City Creek Press 2018 Catalog

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Our programs combine literature with math using colorful pictures and stories. While addressing all learning styles, it has been proven effective. All the basic facts are taught; the products or sums of all 2 digit numbers.

Teachers and Parents Say... “My children’s math scores greatly improved over last year. I credit that to your program. On the Stanford 9 National test and the District test, they had the highest scores for their grade level.”

“This system works! My grandson just couldn’t get the times table concept, but after using your book for two days the results were amazing. He even picked up the book to look at the cartoon pages himself. We now know our times tables.”

Kathryn Jones, Kingman, AZ, fourth

Joan Meyer, Wayne, NJ


“Times Tables The Fun Way is captivating my students’ attention and interest with its marvelous use of color and intriguing stories. My students, especially those who are visual and imaginative learners, thrive on your products where once they were unsuccessful! Thank you!” Renee Weitzner, Washington, DC

“I use Times Tables The Fun Way for multiplication and division with my lower ability students. This program worked so well that by the end of the unit these students were challenging my higher students to flash card speed drills -- and were beating them! This program gave my students the opportunity to be successful and to be proud.” Diane Nichols, Osgood School, North Platte, NE

“A great tool to teach Special Education students their addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts without them knowing they’re learning. It’s a painless way of teaching with it’s visual and auditory approaches to learning.” Doris Presley, Jonesville, VA

“This system works! My son was so focused on the “process” that he just was not committing the facts to memory. At the end of second grade I was pulling my hair out after trying a variety of approaches. Two weeks with your program and he knows his facts. Plus he thinks math is fun--for the first time. Thanks! I’m telling the other teachers at school!” Donna Fisher, San Antonio, TX

“My third grade students were introduced to the program at the end of last year and came back to school remembering the facts. This makes my job easy.” Jane Power, Lake Jackson, TX

Times Tables the Fun Way satisfies math standards. Most states require 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade students to memorize the basic math facts. Times Tables the Fun Way has been proven to satisfy this important math standard by increasing retention of the basic math facts. Times Tables and Addition the Fun Way are supplemental programs that can be used with any math curriculum.

This program reaches all learning styles.

Your students will love to sing and act out the stories. Magnetic play characters, music, clue cards, colorful books and posters are the multi-sensory tools included in the Classroom Kit.

Children beg to hear the stories.

Math class has never been so much fun to teach! Engaging stories and colorful pictures make memorization fun and easy with Times Tables the Fun Way.

Times Tables the Fun Way is research-based. An independently evaluated study involving 756 students, 11 counties, and 18 schools showed significant improvement (24% higher math scores) after using Times Tables the Fun Way.

*DATA VALIDATION: Using analyses of variance, (ANOVA), results showed that the pre-test scores were not significantly different, F(1,754), p,<605, suggesting that the students in the respective groups began the program at near-equal levels. The post-test results, however, did show a significant difference. Classrooms showed as much as 24% higher comparative scores F(1,754) p < .001m and individual scores showed as much as a 59% improvement F(1,754) p<.008. Campbell Study, Student Research Analysis, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

Page 2

Students learn math’s basics in a way that sticks like glue.... Super Kit Math Essentials Program


City Creek Press, Inc.

Helping Kids Get a Kick out of Learning Since 1992

The Super Kit Math Essentials Program 10100 includes all operations-times/division, addition/ subtraction using our famous picture and story method: This multi-sensory kit includes all

the products in the Teaching Kits 301 and 401. Also, Times Alive, the Magnetic Math Board, and the Times Book on CD. Save 25% with Kit 10100

“My children’s math scores greatly improved over last year. I credit that to your program. On the Stanford 9 National test and the District test, they had the highest scores for their grade level.” Kathryn Jones, Kingman, AZ, fourth grade

Page 3

Times Alive Online


•• Sign up at •• Instant access upon purchase •• Monthly subscription, cancel anytime.

•• Runs on a Mac or PC computer. •• Includes animated stories and

songs based on the Times Tables The Fun Way Book for Kids

•• Includes 18 lessons which end with interactive games •• Keeps track of progress for an unlimited number of students •• Records quiz scores, time elapsed, and date of completion •• Includes color the story paint pages and drag and drop pictures to complete the fact


Times Alive Software for MAC and PC

•• Times Alive Software is the same

program as the Online Version but no internet connection is needed.

