CITY CREEK OR WILLOW HILL? GET UP TO SPEED culture april/may 2015 issue # (unofficial) special edition
An introduction
Must-see documentaries
Trends in the Emergent Church Movement
City Creek or Willow Hill?
CityHill, you are surrounded
35 FAQ
A bit of Q&A
“Discernment is not simply a matter of telling the difference between what is right and wrong; rather it is the difference between right and almost right.� Charles Spurgeon
intro Cityhill Church, Durban is an awesome church with great people and great leaders who preach the Gospel of Christ without compromise. Unfortunately, like every Church since the first century, CityHill is under attack – the enemy is circling you, scaling your walls and have breached your defences. You now have a rare opportunity to take a step back and look at yourself in the mirror – to take a glimpse into an intelligence report surveying the spiritual landscape in the times you find yourself in. Most Christians feel uneasy about scrutinizing Christian leaders & ministries but this is the very thing scripture instructs us to do. The majority of Christians also naively overlook the questionable teachings of ministries / leaders for the overall “good” they are doing in the body of Christ, forgetting that the danger lies in the the little leaven that is mixed in with the truth. As Christians, we love the Word of God but quickly forget the warnings and instructions issued to us over and over and over and over again in the Word: to be vigilant, to be awake, to test the spirits and to be on the lookout against the enemy and false teachings inside the Church and to expose them. This is again one such a reminder for CityHill - a call for discernment, a wake-up call. Chances are that you don't know that the Emergent Church movement is influencing Cityhill. To borrow a cliché: defining the Emerging Church is much like trying to nail Jello to a wall but there are clear trends within this movement and this document will aim to point out some of these trends for you to see how they fit into the greater whole of the emergent church movement and to highlight how the Emergent Church's teachings and its leaders' writings are not only being preached from your pulpit but also impacting your vision and mission.
essential viewing
click on each dvd to view online To fully understand the roots, the intentions, the focus, and the ramifications of the Emergent Church, here are documentaries that you must watch first before commencing with this presentation. The videos will serve as an important launching point for learning and are essential viewing for the purposes of this document. Only by watching all of them will you gain an overall perspective of where this movement is going and how Willow Creek and Bill Hybels plays a central role in this deception as they are mentioned throughout. [note: the links to videos may be available for a limited time only, alternatively search online by title to view or purchase]
Some teaching and quotes coming from the CityHill pulpit are from the very people involved in or leading the emergent church movement. Cityhill is in danger of being led down a path that is not in line with God's Word.
Please note: this is not an attack on any person or persons, it is rather a call to biblical discernment regarding the teaching and the direction that Cityhill and its growing number of congregants and sites are being led to, by the church leadership.
Each trend will be explored showing corresponding quotes from the CityHill pulpit with links to investigate each trend further:
# trend:
Mysticism & Contemplative
Prayer or Spirituality It is important to note in this section that although mysticism and contemplative prayer is not directly taught by Cityhill – many of the teachers that are quoted or have preached from the Cityhill pulpit, are proponents of mysticism and contemplative prayer which is a trend in the emergent movement as a whole. By quoting these false teachers, you are in danger of turning your congregants on to their teachings and are indirectly promoting their contemplative error. The most important fact to realise is that (like the body of Christ in this late hour) you are under attack and your walls have been breached.
Brother Lawrence 9th September 2012 - Life’s A Mission - Our Message - Peter Rasmussen quotes Brother Lawrence: "Brother Lawrence calls it the practice of the presence of God".
