Wayland academy newsletter winter 2015 low res

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part of the

An Academy with

We have had a fantastic start to 2015/16 – it has been action packed and very exciting. We’ve had trips, lots of sports fixtures and even an X Factor contestant visiting us to deliver an Assembly with a message about cyber bullying! In September we welcomed a fantastic group of students into Year 7. They have settled in brilliantly and are doing really well. Year 7 students took part in a residential in October; I was very pleased to join them in the rain and have a go at the high ropes activity in Overstrand. I believe that you should never ask someone to do something that you wouldn’t do. Proof is in the pictures. Students had a great time and we plan to use Kingswood again in the future as a result. Also in October, Year 8 and Year 9 students took part in Shakespeare for Schools performing ‘The Comedy of Errors’ at Norwich Playhouse. It was a great evening and I was very proud of the students who performed in front of a large crowd. This term we have also had other trips, ranging from a local visit to City College Norwich when all Year 11s were invited to the Open Day, to a European trip to Paris in October. Other trips included; a Key Stage 3 Rugby trip to see Leicester Tigers play, a trip for the Performing Arts students to visit the Performers



College in London, an English theatre trip to see ‘An Inspector Calls’ and a visit to the Skills Show Exhibition at Birmingham NEC. At the time of writing there are still a few trips that have yet to take place this term. They include a PE visit to the Olympic Park to watch Wheelchair Basketball and our annual MFL trip to the Christmas Markets in Germany.

Inclusion Centre which was opened in September have made a huge difference in challenging low level disruption. This was partially due to the introduction of Class Charts, a brilliant website that allows students, staff and parents to track behaviour. This has brought a whole new level of automation to the process. Please contact us if you don’t have your login.

We started this academic year with a new curriculum structure. We now have four Learning Faculties; all subjects are grouped into a Faculty and specifically overseen by a Head of Faculty. These faculties are Maths which includes DT and Art, English which includes Performing Arts, Science which includes Computer Science and PE and finally, Humanities which includes Geography, History, Languages and Religious Education. We are also very pleased to introduce some new faces at the academy. We have Mrs Fraser teaching Design Technology and Art, Mr Ezzeldin teaching Maths and Engineering, Mrs Nicol teaching Maths, Mr Porter in Construction, Mrs Cardus as Head of the Humanities Faculty and teacher of Geography and Mrs Provost teaching French. We have also welcomed back Mrs Whittle who has been appointed as Safeguarding Officer.

We are now using Groupcall to contact parents regarding attendance and to make announcements; this will be sent as a text message to the primary mobile contact on the system or as an email. Please ensure that your details are correct to ensure that you receive messages.

The new behaviour policy that was introduced last summer, alongside the

Glen Allott Principal

In this issue of Newslink you will see a copy of the Wayland Guarantee, which is a manifesto of what students and parents can expect in lessons. The guarantee was written in conjunction with students, governors and staff. The vision of Wayland Academy Norfolk is ‘Improving Life Chances Through Education’. We do this every day in the classroom but, this magazine highlights all of the other outstanding activities students can access to make their time here fun and engaging.

Welcome to our New Starters

Contents Principals Welcome – Page 2 Library News – Page 4 SEN – Page 5 Art Dept News – Page 6

Mrs Cardus Head of the Humanities Faculty

Mr Ezzeldin Maths and Engineering

Foundation Learning – 8 Paris Trip – 9 Shakespeare for Schools – 10 Mighty Oakus goes for £3400 at auction / Performers College – 11 Wayland Guarantee – 12 Achievement Evening – 13 Attendance Matters – 17 Young Chef Competition – 18

Mrs Fraser Design Technology and Art

Mrs Nicol Maths

Skills Show / Design and Technology – 19 Sports – 20 Student Voice / Brilliant Club / W.A.N.D.S – 23 YEAR 7 – 24 Acorn Adventure France Trip / Memorial Poppy Garden – 25 English – 26 News in Brief – 27 Exam timetable / Dates for your diary –28

Mr Porter Construction

Mrs Whittle Safeguarding Officer


part of the


Library News Fly Festival 2015 Towards the end of the summer term, students in Year 7 attended the Festival of Literature for Youth (FLY) at the University of East Anglia where they experienced a zany and amusing presentation by famous author Steve Cole. Steve has written a multitude of books including the popular Astosaurs, Cows in Action, The Slime Squad and Z. Rex, along with Dr Who. He has recently been chosen to be the new author of the Young James Bond novels. The lecture theatre resonated with Steve’s high energy performance of readings, questions and the finale, a James Bond shoot-out on stage which Wayland Academy Norfolk won! A survey completed after the event showed overwhelmingly that the festival had been a huge success with the University and author experience. (According to Steve, he used to edit magazines and books, but prefers the job of a writer where you can wear pyjamas and eat chocolate all day!)


Wayland Chamber of Commerce Best Dressed Window Competition 2015

Waterstones Book Event Coinciding with the FLY event, the Academy library hosted a Waterstones Book Fayre where a wide range of high quality publications were on sale to students. The event was extremely well attended and many purchases were made. We look forward to welcoming Matt and his book boxes back next year

On a wet and windy day, students from the Academy walked the length and breadth of Watton High Street armed with their clipboards on a very important mission. Their brief was to judge the best dressed shop window decorated on the theme of The Twelve Days of Christmas. After much discussion (and double checking of scores!) the students finally made a unanimous decision and declared the winning retailer to be Crafty Bee with its beautiful and miniature interpretation of the Twelve Days. Well done to all the retailers who participated – the High Street was transformed!

SEN Where’s Wally? Wally Webb was at Wayland Academy last month, broadcasting live on Radio Norfolk with our students who have had the privilege to read to Dora in the past term. They all skipped to school extra early (making their parents get up early too to ensure their punctual arrival) to be interviewed live by the one and only Wally Webb. They got to share with listeners the benefits they felt from the Read2Dogs scheme. Each student had the opportunity to explain why they enjoyed reading to Dora, whilst Mrs Kay and I explained how and why the scheme works for us. A very successful and enjoyable team effort!