•• One time purchase. Insert disk into computer to operate program

Times Alive has taught thousands of students to learn their times tables by watching animated stories,singing songs and playing games. A progress report is generated for each student and records quiz scores and place where student left off. Times Alive covers the 0s through 9s. Each students has a unique login name to keep track of thier own progress. You can clear tests that have been completed by entering a passcode if you want the student to retake a test. Kids love this program and stay enthralled for each lesson. Result have shown post-test scores average 98%. Page 4

Addition Basic Kit #101 A Good Choice for Parents and Tutors — Save 10%


•• 1—Addition the Fun Way Book for Kids

•• 1—Addition the Fun Way Student Workbook

•• 1—Set Addition the Fun Way Clue Cards

•• 1—Set Subtractions Cards

Times Basic Kit #202 A Good Choice for Parents and Tutors — Save 10%


•• 1—Times Tables the Fun Way Book for Kids

•• 1—Times Tables the Fun Way Student Workbook

•• 1—Set Times Tables the Fun Way Clue Cards

•• 1—Set Division Cards “You might get tired of hearing this, but thank you, thank you, thank you. My 11-year-old son loves math and science and is above average with his math skills but has NEVER been able to memorize his multiplication facts until now. As he gets into higher math, I knew he would need to find a way. This book was the answer. Thank you. Every teacher should know about this.” Donna McCain, Boise, ID

Page 5


Addition/Subtraction Teaching Kit #301

Our Most Popular Addition Products — Save 25%

•• 1—Addition Book for Kids (BKA)-learn 1s-10s with pictures and stories •• 1— Addition Student Workbook (WBA)-60 pages of practice & quizzes •• 2— Addition Sets Clue Cards (FCA)-picture cards for games & lessons •• 1— Addition Teacher’s Manual (TMA)-includes lessons and games •• 1—Set Subtraction Cards (FCS)-reverses stories to learn subtraction •• 1— Addition Audio Book on CD (ADA)-turn pages while author reads •• 1—Story Problems the Fun Way (SPT)-word problems, time, & money “A great tool to teach Special Education students their addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts without them knowing they’re learning. It’s a painless way of teaching with its visual and auditory approaches to learning.” Doris Presley, Jonesville, VA

Page 6

Times/Division Teaching Kit #401 Our Most Popular Times Products — Save 25%


•• 1—Times Book for Kids (BKT)-learn 0s -9s with pictures & stories •• 1—Times Student Workbook (WBT)-60 pages of practice & quizzes •• 2— Times Sets Clue Cards (FCT)-picture cards for games & lessons •• 1— Times Teacher’s Manual (TMT)-includes lessons and games •• 1—Set Division Cards (FCD)-reverses stories to learn division •• 1— Times Songs to Remember (CDT)-15 catchy story-theme songs •• 1­—Activity Book (ABT)-make your own flash cards, color posters “Times Tables The Fun Way is captivating my students’ attention and interest with its marvelous use of color and intriguing stories. My students, especially those who are visual and imaginative learners, thrive on your products where once they were unsuccessful! Thank you!” Renee Weitzner, Washington, DC

Page 7

Times Tables The Fun Way Book For Kids


Pictures and stories make memorization fun and easy! Once the students learn the story, they recall the mental image and remember the answer to the fact. The Times Book For Kids (BKT) covers the zeros through nines and has pictures and stories for all the difficult facts, the 3s, 4s, 6s, 7s, and 8s. Tricks are used to teach the easier facts, the 1s, 2s, 5s, and 9s.

Spend a few minutes looking

•• Main book of the times program at the picture and talking about included in Kit 401 at 20% off. the story with the student. •• In full color This will enhance the student’s •• 88 pages mental picture. Once the •• Size 7” x 8 1/2” student associates the fact •• Printed on heavy card stock with the image, remembering •• Durable spiral binding the answer is easy. •• Book lays flat for easy teaching Twins Cross the Desert There were twin sixes from Africa. They wanted to visit their cousins who lived across the desert. They hadn't seen each other for many years. They set out on their journey. After hiking for many days they got low on water. Just when they started to get very worried, they came upon a pool of clear, cool, spring water. The twin sixes were so happy to find water. They were very thirsty sixes. After getting a drink, they made it to their cousin's house where they had a glorious party.

