WAN newsletter 2017

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part of the

can access GCSEPod and the thousands of clips that support learning and revision. Students can also access the PiXL Maths App and Doddle via the same bar.

We have had a brilliant spring term at Wayland Academy, a real success story has been the continued development of Accelerated Reader. Students across Years 7, 8 and 9 have read an amazing 52 million words so far this year and students are checking out close to 2000 books every month! We have welcomed a number of Year 5 and 6 students from across the cluster for a STEM Saturday again this term. It was great to meet some of the students again who will be joining us in July for our 8 days of transition. We have lots of exciting activities planned for them. If you know someone interested in taking part in a STEM Saturday, they should contact Mrs Harris. In the summer term Year 11 students will be completing their GCSE Examinations, an exam timetable is on page 12. Please contact the exams team if you have any queries. Year 11 have a huge amount of resources available to them in addition to revision sessions and normal lessons. Using the Quick Links bar on our website, every student

This term we have continued to run amazing educational visits for students. Students have attended the Performers College, Gressenhall, the Dogs Trust at Snetterton, a whole range of sporting fixtures and even a ski trip to Italy over the Easter break. Educational visits took on a new perspective this term when Google Expeditions visited Wayland. Year 8 students were able to visit World War One battlefields and the Amazon, all from the comfort of the classroom. Duke of Edinburgh is back at Wayland Academy, Year 10 students have already signed up and are completing their Silver Award. We will soon be recruiting Year 9 students ready for next year. If you are at all interested, speak to Mr Read. The students at Wayland Academy have continued to make us proud this term, visitors and guests always comment on how fantastic they are and feedback from Educational Visits continues to be great. We use students in all of our interviews for new teachers, the feedback from the student panels is invaluable and they very rarely get the outcome wrong.

Thank you to all of the students who have supported recruitment this term, helping at interviews and conducting tours. This term we have recruited to a number of key posts ready for September. One of these was for the Deputy Principal post. This is a new post created in preparation of our plans to grow and expand in the future. The new Deputy will support the day to day running of the academy but, will also have responsibility if I am visiting another academy or off site. I am very pleased to announce that Mr Rosembert was the successful applicant and will be taking up post in September. The summer term always goes by in a flash. We will be working incredibly hard to support students, especially Year 11 as they prepare for their exams. The summer term will also see a number of familiar faces returning to the academy following maternity leave. I wish everyone a warm and dry summer term and we look forward to sharing the upcoming months with you all. Glen Allott Principal




Stem Day for Years 5 and 6 Saturday 4th March saw over twenty students from Years 5 and 6 attend a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) day. The day was spent looking at Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The students made an origami DNA helix and made DNA bracelets for an animal or plant of their choice. Next the students went on to extract DNA from


blueberries and strawberries which they got to bottle up and take home with them. We ended the day with a fun demonstration of Elephants toothpaste. The students all had a great time and are looking forward to the next STEM day after Easter. For further information on our next STEM days please email Penny Harris, pharris@waylandacademy.org.uk

Happy 1st Birthday Accelerated Reader Accelerated Reader will be celebrating its 1st birthday this month and what a year it has been! One year on and we now have 5 word millionaires, 55 million words read and have kept our librarian, Mrs Barnett on her toes with so many book issues and returns! I would personally like to thank all our students for welcoming Accelerated Reader into our school this past year. You are all fantastic. The excellent results we are seeing is down to your hard work and I can’t wait to keep you all updated every Newslink on more future successes.

Another BIG

Some special mentions: Star Readers Year 7 Joe Cook Linus Dobbin Kinga Madej Year 8 Harvey Burton Hermione Rands Hannah Crossley Year 9 Adam Lucas Ethan Dade Nicola Hankin

Top Quizzers Year 7 Jayden Taylor Elysha Jolly Aiden Legg Year 8 Billy Skipper Emily Shedwell Madison-Leigh Woolley Year 9 Eleanor Burnage Max Tilford Daisy Dobbin Word Millionaires: Toni Leeder, Freddy Strange, James Gavin, Josh Gore and Jude Poole.

Our students are reading more! Our students have been reading more and making big improvements in their reading age since we introduced Accelerated Reader at Wayland Academy Norfolk.



words read (and counting!) Since we introduced Accelerated Reader in 2016, students in Years 7, 8 and 9 have read a combined total of 41 million words!!! (Figure correct as at January 2017).

Students are



We’re creating




Congratulations to our first students to read 1 million words each: Josh Gore, Toni Leeder, Bridie Stratton, Freddy Strange, James Gavin and Jude Poole.



Students borrowed three and a half times as many books from our library in November 2016 (1,778 books) compared to November 2015 (490 books).

What is

ACCELERATED READER? Accelerated Reader is a computerised

Children who read books often at age 10 and more than once a week at age 16 gain higher results in maths, vocabulary and spelling tests at

The number of students in Year 8 whose reading age is line with their chronological age has increased by 33%. The number of students in Year 9 whose reading age is line with their chronological age has increased by 25%.

part of the

age 16 than those who read less regularly. 16 year-olds who choose to read books for pleasure outside of school are more likely to

reading programme that meets the needs of individual students. Students complete an initial reading test and are given their personalised reading level, their Zone of Proximal Development. This enables students to find a book which is appropriate for their reading level.

secure managerial or professional jobs in later life.


English News

The Rotary Club Poetry Competition Students in Year 9 were invited to produce some poetry based on the GCSE theme of Power and Conflict by Mr Peter Cowling from the Rotary Club.