have resonance within our innermost being and reality, so that we can actually feel the rapture of being alive." More links about Joseph Campbell: • The myth conceptions of Joseph Campbell & his new age anti-christianity biases • The Book: Great Emergence, The: How Christianity Is Changing and Why (by Phyllis Tickle) credits Joseph Campbell, for his “disestablishment of what is called ‘the Christian doctrine of particularity’ and ‘Christian exclusivity.’ • Rob Bell has Joseph Campbell's “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” view of Christ
John Ortberg
This quote is taken from John Ortberg's book "The life you've always wanted" Book review by Sola Sisters: "What good can be gleaned from The Life You’ve Always Wanted is poisoned by the false teachings and emphases which are predominant throughout. Ortberg is taking his readers not back to Scripture but to Roman Catholic mysticism." More on this link: "Ruth Haley Barton, formerly of Willow Creek and trained at the very contemplative Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation in Washington D.C., wrote Invitation to Solitude and Silence, and teaches contemplative prayer through her Transforming Center. Barton co-authored with John Ortberg "Ordinary Day With Jesus", which clearly instructs readers in mystical prayer practices.
More links on Brother Lawrence: • Brother Lawrence - Contemplative Monk • Pagan Practices Taught by Emergent Church • Brother Lawrence and never finding
Joseph Campbell 14 October 2012 - Life’s A Mission - My Mission and My Gifts - Peter Rasmussen quotes Joseph Campbell - an Atheist (and anti Christian) Mythologist “People say that what we're all seeking is a meaning for life... I think that what we're really seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will
2012 09 23: Life's A Mission - Mission and Me - My Field, Peter Rasmussen John Ortberg, a teaching pastor at Willow Creek quote at 25:06 min - "The great danger that arises when we don’t experience authentic transformation is that we will settle for what might be called pseudo-transformation. If we are not marked by greater and greater amounts of love and joy, we will inevitably look for substitute ways of distinguishing ourselves from those who are not Christians."
And as if that were not enough to show Ortberg’s sympathies to this New Age spirituality, he will be speaking this year at the National Pastor’s Convention where labyrinths, contemplative prayer exercises, and yoga workshops will take place."
Leonard Sweet 20th February - City of Refuge - Peter Rasmussen. Leonard Sweet Quote: "The Dick-and Jane world of my '50's childhood is over, washed away by a tsunami of change.... While the world is rethinking its entire cultural formation, it is time to find new ways of being the church that are true to our postmodern context. It is time for a Postmodern Reformation." (from his book "Soul Tsunami") More info on Leonard Sweet: Leonard Sweet Quotes - Deception in the Church - Warren Smith, in his cutting-edge book “A “Wonderful” Deception” (an expose on Rick Warren, Leonard Sweet, and the “new” emerging Christianity), wrote two strong documented chapters specifically on the New Age views of Leonard Sweet. Perhaps one of the most troubling things Smith reveals about Sweet is Sweet’s statement about “the father of the New Age movement,” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Sweet calls the late panentheist Chardin “Twentieth-century Christianity’s major voice.” But Chardin does not represent biblical Christianity–on the contrary, he falls in a spiritual camp that embraces the “cosmic Christ,” which is the “I AM God” in every creature. Even though this christ-consciousness-in-all-people belief rejects the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, Sweet has openly aligned himself with Chardin. In Sweet’s book, Aqua Church, he favorably quotes Chardin arrogantly saying: “Christ is in the Church in the same way as the sun is before our eyes. We see the same sun as our fathers saw, and yet we understand it in a much more magnificent way.” Sweet’s alignment with Chardin’s New Age views is nothing short of heresy. • Leonard Sweet Continues Promoting Mystical Heresy • Leonard Sweet And His Continuing Emergent Influence
• Book Review: A is for Abductive – The Language of the Emerging Church by Leonard Sweet & Brian McLaren • Emergence Christianity: Quantum shift to Panentheism • Rick Warren Apologist: “Leonard Sweet is about as Christian as anyone can get.”