Page 8

Remember: When it’s 6 x 6, they are very thirsty sixes. (36)

Times Tables The Fun Way Clue Cards


Helps students connect the picture with the fact!

•• Full set of 45 cards •• Includes 1s - 9s •• Size 3” x 5 1/2” •• Answers on the back •• Lesson #s on bottom for easy sorting

6 x4

4 x4

Students must know the stories in the Times Book for Kids before using the clue cards The Clue Cards are an integral part of the Times Program. They have the story characters from the Book for Kids for the 3s, 4s, 6s, 7s, and 8s. The 1s, 2s, 5s, and 9s are plain. Two sets of clue cards are needed for the games in the Teacher’s Manual. Split your students into two groups and each group uses one set. Every fact is represented but there are no reversals, ie, 6 x 8 is not

duplicated as 8 x 6. The cards are not a stand-alone product and should be used only after the student has learned the stories in the Time Book for Kids. “I was introduced to this program when my daughter was diagnosed with dyslexia. It was amazing how she was able to finally learn and remember her times tables. She is entering college this year and still talks fondly of this program I recommend it to people all the time. It is definitely worth the investment.” Susan Wolverton, Lampasas, TX

Page 9


Times Tables The Fun Way Student Workbook

•• Practice sheets, quizzes, activities

•• Size 8 1/2” x 11” •• 60 pages •• Reproducible •• Pre-test and post-test to measure progress

•• Timed practice: students try to beat their own times.

"Easy to remember accurately. It works!"

Donna Coombs, Columbia, SC

The Student Workbook should be used AFTER the students have learned the stories in the Times Book for Kids. The workbook provides the necessary practice and reinforcement. It includes double digits, regrouping, and simple division. The students record and monitor progress on the stamp and score sheet. It also includes draw-your-ownpicture quizzes.

Page 10

Times Tables The Fun Way Division Cards


Once students know the facts in the Times Book for Kids, use these cards to teach simple division.

•• Set of 63 cards •• Includes picture clues from the stories in the Times Book for Kids

•• Size 5 1/2” x 3” •• Answer with number and related story character on the back

•• Includes reversals, for example, 42 divided by 6 and 42 divided by 7

•• Divisors

Guess Who’s Missing?

2s - 9s

Guess Who’s Missing! Once students know the story, they guess who has been cut out, (divided from the story). The missing character is the answer to the fact. The division cards help students understand number families and the relationship between multiplying and dividing. Card Front


Uses picture clues from Times Book For Kids

Card Back

Page 11


Songs to Remember the Times Tables

You will need the Times Book for Kids to go along with the songs; sold separately. 15 Theme Songs from the stories in the Times Book.

•• Catchy and clever jingles in

these songs about theTimes stories.

•• Songs you’ll keep on singing. •• Read the story in Times Tables the Fun Way Book for Kids, then look at the pictures while you listen to the song.

1. 4x4

Fly Fly Away

2. 3x4

Easy and Clear Cheer

3. 3x3

A Nice Surprise

4. 6x3

Stay Put Big Foot

5. 6x4

Long to be Soarin’

6. 6x6

Thirsty Desert Walk

7. 6x8

Specialty Dish

8. 7x3

Spin A Cocoon

9. 7x4

The Fireman’s Bell

10. 7x6

Jump Like A Kangaroo

11. 7x7

Marchin’ Hard

12. 8x3

Black Lagoon

13. 8x4

Mud Pies in Their Eyes

14. 8x7

Spunky Boy

15. 8x8

Snow Falling on Cedars

“The kids are so cute because during practice I can see them singing the rhyme as they solve them.” Shelly Warren, Katy, TX

Students love listening to the songs, dancing, and acting out the stories. Play the accompanying song after teaching the story in the Times Book for Kids. The Songs to Remember Music CD is great for long car rides or listening on an ipod or ipad. Many of the songs have special effects, like horns honking, and voice sounds from the story characters. Professionally mastered and mixed, the songs will play in your head and help your students remember the answers to the times facts. Page 12

Times Tables The Fun Way Teacher’s Manual


It’s best to buy this in the Teaching Kit #401 (page 5), so you have everything you will need to use the Times Teaching Method.

