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East Grand Boulevard is a historically important city street connecting neighborhood residents to Belle Isle and Jefferson Avenue. The boulevard north of Mack Avenue has large grassy medians that hold the potential for greater use and beautification. Residents strongly supported plans for a new walking and biking paths through the boulevard median. As part of the creation of these new walking paths, residents wanted to see crosswalks improved to provide greater safety while crossing the street. Many neighborhood elders fondly recalled the historic homes and attractive streetscape along the boulevard. There was wide support for bring back to life the historic properties along the boulevard with affordable housing. A plan will need to be created by residents, stakeholders, and the City of Detroit that supports redevelopment along the boulevard with specific recommendations and projects to improve the streetscape and identify uses and funding for residential and commercial development projects.
Action Plan
1. Bring together East Grand Boulevard non-profits and stakeholders to form consensus and assign roles around creation of East Grand Boulevard Revitalization Plan.
2. Meet with City of Detroit Planning and Development Department to propose, build support, and identify potential funders for East Grand Boulevard Revitalization Plan.
3. Meet with City of Detroit Department of Public Works to discuss potential for median walking path/off-road bike path, improved pedestrian crossings, and median plantings.
4. With approval from City of Detroit Department of Public Works, develop plan for median walking path/off-road bike path.
5. Meet with Greening of Detroit and Detroit Future City to explore concepts for low-maintenance plantings and green
Create paved walking path through the medians
Improve signage, signals, pavement markings, and pedestrian refuges to slow traffic and improve safety for pedestrians.
Plant diverse species of trees along the street/median and provide educational signage to teach children and adults about the natural environment.
Rehabilitate and redevelop historic properties along East Grand Boulevard for affordable housing and neighborhood amenities.
Create off-road bike path through center median to separate bikes from cars and pedestrians and improve safety.
Create gardens within East Grand Boulevard median and along sidewalks to absorb stormwater and help to decrease street and sidewalk flooding.
Introduce beautiful, lowmaintenance plantings within the boulevard median.
Develop new construction affordable housing and neighborhood amenities along East Grand Boulevard.