Dora finds fame Last month the Watton & Swaffham Times featured a fantastic article about how Dora helps WAN students in gaining confidence as readers. The article was also published in the ‘Schools Week’ newspaper not once but twice as the following week they used the picture of Dora and one of the students to create a fun ‘Spot the Difference’ competition. We feel proud and privileged to have access to this amazing scheme. Huge thanks to Mrs Kay and Dora for volunteering their time to help us. For future adventures… watch this space! To obtain further information please contact Miss Blundell, SEN Dept or visit www.petsastherapy.org


Art Department news Winter 2015

Thank you once again to Wayland Festival Chair, John Kerr, for inviting us to be part of the festival again this year. Students’ work from Year 11,was selected to be on display throughout the week-long festival in Queen’s Hall and St Mary’s Church, Watton. We were also invited to attend the preview evening on Friday 23rd October, where the work was unveiled after speeches. The comments book showed the public really appreciated the students’ efforts – “A wonderful display of local talent, a ‘must see’ exhibition.”, “A really enjoyable exhibition of local artists’ talent – definitely would like to see more of these in the community.” Students who took part are: Josephine Rumer, Natalya Copeman, Jasmine Seppings, Abigail Evans, Katharine Ward, Jasmine Pitt, Erin Stasiorowski, Jack Darge, Millie King, Denver McKie and Tia-Sian Peachment. Their work will soon be on display around the Academy.


Year 8 are working on their conceptual art: Maps & Mapping project at the moment. They are currently isolating areas of coastline to create interesting compositions from which to print.

Year 7 are working hard and having fun at the moment practising their drawing skills using the topic of ‘Birds’.

Year 10 are looking forward to our annual trip to the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich. This time as well as seeing the permanent collection we are also having a tour of their special exhibition: Magnificent Obsessions, the artist as collector.


Foundation Learning

The Old Golf House Veterinary Practice paid 7FL (Foundation Learning) a visit

Halloween 7FL have been reading ‘The Witches’ by Roald Dahl and completing lots of literacy activities linked to the fantasy adventure of Luke and his Grandma in the fight against the evil witches. We all had a great messy time creating our wonderful window display and hollowing out and carving pumpkins to celebrate Halloween.


EAL in 7FL

7FL held a competition to see who could write the best article about the visit from the Old Golf House Veterinary Practice staff. We had a winner and a runner-up both writing an excellent article.

Cinzia Schmidt and Wiktoria Kiolbasa both wrote their articles in their home language which is Polish. The girls read to the class in Polish and then translated their article into English for us. This was a valuable exercise to show the others just how hard these two girls are working on their language skills.

The winner was Matteo Gore and the very close runner-up was Latia Fellows – a big well done to you both.


Well done girls.

The students of 7FL welcomed in some very important visitors back in early November – two of the visitors were very hairy with wet noses and wagging tails. On the 4th November, the day before bonfire night, Fleur, Tilly and Trish from the Old Golf House Veterinary Practice in Watton came in to talk to the students about keeping pets safe on Bonfire night. They explained how animals can hear much more than humans, so can become scared very easily. They showed the students how to build a den for their pets so they can hide from the noise or flashes from the fireworks. The students also got to meet their dogs and after a ‘getting to know them session’, the students were shown how to listen to a dogs heart and count the beats per minute. The students were also told about dangerous foods to look out for and how these can harm their pets, along with general care such as teeth and flea treatment. The ladies finished off talking about being a vet and how much they enjoy caring for the animal world. Students had the chance to ask lots of questions and were rewarded with a goody bag from the Cat’s Protection League.

Paris Trip In October, 45 students enjoyed a 4 day visit to Paris. On the first day, after a long coach journey, we climbed up the steps to visit the Sacré Coeur church, which stands on top of a hill overlooking the city. Some students even had their portraits painted in the artists’ square.

fear of heights to experience the breath-taking view.

The second day was a cultural tour of Paris. First we visited the Louvre, where we all found the Mona Lisa and were amazed by the vastness of this beautiful building. We were then joined by three French tour guides, who gave us a fascinating walking tour which took us to Notre Dame Cathedral.

After a rest and a meal at the Père Louis Restaurant we still had enough energy to climb the steps to the top of the Arc de Triomphe for a night-time view of the city in the rain, which made the sight quite picturesque as the lights glistened along the Champs-Élysées.

Next, we visited the Montparnasse Tower, where the lift took us up 56 floors in 38 seconds! We also had an amazing 360 degree view from the roof. Well done to Daisy Kiddel for conquering her

The Eiffel Tower was our next photo stop, and then we enjoyed a cruise along the river Seine, listening to the commentary through the hand sets along with the Parisian music in the background.

Thursday was spent at Disneyland, where we met all the usual characters, had fun on the rides and watched the parades. Even some of the adults were excited to see all the characters, singing and dancing through the park.

Our students were a credit to the Academy throughout the trip, and we were given positive comments wherever we went. Thank you to everyone for making the visit so enjoyable, and especially to Mrs Ashby, Mr and Mr Harris and Mr Clark for accompanying us. Mrs Ward


Shakespeare for Schools On 12th October 2015 Wayland Academy Norfolk students took part in the national Shakespeare for Schools event. This event is supported and organised by many prestigious organisations from the Arts Council to Trinity College. It saw a mixture of 23 Year 8 and Year 9 students perform a 30 minute abridged version of ‘The Comedy of Errors.’ The students performed live on stage at the Norwich Playhouse to a full house. Wayland Academy was one of only four schools performing in Norfolk showing the diverse talents of our students who had to master Shakespeare’s notorious iambic pentameter speech pattern and language. They delivered an outstanding performance to be proud of.


The Comedy of Errors Cast List 2015 Antipholus of Ephesus – Matas Daugintis Dromio of Ephesus – Harrison Gillespie Antipholus of Syracuse – Chloe Pearson Dromio of Syracuse – Emma Rear Adriana – Emma Harding Luciana – Beth Childerhouse Duke – Alysha Barnes Angelo – Caitlin Newby Balthasar – Aime Mason First Merchant – Harriet Smith Foreign Merchant – Erin Dent Courtesan – Grace Schofield Doctor Pinch – Patsy Farrell Abbess – Megan Green Messenger – Wiktoria Jankowska

Officer 1 – Daisy Dobbin Officer 2 – Phoebe Tortice Officer 3 – Kiril Voitiakevicius Ensemble/Covers: Bethany Shaw Kimberley Townsend Rebecca Chapman Janis Brenners Saffron Moore Antipholus of Ephesus – Janis Brenners Antipholus of Syracuse – Saffron Moore Adriana – Kimberley Townsend

Performers College 21 Wayland Academy Norfolk students had the opportunity to visit the prestigious ‘Performers College’ in Essex, home to the professional training of current West End and commercial artists.