Eugene Peterson 2011 03 06, God Loves Cities, Peter Rasmussen Eugene Peterson Quote: "Believers today have a sinful restlessness that they disguise as spiritual questing. Just because you can move doesn’t mean that you should. Shut up, sit tight and knuckle down and serve your community. And, if God wants to relocate you then he will make that crystal clear." • Eugene Peterson, The Message and Contemplative Prayer • Eugene Peterson: U2 Connections • The Message Author Says U2's Message is Refreshing, Faithful, and Honest
Erwin McManus 2nd October 2011 - What on earth is this kingdom Intro, Peter Rasmussen Erwin McManus' book “Chasing Daylight” is quoted – Get full wording (like inspiration for sermon) Here is a quote from Erwin McManus on one of his other books called “The Barbarian Way”
# trend:
“The Barbarian Way was, in some sense, trying to create a volatile fuel to get people to step out and act. It's pretty hard to get a whole group of people moving together as individuals who are stepping into a more mystical, faith-oriented, dynamic kind of experience with Christ. So, I think Barbarian Way was my attempt to say, "Look, underneath what looks like invention, innovation and creativity is really a core mysticism that hears from God, and what is fueling this is something really ancient.” "Somehow Christianity has become a non-mystical religion. It's about the reasonable faith. If we believe the right things then we are orthodox. To know God in the Scripture always went beyond information to intimacy. We may find ourselves uncomfortable with this reality; but the faith of the Scriptures is a mystical faith. It leads us beyond the material into an invisible reality." (p. 60-61) "We are mystic warriors who use weapons not of this world." (p. 109) • Erwin McManus - Part of The Emerging Church? • Erwin McManus’ Awaken 2008 Speaker Promotes Eckhart Tolle • A Dilemma of Deception: Erwin McManus 'Barbarian Way' • The Barbarian Way – A special report • Myths Of The Mind Of McManus • Emergent Pastor/Author Erwin McManus Plays Dominoes with God's Sovereignty • Erwin McManus: "A Secret Behind the Secret" • The McManus Brothers, Mysticism and the Emerging Church
Mysticism & Contemplative
Prayer or Spirituality
• Learn to Embrace Your "Inner Monk" at Pastor Tim Keller's Redeemer Presbyterian Church? • Tim Keller's Redeemer Presbyterian Church Goes Emergent: Contemplative Spirituality/Eastery Mysticism Now Taught • Tim Keller emerging as contemplative proponent • Tim Keller recommending roman catholic mysticism • John Macarthur on Tim Keller’s mysticism
Nancy Beach Nancy Beach is executive vice president of programming and production for the Willow Creek Association and a teaching pastor at Willow Creek Community. She was the main speaker at Cityhill Flourish 2012 More info: • Contemplative proponent Nancy Beach invites emergent Ian Morgan Cron to give a talk titled “The Contemplative Artist” at Willow Creek Church’s Towards Wonder Arts Conference.
Beth Moore “ D av id , s e e k i n g a h e a r t l i ke h i s” by B e t h Mo o r e - Cit y h i l l s e r ie s M ay 2 011 (11 we e k c o u r s e). Pl u s “ E s t h e r : It 's To u g h B e i n g a Wo m a n by B e t h Mo o r e - Cit y h i l l s e r ie s M a r c h 2 010 Un fo r t u n a t ely a g a i n B e t h Mo o r e i s also promoting c o n t e m pl a t ive p r aye r (a lt h o u g h n o t i n t h e s e s p e c i f ic s e r ie s). Mo r e i n fo: • A S p e c i a l Re p o r t : C h r i s t i a n it y To d ay Tr e a t s C o n t e m pl a t ive C o nt r ove r s y a s L e g it i m a t e I s s u e i n C ove r St o r y A b o u t B e t h Mo o r e • D o e s B e t h Mo o r e St i l l P r o m o t e C o nt e m pl a t ive P r aye r ? • B el ie ve G o d No t B e t h Mo o r e • B e t h Mo o r e Wa n t s Yo u t o " P r a c t ic e t h e P r e s e n c e of G o d" (v id e o)
"False teaching unchallenged is false teaching condoned"
Prayer or Spirituality
Unfortunately Tim Keller is also promoting mysticism and contemplative prayer. More info:
This is typical new age spirituality. Read "The Shack and Its New Age Leaven - God IN Everything?" by Warren Smith
Mysticism & Contemplative
13th November 2011 - What On Earth is This Kingdom - Is God Real - Peter Rasmussen. Tim Keller quote: “A faith without some doubts is like a human body with no antibodies in it. People who blithely go through life too busy or indifferent to ask the hard questions about why they believe as they do will find themselves defenseless against either the experience of tragedy or the probing questions of a smart skeptic. A person's faith can collapse almost overnight if she failed over the years to listen patiently to her own doubts, which should only be discarded after long reflection.”