Mr Cowling went on to say “Did they deserve this’ by Kimberley Townsend was a powerful question, worth asking and repeating. The poem catches a sadness, very effectively. The 2nd verse addresses the person who did the bombing. The questions are clear, striking the precise point – likewise verse 3, with the beautiful line ‘a cloud of smog curtaining the sun’. While seeming to be casual, the poem is actually very strong, with not a word wasted, I feel this is a worthy prize-winner along with ‘The losses of war’ by Joshua Gore – there is a really fine control of rhythm, rhyme and meaning all together in this poem. To maintain such a tricky rhyme scheme all through is a real feat. The poem is full of action, the irregular line length keeps us on our toes. I am very impressed by all of this and feel this too must be a prize winner. I thought the top three stood out. These apart, there were a cluster of poems so good that

they deserve commendation. They were – ‘Why do we fight’ by Charlie Parrott; ‘Agreed’ by Sidal Dilek; Society by Grace Schofield; Caribbean storm by Eleanor Burnage; Decision time by Daisy Dobbin. The standard was high. Sorting them out gave me a real headache. These were the best poems of any competition that I’ve been involved in so far. Well done”.






Caribbean Storm

We’re expected so much of us these days, All trying for a perfect life Which we hardly get to live, Working, sleeping, socialising Cramming everything into this one life, Which one day won’t be lived anymore.

Decision has been made, And all has agreed, But you still disagree and read, Read and read again

We build our houses, small and strong, stop the storm, destroying our home.

Until you find a flaw In theirs and a cause for your Grin and satisfaction, So you take action,

Every tree brings disaster, every gust of cold wind, brings danger.

The final 15 selected poems were submitted to Mr Cowling who chose ‘Down the Road’ by Jessica Bower as the winner. He said “There is so much care in the construction of this poem. The lack of punctuation is just right; it would too fussy otherwise. There is alliteration and repetition of the significant line - capped by the last line with its rhyme ‘stode’, which gathers up the whole sense of the poem. All along the poem tugs at our feelings. There are so many lovely lines eg ‘watching as the fog devoured the car’ Jessica seems to have a marvellous instinct for poetry, a real clarity of imagination. What a gift. I had no hesitation is saying that this is the winning poem”.

In the mean time we all care so much about our appearance, All trying to look perfect, We buy the most expensive clothes, shoes, phones etc. Just to ‘fit in’ We live in a world where our Uniform is more important than our education, And where some people are afraid to Express themselves because they’re Pressured into looking a certain way to ‘fit in’. Because popularity seems to be the Most important thing and everyone Is just trying to be better than everyone else.

And give your small Thoughts and short talks, You narrow your eyes And threaten with quiet gestures. You shout loud whilst they Stare at you. Bewildered. They all agreed, but you didn’t. So they leave. Sidal Dilek

Well done to all of the students who took part; the work was of a very high quality and showed real understanding of the theme from a range of points of view. Mrs Stroud

We don’t have windows, at least not anymore. The sea attacks us, Rolling under the door, leaking through the boarded up windows. At the end There’s nothing, No remains – Nothing. Eleanor Burnage

Our world is messed up but we just need to express ourselves and be who we really are. Grace Schofield


English News



Runner Up

Decision Time

Why do we fight?

Did they deserve this?

Just a normal life, a normal decision. Sparking a thousand wars. Affecting me and me alone.

I’m looking around, A world full of dull and grey, Why do we fight? Why do we kill? On what could be such a glorious day?

What’s left of once loved places? Settings where people joined after a long day discussing their lives in innocence. Did they deserve this?

This time, I’m the only one on the battlefield. Fighting my own war. Being shot at by me and me alone.

Guns set fire, cannons crack, Way to break the silence, For this could all be different, War increasing everyone’s virulence,

A valley of peace, Resting precariously on the edge of a warzone. Tipping at any moment. The shatter as calmness falls to the floor.

Why do we fight? Why do we kill? For this world was not made to shed blood or tears, Why do we fight at the top of this hill? That children played on for many years,

Did you think about the damage you caused, when you took that life as if it were candy from a baby? You flung your finger on the button carelessly, not thinking of the consequences. Did they deserve this?

Silence broken, I stand there awaiting my enemy. Not a single weapon with me. The danger approaching from the darkness.

After this is over everyone will realise, That it’s almost like a game, One played on a massive scale, With only all of us to blame,

They come into view, I could of mistaken it for a mirror. The only difference was the gun. Silver and deadly, held by an alternate version of me.

What’s the point? Over fighting for glory, When most of us won’t make it back to tell our story, But really all of us that were sent to fight, Were only born just to die,

Dark smoke, Flickering in their eyes. I knew this was a different person. Motionless and expressionless, no fear.

Why do we fight? Why do we kill? Gunshots firing through the night, Fires ablaze, cannons sound like thunder, But really war is just everyone’s blunder.

The uplifted revolver, Pointed directly between my eyes. I showed no fear. Fear was a weakness, weakness was deadly. I thought, My brain was my only defence. A bullet fired. It sliced through the air, ready to strike.

Charlie Parrott

I closed my eyes, I knew that it was okay if I failed. I was right. My decision was made and it was the right one. I waited for the impact, The bullet must o hit by now. Maybe it had. So quick that I felt nothing but failure. My eyes opened, There was no wound and I wasn’t dead. I looked at my enemy. I saw a wisp of shadows where it had stood. I won, I banished my doubts by making a decision. Slowly getting to my feet. I got ready for the next battle. Daisy Dobbin

Winner Down the Road

Terrible tears trickling down her face turning away to hide attempting to maintain her pride staring into empty space his car disappears down the road Watching as the fog devours the car leaving with a piece of our heart at home, always a missing part each time leaves a new scar his car disappears down the road She attempts to be strong for the three of us as he turns to her for comfort and care tender and gentle as she strokes his hair trying not to make a big fuss his car disappears down the road Awaiting his return once more the car pulls into the drive. We stop legs like jelly about to drop staying strong and run to the door up the path my dad strode.

