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Achievement Evening 2012 Pages 4 to 6

Shakespeare for Schools Page 9

Art Department News Page 12

Year 10 Art G.C.S.E. students are all working very hard at the moment. They are looking at the theme of ‘Identity’. One of the tasks involves learning about the life and work of Leonardo da Vinci. Students are recreating his work using their own photographs.

part of the

Contents Welcome Page 3 Achievement Evening 2012 Pages 4 to 6

Platinum 2012 Page 15

Geography Trip to High Lodge Page 7

Year 7 Gold Page 15

Battle of the Bands Page 7 Festival of Literature for Young People Page 8 Enterprising Students Page 8 Shakespeare for Schools Page 9 Wayland Academy Summer School 2012 Page 10 World Skills Show Page 11 Operation Christmas Child Page 11 Art Academy news Page 12 Maths Achievement Awards Page 13 History Page 13 Public Services Page 13 Silver Expedition and Navigation Training Day Page 14


Bronze Crest Award Page 15

Sports Pages 16 to 17 Library and Information Centre Page 18 Unitas Reading Programme Page 18 D&T Challenge Page 18 Modern Foreign Languages Page 20 The International Club Page 21 Peer Mentors Page 21 School Council Page 21 Science Club Page 21 ECO BUGS Pages 22 to 23 Dates for your Diary Page 24 News from Reception Page 24 Lost Property Page 24 Page 24


Year 10 Art G.C.S.E. students are all working at the theme of ‘Identity’. One of the tasks in Leonardo da Vinci. Students are recreating his

“The partnership with Transforming Education in Norfolk (TEN) goes from strength to strength”

part of the

The new era arrives! I must start by mentioning how proud I am of our students. The new uniform has had a real impact and wherever I go across the community it is still being spoken about. Similarly, changes to the academy continue with an internally refurbished reception area which will be improved further during the spring term with a new frontage. We also hope to re-model our dining area to create more seating room for students. Whilst there has been a delay on the cashless catering system we are hoping to launch this soon, which will create a much quicker service in the dining area. The wall art (featured in the EDP and local papers) still continues to attract interest from across the county and has been a real success in reaffirming our values and the importance we place on all our students. The partnership with Transforming Education in Norfolk (TEN Group) goes from strength to strength and

the quality of service received by the school has been outstanding. Our work with Watton Junior School is also growing, with more subject links and a greater input from our Leadership team to support the efforts and hard work of Mr Hadjigeorgiou and all his staff.

sixth forms or college, which is a fantastic achievement, worthy of all the hard work of our staff. I think you would agree in the current economic climate this is a vital outcome and gives all our students a greater chance of employment and success in the future.

Our students took part in ‘Shakespeare for Schools’ at Norwich Playhouse on 7th November performing a fantastic version of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. We have also had a ‘Battle of the Bands’ evening and now planning is going into a possible craft fair.

Whilst our ‘Children in Need’ day on 16th November was fairly quiet, we had a special day of events and activities to raise funds for the charity linked to Derryn Blackwell, ‘The Do Everything Foundation’, supporting children with rare forms of cancer. We wish Derryn and his family our very best wishes, he is an amazing young man with incredible spirit and determination.

Our annual Achievement Evening, which also celebrated our Academy status and our partnerships with City College Norwich and City Academy Norwich within the TEN Group was an extremely successful and enjoyable evening. Each ex-student received a graduation booklet to commemorate the event and their excellent achievements last summer. We are pleased to say that 99% are currently in training,

Finally, thank you to all parents/ carers for your continued support of the Academy. Both staff and governors at Wayland Academy wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Michael Rose Headteacher


t n e m e v e i h c A 2 1 0 2 g n i n e v E Wayland Academy Norfolk celebrates its outstanding students The achievements of more than 70 students were celebrated last night at Wayland Academy Norfolk’s Achievement Evening for students who completed Year 11 this summer. Joining proud parents and teachers in marking the students’ successes was former Education Secretary, The Rt Hon Baroness Shephard of Northwold JP DL, Gillian Shephard. This awards evening provided a fitting way to round off an outstanding year for the Academy’s former Year 11 students, who collectively achieved Wayland Academy Norfolk’s best ever results. Ninety nine per cent of this year’s 142 completing Year 11 students have successfully gone on to sixth form study, college, apprenticeships or employment. The evening saw 74 students presented with awards to mark the completion of their GCSEs and BTEC courses. Twenty four students were presented with employer-sponsored awards to recognise excellence in individual subject areas. 4

The following four special achievement awards were presented to students whose contribution and achievements have stood out: • The Academy Award for Progress sponsored by LegacyHub was presented to Josh Bill for his hard work and mature attitude to work that allowed him to achieve above everyone’s expectations. • The Academy Award for Contribution to School Life (in memory of Pamela Whiteley) sponsored by Franked Ventures was presented to Anna Harrison for performing her Head Girl duties with maturity beyond her years and being an excellent peer model for others to look up to. • The Academy Award for Academic Excellence (in memory of Ian Palgrave Brown) sponsored by Farrows went to Lauren Symons, who achieved 8 A* and A grades in her GCSEs. • The Headteacher’s Award sponsored by Transforming Education in Norfolk (TEN Group) was given to Alastair Codling for being an outstanding student and showing determination and endeavour beyond his years.