A quote from that conference: "A contemplative is someone who is being graced with a new perceptive appreciation, a capacity to see God in all things." - Ian Morgan Cron.
# trend :
Tim Keller
As seen in the essential viewing documentaries, the Social Gospel has replaced the True Gospel in Emergent Christianity which is more concerned with solving the world’s problems instead of advancing the only solution to the depravity of man—the gospel of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Willow Creek's Global Leadership Summit is continually morphing into a social justice conference and Willow Creek Church is promoting this social gospel and an emergent one at that - the following extract from the Willow magazine fall 2007 (Page 13) makes this clear [link to magazine] Stefanie Sawyer, director of extension ministries at Willow Creek, says she believes that she's seeing a shift toward “bringing the social gospel back to the evangelical gospel.” One of Willow's stated goals this year is “unleashing unprecedented levels of compassion into the world” which has raised awareness of justice and compassion issues. 2nd September 2012 - LIFE’S A MISSION - Introduction - Peter Rasmussen talks about "Society transformation". CityHill Launch Magazine: "HCF changes its name to CityHill Church. A new future, a new name. Our City, Our Heart, One Vision. God has spoken to us as a Church and given us new strategy over the last few years to reach further into the city of Durban. This change speaks poignantly yet powerfully into what God has commanded us to do, and be, in Matt 5:14 "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden."
13 Mar 2011 Eric Tocknell- “What Next” - On the new CityHill Name Change: “It's going to be a Church of greater vitality, greater energy, greater impact, the source of change in our nation – because I'm believing that just one church needs to get a fresh revelation of South Africa and South Africa will be changed, it will become a nation that will become an example to the rest of the world. So I'm looking forward to these new challenges, new opportunities, new ministry, new responsibility and I believe as you start participating you will not be disappointed” Let your light shine before others....”We have a responsibility – if that's what the scripture says, we have to do it, no more debate, no more argument – no we have a responsibility to undertake” Could CityHill's new vision not be new at all but virtually a carbon copy of the emergent church movement's social gospel via the Willow Creek influence? More links: • The Shameful Social Gospel • Demonstrate our Christianity by our good works? • The Emerging Church Revival Or Return To Darkness? - Eugene Peterson’s “The Message.” translation: consider the following portion of Scripture taken from John 3:17 - "that the world through him might be saved.” Peterson’s rendering reads: "He came to help, to put the world right again." It does not take a biblical scholar to understand that "saved" means that we can be redeemed from the judgment we deserve for our sins so that we can go to heaven. It should be obvious that using "help" instead of “saved” completely distorts the meaning of what Jesus said. And "to put the world right again" has nothing to do with the salvation of souls. In fact this sounds like the social gospel to reform the world through political action. • The Emerging Church: A Social Gospel?
Life’s a Mission CityHill series: Being “on mission” and “missional” is mentioned throughout. “Our city will experience a new missional wave” - 2012 09 02: Life's A Mission - Introduction, Peter Rasmussen Where does this term come from? “Missional is one of those new buzzwords that was coined by the Fuller Theological Seminary teachers. It has to do with the Social Gospel, although its leaders will deny that.” Sarah Leslie of Herescope In his book "A New Kind of Christian", Brian McLaren talks about new approaches to being a missional Christian.