How did you feel when you destroyed that home? All that rubble left, a pile of misery, a cloud of smog curtaining the sun, and memories remain of what you have done. Did they deserve this? Kimberley Townsend

Runner Up The Losses of War It was everywhere. Blood. It stuck to us like glue. The attack signal went off. The bell, the people fell as the bullets flew and got lost and forgotten in the mud.

She was holding back the tears, the tear glistened in her eye. I opened the door with all my might, I was ready for the fight, I knew I might die, but I pushed on to the sound of cheers.

The sound of the shouts brought me back to reality; they were running round shouting gas! Gas! I dived down and put my mask on my head Then I saw my friend drowning in the fog. Dead. The gas kept coming in a giant mass then there was a bang and my life flashed before me.

She hugged me again, me not wanting to leave her. I held her in my arms. NO! I needed to let go. The drums behind me sounded like a purr and then I turned around and went into the rain. Joshua Gore

Jessica Bower



Bag2School Collection Don’t forget Wayland Academy is having a Bag2School collection on 15th May 2017. Please bring in your unwanted items – Good quality adults’ and childrens’ clothing, paired shoes, hats, belts, handbags, ties and soft toys. (No bedding, curtains, towels, household linen or bric-a-brac). Money raised from the collection goes towards student rewards and ECO Bugs.

follow u


Thank you for your continued support.

New Prefects Our

Caterlink Calendar

next Bag2School colle has been arranged for Marketing Calendar Summer Term

I am extremely proud to announce the new prefects from Hero House: • Henry Waddingham • Elle Kelner • Emma Rear • Jessica Minns • Erin Dent

Destination Day

Miss Gooding Head of Hero House








2nd November 2016 Special Events

I am confident that you will be great ambassadors for the Academy and I hope to see some of you as part of the future Junior Leadership Team. Well done.


Old Fashioned Favourites

Permanent Promotion

Apple Day

Brain Food

Ice Cream Bar

2 500ml Bottles of Water for £1

Promotion of the 20p off I’m New Month Pop Up Promotion Smoothie Bar 6th Forms

Alarming Giveaway

Free Salad with a Jacket

Fruit Pot & Salad Box

Build a Salad

Live Cookery

Ice Cream Treats

Buy ask 9 get 10 your Buy 9 get 10 Buy 9 get 10 Any questions - please Free on all Meal Free on all Meal Free on all Meal Loyalty Scheme Deals & Hot Deals &Mrs Hot Deals & Hot school collection organiser Ashby Drinks Drinks Drinks th



Buy 9 get 10th Free on all Meal Deals & Hot Drinks


Good Things Pole Caught Bananas

Good Things Locally Sourced Free Range Eggs

Good Things We Love Local Sustainable Fish

Good Things Locally Sourced Free Range Eggs

Foodie Facts

Peas Oranges

Potatoes Tomatoes

Bananas Beetroot

Strawberries Broccoli

8 find out more about us at




ECO Bugs

BTEC Construction

Students have been busy in the garden getting it ready for spring. The daffodils have been smiling in the spring sunshine.

Toni Cobb is one of our students who travels to City College Norwich on Fridays to study a BTEC Construction course.

Year 7 and 8 students have been collecting recycling around the academy in trollies to take to our recycling bins.

She has been very pleased with herself for completing an electrical circuit. She explained with a very proud smile “it took me 5 weeks of lessons to complete and 5 minutes to dismantle it” Toni went on to say that this is not what she wants to do when she leaves and finishes her studies as she would like to be a crane driver.

Thank you for all commitment and continued hard work. Fiona Southward

Good luck Toni with your exams and your ambition.

Messages from reception: Safeguarding

Car park

Please ensure you keep us informed of any change of details, including contact telephone numbers. It is vital that we hold the correct information on our system. We have had occasions when all telephone numbers linked to a student’s record have been unobtainable. This is a serious safeguarding issue and in the event of an emergency regarding a student it would leave us no option but to contact the police.

Due to health and safety please DO NOT drive into the academy car park to drop off or pick up students at the beginning and end of the academy day. The layby outside the academy is for this purpose. Various vehicles, including delivery vans and the school buses/coaches need access at all times and we have had a few near misses with vehicles blocking access.

Lost Property


Please make sure you label or write on the clothing labels in/on all clothing, bags, equipment etc… if an item is named it can be returned if found. Any unwanted/unclaimed items go to charity shops, PE department or Bag2School collections.

Please check out our website www.waylandacademy.org.uk and twitter feeds follow us @WaylandAcademy



Academy Uniform Blue school shirt

Tie - in House colours

Coats/jackets - These should be showerproof. Denim and leather items are not suitable for the Academy. Hooded tops are not allowed in the Academy.

Black Blazer with Academy logo (Plain black V neck jumpers are permitted).

Blue school shirt

Tie - in House colours

Trousers – Black trousers. Style and length must be suitable for Academy use; no denim, canvas, cord, chino or jean style trousers may be worn. Trousers should not be skinny or tight to the leg and ankle. Skirt – The Academy skirt is the only acceptable skirt and must be no shorter than knee length and not altered.

Plain black shoes, plain grey or black socks (no higher than knee length) or tights (for girls).

Hair and Make up


Conventional, tidy and natural in colour and appearance. Sculpted, dyed and shaved styles are not allowed. Long hair will need to be tied back for Science, PE and Technology work. Hairbands must be plain black and either a thin black Alice band or small bobble/elastic. Discreet make up is allowed.

One small stud per ear lobe (no other piercing allowed). A watch may be worn. Facial piercings are not permitted. All jewellery must be removed for PE lessons. The Academy cannot take responsibility for loss or theft of jewellery.