Michael Rose, Headteacher of Wayland Academy Norfolk commented: “These awards not only celebrate the many successes of our students but also their outstanding achievement across all subjects, as well as giving important recognition to those who contributed to the learning community in many different ways. The Class of 2012 was the year group who set records and helped launch the new Academy and I am incredibly proud of their achievements.” “I would like to thank our employer award sponsors and Baroness Shephard for their support in helping to make this an extra special celebration of the students’ considerable achievements.” The Rt Hon Baroness Shephard of Northworld, said: “Wayland Academy Norfolk has always been at the centre of its community and enormously supported by Watton and the surrounding villages, and that of course is part of its success now.

“Mr Rose is an inspirational Head of the Academy who has lit up the education world in this part of Norfolk. I would like to congratulate the young people themselves on their achievements. Because they have been at this Academy, with its strong partnerships and its support, all of them are going to be able to achieve whatever they want.” Headteacher’s Award winner Alastair Codling, 17, who and is now studying A Levels in Geography, History, Sports Studies and Human Biology at Dereham Sixth Form said:

“To receive the Headteacher’s Award is amazing and I feel privileged to have been awarded it. My time at Wayland Academy has definitely excelled me as an individual and has got me ready for later on in life.” Anna Harrison, 16, who won the Award for Contribution to School Life in memory of Pamela Whiteley and is now studying A Level Fine Art, Business Studies, Art Textiles, Classical Civilisation and GCSE Latin at Wymondham High School added:

“I feel very happy to have won the Award for Contribution to School Life Award. I wasn’t expecting it and I feel very proud of myself. My experience as Head Girl was that it involved a lot of work but it was good fun and I especially enjoyed organising events such as our Prom. My time at Wayland Academy has been amazing.”

“Because they have been at this Academy, with its strong partnerships and its support, all of them are going to be able to achieve whatever they want.”


emy’s Wayland Acad

t n e m e v e i h c A 2 1 0 2 g n i n e v E The full list of Subject Award winners is as follows: Maths Award

Sophie Shaw

English Award Amy Hammond English Literature Award

Amy Denton

Science Award

Sam Hogan

BTEC Science Award

Georgia Chapman

German Award

Charlotte Franke

French Award

Megan Kennedy

Geography Award

Suskia Gerrard

History Award in memory of Nicola Smith

Craig Ling

Religious Education Award

Alastair Codling

Food Technology Award

Liam Voutt

DT Graphic Products Award

Charlotte Franke

DT Resistant Materials Award

Connor Mulcahy

DT Textiles Award

Erin Duncan

ICT Award

Suskia Gerrard

Art and Design Award

Rebecca Wilkinson

BTEC Dance Award

Rosie Clark

BTEC Sport Award

Connor Mulcahy

BTEC Public Services Award

Liam Eagling

BTEC Media Award

Megan Kennedy

BTEC Hospitality Award

Gabrielle Bayley

BTEC Construction Award

Shane Binks

BTEC Engineering Award

James Ashford

Public Services Diploma Award

Nicole Cockell

The Subject Award Prizes were sponsored by Adcock & Sons, Arden Kendall, City College Norwich, Clayland Estates Ltd, Inner Wheel Club, Mrs Harrand, Richard Crabtree, Gribs Design, VPH Roofing, Watton Town Council, Watton & District Rotary Club, Wayland Partnership and Weco Engineering.


Thank you to all staff, students and sponsors for making this event such a great success.

Geography Trip to High Lodge Band Night

The Year 11 Geography Group ventured in the name of Science to High Lodge to complete their controlled assessment. Students were given a brief about the treacherous conditions and their task was to determine whether High Lodge’s current activities were sustainable for the future. Students were briefed about the risk of man eating squirrels and potential adverse weather; Sam Weaver set a fine example covering his entire exterior in thick thermal clothing. Battling against the elements we attempted to measure footpath cross section, environmental quality and sustainability. It was fortunate for the group that weather conditions improved throughout the day. As a group we collected lots of data about High Lodge which would help us to write clear conclusions. Some students were so pleased with their data collection that they wanted to return to High Lodge the following Saturday to gather even more data.