Mighty Oakus goes for £3400 at auction!!!!!! After a scorching summer full of fiery fun the GoGoDragons! said goodbye to our fine city by raising £369,500 for children’s charity Break. As an academy we raised over £8,500 for Break and we are very proud of the staff and students that supported the campaign. Eighty-two of the colourful fire-breathers went under the hammer at a charity auction at The Forum, Norwich. The event was an exciting grand finale to the GoGoDragons! trail – brought to Norwich by Break and Wild in Art – which had seen the winged warriors win the hearts of people of all ages.

The GoGoDragons! beat the amount raised by their predecessors – the GoGoGorillas! – who in 2013 raised a total of £272,300. The fundraising superstars which sold for the most money last night included GoGoMosaic, by artist Carolyn Ash, which went for £25,000, Duff, by artist Alex Egan, which raised £20,500 and Luda, by Norfolk’s “Mini Monet” Kieron Williamson, which sold for £20,000. For full details visit www.gogodragons.co.uk

Performers College is an impressive facility offering professional training for a career in dance and musical theatre. The college is led and supported by highly respected artists in the field of film, TV and theatre. Students were lucky enough to visit the facility and have an insight into the hard work, dedication and discipline required for a career in Performing Arts. Students saw a variety of classes from ballet, contemporary, tap and musical theatre. During the day students saw workshops led by West End stars such as the highly respected Vanessa Leigh Hicks and even a surprise appearance by the cricketer Tim Murtagh!

Well done everyone.



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Classroom behaviour A clear structure for learning

• All lessons start on time, with students met at the door by their teacher and a register taken. • Differentiated Bronze, Silver and Gold learning objectives are visible and clearly stated. • There will be a starter activity to ensure learning starts immediately. • Lessons will end with a plenary where objectives or questions are reviewed. • Homework or Home Learning Projects will be set in line with our Home Learning Policy.

Feedback and assessment • There will be regular assessment of students’ work so that each student knows what level they are working at and what their own individual targets are. • Written feedback requires students to respond to comments and show what they have done to improve. • Between two and four students will be awarded Positive Behaviour Points in every lesson. part of the


• Students will be set clear and consistent expectations for conduct in lessons, linked to our C.O.P.E. system and Your Behaviour, Your Choice. • We expect respect to be shown in the classroom by everyone, at all times, in line with our RESPECT campaign.

How we learn

• Teachers will ask questions which are targeted at individuals and pitched at a level that provides appropriate challenge. We operate a ‘no hands up’ policy. • There is an academy literacy focus visible throughout every lesson that develops reading, writing and communication skills. • Different tasks are set for different groups of students, to meet the specific learning needs of all students including the most able. • Mini plenaries or assessment for learning activities will be used to consolidate and deepen understanding. Teachers will use this to address any misconceptions or re-direct the learning, so that students do not fall behind. • A Class Charts seating plan will be used to aid planning for group work, differentiated tasks and targeted questioning.

Wayland Academy Norfolk’s

Achievement Evening 2015 The 2015 Year 11 Achievement Evening was a fantastic celebration event; everyone should take pride in all that they have achieved and know in their hearts they did the best they could. The evening celebrated every student across a broad range of subjects, as well as individuals in

specific Subject Awards and Academy Awards. You will see the details of the winners overleaf and photos of some of them below. Kieran Miles was an excellent speaker on the evening and we were both privileged to recognise the successes and hand out the 2015 Awards.

Congratulations to everyone, and a further well done to Anthony Webb who received the Award for Progress, Claudia Pereira who received the Award for School Life and Catherine Lee who received the Principal’s Award. Well done everyone!

Ty Bond

Harley Evans

Catherine Lee

Jessica Palmer

Claudia Pereira

Natasha Rudd

Maisie Shiplee

Emily Stewart

Megan Taylor

Anthony Webb


Subject Awards Art

Anthony Webb

For continuous and sustained effort in Art. Anthony made the creative process fun and was a brilliant, insightful student to have in the room. He always persevered through concepts he found difficult and put in a lot of extra work outside lesson times. An achievement well deserved.

BTEC Construction Steven Gale

This award has been given to Steven Gale in recognition of his outstanding effort and commitment to the course. We wish him well in his future career in construction.

BTEC Creative Digital Media Production Jessica Palmer

Jessica worked tirelessly throughout the course. She was always prepared to go the extra mile and received a thoroughly deserved ‘Merit’ grade.


Benjamin Thomas-Lewin Benjamin displayed a lively and enthusiastic interest in Electronics throughout the period of study. He had a natural ability and understanding of the theory involved and coupled this with hard work and application when it mattered. This resulted in a good GCSE examination Pass.


Natasha Rudd

Natasha worked extremely hard throughout the course and sought to constantly improve her work down to the finest details. Her ideas were novel, highly perceptive and showed an intuitive understanding of the


writer’s craft. I was impressed by her contributions to class discussions – often viewing both language and literature from a wide range of perspectives, showing a thoughtful and considered approach to looking at writing from different angles.

English Literature Emily Stewart

During our study of various texts on the English Literature course, Emily showed great versatility in being able to respond not only to different genres such as novels, poetry and plays, but also to different time periods ranging from the sixteenth century to more recent texts. She also displayed a deep understanding of the cultural influences on these texts - with her answers appreciating how they were received by the society at the time, as well as how their significance had changed over the years and were viewed by a modern audience.

Food Technology Jennifer Collins

Jennifer has been awarded this prize for working tremendously hard to surpass her targets and secure her place at College. Well Done.


Emily Stewart

A naturally talented linguist, Emily took a keen interest in all aspects of the French language. She participated enthusiastically in all class activities, her confidence in speaking French increased and it was a pleasure to see her linguistic skills develop. Emily’s work was always of a high standard, she has an excellent command of grammar and vocabulary and she thoroughly deserves this award. Who will

ever forget “Bella”, the song to which Emily introduced us in Year 10?!


Jessica Palmer

Jessica worked continuously hard within Geography, trying extremely hard with her coursework and reaping the benefits with a super grade. Well done!


Catherine Lee

Catherine worked extremely hard throughout KS4 serving as a role model to others and her dedication and enthusiasm resulted in a very good achievement at GCSE.

Graphic Products Anthony Webb

For perseverance, hard work and dedication. Anthony lost all his GCSE coursework, however was able to catch up and still achieved a Grade A. An absolutely superb effort for which he should be commended.

BTEC Health & Social Care Jodie Tucker

Jodie was a quiet member of the class who became extremely valued by the other members of the class. She was inspirational in her work ethic and effort and an absolute joy to teach. Well done Jodie.

Information & Communication Technology Anthony Webb

Anthony worked like a true professional. Dedicated, thorough, motivated and every

task was finished to the best of his ability. Hence he achieved the A Grade he so rightly deserved.