Exam Timetable 2017 Day and Date

Exam Timetable 2017


To be arranged

Performing Arts – Individual Showcase

Wed 19th April Fri 21st April

Art & Design : Art Practical – 5 hours Art & Design : Art Practical – 5 hours

Thu 27th April Fri 28th April

Art & Design : Photography Practical – 5 hours Art & Design : Photography Practical – 5 hours

Thu 27th April To be confirmed

Polish Speaking Test – 12m each Portuguese Speaking Test – 12m each

Mon 15th May




Law : Paper 1

1hr 30m

Religious Studies : Unit 1 Religion & Life

1hr 30m

Travel & Tourism : The UK Travel & Tourism Sector


Tue 16th May

French : Unit 1 Listening French : Unit 2 Reading

45m 50m

Science : Biology


Wed 17th May

Construction : Construction Technology


Religious Studies : Unit 8 Religion in Society

1hr 30m

ICT : Living in A Digital World

1hr 30m

Science : Chemistry


Law : Paper 2

1hr 30m

Physical Education : An Introduction to PE


Portuguese : Unit 4 Writing


Geography: Paper 1

1hr 30m

Thu 18th May Fri 19th May Mon

22nd May

English Literature : Paper 1

1hr 45m

Tue 23rd May

Design and Technology : Textiles


Wed 24th May

Portuguese : Unit 1 Listening


Science : Physics


Thu 25th May

Mathematics : Paper 1 (Non Calculator)

1hr 30m

Physical Education : Developing Knowledge in PE


Fri 27th May

English Literature : Paper 2

2hr 15m

Mon 5th June


History : Aspects of Int’l Relations WW1 1890-1918

Duration 2hr

Design and Technology : Food



Tue 6th June

English Language : Paper 1

1hr 45m

Geography : Paper 3

1hr 45m

Day and Date

Half Term

Wed 7th June Computing : Computer Systems Day and Date Morning& Programming Mon 5th June

History : Aspects Relations WW1 1890-1918 Germanof:Int’l Listening

German Reading: Paper 1 English :Language

Tue 6th June

Half Term

1hr 30m Duration 2hr 45m 50m 1hr 45m

Thu 8th June

Mathematics : Paper 2 (Calculator)

1hr 30m

Fri 9th June

AdditionalGerman Science: Listening : Biology Further Additional Science : Biology German : Reading

1hr 45m 1hr 50m

Wed 7th June

Thu 8th June Mon 12th June



Mathematics : Paper 2 (Calculator) English Language : Paper 2

Fri 9th June

Additional Science : Biology Mathematics : Paper 3 Science (Calculator) Further Additional : Biology


Wed 14th June Mon 12th June Tue



Thu 15th June Wed 14th June Fri 16th June

Thu 15th June



Computing : Computer Systems & Programming

Fri 16th June

Additional Science : Chemistry English Language : Paper 2

Further Additional Science Mathematics : Paper :3Chemistry (Calculator) Additional Science : Chemistry Child Development : Paper 1 Further Additional Science : Chemistry Additional Science : Physics

Mon 26th June


1hr1hr 30m 1hr 1hr 45m

1hr1hr 30m 1hr 1hr

Polish : Unit 2 Reading paper (written)


Polish : Unit 4 Writing paper


Polish : Unit 4: Product Writing paper Design and Technology Design

1hr 2hr

Polish : Unit 2 Reading paper (written)



Geography : Paper 3

1hr 45m

Design and Technology : Food


Portuguese : Unit 3 Reading paper

Portuguese : Unit 3 Reading paper



History : British Society Change 1939-1975

1hr 30m

1hr 1hr 30m

1hr 30m 1hr

Further Additional Science : Physics

Tue 20th June

1hr 30m 1hr 45m

Child Development 1 Further Additional Science :: Paper Physics Additional Science : Physics


1hr 30m


History : British Society Change 1939-1975 Polish : Unit 1 Listening paper (written) Polish : Unit 1 Listening paper (written)

1hr 30m



1hr 1hr 1hr

Please see your Individual Candidate Timetable for exam start times Mon 26th June

Design and Technology : Product Design


Please see your Individual Candidate Timetable for exam start times Any questions or queries examinations please contact Any questions or queriesabout aboutyour your examinations please contact the the Exams Office Email: Exams Office Email:WANexams@waylandacademy.org.uk WANexams@waylandacademy.org.uk Tel: 01953 881514 Ext 253



Chicken Update We have the sad task of informing you all that, due to poor health, we lost our lovely chicken Betty just before Christmas. She was a good layer and quite a character. We now have 2 chickens left. Hilda and Doris. They are safely tucked away for now to ensure that they will not be affected by the avian flu currently threatening local feathered wildlife. They are both very busy girls and lay eggs daily. We have purchased a swing and a new water feeder for them. Both Hilda and Doris had the habit of kicking over their old water feeder, often leaving them quite thirsty. The new supply is secured to the run. They no longer have to worry about getting thirsty. However, it appears that the girls think the device is a foot spa and so the water has to be replaced almost daily as it is always muddy.



Visits and Trips

Performers College Visit On 23rd February, 21 Wayland Academy students visited the prestigious Performers College in Essex. The impressive looking, purpose designed and built performing arts centre is extremely well appointed and has some of the best facilities in the country. Costing more than £2,000,000, it has twelve dance and drama studios, three music studios, Pilates studio, a library/computer centre, a fully equipped gymnasium and physiotherapy department. It is a centre of excellence for Performing Arts and for those looking for a serious career in this industry. Wayland Academy has excellent links with the college and this was our 4th year. Students had the opportunity to watch a range of classes from:

Ballet, jazz, contemporary to Musical Theatre, where they had the opportunity to watch a vocal class led by West End and television veteran Vanessa Leagh Hicks. Vanessa put ‘Performers’ students through their paces delivering a vocal warm up with a twist…with sit ups!!! This was a great experience for our students, showing the path to professional theatre and dispelling the illusions of our current culture of BGT and the X factor. Our students got to see first-hand the REAL technical skill, determination and dedication it takes to work in the performing arts industry. Performers College students have a high employment rate in West End Theatre, TV and film.