This was a fantastic opportunity for all students to take part in a live performance on stage at Wayland Academy Norfolk.

After this exercise we had lunch and students were given free time to explore the activities at High Lodge (Mr Orchard impressed the group with his quality corned beef and cheese sandwiches at this point). Some students spent time enjoying the music trail whilst others spent time on the play area, this gave the group a taste of what High Lodge was really like. Leading through the vast wilderness of High Lodge Mr Rowe took students back to the coach for 2.30pm. It was a good day out and it improved Year 11’s understanding of fieldwork.

This was an evening performance that also featured outside professional bands/musicians. There was a range of acts featuring extremely talented musicians and singers. Alongside the professional bands, students formed their own bands or individual performances. These performances also included musical repertoire performances on piano and even a ‘Tyros’. There will be more up and coming band nights planned throughout the year. The next one will take place on Friday 25th January 2013.


Festival of Literature for Young People The University of East Anglia (UEA) is holding a Festival of Literature for Young People (FLY) from 8th to 12th July 2013. It will include an extensive programme of events such as workshops, author readings, performance poetry, film screenings and many more exciting and interactive activities. One of the main aims of the festival is to encourage young people’s engagement with literature of all genres and cultural forms. The festival will build on the celebration of Norwich being named UNESCO’s first English City of Literature, and UEA’s globally recognised Queen’s Anniversary Prize winning Creative Writing programme. Wayland Academy has already been approached with a view to our students being involved. It is an amazing opportunity for students to not only attend but gain some experience behind the scenes, which will be extremely valuable especially for those who have a particular

Enterprising students A group of Enterprise pupils had the opportunity to attend a design competition at the StartUp Lounge in City College Norwich. Pupils spent the morning designing an ‘app’ for a target audience of their choice and then had to present at the end of the session. Pupils plan to take the ideas from this session and deliver this to other pupils.





interest in Literature, English, Media and related subjects. Students will be invited to attend focus meetings to help tailor the content of the event. The results of these will benefit all young people who attend the festival. Another exciting element is that the UEA will be recruiting students from Years 10-12 to be part of their Media Team as Festival Reporters. C








This will involve writing articles, film making, photography, blogging and other aspects of media and journalism. Festival reporters will have the opportunity to take part in training for the role, and will be mentored extensively by UEA staff and students. There will be an application process in the New Year and the successful candidates will gain valuable work experience!

Shakespeare for Schools

Shakespeare for School lists Took part in the performance on Wednesday night Haydn Moore Tia Gort Sam Bray Ollie Mowles Timothy Allen Megan Taylor Kayleigh Eagling Jodie Tucker Callum Peel Elise Green Natasha Cowles Myles Platt Josh Walker Lily Pollit Jacob Poole Shannon Howard Catherine Abram Danielle Abram Jackson Cutts Erin Stasiorowski Amy Studer Abigail Evans Josephine Rumer

On Wednesday 7th November, 24 students took part in the Shakespeare for Schools festival, a nationally recognised and prestigious event. The students performed a 30 minute abridged version of Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’, live on stage at the Norwich Playhouse. The students learned and experienced how to take part in a full technical rehearsal and also took part in cast workshops

to develop their understanding of Shakespeare.

Ran the lighting board at the theatre Karl Duke

One student, Karl Duke, was responsible for running the lighting board and working alongside professional lighting technicians to light the performance.

Took part in rehearsals but could not take part in the show Chelsea Burcham Liam Burley

The students were initially cast in May 2012 and worked hard to produce an outstanding performance alongside two other Norfolk Schools that evening.

Marketing Team Nick Moth (Marketing Manager) Curtis Tortice Sam Wheeler Sarah Pawsey


WAYLAND ACADEMY SUMMER SCHOOL 2012 Wayland Academy was successful in their bid for a grant from the Department for Education to run a two-week Summer School for 23 Year 7 pupils transitioning up to the Academy. A programme was designed by Mrs Sue Lee (Parent Support Adviser) offering a wide range of activities and events that related to a wide variety of educational subjects – some were school based and some were situated off-site. The Summer School also provided the pupils with the opportunity to prepare for their time at Wayland Academy and to make new friends, ensuring a positive transition. The successful pupils attending the Summer School visited the Theatre Royal to watch the musical ‘Oliver’; they were also invited to visit backstage and Mr Jean Du Spuy Musical Director of ‘Oliver’ visited the Academy and held a drama and musical workshop. The pupils spent the day learning about Africa and created some beautiful African masks and then learnt to play Djembe African Drums; some terrific rhythms and very loud noise came forth! The pupils also attended two workshops run by ‘Dean the