Bethany-Ann Cook

Despite facing a number of difficulties over her schooling Bethany never gave in and her determination to succeed has helped her to achieve so highly. Congratulations on a wonderful grade Bethany.

Mathematics Catherine Lee

Throughout her time at Wayland Academy, Catherine showed that she was a gifted mathematician. She was always keen to develop her knowledge and understanding of key concepts and enjoyed the challenge of the more difficult topics. This led to her comfortably achieving an A* Grade in the final examination. I have no doubt that her desire to improve will continue and I would like to take this opportunity to wish her well in all her studies in the future, particularly her mathematical ones.

Performing Arts Georgia Clarke

For her pursuit of excellence and effort in Performing Arts.

Physical Education Ty Bond

This year Ty achieved an A grade in Physical Education. He achieved this through hard work and dedication to the subject and also School Sport throughout his time at Wayland. Ty started GCSE Physical Education with a strong sporting background which allowed him to push for the A grade from the word go. Ty’s commitment and willingness

to produce outstanding work, both practically and theoretically allowed him to achieve what he deserved at GCSE PE. The PE department wish Ty a successful and active future.

Photography Maisie Shiplee

Maisie worked consistently hard during her 2 year GCSE Photography course. Her ideas were exciting and thought provoking. Maisie achieved her A Grade in photography due to her determination to succeed and patience in waiting for the perfect photograph. She was a fantastic student who would take her camera everywhere ‘just in case’ there was a great photo opportunity. It’s great that Maisie continues with her photography at Sixth Form. I wish her every success. Well done Maisie.

Product Design Harley Evans

Harley made a fantastic product this year which won the Rotary Club’s Young Designer Competition. I was very proud of Harley as he spent so much of his own time working on his product and controlled assessment, staying after school and even coming in before school. Harley you deserve all the success in the future.

Religious Education and Sociology Emily Stewart

Emily has worked very hard and achieved an A* in RE and a B in sociology. Emily showed real dedication to her studies and has been rewarded. The B Grade in Sociology is particularly impressive given the newness of the concepts that Emily had to master.

Resistant Materials Joe Watts

I am very proud of the work that Joe produced in his Resistant Materials class. He worked hard and showed great strength of character to make what he wanted, listening to advice but working independently at the same time.


Catherine Lee

Catherine has been awarded this prize for achieving an A grade in each of the Sciences and also meeting 4 levels of progress in each Science. A fantastic achievement.

BTEC Sport & Active Leisure Alex Belcher

Alex showed a consistently high effort level throughout the course. He took time and care to produce detailed assignments and always met deadlines for the submission of work.


Megan Taylor

Megan chose to attend an after school elective to try and earn an extra GCSE in statistics. She worked extremely hard, was focused, determined and excelled in the subject.

Textiles Technology Jessica Palmer

Jessica thoroughly deserves the Textiles Prize. Throughout Years 10 and 11 she constantly worked hard. Her GCSE coursework showed originality, creativity and high quality.


Academy Awards Award for Progress

Principal’s Award

Award for School Life

In the time I have had the privilege to know Anthony, I have watched him grow into a sensible and strong young adult. He has found strategies to overcome his anxieties and has achieved things he never thought he was capable of. I dare say he still fears failure and worries endlessly about letting himself and others down or even about others seeing him as ‘weird’ (whatever that means) but, he has not allowed this to get in the way of achieving the best he can at all times. He has high expectations of himself and works hard to achieve his aims.

Catherine has achieved an amazing set of results at the end of Key Stage 4. Twelve A* - B Grades of which 9 were A*/A. Catherine achieved one of the A grades in Statistics which was an ‘after school’ GCSE course.

Claudia has been presented with this award for commitment to helping others and for her boundless enthusiasm for all areas of school life. She was a much valued Paired Reading Mentor for several cohorts of students. She was always cheerful and constantly encouraged her partners to do their best!

Anthony Webb

I commend Anthony for overcoming his own personal demons and worries and for identifying what he wants to achieve and simply ‘going for it’ and not least keeping his cool. I hope that he gives himself all due credit for this. I wish Anthony all the best of luck in pursuing his dream. Silke Moxham


Catherine Lee

This is a truly exceptional set of results which Catherine thoroughly deserves following her hard work and dedication throughout her school life. Well done Catherine, I wish you every success in whatever career path you decide to take, I am sure you have an amazing future ahead of you.

Claudia Pereira

Claudia showed amazing dedication, going above and beyond the call of duty to raise money for Pets As Therapy. Not only did she arrange coffee mornings, she also made the most outstanding cakes to sell which drew in the crowds. We wish her every success for the future.

TEN Group Academies


Matters Attendance at school is important because there is such a strong link between attendance and achievement. Attendance matters because we want every student to achieve to their potential.

Every day counts • Students with good attendance are more likely to achieve better examination results and go on to have more successful careers. • Most students should have at least 97% attendance (6 days absence) over a year. • We will contact you if your child’s attendance falls under 93% to see how we can help to improve their attendance. Be on time – so you don’t miss out on learning. It’s also good practice for when you get a job • Arriving 15 minutes late per day would mean missing 2 weeks of school over a year. Call in sickness absence by 8.30am – phone the main school number and select the option for reporting an absence • Where possible please book dental and medical appointments after school. • If you are unsure if your child is genuinely unwell, please send them to school with a note and a contact number in case we need to call. Let us know if there is a problem so that we can do something about it • This could be struggling with a particular lesson, having trouble with peers or anything that is putting them off coming to school.

If there is an exceptional reason to request an absence during term time please complete a request form. Holidays during term time will not be authorised and unauthorised absence of 5 or more consecutive days are likely to result in a fine (£60 per parent per child). We are legally required to challenge persistent absence and may be required to take legal action where attendance doesn’t improve.

• Persistent absence is considered as attendance of 90% or less with at least 10% unauthorised absence over a 6 week period or 10 consecutive sessions (5 consecutive days) unauthorised absence. • We may have to refer you to the Local Authority to start Fast Track proceedings which could result in: • A fixed penalty notice of £60 per parent per child • A fine of up to £2500 or imprisonment

If you have any queries or concerns please call us and ask to speak to the Academy Attendance Officer.

