournament – it was very much appreciated by all.

U16 Area & County Finals The U16 girls hockey team became South Norfolk Champions as they were undefeated at the area tournament against Wymondham College, Northgate, Neatherd and Old Buckenham. They qualified for the County Finals where they met Greshams, Langley, Norwich High School, KES and Aylsham. Congratulations go to the whole squad who made it through to the semi final stage. Thanks to Mel Vincent our satellite coach who umpired at the finals.


Sport News

U16 Rugby vs. Wymondham College U16 Rugby vs. Wymondham College 2nd XV. Tuesday 14th November Wymondham College 24, Wayland 17.

Jake Hirst H11

Kaleb Lake N11 (CAPTAIN)

Jovi Poole H11

Harry Harrison M11

Tries from Charlie Parrot, Lewis Hillier andWill Baird Parker. Conversion from Jovi Poole.

Lewis Hillier M11

Jamie Douglas H11

Connor Soame S11

Taylor Lurkins S10

Lewis Knights N11

Kalon Turley H11

Roman Cassidy N11

Callum Jolly N11

Rodrigo Braz H11

Adam Lucas S10

Will Baird-Parker S11

Charlie Parrott M10

Oliver Tilley N10


Sport News

South Norfolk League Football








Iceni Academy

LOST 4-1

Iceni Academy

DREW 1-1

Thetford Academy

LOST 10-0

Thetford Academy

DREW 3-3

Dereham Northgate

LOST (walkover)

Dereham Northgate

LOST 7-2

Dereham Neatherd B

LOST 2-0

Dereham Neatherd

WON 3-1

Wymondham High

Thurs 2nd Feb

Wymondham High

Wed 8th Feb

Wymondham College

TBC March

Wymondham College

TBC March





Iceni Academy

LOST 6-0

Iceni Academy

LOST 5-1

Thetford Academy

LOST 9-1

Thetford Academy

LOST 9-2

Dereham Northgate

LOST 8-1

Dereham Northgate

LOST 8-2

Dereham Neatherd

LOST 7-1

Dereham Neatherd

LOST 9-0

Wymondham High

Thurs 2nd Feb

Wymondham High

Wed 8th Feb

Wymondham College

TBC March

Wymondham College

TBC March



Iceni Academy

LOST 8-2

Thetford Academy

WON (walkover)

Dereham Northgate


Dereham Neatherd

DREW 1-1

Wymondham High

Thurs 9th Feb

Wymondham College

TBC March




Sport News

House Cross Country Results 2017 House Cross Country Results 2017 House Cross Country Results 2017

House Cross Country Results 2017



5000 4900




685 699


677 512



655 776





Total Points

Total Points























4600 4500 4400


4300 500


1143 850


















4200 4100










Boys Girls


Year & House

House Cross Country Results 2017















House 1400







YEAR 7 Hero















































YEAR 8 Boys






























YEAR 9 Boys




















Boys Girls Total

Merry Christmas and Best Wishes from all at Wayland Academy Hero
















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