Although there is definitely valid aspects of this topic that is applicable to Church, being “on mission” and “missional” are terms promoted throughout the emergent church movement and warrants further investigation – for more info, see the following links: • Missionary or Missional – The Emerging Church “On a Mission from God” • "Undefining" God's Mission - The Emerging Church "On a Mission from God". "Christians need to be warned that being "missional" has nothing to do with the fulfillment of the Great Commission." • Q&A: WHAT IS MISSIONAL CHURCH? • Missional Church Movement - The Next Big Thing?
Coincidentally, Willow Creek is also about being “on mission” and “missional” with Hybels talking much about the subject.
�Sleight of hand� Definition: deceptive skill. Synonyms: diversion, trickery, deceit, deception, double-dealing, chicanery, conjuration, escamotage, hocus-pocus, legerdemain, magic, prestiditation, smoke and mirrors, trickery.
The enemy has tricked the Body of Christ, keeping them occupied in their backyards “on a mission” to re-reach their post modern cities with a false social gospel while 41% of the world population have not heard the True Gospel.
Although it is made clear in the series “What On Earth Is This Kingdom - The Kingdom Is Near” (2011-11-27) that Cityhill does not adhere to Kingdom Now Theology, you will see below that there is definitely an influence of this theology on Cityhill. What is important to note is that dominionism / kingdom now (as well as Preterism in the section to follow) are trends within the emerging church movement (as seen in the essential viewing documentary videos) "Finally, at CityHill, we invite you to Mission. In our understanding it is the only way which we can serve our beloved country and bring New Life into every aspect of function in our country. This is the place, where with Jesus Christ, we are number one!" Culture Magazine Jun-Jul 2011 - Eric Tocknell In Dominionism theology we are supposed to progressively win over every sphere of society so that a utopian “kingdom of God” will be set up on earth prior to the return of Jesus Christ. 12th June 2011 - Revelation Series XI - THE VICTORIOUS CHURCH -Peter Rasmussen. The 2nd world war D-day example: This is classic example of a Dominionist / Dominionism view. Quoted from series: In this example D-day is equated to Christ's death on the cross (Victory has been won, effectively the end of the war) and VE day (final victory) corresponds with the second coming of Christ. So we are "between days where the ground has to be painstakingly taken". “The Lordship of Christ has to be enforced over an ungodly society” Is this Biblical? Do things get better and better until Christ's final return? Quite the opposite, things will get worse: Matthew 24: 4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.”
We know that this battle will only intensify until it reaches one final climatic crescendo when our Lord deals with the enemy once and for all in the final battle.
God the Father, not us. We inherit the Kingdom of God we don't usher it in – this is not biblical. We are to simply preach the Gospel to all nations – then the end will come.
9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. 10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. 11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. 12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved.”
Classic “Kingdom now / Dominionism” theology example:
And Finally the end: Are we to enforce the Lordship over society or simply preach the Gospel? Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
In “Kingdom series IX - Kingdom of freedom” (2011-12-11), Erwin McManus is credited for inspiring the conclusion to the series from his writings.
If we are to be Bereans and apply the Bible to this D-day example, it would look a bit closer to this scenario: D-day is equated to Christ's death on the cross (Victory has been won for us over sin and death), but instead of us overthrowing the Nazi Third Reich (Satan's Empire in this example), Hitler's army conquers the whole earth and becomes a world ruler and dictator. Things will get worse and worse until the gospel has been preached to all nations, then VE day (final victory) will come with the second coming of Christ when Lord Jesus will overthrow the lawless one with the breath of his mouth and destroy him by the splendor of his coming. (2 Thes 2:8) 12th June 2011 - Revelation Series XI - THE VICTORIOUS CHURCH -Peter Rasmussen. Ending Prayer: “Thank you Lord that we have time here to make every enemy of yours, your footstool. To take every dominion, power and principality and bring it under subjection to Christ, declaring that the Kingdom of God is here. We are reclaiming the land that was lost. In the fall of the enemy we declare that Christ is King” Unfortunately again this flaunts with classic “Kingdom now / Dominionism” theology. Ps 110 The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.” Who will accomplish this?