•• Lesson plans cover the •• •• •• •• ••

facts 0-12, double digits, and simple division 12 games for extra practice 122 pages Size 8 1/2” x 11” Includes game cards and grading templates to make copies Multisensory approach reaches all learning styles

Fifteen hours of lesson plans coordinate the workbook pages with the Times Book for Kids. Students learn one or two stories per session. Games are played to reinforce learning in a positive way. Fun activities make learning enjoyable and students become eager for the next lesson. There are four types of awards, five grading templates for the tests in the student workbook, and seven different game sheets.

Page 13


Times Tables the Fun Way Classroom Posters

Students see the picture while you tell the story

•• Includes15 posters •• Each poster is an

enlargement of the pictures in the Times Book For Kids

•• May be posted to enhance retention

•• Use as a visual-aid while teaching the story

•• Printed on heavy duty glossy cover stock.

•• Size 13” x 20” •• Also available as a PDF

file to print yourself on our website.

The Times posters are ideal for teaching. Use the posters to display the picture while telling the story and then post them to reinforce the stories. Fifteen posters represent each story in the Times Book For Kids, all the 3s, 4s, 6s, 7s, and 8s.

Page 14

Times Tables The Fun Way Magnetic Math Set

Students recreate the story with the


Magnetic Math Story Board

•• Includes 75

magnetic story characters from Times Tables The Fun Way Book for Kids (sold separately)

•• Color coded so

characters can be easily sorted by story

•• Size 18” x 14” •• Students select

the magnetic character pieces and place them on the story board

•• Story scenes are printed on the front and back of the magnetic board

•• Characters

are similar to refrigerator magnets or the colorforms we used as kids.

Corresponding stories are from the Times Tables the Fun Way Book for Kids (purchased separately-page 8) Students love playing with the characters and re-enacting the story with these play pieces. Imagination and creative play encourage retention of the times facts. Pieces are similar to refrigerator magnets and will stick on the magnetic background story board.

Page 15

Times Tables the Fun Way Audio Book


Audio CD - requires Times Book For Kids, purchased separately-

•• Look at the pictures in

see page 8.

The Times Book and read along

•• Great practice for reading and memorizing the facts

•• Students can work independently

•• Use to practice at home or while riding in the car

•• Entertaining & educational •• Great travel aid; makes time go faster


Times Alive Software and Book for Kids Kit

Save $10.00 when you buy these together. Have a copy of Times Alive for the computer and Times Tables the Fun Way for the car or bed-time. . Average post-test score 98% on Times Alive

•• Keeps track of student •• ••

progress Printable progress reports Unlimited number of students per computer

“I have been teaching for 14 years and now work with small group remediation students. I love this program because its visual and they have something to anchor their multiplication to in their head!” Shelly Warren, Katy, TX

Page 16

Story Problems the Fun Way


Solving Everyday Word Problems for Math, Time, and Money

•• Includes word problems for

all skill levels of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division

•• Easily assign word problems

for student’s level-ie.yellow is simple addition: see key at end of book.

•• Includes “Let’s Talk”, stories with a moral that provide a platform for discussion

•• Learn how to count money by visiting Dollar Town

•• Learn how to tell time with Doc Clock

•• The Problem Solving Strategy Tree shows which operation you should use to solve the problem.

Page 17


Times Tables the Fun Way Acitivity Book

Activity Book sold only in 5 packs or with Teaching Kit #401.