Over 95% attendance

(1 day off every 4 weeks) 80% chance of achieving 5A*– C grades at GCSE

Over 90-94% attendance (1 day off a fortnight) 60% chance of achieving 5A*– C grades at GCSE

Over 85-89% attendance (1.5 days off a fortnight) 42% chance of achieving 5A*– C grades at GCSE

Less than 82% attendance (1.5 days off a week) 24% chance of achieving 5A*- C grades at GCSE

Produced by the


The Watton and District Rotary Young Chef Competition at Wayland Academy Norfolk The final of the Young Chef competition took place on 24th November

The four were, Lily Carrington, Deryn Blackwell, Megan Green and Megan Evans.

There were four entrants as the judges were unable to split two in the previous round; there are normally three finalists.

The task was to cook two courses and the competition was excellent producing dishes for starters, main and dessert.


The winner was Megan Green who cooked chicken skewers with dip and lamb cutlets with mint sauce and potato slices. Well done to all involved. Mrs Beckwith

SKILLS SHOW On Friday 20th November a group of just under 100 Wayland Academy Norfolk students from Years 9, 10 and 11 set off to Birmingham at the crack of dawn (6.30am to be precise). We were heading to the WorldSkills Show, an annual celebration of vocational skills which is held at the NEC. Thanks to the early start, the first part of the journey was relatively subdued, but students soon woke-up once we’d stopped for breakfast and the second leg was a little more lively. Surprisingly, they managed to wait until we were almost there before they asked how much further we had to go! Luckily, queues at the venue were a little shorter than usual (we definitely arrived at the right time!) and we were soon scanning our wristbands and walking in to the first of nine halls. The event is

huge; it’s billed as the UK’s largest skills and careers event and covers an area the size of twelve football pitches. Students could explore freely and take in information on careers from floristry to stone masonry, criminal forensics to performing arts. There were stalls there from many different exhibitors in as many industry sectors as you can think of. As well as demonstrations, many of the exhibitors also included ‘Have a Go’ areas where students could try their hand at different skills. This was the fourth year in a row that we have run this trip but as usual there was plenty to keep everyone occupied – even those of us that have been every year. The students had a great time and shared their experiences on the buses on the way back.

in the national finals of skills competitions in their field, hoping to win a place in Squad UK to compete in the world finals which will be held in Abu Dhabi in October 2017. We were incredibly proud that one of our past students, Shane Everett, was competing in the Carpentry event for the second year running and made sure that we dropped by to offer our support. The results of the competitions were announced on Saturday 21st November and we are over the moon to announce that Shane came second in his competition and has been asked to join Squad UK for Abu Dhabi!

As well as the careers information and advice, the WorldSkills Show also includes a competitive element; the culmination of months of hard work. FE (Further Education) students from across the country were competing

Design and Technology YEAR 11 CATCH UP Product Design catch up sessions are held every Tuesday in Miss Pitt’s room. Graphic Design catch up sessions held every Wednesday in room 6.

In-Stitches Club Come along to ‘In Stitches’. Held in Mrs Frasers room, you can learn to knit, cross stitch and even crochet. Materials will be provided. Students and Teachers welcome!

Design Technology and Art Department Positives The following students received the most Positives within the Design Technology and Art Department. Jasmine Seppings (11ME) Katharine Ward (11ME) Elle Harvey-Giddings (10H) Sophie Whiting (10N) Mickila Sayer (9M) Luke Lyon (9H) Joshua Gore (8N) Declan Royal (8S) Kieran Steward (7M) Jekaterina Butylkina (7M)

COLLECTION of 2015 leavers work + previous years textiles work All work completed by year 11 last year is ready for collection, please can you pop in and collect your final pieces by February half term. Also any students from previous years who studied textiles please contact us to collect your dresses – we have a large number in storage and would love these to be returned to you!



9th World Martial Arts Games, Norwich, England Connor Soame – His Story of the Games Preparation competitor cannot just attend A and compete in a World Martial Arts Games (WMAG) Competition. Connor, alongside all the other competitors throughout the World had to earn his place in the GB Team. This involved competing in numerous National Martial Arts Games (NMAG) qualifying competitions and achieving podium positions. Selected athletes were then required to attend additional NMAG competition training events (consisting of half day training camps once a month) on top of their regular training (in Connor’s case, his 4 hours a week Tae Kwon Do training in Watton).


Connor also supplemented his training with attending classes in Great Hockham, Swaffham, Castleacre as well as attending regular (non-competition) weekend courses. In all Connor was (and still is) averaging between 30 and 40 hours training a month.

The Games The 9th World Martial Arts Games were held in Norwich at the Sportspark in the UEA. This premier venue hosted countries from all over the World – teams from as far afield as Australia and Azerbajan were represented alongside many European teams. The host team, Team GB, as

expected was the largest team, though the Australian, German and Austrian Countries put forward strong teams. The World Martial Arts Games promotes fair play and competition amongst all Martial Arts under a uniform banner. Athletes from various Martial Arts including multiple Karate and Kung-fu styles, Chinese Kempo, Ju-Jitsu. Free Style Karate, Kick Boxing and Tae Kwon Do were all represented. Connor, as a Brown Belt Black tabs (1st Kup) was eligible to enter the ‘Under-belt’ categories within the Games (an ‘Under-belt’ is someone who is not yet a Black belt). Shortly before the Games the National Director for Team GB

was so happy with Connor’s performances, that he suggested that Connor also enter the Black Belt categories. Therefore Connor entered Point Sparring and Continuous Sparring in both Under-Belt and Black Belt Divisions. Point Sparring is where competitors ‘score points’ with techniques and the centre Referee stops the bout every time a point is scored. Continuous Sparring is similar to boxing in that ‘rounds’ are fought and judges score the performances at the end of each round.

Connor’s Results After successfully competing in four well contested categories, Connor achieved the following results. This was a very special moment for Connor, his friends, family, his club and supporters as he took the top step of the Podium to hear the National Anthem, not once, but twice. Under-belt • Point Sparring – Silver Medal • Continuous Sparring – Gold Medal, World Champion Black Belt • Point Sparring – Bronze Medal • Continuous Sparring – Gold Medal, World Champion

The Future Connor’s immediate goal is to achieve his Black Belt next May. His preparation and commitment for the WMAG Competition has stood him in very good stead for his Black Belt. He has successfully passed his initial mock Black Belt grading in November – unsurprisingly, he scored well in his sparring section! Connor has the opportunity to defend his Title next year in Johannesburg, South Africa, in October.

Where he trains Connor trains at the Watton Youth Centre on Wednesday and Friday nights between 7pm to 9pm, with Saracen Martial Arts Chief Instructor and Founder Ian Soame 6th Dan (His father). Those interested in the Martial Art of Tae Kwon Do are welcome to come along for a month’s free training. Contact Ian for any further information on 01953 882034.