Art Wizard’ who has appeared on Blue Peter on BBC television; the students designed and created animals and using cameras and a large background placed on the floor they recorded an animated movie based on the theme of Evolution which has been produced onto DVD. They also created two large sculptures of a dragonfly and ladybird using metal frames stuffed with recycled carrier bags and covered with coloured gaffer tape. These are currently on display in the school library but will be putting in appearances around the Cluster and hopefully in the Forum Library, Norwich. The pupils also visited Bewilderwood to help unlock their imaginations for some creative writing and for a boat trip on the ‘Southern Comfort’ a Mississippi paddle steamer on Horning Broad; lots of wonderful wildlife was spotted including a wonderful heron who posed for us! Other activities and events also took place such as a Forensic Science day and two days of sport and orienteering; following these two weeks the students had built up friendships, could find their way around the school and had built up their confidence and self-esteem. This was a very successful event and Wayland are hoping that this grant will be available again for 2013.

World Skills Show 2012 Students had the opportunity to attend the World Skills Show at the NEC in Birmingham. The Skills Show is a unique annual celebration that aims to inspire students with exciting opportunities in further education, skills and Apprenticeships. Students were inspired by skills in action as the best of the nation’s young talent perform at the WorldSkills UK Competitions; they had a chance to have a go at new skills, get up to the minute careers advice, access Apprenticeships and real job opportunities from employers.

Operation Christmas Child Pupils have made a fantastic contribution to the Shoebox appeal, collecting over 50 boxes that will be sent to disadvantaged children abroad.


Art Department news The Theyear year88students studentshave havebeen beenlooking lookingatatConceptual Conceptual Art Artthrough throughthe thetheme themeofofMaps. Maps.


An Anexample examplethey theylooked lookedand andworked workedininthe the of Art GCSE students 1. style Ystyle ear of 10 is…. is…. are all working very hard

at the moment. They are United UnitedShapes Shapesof ofAmerica America(maps (mapsdrawn drawnby by Las Las at the theme of looking Vegas VegasTeenagers) Teenagers) ‘Identity’. One of the tasks involves learning about the Kim KimDingle Dingle life and work of Leonardo 1991 1991 da Vinci. Students are recreating his work using The year 8 students have been looking at Conceptual their own photographs. Artyear through the theme of Maps. The 8 students have been looking at Conceptual

all working very hard at the moment. They are looking healltasks involves the life and work working verylearning hard at about the moment. They areoflooking creating hisinvolves work using their own photographs. the tasks learning about the life and work of

Art through the theme of Maps.

The year 8 students have been looking at Conceptual An example they looked and worked in the style of Thelooked yearand 8 students have looking Art through the theme of Maps. Anis…. example they worked in the style been of


recreating his work using their own photographs.

Art through the theme of Maps.

at Conceptual

2. Thank to Gressenhall drawnyou by Las worked in the style lending of Museum for once again the Art department 8 stuffed The(maps students enjoyed 1991 United Shapesbirds. of America drawn by Las Art G.C.S.E. students areallall hard the moment. They are looking yearworking 8 students have looking atat Conceptual 2.Year 10 3.very been drawing them in a variety of new Year 10 Art G.C.S.E. students areThe working very hard at the moment. They are lookingVegas Teenagers) Art through the theme of Maps. at of ‘Identity’. ‘Identity’.One Oneofofthe thetasks tasks involves learning about of at the the theme theme of involves learning about the the life life and and workwork of Kim Dingle and experimental ways, e.g. Anrecreating example they looked and worked in the style of own photographs. Leonardo da Vinci. Vinci. Students Studentsare arerecreating his work using their Leonardo da his work using their own photographs. is…. 1991 using their non-dominant hand United Shapes of America (maps drawn by Las or without looking. An example they looked and worked in the style of is…. United Shapes of America (maps

United Shapes of America (maps drawn by Las An example they looked and Vegas Teenagers) Vegas Teenagers) United Shapes of America (maps drawn by Las Kim Dingleis…. Kim Dingle Vegas Teenagers) 1991 Kim Dingle 1991

Vegas Teenagers) Kim Dingle 1991

Workby by Work EllaSmy, Smy,Tamika TamikaBustin, Bustin, Ella Work by Work by Chloe Lee, Danielle Chloe Lee, Danielle Ella Smy, Tamika Bustin, Ella Smy, WorkTamika by Bustin, Chloe Lee, Danielle Lee,Smy, Danielle Abram Tammy LevinBustin, Abram &&Chloe Tammy Levin Ella Tamika Abram & Tammy Levin

The year 8 student Art through the the

An example they lo is….