•• Color your own posters •• Make your own clue cards

•• Includes the stories from the Times Book for Kids

•• Many other fun activities •• Size 8 1/2 x 11” •• 98 pages •• Consumable •• Reproducible

ake m o s te t card s a h p nd n flas a t Cu ur ow yo

ke ma o t te rds pas sh ca d fla an Cut r own you

Page 18

Economical, black and white version of The Times Tables The Fun Way stories allows each student to have their own take-home, cutup, and color edition. How High Can They Jump? 7 x 6 = 42 7 and 6 are best friends. 7 is very very skinny and 6 is very very chubby. Whenever they get together to play, they invent contests to see who will win. They set up a high jump contest. 7 said, “I’ll do it if you will go first.” And 6 said, “OK, I’ll go first but I’m going to put a cushion on the other side to land on. I don’t want to break my fluffy body. Please give me a push,” and away he went. 7 went next. Who do you think won the contest?

Times Tables the Fun Way Movies DVD


Watch and Learn Animated Stories and Songs from the Times Book for Kids

•• Just pop the DVD into your

DVD player and watch the stories and songs from the Times Alive software. Based on the book Times Tables the Fun Way.

•• Covers the 3s through 9s •• Great for trips in the car on a portable DVD player.

•• Kids learn by watching the

animated stories and music videos. It’s easy to remember the answers when you know the story and have seen the movie.

•• Seven Chapters teach

three facts each with a music video and a movie which tells the story (read along). Also a chapter for the Fives and one for the Nines.

Sample Screen Shot 6x6=36

Page 19


Addition the Fun Way Book for Kids

Pictures and stories make memorization fun and easy!

•• Main book of the addition program-included in Kit 301 at 20% off

•• In full color, 92 pages •• Size 7” x 8 1/2” •• Covers the 1s through 10s

•• Printed on heavy glossy pages

•• Hard bound book

The number characters in the Addition Book are always the same. 3 is a bee, 4 is a door, 5 drives and 6 is sick. Spend a few minutes looking at the picture and talking about the story. This will enhance the student’s mental image. Once students associate the fact with the picture, remembering the answer is easy. 6 + 6 = 12

The sick-6 and his twin sister, who is also usually sick, went to the beach. The waves were big and white. The seagulls were having fun flying over the sea. The two 6's played in the waves. When they were o tired, they walked over to the snack bar. They were very hungry. They bought a dozen (12) donuts. They ate all the donuts in a few minutes. Pretty soon the two 6's were very sick from eating all 12 donuts at once. They said, "Next time, let's get a peanut butter sandwich."

Page 20

Remember: When it's 6 + 6, the two 6's get sick from eating a dozen (12) donuts.

Addition the Fun Way Clue Cards


Students must know stories in Addition Book For Kids before using the clue cards.

•• Full set of 45 cards Helps students connect •• Includes 1s - 9s the picture with the fact! •• Size 3” x 5 1/2” •• Answers are on the back •• Lesson #’s are on the bottom corner of card for easy sorting

3 +7

5 +8

“Uses picture clues from Addition The Fun Way Book For Kids”

The Clue Cards are an integral part of the Addition Program. They have the story characters from the Addition Book for Kids. The Clue Cards include the 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, and 9s. The 1s and 2s are plain. Two sets of clue cards are needed for the games in the Teacher’s Manual. Split your students into two groups and each group uses one set. Every fact is represented but there are no reversals, for example; 6 + 3 is not duplicated as 3 + 6. “This is awesome for my visual and auditory learner, a young boy who struggles with learning his addition and multiplication facts. I think these products are just perfect for kids that can learn but need a different approach to fact mastery.” Rose Taylor, Lexington SC

Page 21


Addition the Fun Way Student Workbook

Provides necessary reinforcement and practice, includes subtraction.

•• Addition facts, double digits, regrouping, subtraction

•• Practice sheets, quizzes, activities

•• Size 8 1/2” x 11” •• Reproducible •• Pretest and post test to measure progress

•• Timed practice: students try to beat their own times.

•• 60 pages •• Requires the Addition the Fun Way Book for Kids

Students must know stories in the Addition Book For Kids before using the workbook. Designed for reinforcement use after the students have learned the stories in the Addition Book For Kids. The student workbook includes draw your own picture quizzes and timed practice sheets and other fun activities for reinforcement.

Page 22

Addition the Fun Way Subtraction Cards


Students must know stories in the Addition Book For Kids before using these cards.