DT & Art News

Year 9/ 10 Forgery Paintings It has been a busy time in Mrs Fraser’s classroom with lots of exceptional Art and Textiles works being produced. Over the last half term the most amazing pieces of work have been made by the wonderful art students studying GCSE Art in Year 9 and 10. For many of these students this was their first real investigation into using acrylic paints and their progress has been exceptional. (Just look at the results in the images here to see for yourselves the success of these young students.)

Firstly students were given an extensive list of artists to choose from and then they began their investigations into the works of these practitioners, they


then selected their top three artists. They created samples of their pieces, completed independent research into their art work and set about slim lining their choices to their final preferred artist. Students chose their favourite artist and then selected one of their pieces to paint. Many of the students really pushed themselves by selecting detailed and intricate images to forge. They began their forgeries with a simple pencil drawing onto wood and then challenged themselves to complete a detailed copy of the artist’s work in paint. This task was achieved by all of the students and has given them a new skill set. They are now able to colour mix and paint with ease. This technique they will now transfer to create their own images and compositions throughout the remainder of the course.

DT & Art News

Year 11 Sculptures And Still Life Mock Exam The Year 11 Art students are in the final stages of their GCSE Art course now and have recently been completing oversized everyday objects, inspired by the work of Claus Oldenburg, an American sculptor.

Currently the Year 11 art students are in the exam period of their course and will be completing their final ten hour examination at the end of April. At this time I would like to wish all of the GCSE Art students good luck with their exam and art studies.

His art inspired the students to create their own sculptures in a mixture of media from papier-mâché to plaster of Paris and mod roc. Each student has made a sculpture and this will form part of their coursework. Currently, many of these pieces are on display in the classroom and inspire many of the younger students in art lessons. (Photos of Dulux paint tin, boot and Doritos packet) The students’ creative works are unique and thought provoking, showing versatility and an understanding of both the concept and their own personal response.

Year 9/10 Tote bags

Year 8 Abstract Art

Throughout this term students have learnt a number of techniques and skills in Textiles and these have all culminated in the students creating reversible tote bags.

In lessons students have been looking at the work of Wassil Kandisnky and Piet Mondrian; studying the artistic style of the artists, their use of colour, shape and the formal elements.

Each student started by investigating a number of surface techniques and samples to gain more skills and confidence in Textiles. The students have shown skills in both designing and making throughout this project and their final pieces are so impressive that that could be sold in a shop. Students selected fabrics linked to their tastes and styles to use in their tote bags and they have thrived throughout these lessons and impressed me and inspired their peers with their amazing work.

The art classroom has been a riot of colour this term, with students selecting from a huge range of media to work with and each of their pieces have been effective showing their knowledge and understanding of the work they have been studying. The pieces are still under construction and will be ready to view next term.

“I feel extremely proud of all of the work completed by the students and I have been thrilled by the number of students being proactive in their own learning spending lunch, break and periods of time after school to complete their work”. Mrs Fraser – Art, Fashion & Textiles Teacher


DT & Art News

Product Design It has been an incredibly exciting time within the Design Technology and Art Department since moving most of the department to our new facilities towards the end of last year.

to congratulate you all on completion of your Product Design; it has been a pleasure to teach you and watch your projects take shape. I look forward to seeing your results in August.

It is clear that students love the change of environment, I know that I certainly appreciate the beautiful aspects of all our rooms. It is a wonderful environment to learn in.

Year 7 students have been busy designing their Toy Cars. This project reinforces and extends the skills they gained from the designing and making of the block-bots. I hope to have a race with our cars this year.

As always the end of this term sees the completion of course work for the majority of our Y11 students and the start of exam preparation. As a department we will be offering additional revision sessions to reinforce content covered in lessons; please see your teachers who have produced a weekly revision topic schedule. If you are unable to attend the sessions please let your teacher know, they will provide you with revision packs. As this is likely the last NewsLink that our Y11 students will see I would like

Within Year 8 students are making frames and a isometric puzzles; this project will be finished shortly and we will be moving on to a drawing skills unit of work; I’m very excited to start this. Both Year 7 and 8 students handed in their HLPs last term; it has been so pleasing reviewing your work. Over the next few weeks these will be handed back to you.

Students in Year 9 are completing a series of studies in which they are given an object that they then have to investigate how it was made before making it themselves. I know that many of the students have enjoyed this challenge. We will be continuing this into the next term. For Year 10 students it is the beginning of their controlled assessment; these next two years are so crucial and although it can seem very scary knowing that everything you produce will directly count to your GCSE it is also a time to embrace. I often refer to this quote by Steve Jobs; it seems so apt for Year 10. “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

Product Design Year 11 Revision Timetable Product Design Year 10 &1011&Revision April 19th & 21st 26th & 28th May 3rd & 5th 10th & 12th 17th & 19TH 24TH & 26TH June 7th & 9th 14th & 16TH 21st & 23rd 26th 8.00 AM

Metals and Plastics Scales of Production Smart Materials Part A Drawing Questions Part B Production lines Symbols, laws and legislation Student directed Student directed Last minute revision before exam at 9.00

Sessions will be 30 Minutes and run from 3.20-3.50 and 4.00-4.30, if you are unable to make an afterschool session you may attend a lunch session from 1.20-1.50


DT & Art News


DT & Art News

Photography students have been busy! Year 9 and 10 students are beginning to develop strong photography skills and deciding on what style of photography suits them. They have spent time learning how to take an interesting and creative photo, considering angle, lighting and background. The Year 11 photographers are currently preparing for their 10 hour photography exam. Students have selected a theme from the AQA photography exam paper, they have now researched their chosen theme and photographers. Year 10 students are taking photos with the theme ‘detail’, ‘creative landscapes’, or ‘assembled’. Keep up the good work and good luck in your exams.