RUGBY Rugby at Wayland has started very strongly this year with all years performing well. The Year 7, 8 and 9 teams took part in an emerging schools tournament hosted at Wymondham College. The Year 7 team finished in 3rd place out of 22 schools, whilst the Year 8 and 9 teams both got to the semi-finals in their tournaments. Outside of the emerging schools tournament, all teams have shown progression with students making developments in their understanding of the game. Rugby team achievements: • Year 7: Best 3rd place in a tournament of 22 schools. • Year 8: Winning 61-5 against Acle in a very clinical performance. • Year 9: Losing by 5 points to a very strong Dereham team. If you are interested in joining the rugby team please come to training on a Tuesday night from 3.20pm to 4.15pm.



V Northgate V Wym High V Neatherd



Year 11 Opponent


Home / Away



Iceni Academy

Tues 22nd Sept



WON 5-1

Thetford Academy

Wed 30th Sept



WON 7-6

Dereham Northgate

Wed 14th Oct



LOST 4-2

Dereham Neatherd

Wed 4th Nov



WON 5-1

Wymondham High

Thurs 11th Feb



Wymondham College


Year 10 Opponent


Home / Away



Iceni Academy

Wed 16th Sept



LOST 9-1

Thetford Academy

Tues 6th Oct



LOST 4-1

Dereham Northgate

Wed 21st Oct



LOST 10-1

Dereham Neatherd

Tues 3rd Nov



LOST 4-1

Wymondham High

Wed 3rd Feb



Wymondham College


Year 9 Opponent


Home / Away



Iceni Academy

Thurs 17th Sept



LOST 8-1

Thetford Academy

Thurs 1st Oct



LOST 7-2

Dereham Northgate

Tues 13th Oct



LOST 9-1

Dereham Neatherd

Wed 11th Nov



LOST 6-0

Wymondham High

Wed 3rd Feb



Wymondham College


Home / Away



Year 8 Opponent


Iceni Academy

Wed 16th Sept



WON 4-3

Thetford Academy

Thurs 8th Oct



WON 6-3

Dereham Northgate

Thurs 15th Oct



LOST 11-1

Dereham Neatherd

Thurs 12th Nov



LOST 6-1

Wymondham High

Thurs 4th Feb



Wymondham College


Year 7 Opponent


Home / Away



Iceni Academy

Wed 23rd Sept



WON 3-2

Thetford Academy

Tues 29th Sept



LOST 4-2

Dereham Northgate

Wed 21st Oct



WON 5-3

Dereham Neatherd

Tues 10th Nov



Wymondham High

Thurs 11th Feb



Wymondham College



V Northgate V Neatherd V Wym High

Won 1-0 Lost 4-0 Lost 2-0

Won 10-0 Won 9-0 Won 6-0

The U16’s have qualified for the league semi-finals when they will play Diss at home.

Great success for U16 at Area Tournament The U16 hockey team on a very wet day in September put in some fantastic performances, beating Wymondham High, Diss, Old Buckenham and Northgate. This then qualified them for the County Finals. Here the top eight schools in the County meet. Wayland were in a tough group with Greshams, Langley and KES. Their first two games were very close but they narrowly lost 2-0 and 1-0, but this did not dampen their spirits and in their final game they got the win they deserved beating KES 1-0. Excellent work ladies and well done. Squad: Holly Salih (GK) Tamika Bustin, Lilyella Hart, Kayleigh Eagling, Elisha Poole, Amy Studer, Tammy Levin, Jasmine Vincent, Charlotte Clubb, Lia Jones, Emma Bambridge, Wiktoria Bujanowska, Kerris Walpole and Emma Lowery

Student Voice Our form reps are: Form



Connor Riches and Jodie Courtman


Beth Norcutt and Kylie Belfield


Libby Andrews and Luke Mendham


Ellie Spaul and Bronwyn Nicol


Ellie Lynch and Luke Bonneton de Sarlat


Kimberly Townsend and Luke Nickerson


Kiril Voitiukevicius and Wiktoria Bujanowska


Caitlin Newby and Finley Martin


Arthur Hall and Marissa Nicholls


Brooklyn Peachment and Patsy Farrell


Steven Cook and Jessica Russon and Dee Manning


Emily Rumer and Emma Bambridge


Reeanna Cook and Wiktoria Bujanowska


Lauren Dade and Jack Gell


Rebekka Vansittart and Jasmine Vincent


Joel Ferreira and Georgia Schofield


Alice Stewart and Lewis North


Jake Clachan and Amy Hort


Sam Bray and Tamika Bustin


Harrison Cutts and Wendy Mackinnon


Taylor Cassidy and Cam Hudson


Vanessa Thomas and Chloe Lee

Student Voice have got off to an excellent start this year. The topics we have been discussing so far are: anti-bullying work in the Academy, our RESPECT campaign, the canteen, should we have a summer uniform and how successful the new HLP’s are.

The Brilliant Club 2015 A new cohort of Year 7 and 8 students have been taking part in this year’s scholar programme. So far they have completed their launch trip to UEA and have been taking part in tutorials with their PhD tutor, Julie.

The topic this time is “Through the Looking Glass: An introduction to literary theory”. We cannot wait to see their final piece of work and if they graduate we will be off to the University of Cambridge to celebrate.

Wayland Academy Norfolk Debate Society (W.A.N.D.S) Wayland Academy Debate Society has started off with a controversial bang this term! Debate society has covered issues such as animal rights, corporal punishment and use of phones within schools to determine how we can set our society on the right path. This is a great opportunity for Year 11s to work alongside Year 7s to build up a strong, persuasive case that will sway the opponents! We meet every Monday lunch, with the hope of persuading the opposing team and members of the floor to agree with us and change the world! Every week we choose a new topic to discuss and we have students drop in and join our arguments when there is a topic they are passionate about. This is a great way of developing their persuasive skills which are crucial in English and R.E. W.A.N.D.S has only just started, but it has been taken up with great enthusiasm from the Academy and hopefully in the weeks and months to come it will continue to grow.


YEAR 7 RESIDENTIAL Back in October we took 78 Year 7 students to the Kingswood Centre at Overstrand Hall for 3 days.


The accommodation was very nice and the boys were lucky enough to be staying in the hall itself with beautiful wood floors and carvings as well as giant bedrooms!

Last month students in Year 7 were issued with their HLP (Homework Learning Project) on castles.