Abram & Tammy Levin Chloe Lee, Danielle

Abram & Tammy Levin

Work by Ella Smy, Tamika Bustin, Chloe Lee, Danielle Abram & Tammy Levin

United Shapes of Vegas Teenagers) Kim Dingle 1991

Work by

Ella Smy,have Tamika Bustin, 3. The Year 8 students Chloe Lee, Danielle been looking atAbram Conceptual & Tammy Levin Art through the theme of Maps. An example they looked and worked in the style of is United Shapes of America (maps drawn by Las Vegas Teenagers) Kim The Art department is looking forward to going on a trip to the Dingle, 1991 (ABOVE). Work Sainsbury Centre this Autumn. by Ella Smy, Tamika Bustin, The Art department is looking forward to going on a trip to the Chloe Lee, Danielle Abram Sainsbury Centre this Autumn. & Tammy Levin The Art department is looking

or one again lending the Art department 8 stuffed birds. 4. and experimental ways, e.g. using in a variety of new looking.

for one again lending the Art department 8 stuffed birds. m in a variety of new and experimental ways, e.g. using ut looking.

The Art department is looking forward to going on a trip to the Sainsbury Centre this Autumn.

forward to going on a trip to the Sainsbury Centre this Autumn.

Thank you to Gressenhall Museum for one again lending the Art department 8 stuffed birds. The students enjoyed drawing them in a variety of new and experimental ways, e.g. using Thank you to Gressenhall for one again lending the Art department 8 stuffed birds. their non-dominant hand orMuseum without looking.

4. The Art department enjoyed the trip to the Sainsbury Centre this Autumn.

The students enjoyed drawing them in a variety of new and experimental ways, e.g. using TheArt Artdepartment departmentisislooking looking The their non-dominant hand or without looking.

forwardtotogoing goingon onaatrip triptotothe theThe Art department is looking forward SainsburyCentre Centrethis thisAutumn. Autumn. forward to going on a trip to the Sainsbury Sainsbury Centre this Autumn.


The Art department is l forward to going on a t

Maths Achievement Awards for Autumn 1 MATHS SET



7 Ma 1 7 Ma 2 7 Ma 3 7 Gold 8 Ma 1 8 Ma 2 8 Ma 3 8 Ma 4 8 Ma 5 8 Gold 9 Ma 1 9 Ma 2 9 Ma 3 9 Ma 4 9 Ma 5 9 Ma 6 10 Ma 1 10 Ma 2 10 Ma 3 10 Ma 4 10 Ma 5 10 Ma6 11 Ma 1 11 Ma 2 11 Ma 3 11 Ma 4 11 Ma 5 11 Ma 6 11 Ma 7

David Batty Abigail Street Lia Jones Joey Ivory Joseph Burnage Jasmine Seppings Rebecca Gibson Emily Beaumont Jakob Borgognoni Macaulay Groom Samuel Holland Zivile Zukauskaite Sophie Ashmore Portia Soame Cara Bevilacqua Joanna Oliver Bethany James Todd Pitcher Lee Grix Rafaela Lourenco Hollie-Ann Everitt Nicholas Moth Ellis Shelton Bethany Watts Paulina Igelska Travis Hewett Megan Newson Loren Taft Jake Duffield

Cameron McIlwaine Chelsea Alderton-Spells Maisie Brown Natalia Sopiela Kade Bond Jonathan Breen Chloe Lee Liliana Feher Taylor Cassidy Vanessa Thomas Jessica Palmer Megan Hassey Tyler Cadwell Charlie Jones Daniel Ling Jennifer Collins Ethan Stoker Sian Tucker Adam Westwood Jordan Chipperfield James Argent Agne Virketyte Nathan Foreman Mollie Hort Aime Smith Ben Field Lennie Head Terry Palmer Lauren Moore

Public Services This year the BTEC Public Services course has been lucky enough to spend time with a variety of Public service professionals. They have included the Police, Ambulance Service, the Borders Agency, the Prison Service, Army, Navy and a visit to a working Fire Station. We would just like to say thank you to those professionals for their time and expert knowledge, it has been invaluable and many of our students are now applying to continue their Public Service qualifications at college and join their chosen service. Well done guys and girls and good luck with everything.

History The History department is excited about the trip to the WWI Battlefields in Belgium and France in the New Year. It will be a 3 day trip predominantly for Year 9 students, which will include war graves, museums, the trenches and the Belgian chocolate shops! The trip is taking place Wednesday 27th February to Friday 1st March 2013.


Silver Expedition and Navigation training day Sunday 21st October 2012 On this day 18 Silver candidates took part in a range of activities to revise and improve their expedition skills. The candidates are in 3 expedition groups for this year, one boys one girls and one mixed group. In the first session the groups discussed expedition kit and clothing, how to pack it all effectively, how to keep it all weatherproof, and how to fit rucksacks comfortably. Next the group practiced putting up and getting down an expedition tent in an imaginary downpour scenario which needs very good timing and teamwork.