Isabella Bayley


Jade Campbell

DT & Art News

Sidney Reardon


DT & Art News

Year 11 Textiles Final Pieces This term has been a time full of activity in the Textiles department, students have been making a number of demanding objects from dog coats, tea dresses and baby mats to a horse numnah for their GCSE Textiles coursework. I have seen the completion of some fantastic and original textiles pieces by the students and I am proud of the effort and time all of them have put into this work. Students were given an initial design brief back in year ten and since then have completed research, design, development, testing and evaluation of their ideas and final products. The Textiles products have been extremely impressive and show the students have developed a range of skills and have tailored their final designs to their own interests.


The photos below show a number of the products: one has been upcycled using a number of pairs of jeans to create a stunning jacket and skirt set. The horses’ numnah was made using shop bought fabrics and a pattern created by the student herself to fit her pony. All of the pieces have been made to a high finish and show the range of skills they all have acquired since starting the course last year.

Library News

World Book Week 2017 Some books are a slow burn, but others grab you from the first line and you soon find you can’t put the book down. Students were invited to have a ‘Blind Date’ with a book. A random selection of fiction books were wrapped in plain paper and the first line of each book was written on the front. The idea is that it changes the way you select a book. You can’t judge the book by its cover, only by the opening sentence, how it makes you feel and what it suggests will come next. The text in the photograph is taken from The Book Thief by Markus Zusak; surprisingly, the narrator in the novel is Death. The Academy welcomed students in the Dickens and Shakespeare classes from Wayland Junior Academy for some World Book Day fun in the library. Students acted as detectives finding

clues around the library to help them answer a series of questions. Each session ended with the chance for students to find a book that interested them and to spend some time reading together. As these students will be moving up to the Academy in September, it was an excellent opportunity for them to find out more about their new school and to know how to use the library and where to look for books and information.

Reading Challenge The 2017 race has just begun; pop in to the library, pick up a Marathon Challenge bookletand get reading!

The winner of the Design a Bookmark Competition was Maria Szin; her entry will be photocopied and be used as an Academy bookmark. The winner of the Ace Detective Competition, was Freddie Strange.


Foundation Learning News

YEAR 7 Year 7 Dogs Trust Students from 7FL have recently undertaken a 6 week course run by The Dogs Trust Snetterton. The course took place at Wayland Academy with staff from the Trust coming in weekly, instructing students on all aspects of caring for and owning a dog.

Week 6 was a trip to the re-homing centre at Snetteron where the students received their certificates and had a tour around the centre to see how it is run, and how dogs are looked after while they wait to be rehomed. We were even treated to a ‘personal’ visit from one of the puppies who is waiting to join his new family.

The course started with ‘How dogs Evolved’. We studied how the number of varieties have evolved over the years and how breeding affects the natural process. Students learnt how to responsibly care for the health and well being of dogs covering issues such as food, exercise and veterinary needs.


Pop up Cafe

On Tuesday 13th December, the 7FL pupils travelled to Gressenhall to experience a Victorian Christmas in the Workhouse.

On December 14th, the pupils in the 7FL Extraction Group helped to host the PAT pop-up cafe.

They enjoyed making Christmas candy canes, paper chains and peg dolls, as well as joining in songs and games played at that time. They also learnt about what life would have been like and the day-to-day jobs carried out by children of their own age, such as doing the laundry and helping set the tables for the governors. Positive rewards were given to those children who dressed up to look the part. From left to right: Holly Nickerson, Dannielle Rees, Katelyn Mallinson, Oliwia Palczewska and Alfie Freston.


They had spent the previous few days making peppermint creams and truffles, which they boxed up to sell, as well as Christmas cards and Christmas tree decorations. Together with the baubles sold in Reception, a total of £146.37 was raised.

Foundation Learning News

YEAR 8 Charity for the Homeless During our first lesson working on people less fortunate than ourselves, some students in 8FL suggested we put together some food and presents for the homeless in the lead up to Christmas. Mrs Todd and I thought this was a lovely idea and subsequently sent a letter home explaining how we would like to put together a hamper to hand out to the homeless at Christmas. We were overwhelmed with the generosity of parents and carers as we ended up with three carrier bags full of all kinds of biscuits, cakes, treats and even some presents to unwrap containing scarfs and gloves. It was lovely to hear that the Salvation Army didn’t need us to come on Christmas Eve as they were fully booked with volunteers into the New Year (although they did say it is not always like that). We therefore decided that St Martins Place Shelter in Norwich seemed the ideal place to take our offerings. I wrapped up warm the day after Boxing day and drove to Norwich to begin my quest. I found some homeless people to hand gifts to personally, then took the rest to the shelter. My first exchange was with a couple (as pictured) who said they had spent the whole winter on the streets as shelters could not take them as a pair. They were very grateful for their presents and treats. The trip finished at St Martins Shelter where Lorraine was thrilled with the donations and said that she knew they would make a lot of people happy. We have since received a letter from St Martins to thank 8FL (and some contributions from 7FL). All in all a huge success that I would love to be a part of again this year. Thank you to all involved.