•• Set of 65 flash cards •• All facts with subtrahends 2s-9s

•• Size 3” x 5 1/2” •• Answers are on back •• Includes reversals, 12-8 and 12-4


12 -4



Card Front Uses picture clues from Addition Book For Kids

Guess Who’s Missing! Once students know the addition facts and stories in the Addition Book for Kids they are ready to learn subtraction with these cards. Once they know the story, they guess the missing character; the answer to the fact. The subtraction cards help students understand number families and the relationship between adding and subtracting.

Page 23


Addition the Fun Way Teacher’s Manual

Positive reinforcement makes learning fun! Buy this in the Teaching Kit #301 so you have all the necessary materials.

•• Lesson plans cover the

facts 0-12, double digits, and simple division

•• 15 exciting games •• 155 pages •• Size 8 1/2 x 11” •• Includes cut-out game cards and grading templates

•• Multisensory approach

Game Cards

Grading Templates

reaches all learning styles

Fifteen hours of lesson plans coordinate the workbook pages with the Addition Book For Kids. Students learn one- two stories per session. Games are played to reinforce learning in a positive way. Fun activities make learning enjoyable and kids become eager for the next lesson. Required for use with the Manual: 1 Book For Kids, 1 Student Workbook, and 2 sets of Clue Cards for the games. Page 24

Addition the Fun Way Classroom Posters


Students see the picture while you tell the story

•• 22 posters in the set •• Enlargements of the pictures in the Addition Book For Kids •• May be posted to enhance retention •• Size 13” x 20” •• May be used as a visual aid while teaching the story The posters are a great tool for teaching. Twenty-two posters represent each story in the Book For Kids-all the 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s and 9s.

Page 25


Addition the Fun Way Audio Book on CD

Audio CD - requires Addition Book For Kids, purchased separately.

•• Read along in the Addition Book For Kids as stories are told

•• Great practice for reading and memorizing the facts

•• Students can work independently

•• Use to practice at home or while riding in the car

•• Entertaining and educational

•• Great travel aid; makes the time go faster

Read along with Judy Look at the pictures while Judy reads the stories. Turn the page when you hear the signal. Have fun learning addition and improve reading skills too!

Page 26


We accept school purchase orders, personal checks, or credit cards.**Add shipping see page 28


101- Addition Basic Kit -10% off $54.80

301- Addition/Subtraction Teacher Kit -25% off $122.60 202- Times Basic Kit

-10% off $54.80

401- Times/Division Teacher Kit

-25% off $123.60

10100- Super Kit Math Essentials -25% off $347.05


PRICE $49.32

page 5


page 6

page 5 $49.32 page 7 $92.70 page 3


*All Times products require the Times Book (BKT) for stories

BKT- Times Book For Kids (primary material)

page 8 $19.95

*FCT- Times Clue Cards

page 9


*WBT- Times Student Workbook

page 10


*FCD- Division Cards

page 11


*CDT- Times Songs to Remember

page 12 $17.95

*TMT- Times Teacher’s Manual

page 13 $24.95

*PST- Times Posters

page 14 $44.95

*MMT- Times Magnetic Story Board

page 15 $28.95

*ADT- Times Audio Book on CD

page 16 $12.95

ABT-5 Times Activity Book five pack

page 18


*All Addition products require the Addition Book (BKA) for stories

BKA- Addition.Book For Kids (primary material)

page 20 $19.95

*FCA- Addition Clue Cards

page 21


*WBA- Addition Student Workbook

page 22


*FCS- Subtraction Cards

page 23


*TMA- Addition Teacher’s Manual

page 24 $24.95

*PSA- Addition Posters

page 25 $39.95

*ADA- Addition Audio Book on CD

page 26 $12.95

Other Products

SOTNOW1- Times Alive Online Subscription-(per month) page 4


SOT1- Times Alive Software - Mac and PC

page 4

SPT- Story Problems the Fun Way

page 17 $18.95

1001-Times Book and Times Alive Kit -$10 off $78.90

page 16 $68.90

DVD01- Times Tables the Fun Way Movies DVD

page 19 $29.95


Page 27

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page 28

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