Next came discussions about food in terms of weight, cooking time, packaging, food value and the group got to look at many possible food options. Lunchtime was spent cooking many different, mainly dehydrated meals and sampling them for quality, most of the group were very positive and keen to try everything. In the afternoon the group learned about measuring distance with pacing and how to walk successfully for a short distance on a bearing. These skills may come in useful in poor weather and low visibility. All the groups managed to find various objects I had placed on the field using this skill.

Upcoming Silver events Silver Route planning day in the computer room Sunday 13th January 2013 9.30am to 3.30pm Silver DofE Practice Expedition – Derbyshire Tuesday 9th April to Friday 12th April 2013 Silver DofE Qualifying Expedition – Derbyshire/ Staffordshire - Tuesday 28th May 2013 to Friday 31st May

Platinum 2012 Platinum 2012 (Year 10) are beginning work on a full size reconstruction of a World War One Trench to be used as a whole-school History and Literacy Resource. They are researching the period, constructing a scale model as a guide, and have begun the dig at the back of the school garden area. This project is expected to take the next two years to complete.

Bronze Crest Award Over 50 Year 9 students are to take part in the Bronze Crest Award this term in Textiles. This follows on from the success in previous years with students receiving the Award from the British Science Association. Wayland Academy is the only school in Norfolk to do the Award in Textiles Technology. Textiles Technology in Wayland Academy is once again celebrating outstanding success in GCSE with 6A* and 3A Grades from 20 students with some of these students achieving some of the highest marks in the country.

Year 7 Gold Year 7 Gold have settled in really well, to Wayland Academy life. This term we have been studying a theme of ‘Journeys’ and looked at the history of Watton, including the famous story of ‘Babes in the wood’. There has been a selection of presentations from various people including Mr Rose on holiday destinations and personal journeys. The students have also created a book on their own favourite journeys and enjoyed creating our very own airport ‘Skyfall International Airport’ flying Devils jet planes. The students are working together on a dramatic production on the launch of our new airline.

The students will be dressing up to characterise holidaymakers and David Beckham to open the airline. They are also producing their very own news channel, ‘Ten @ Ten news’ All their work will be on display in room 26 for you to come along and have a look!


Sports at Wayland Academy Norfolk South Norfolk Football RESULTS vs. METHWOLD


U14 Hockey results so far

vs. Diss Lost 1-0 vs. ASHS Won 1-0 vs. Northgate Won 2-0 vs. Attleborough Won 1-0 SQUAD: Holly Salih Polly Batty Billie-Jo Bailey Megan Hassey Haidee Anscombe Amy Church Enola Cuffe Lily Devlin Lily Pollit Maisee Shiplee Georgina Smith Kate Harrison Tamika Bustin Charlotte Clubb










HOME Lost 10 – 0

Round 1: BYE





HOME Lost 4 – 3


HOME Won 8 – 0




Drew 2 – 2


Won 8 – 0





HOME Lost 8 – 2




Lost 4 – 3




HOME Lost 6 – 3








Lost 5 – 2 TBA

HOME Won 6 – 2










Lost 11 – 2



vs. Wymondham High Lost 3-0






HOME Lost 2 – 1







Round 1: vs HOBART



U14 Rugby team in the new kit Provided by Birds Sports and paid for by Friends of Wayland Academy

Rowing Congratulations to all the rowers who represented Wayland at the Breckland Trials. The following pupils qualified to represent Breckland in the County Finals: Amy Studer Year 8 Max Thompson Year 9 Sian Tucker Year 10 Joe Russell Year 10


LIBRARY AND INFORMATION CENTRE We are continuing to improve the ambience of the library; outdated stock has been parcelled up and collected by City College Norwich who have arranged for these books to be passed on to the charity ‘Better World Books’ (www.betterworldbooks.co.uk). We are continuing to develop a ‘Reading for Pleasure’ area and the squashy beanbags have been a great success. The new interactive whiteboard has enabled the showing of films and presentations and has proved popular with all. The students in Y7 have participated in the annual ‘Book Buzz’ event. They all chose a book from a wide ranging list of genres and ‘Don’t Wipe your Bum with a Hedgehog’ by Mitchell Symons was the most popular choice! The students would like to say a HUGE thanks to Mr Rose for arranging the funding. Various activities took place during our annual ‘Book Week,’ the most exciting being the visit by Alex Scarrow, author of the ‘TimeRiders’ series. Alex gave a talk about his books with some very cool slides and an even cooler trailer; this was followed by a short reading from his first book and a game-show 18