Sport News

Cricket On Tuesday 21st March we were invited to play in the England Cricket Board’s ‘Chance to Compete’ event. Held at the UEA it was an indoor 6-a-side tournament including teams from Litcham, Reepham, Flegg and Dereham Northgate High School. A strong all-round team performance both with the bat and in the field resulted in us winning each of our 5 matches to become tournament champions. Wayland Academy will now go on to the regional finals on 12th July. The squad was James Gavin, Josh Peters, Charlie Phillips, George Phillips, Josh Bayley, Harry Pullen & Max King.

Cross Country

U16 Girls Football

Following qualification at the Mid-Norfolk School’s trials Matteo Gore, Wiktor Gryn & Janis Brenners ran at the Norfolk School’s Cross Country Championships held at the Norfolk Show ground on Tuesday 24th February.

The U16 Girls Football team are Norfolk Schools Europa League Champions. Congratulations to the girls who all played so well throughout the tournament.

The standard of competition was very high but the boys gave a good account of themselves against the best junior runners in Norfolk.

PE Lunchtime SUMMER TERM PE LunchtimeClubs: Clubs: SUMMER TERM Clubs start at 1:25pm - please wait patiently for the member of staff!! MON


Tennis Courts

Y9 & 10 BTEC Sport Support & Guidance

Room 38

Y9 & 10 GCSE PE Support & Guidance

Room 34




Sports Hall


Fitness Room




Sports Hall


Fitness Room

Y11 GCSE PE Support & Guidance

Room 38





Sports Hall


Fitness Room


Tennis Court

Y11 GCSE PE Support & Guidance

Room 38



From Tuesday 2nd May 3.30 - 4.30pm Cricket Club for the Summer Term Please see PE staff for more information

South South Norfolk Football League 2016-17 Norfolk Football League 2016-17


Dereham Neatherd

Dereham Northgate

Iceni Academy

Thetford Academy

Wymondham Wymondham College High


LOST 8-0

LOST 8-2

LOST 5-1

LOST 8-2

LOST 11-0

LOST 6-3


WON 3-1

LOST 7-2

DREW 1-1

DREW 3-3

LOST 5-0

WON 5-3


DREW 1-1

LOST 6-0

LOST 2-8

WON 5-0

LOST 9-0

LOST 10-0


LOST 6-1

LOST 8-1

LOST 6-0

LOST 9-1

LOT 10-0

LOST 5-0


LOST 2-0

LOST 5-0

LOST 4-1

LOST 9-1

LOST 5-0

LOST 5-0

Sport News

Rugby On Wednesday 1st February the U13 rugby team took part in a tournament at Swaffham Rugby Club organised by the Norfolk RFU. We played four 12-a-side matches against teams from King’s Lynn, Swaffham & Downham Market. The conditions were very wet and at times even staying on your feet was a challenge! The effort and attitude shown was excellent and we managed to record two wins over the afternoon.

Gabriel Braz M8 (Captain), Rian Wells M8, George Davis M8, George Phillips H8, Elliot Swann H8, Dylan Ward N8, Jon Szin S8, Josh Peters S8, Jack Pearson M8 (Vice Captain), Kieran Steward M8, Harvey Burton H8, Charlie Phillips H8, James Gavin H8, Tom Gell S8, Harry Pullen S8, Connor Riches H8.

Indoor Rowing Following a successful inter-house indoor rowing competition a number of pupils were selected to represent Breckland at the Norfolk School Games final at the UEA on Fri 3rd March. Pupils raced ‘head-to-head’ against the best rowers from around the county and also finished with team relay events. The best result was achieved by Grace Schofield who finished second in her race.

Will Baird-Parker 10S, Rodrigo Braz 10H, Wiktoria Jankowska 9M, Grace Schofield 9N, Jayden Whitehair 9N, Josh Peters 8N, Gabriel Braz 8M, Lewis Knights 10N, Kaitlyn Crocker 8S, Michaela Valenciano 8N, Max King 7M, Eduarda Mucavele 7M, Ibbi Ivory 7N, Lily Chapman 7N.


Sport News

Netball Trip On Saturday 25th February two minibuses set off with 29 excited girls (and 2 members of staff) to the Genting Arena in Birmingham to watch Netball Super League. The event was labelled ‘Super Ten’ meaning all ten of the teams in the Netball Super League played each other on one day. With 5 matches to watch, it made for a very long, but enjoyable day. There were half an hour intervals in between matches when the girls could explore what else was on offer in the Genting Arena; as well as food outlets galore each team had bought their own merchandise stand and it wasn’t long before the girls were returning with an abundance of netballs they had bought in all manner of colours and sizes. There were also ‘free’ stands including a photo booth, face painting and an electronic reflex machine to test how quick your reflexes were; Rebecca was absolutely amazing at the reflex game, hitting over 70 lights in just 60 seconds. Several of the girls had their faces painted with their favourite team’s emblem and others came back with various photos they had taken in the photo booth adorned with various wigs, glasses and hats or just pulling silly faces!


The first match at 12 noon was Loughborough Lightning v Severn Stars, this was a great match wetting our appetites for the games to come. The matches got more exciting as the day went on with Surrey Storm and Manchester Thunder having an epic battle; Surrey Storm came out on top at the end of the match 58 – 48. The last match of the day between Hertfordshire Mavericks and Team Bath was the most exciting of the day with some very ‘competitive’ netball being played, bringing the ‘no contact’ rule into contention! It was goal for goal until the last quarter when Hertfordshire Mavericks seemed to lose their way a little bit giving Team Bath the upper hand and a 42 – 49 win. The arena was awash with Team Bath supporters so Mrs McCullagh tried to start a Mavericks chant: Let’s go Mavericks let’s go, let’s go Mavericks let’s go, unfortunately it didn’t take off but we all had a great time joining in!!! A big thank you to Mrs McCullagh for organising the trip and also to Mr Barrett and Mr Machell for volunteering to drive the minibuses – A great day had by all.