During their stay students participated in 13 different activities including orienteering, ‘Jungle Vines’ and ‘Aeroball’. Although it rained students did not allow this to dampen their spirits, for many it only added to the experience sliding around on the grass during ‘Laser Tag’ and crawling through muddy puddles during ‘Nightline’. Even Mr Allott had a go on some very wet high ropes. A fantastic time was had by all, allowing students to get to know each other better and develop invaluable teamwork skills. 24

One of the tasks required students to make either a Stone Keep castle or a Motte and Bailey castle. These could be made out of any material students wished, and what a range we had. We saw some fantastic castles made from cardboard, lego, cake and even one made from a breeze block! It was fantastic to see so many different models and variations and all students put in a tremendous amount of effort to produce their masterpiece. Excellent work Year 7; very well done.

Memorial Poppy Garden Students from 10H have been extremely busy throughout November, making and selling poppies for a very special memorial garden. The idea ran alongside the British Legion Poppy Appeal, which the Academy supported again this year. However, students were able to buy unique poppies and write their own special message on the back to remember someone special in their lives. The poppies were then planted in the memorial garden which was on display in reception.

Acorn Adventure France Trip In June 2015, 42 Wayland Academy students embarked on the trip of the year to the Ardres in Northern France for a fun filled, action packed weekend of watersports. As soon as the students arrived they were greeted with their first activity – the water assault course – where the main objective was to get as wet as possible as quickly as possible!

just about to begin. On the first night, students visited the Ice Cream Parlour where some brave individual’s took on the five scoop challenge and then raced back to camp on the Katu-Kanu. The following night students were kept warm by a camp fire, where songs were sung and marshmallows were burnt. There was even some karaoke led by Mr Crowdy and his YouTube famous Guitar.

Over the course of the weekend all the students took on many different tasks, both on land and sea. Whilst some students were taking on the challenging high ropes, others were racing around the water on Paddle Boards, Canoes and Kayaks. I think it was safe to say they were all a bit wet by the time they had finished on the water activities!

I would like to thank all the staff at Acorn Adventures for making the trip so enjoyable as well Mrs Ashby, Mrs Amys, Miss Hunt, Mr Crowdy and Mr Machell for making the trip run so smoothly. I would also like to say a big thank you and well done to all the students, who throughout the trip challenged themselves everyday whilst always doing the Academy proud!

As the day drew to a close, the evening entertainment was

Students, from Hero House, wanted to do something to support their charity, Help for Heroes, and came up with the fundraising idea. With encouragement and support from their fantastic tutor, Mrs Beckwith, the whole tutor group got behind the idea and all got involved, working closely as a team to make it a huge success. They took on the various tasks, including making the garden, printing and cutting out the poppies and also selling them around the Academy. The total raised was £74.44 which will be donated to Help for Heroes. A big thank you to Myhill’s of Watton, who kindly donated the poppy stems.

Mr Anderton


Year 11 Revision Sessions Final year GCSE students have been working hard late into the evenings preparing for their final exams. After Christmas, the following revision sessions will be taking place for those all-important last minute tips, advice and guidance. Higher Tier Reading – Monday Foundation Tier Reading – Thursday Higher Tier Writing – Wednesday Foundation Tier Writing – Monday

ENGLISH An Inspector Calls

Progress Awards

On Tuesday, 2nd December, Key Stage 4 students visited the production of ‘An Inspector Calls’ at the Theatre Royal in Norwich.

Congratulations to the winners of our November Progress Awards – those students whom teachers feel have made outstanding progress in their work over the last month. The list of winners is below and all will be entered into a half-termly raffle to win a gift voucher. Well done everyone!

Having won three Olivier Awards and seven Drama Desks Awards, as well as more awards than any other play in history, the production comes highly recommended. With critics remarking that it is “as fresh and mesmerising as it was 17 years ago” the students enjoyed their crisp, winter night at the theatre. The Times called it “nerve shreddingly exciting” – all of the students were on the edge of their seats!


Year 7: Toni Leeder, Hannah Crossley, Lara Linge, Benita Gelunaite, Josie Morton, Michaela Valenciano. Year 8: Jayden Whitehair, Finley Martin, Gracie Salih, Lauren Cockman, Josh Turley, Wiktor Mejza, Eleanor Kelly, Chelsea Parodi, Joao Pinheiro. Year 9: Ben Cardy, Eleanor Rix, Fred Bate, Kerry Quadling, Georgia Bidewell, Lucy Mill, Josh Talbot, Jake Hirst, Elle Kelner, Will Baird-Parker, Ethan White, Lara Livermore.

Year 10: Roxanne Rudd, Lucy Harrison, Thomas Redfern, Jack Gell, Charlotte Rose-Eyre, Cameron McIlwaine, Jade Agent, Sam Butters, Rebecca Cockman, Harvey Eales, Calum Davey, Milosz Nierzwicki. Year 11: Jake Clachan, Ben Andrews, Bradley Sharp, Jonathan Breen, Bethany Precious, Tammy Levin, Ella Smy, Charley Burge, Vanessa Thomas, Chloe Lee, Calvin Howard, Sam Munns, Jakob Borgognoni, Curtis Tortice.

BBC, BBC Children in Need and Pudsey Bear are trade marks of the BBC and are used under licence. BBC Children in Need is a charity registered

NEWS IN BRIEF Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme

Health and Social Care Visit

Free Pixl Mathematics App

As I am sure you are aware, Wayland Academy Norfolk does not currently offer the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme to our students.

In July, the Health and Social Care class visited Dorrington House in Watton. This allowed the students to have a first-hand look at care of the elderly and more specifically those with dementia.

All Year 11 students have been given access to a free mathematics revision app that has been produced by a company called Pixl. It has questions, solutions and help videos all aimed at GCSE Mathematics.

We would love to be able to get this ‘off the ground’ again, but do require volunteers to help. If this is something that interests you and you would be willing to help MBER please contact the Academy. OVE

20 N IDAY R F It could be anything from helping

with organisation to helping with expeditions – we would love to Y BANDANA AT YOUR GET hear from you.PUDSE Please email office@waylandacademy.org.uk


Bag2School collection


On Monday 16th November Wayland Academy Norfolk had a collection from Bag2School. Bags of unwanted clothing were kindly donated to us throughout the year, including unclaimed lost property which was bagged up and collected to be weighed and converted into cash for the Academy. We raised £96. Thank you to all who brought their bags in. £46 was donated to Eco bugs to provide equipment and resources for the environmental team and the other will be used to provide equipment and resources for the Academy.

The students, were, as ever a credit to the Academy. Some helped with lunchtime and also changing a bed, while others chatted to the residents.