style history quiz, with buzzers, and prizes. The morning finished with an opportunity for students to purchase copies of his books and to have them autographed and personalised. Staff and students jostled (politely!) to get in first! We were also fortunate to receive a visit from the Norfolk Children’s Book Centre and many Christmas gifts were purchased by staff, students and visitors from our local primary schools. Students from Years 7 and 8 represented Wayland Academy at the ‘Kids’ Lit Quiz’ held at the City of Norwich School. It was a great opportunity to meet students from other schools and also to show off our literary knowledge! Thanks to Ms Street for organising the event. Over the last term, the library has been the focus of ‘Paired Reading’ sessions; students have been sharing books with student and staff mentors with great success. Many are keen to be involved, either to improve their reading confidence and understanding, or in helping to assist; more students are ready to begin next term. This Reading culture’ is becoming an important part of school life and Mrs Barnett would like to thank the staff and student mentors for giving up their time on a daily basis.

UNITAS Reading Programme Several of our students have joined the UNITAS reading programme. This involves students and mentors spending 20 minutes per day, several days of the week, in paired reading, which improves reading confidence and understanding of a variety of different texts.

Pupils view points I’m a mentor on the UNITAS reading programme and I thoroughly enjoy it. I love reading myself and I think it’s a great form of escapism. Therefore I wanted to put forward my love of reading to someone else and see if I could help them. I’ve found that the more I read when I was younger, I got better and I enjoyed it more too. Bethany James Year 10

I didn’t like reading before I started UNITAS in the library with my reading mentor Lily Wilson, she has helped me an awful lot with developing my skills in reading and understanding what’s going on. I’ve learnt how to sink myself into the story and I’ve learnt how to break big words up and sound them out. I now love reading since I’ve started this UNITAS and I even read more at home and put my hand up to read aloud in every opportunity I have. I used to be very shy and I hated reading out loud and hated everything about reading but now I try to make 100% attendance and do my very best in reading.

D&T Challenge Well done to all pupils who have entered the ALU D&T Competition. Pupils have worked hard to produce a design solution for an outdoor space that uses Aluminium in a creative, innovative and realistic way. We will be hearing from the competition organisers in January. Good Luck!

I spoke to Lily before this and I feel not only has she helped me with my reading skills but I’ve gained a new friend. By Sophie Ashmore Year 9


Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) This Term the MFL students have been enjoying their lessons especially German speed dating and using the interactive white board to learn the weather in French. They have also been doing role plays and using the internet and the library to research MFL (modern foreign languages). Keep a look out in our next issue for the photos from our trip to the German Christmas Markets. Wayland enjoys taking students


to sample the language, culture and sites of foreign lands. 46 students ventured off to Germany in a luxury coach, where they stayed in D端sseldorf, in a modern Youth Hostel with en suite facilities, staying in rooms of 4 to 6. During their stay they visited Cologne and the Cathedral, a Christmas market, an historic museum, ice-skating, shopping and the theme park Phantasialand. This gave the students an invaluable opportunity to use their German language.

Year 8 were assessed on their speaking skills at the end of Autumn 1. They had to work in groups to present a room make-over programme. Three of the girls filmed their programme with the result being a very professional TV programme which was shown to other Year 8 classes.

The International Club Come and join us in the library for some fun and games. Every week is different. Be creative! Be international! Be part of it. We play games, create crafts, chat, laugh... and much more! The International Club was started by Mrs Thiel to bring together our many nationalities represented at Wayland Academy. The plan is for students to come together and have fun, learn about different cultures and enjoy each others’ company.

Peer Mentors

School Council

Peer Mentors is a student organisation run by Year 11 pupils who aim to help younger students in the school if they do not feel comfortable talking to a teacher about their problems.

The School Council is made up of students from each Form and House, which are Form representatives and senior prefects.

It also offers students help with homework and a place to hang out with friends. We are based in Mrs Thuell’s room (room 7) at lunchtimes! If you have any queries, see Ellis Shelton (M1) or Mrs Thuell. Don’t be afraid to come along to see what we’re about—hot chocolate, biscuits and games are provided! MONDAYS Homework help and problems! FRIDAYS Social day!

The School Council meets every Term as a whole to discuss problems and issues that have been raised from forms or topics that need to be discussed. Once the School Council has made a decision, the decision is taken to senior management for their consideration and for further action. One of the successful schemes the School Council has made is the Peer Mentoring Scheme. This scheme is for students to go and see other older students to talk to them and get help from them. The peer mentoring scheme is a great success and will continue to be. The School Council still continues to discuss problems and help the Academy.

The Wayland Academy Science Club The Wayland Academy Science Club for Year 7 pupils is a great success. The scientists have created blue cobalt crystals, built and tested crash test cars with eggy passengers

and using a limited amount of materials they had to make boats to see how much cargo they could carry before they sank. They will also be making soap, bath bombs and methane rockets!