Sport News

U13s South Norfolk Area Netball Tournament Wayland Academy had the pleasure of hosting the Annual U13s South Norfolk Area Netball tournament.

Lount, Libby Andrews, Erin Taylor, Bronwyn Nicol, Amy Loke and Jessica Gost.

This year there were 7 teams competing:- Wymondham Collage A & B teams, Wymondham High, Northgate, Attleborough Academy and Wayland Academy A & B teams.

Wayland B team played some superb netball and although their result was not what they wanted their team spirit and enthusiasm could not be faulted. Well done girls. The team consisted of: Kaycee Poole, Crystal Oram, Kelly Farrow, Madison Woolley, Alysha Sayer, Lara Linge and Lorretta Sommese.

The pressure was on for Wayland A team as they were the defending champions and it was the first time our Wayland B team had played together in a competitive situation. I am thrilled to report that the Wayland A team put on a fantastic and solid performance and went on to win all their games comfortably therefore deservingly bringing the trophy home again. The team consisted of: Emily Shedwell, Alex Park, Sian

A special thank you to Rebekka Vansittart and Katy Omer for umpiring all the games. You did a brilliant job. Mrs McCullagh


Attendance News

Reporting of student absence due to illness When contacting the academy to

We thank you for your continued

inform us that your child will be

support in improving attendance

absent due to illness, we would

rates at the academy.

request that you inform us of the exact nature of the illness, as

Y11 100% Attendance! Over 30 Year 11 students enjoyed a day in Norwich, in December, as a reward for their 100% attendance in the Autumn Term. Most of them spent the day Xmas shopping getting last minute bits and pieces for the festive season. 30 students were invited on a similar trip at Easter for 100% attendance in the Spring Term.

stating ‘ill’ or ‘unwell’ will generate a telephone call home for clarification. This is in line with Norfolk County

Well done!

Council requirements. We would also remind parents that

Miss Gooding Y11 Intervention Coordinator

they should contact the academy on each day of the illness (unless the academy has been formally advised of a long term illness by the parent/carer).

Visits and Trips

Year 11 Prefects Reward Trip

Google Expeditions Visit Wayland On Tuesday 21st March all Year 8 students and some students from 7FL had an amazing chance to explore different places and times.

8 said “ The best part of this was exploring different parts of the world that I may never see, it was such an amazing experience.”

Google as part of their outreach as a company, brought 60 virtual reality headsets into school and with these the children were transported to different places, from the Californian desert to the battlefields of WW1. The purpose of this was to give students a chance to glimpse the sort of topics they might be studying at GCSE and to help them make an informed options choice.

Whilst Google brought all the equipment in, anyone with a smart phone and a cardboard ‘viewer’ can download the app from https://edu. google.com/expeditions and explore these places for themselves and their children.

The students had a great time, as Layney in Year 8 said “It was amazing, I’m sad it ended” Adrian also Year

Mr. T. Read Lead Professional in Geography


Thanks to all the staff who contributed on the day and of course to Google Expeditions.

On Thursday 16th March (a pleasant spring day) Year 11 Prefects were rewarded with a trip to Norwich to have a bit of retail therapy around the Forum, Chapelfield, Castle Mall etc and to enjoy the various catering establishments that Norwich has to offer on a pleasant spring day. A very successful day out. Thank you to Mrs Kittell and Mr Machell for driving the school mini buses.

INSPIRING WAYLAND STUDENTS Improving Life Chances Through Education

Supporting our Students

We would like our alumni to play a role in mentoring and supporting our students. We therefore plan to invite members of our alumni to visit the school, share their experiences and help current students plan their future beyond the academy.

We need your help

Join the Alumni

As part of a new campaign to inspire current and future generations at Wayland Academy we plan to celebrate the success of our past students by creating an alumni network.

Alternatively, if you know of someone (your children or a friend) who could help support out students please encourage them to join our alumni.

The alumni will help us create links with you and other former students in a variety of careers and support students in achieving their aspirations by showcasing clear progression routes and what can be achieved.

If you studied at Wayland Academy, we would love to hear from you.

To join, simply visit www.waylandacademy.org.uk/inspire Thank you in advance for your support. Glen Allott Principal, Wayland Academy Norfolk


Dates for your diary Climbing Club The indoor rock climbing club held on a Thursday 3:30-5:00 continues to grow. All are welcome particularly in the upper years of the academy. Come along, to be taught how to climb and belay (climbing techniques) and discover an exciting sport. See Mr Read if you are interested, its free!

MAY 2017 Mon 01 - Bank Holiday Tue 02 - Year 8 Geography/History trip to Gressenhall Thur 04 - Year 7 Parent-Student Conversation Mon 15 - GCSE Examinations start (full exam timetable on page 12 ) Bag2School Collection 9am Fri 26 - Wayland Academy closes 3.15pm for Half Term

JUNE 2017 Mon 05 - Students return to Wayland Academy Mon 12 to Fri 17 - Geography field trips Mon 26 - GCSE Examinations Finish Wed 28 - Sports Day Thur 29 - Year 9 Parent-Student Conversation

Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme 14 Students in Year 10 have now been enrolled and started on their Silver award, for which they have to learn a new skill, participate in a physical activity and volunteer somewhere for a number of months. And then in the summer they will be taking part in two expeditions. The scheme builds self reliance and is really looked upon with favour by employers. Year 9 will be invited to apply for the places available next year in July. Mr Read Lead Professional for Geography / DofE Manager

JULY 2017 Thur 06 - Year 10 Parent-Student Conversation Fri 21 - Reports issued Wayland Academy closes 3.15pm for Summer

AUGUST 2017 Thur 24 - Exam results


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