It is available from Google Play, the App Store and at mathsapp.pixl.org.uk/PMA.swf for desktop and laptop computers.

The students also had the opportunity to talk to staff about working in this specialised environment.

It is due to be rolled out to Year 10 students in 2016.

It proved to be a very worthwhile experience for all, even if some found it a little daunting.

Children In Need

Former students of the Academy were working at Dorrington House and had the opportunity to ask them about apprenticeships offered there. Overall an enlightening experience for all.

On Friday 19th November Wayland Academy held a non-school uniform day to raise money towards the annual BBC Children In Need Appeal. We are pleased to say we were able to send a cheque for £645.57 towards this very worthwhile charity.

STEM Days for Year 5 and 6 This term we have held a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) day for children in Years 5 and 6. This day, which was on a Saturday, was free of charge. The first STEM day was all based around the idea of cooking. The day began with the children cooking two recipes. The first was peppermint creams and the second more exciting one was marshmallow fudge. The children got to have hands-on experience working in the food technology room. The second part of the day saw the children

create a box design to hold their sweets in to take home. Finally to end the day the science to sweets was explored which involved screaming jelly babies and custard bombs. The future STEM days are on: Saturday 23rd January 2016 Saturday 19th March 2016 Saturday 7th May 2016 Saturday 25th June 2016 If your child is in Year 5 or 6 and would like to take part in the next STEM day please contact Mrs Harris on 01953 881 514 to register.


Exam Timetable 2016 Day and Date


To be arranged

Performing Arts – Individual Showcase / Art & Design / Art & Design - Photography


Mon 16th May

• Creative Media • Religious Studies: Religion & Life • Travel & Tourism: The UK Travel & Tourism Sector

1hr 1hr 30m

Tue 17th May

• French : Unit 1 Listening • French : Unit 2 Reading

45m 50m

• Science : Biology


Wed 18th May

• Construction: Unit 1 Construction Technology • Health & Social Care • ICT : Living in A Digital World


• Religious Studies: Religion in Society

1hr 30m

Thu 19th May

• Science: Chemistry


• Law: Unit 2 • Sociology: Unit 2 Socialisation, Culture & Identity

1hr 30m 1hr 30m

Fri 20th May

• Construction: Unit 2 Sustainability in Construction • Spanish: Unit 1 • Spanish: Unit 2

1hr 15m

• Physical Education: An Introduction to PE • Portuguese: Reading


Mon 23rd May

• English Literature: Paper 1

1hr 30m

Tue 24th May

• Design and Technology: Textiles • Engineering


• Geography: Paper 1

1hr 30m

Wed 25th May

• Portuguese: Unit 1 Listening • Travel & Tourism: Travel & Tourism Business Environment

50m 1hr

• Science: Physics


Thu 26th May

• Portuguese: Unit 1 Listening • Travel & Tourism: Travel & Tourism Business Environment

1hr 45m

• ICT: Exploring Digital Design • Physical Education: Developing Knowledge in PE

1hr 30m 1hr

Fri 27th May

• English Literature: Paper 2 • English Literature: Paper 4

1hr 15m 1hr 30m

Mon 6th June

• History: Aspects of Int’l Relations WW1 1890-1918


• Design and Technology: Food


Tue 7th June

• English Language

2hr 15m

Wed 8th June

• Computer Science • German: Listening • German: Reading

1hr 30m 45m 50m

• Geography: Paper 2

1hr 30

Thu 9th June

• Mathematics (Calculator)

1hr 45m

Fri 10th June

• Additional Science: Biology • Further Addition Science: Biology

1hr 1hr

• Portuguese: Unit 4 Writing paper





• Law: Unit 1 1hr 30m • Sociology: Unit 1 Sociology Basics 1hr • Sociology : Unit 3 Applying 1hr Sociological Research Techniques

1hr 1hr

45m 45m



Mon 13th June

• Child Development • Electronics

1hr 30 2hr

Tue 14th June

• History: British Society Change 1939-1975

1hr 30m

• Additional Science: Chemistry • Further Additional Science: Chemistry

1hr 1hr

• Design and Technology: Graphic Products


Wed 15th June

• Polish: Unit 2 Reading paper (written)


Thu 16th June

• Design and Technology: Resistant Materials


Fri 17th June

• Additional Science: Physics • Further Additional Science: Physics

1hr 1hr

Tue 21st June

• Polish: Unit 2 Reading paper (written) • Polish: Unit 4 Writing paper


• Design and Technology: Product Design


Mon 27th June



Dates for your diary DECEMBER 2015 Fri 18 – Wayland Academy Norfolk closes 3.15pm for Christmas JANUARY 2016 Mon 04 – Staff training day Tue 05 – Students return to Wayland Academy Tue 12 – Lost Property Display Fri 15 – Year 11 Mock results Assembly Mon 18 – Year 11 reports published Thur 21 – Year 11 Parent/ Student Conversation FEBRUARY 2016 Mon 08 – Charity Event Week Fri 12 – Charity Event Week ends Wayland Academy closes 3.15pm for half term Mon 22 – Students return to Wayland Academy Norfolk Thur 25 – Year 11 GCSE PE practical mock MARCH 2016 Tue 01 – Year 9 reports published Thur 03 – Year 9 Parent/ Student Conversation Tue 08 – Year 10 & 11 Meningitis and Diphtheria vaccinations Lost Property Display Mon 14 to Thur 24 March – Yr 10 Work Experience Wed 16 – Year 10 Science CA Day Thur 17 – Year 9 Pathways Evening Fri 18 – Year 11 Science CA Day Mon 21 – Charity Events Week Thur 24 – Charity Events Week ends Thur 24 – Year 7, 8, 10, 11 Snapshots published Wayland Academy closes 3.15pm for Easter holidays APRIL 2016 Mon 11 – Students return to Wayland Academy Norfolk Tue 12 – Lost Property Display Wed 20 – Year 7 Parent/ Student Conversation MAY 2016 Mon 02 – May Bank Holiday Thur 05 – Year 8 Parent/ Student Conversation Fri 06 – Year 8 Girls HPV Tue 10 – Lost Property Display Mon 16 – GCSE Examinations begin Mon 23 – Charity Event Week Tue 24 to Fri 27 – Year 10 Rome Trip Wed 25 – Bag2School collection (please bring your bags of unwanted clothing before 9am) Fri 27 – Charity Event Week ends Fri 27 – Year 11 Snapshots published Wayland Academy closes at 3.15pm for Half Term

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