E BU C GS O Support Your School Recycling Scheme We are still collecting old mobile phones and ink/toner cartridges for recycling; these raise funds for our group. Please drop any items off at Reception.

Earth Restoration Service – our trees go to new homes The ERS School Tree Nurseries Programme and the School Flutter Flower Programme are providing a service to both the community and the environment by helping children in schools to learn about the environment and to plant trees and create wildflower meadows in order to restore their local degraded habitats.

Here at Wayland Academy we took delivery of 25 Lime and 25 Rowan trees two years ago, these have been growing in our tree nursery bed and we’re delighted to now see them off to their new homes, Great Hockham Primary, Hingham Primary, Thompson Primary and Great Hockham Parish Council are amongst those who are receiving trees to plant.


So what does our garden grow in winter?

We wish to say a huge thank you to Andrew Harrold, Tree Surgeon, for his donation of woodchip for our garden paths, your support is much appreciated Andrew.

We’ve raked and prepped the vegetable beds and those that are not over wintering produce or flowers are now set to green manures, these are a winter crop that will keep the weeds suppressed, keep our beds filled and help fix nitrogen in their roots, feeding the next crop after we dig them in early next year. Many work well in heavy clay soils so are a great winter option.

If you’re a keen gardener and would like to see what we grow and how we grow it then please get in touch, if we have enough interest we’ll have an open day!

We’ve also planted winter onions, garlic, broadbeans and peas, these should all withstand the colder months.

Bev Page Community Education Worker DD 01953 858929


Finally wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and New Year and thanking those who have helped, donated and supported us through 2012.

Helping Hands! We must say a huge THANK YOU to Bradley and Dan Sharp who have made our new Seaside Garden area possible. The brothers gave up time in the summer holidays to come in and help imagine and create the garden we now have. The Horticulture Group had previously planted up the old boat, Bradley and Dan helped to paint the old shed front, now named ‘the beach hut’, we created a flag pole and rigging for the boat, we salvaged the ‘pirates privy’ door and the boys re-vamped this, and even made the fishing rod. We must also mention fixing wardrobe doors, putting up bat and bird boxes galore, putting up guttering and woodwork to create a living wall at the rear of our cob oven shelter, fixing gates, putting up signs and varnishing slates to name a few jobs that have been done over the past few months. Heartfelt thanks to you both, you really have gone the extra mile for us!

Let’s talk Chicken! We finally have names; we are Daisy, Sheila and Paige. Congratulations to Molly from Wayland Academy and Freya from Little Diggers who named us; both have received prizes.


Dates for your diary DECEMBER FRI 21ST – Academy closes at 3.15pm for Christmas Holiday JANUARY MON 7TH – Staff Development Day TUE 8TH – Students return SUN 13TH – DofE Silver Planning THURS 24TH – Yr 8 HPV Vaccination TUE 29TH – Lost property display THU 31ST – Yr 11 Parents’ Evening FEBRUARY FRI 15TH – Academy closes at 3.15pm for half term MON 25TH – Students return to School MARCH TUE 12TH – Lost property display THU 14TH TO WED 27TH – Yr 10 Work Experience THU 21ST – Yr 9 Learning Pathways THU 28TH – Staff Development Day for Parent Consultation with Form Tutors Day School closes 3.15pm for Easter Holiday APRIL MON 1ST TO TUE 9TH – Ski Trip TUE 9TH TO FRI 12TH – DofE Silver Practice Expedition MON 15TH – Students return THU 18TH – Yr 8 Parents evening MON 22ND TO THUR 25TH – Rome trip


News from Reception Please inform the school if your child is absent. You can telephone the school and leave a message on the voicemail service. Any pre-arranged days off require a holiday form. This needs to be filled in and signed by parents/carers, Form Tutors and the Assistant Head. Any students arriving late for school MUST sign in at reception before going to their lesson. Please remove nail varnish and make-up before coming to school.

Please ensure that students arrive in the correct uniform. Black Blazer with school logo (available from Tesco) Blue Shirt – long or short sleeve Black Skirt Minimum length— just above the knee, plain straight, no frills, splits or embellishments or lycra Black Trousers Girls / Boys – plain straight style, no flares or drainpipe (skinny leg) House Tie For the Autumn/Winter Black V Neck Jumper (optional) – no cardigans Coat – NOT Hoodie

Lost Property We have vast amounts of lost property at the moment

distributed to local charity shops, Bag 2 School collections and PE department.

PLEASE ensure your child’s clothing is clearly named to enable us to return it as soon as possible.

Future dates for lost property displays are in Dates for your Diary.

Any items not claimed after the lost property display are

Parents/Carers are very welcome to come and look for any items lost.

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