“The Church has been foreordained of God to become that people who will become so glorified that we can bring Christ back to the earth. This glorified church must make the earth God’s footstool before Jesus can come again.” Earl Paulk (Dominionist Preacher)
McManus’ writings are new apostolic and Dominionist [link]: On McManus’ web site [it says]: “McManus offers a vision of the church taking its rightful place as an unstoppable force created to change the world . . . a church that is active and engaged with its community … An apostolic ethos is the key to a New Testament movement … To lead a church with movement requires the ability to create and shape ethos…” Erwin declares, “When we awaken the apostolic ethos, the heart of God begins to pulsate through the church of Jesus Christ.” Considering that ethos means culture, they are wanting to change the culture, something Jesus NEVER told us to do. He said his kingdom is not of this world. We are supposed to be preparing people for the kingdom … by being separate from the world while we are in it. Also: Ancient Gnosticism And Futurist Dominion Theology Meet in McManus Dominionism shares some of the same ideologies as the emerging church. More links: • Dominionism, Yeast and the Emergent Movement • Dominion Theology and The Seeker Sensitive Emerging Church • Dominionism - A Theology That Intermingles with Mysticism but not the Word of God • The Fatal Flaws of Dominionism / Emergent Theology
“Since the emerging church is committed towards promoting a manmade kingdom on earth in which all people will live in peace and prosperity, they take a strong stand against a premillennial interpretation of biblical prophecies. Amillennial churches are natural allies and supporters of the emerging church, and embrace its deceptive kingdom now theology without reservation.” - Prof. Johan Malan
12th June 2011 - Revelation Series XI - THE VICTORIOUS CHURCH - Peter Rasmussen. "Two beasts rise from the sea and ground … satanic trinity. The First beast stands for world governments. The enemy uses government to work out his war against the saints. He is taking out his anger on the seed of the woman through: Rome back then. Egypt before then. Now Marxist governments (example Myanmar, China) and Islamic nations that are persecuting the Church, the Saints."
What About a World government? Not Individual Nations.... A One World United Nations Government. It doesn't take a genius to figure out we are virtually there already. What about the large role the U.S has in this world government?
This account of The Beast out of the Sea in Revelations 13 is one of a single unit comprising of many parts (horns & heads) acting as one. v4 “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it or him?” v7 “authority was given him / it over every tribe, tongue, and nation.” - [It rules over the whole earth – it is a united One World Government]
“The passage ends up talking about 666. Wow has that conversation been abused. This is of course as we should know by now …. Not some literal number on our forehead and hand. We saw earlier in the Revelation that we are the sealed of God … His name on our foreheads. Those who do not have His name have another.”
Ironically, the passage in Rev 13:18 says quite the opposite: “Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.” (KJV) or “This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666. (NIV). This very plainly suggests a literal meaning and the reader is challenged and encouraged to apply wisdom and insight to work out what it is – it does not figuratively refer to having either satan or God's name (seal) on our foreheads.
“The very real challenge to these Christians was economic persecution. They would not take on Domecian’s name as Lord … excluded them from economic activity. Bazaars and markets … incense bowl at entrance: Drop incense on a small altar at entrance. Encount Domecian’s name … and you could trade. Christians therefore couldn’t trade in official markets. No! We have another name on our foreheads … Jesus.”
Note how the context of this Revelations 13 study has [very quickly] gone from a world view portrayed in the passage to a view restricted to Domitian's empire in this teaching. Rev 13:3 “And all the world marveled and followed the beast.“ v7, 8 “And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation. All who dwell on the earth will worship him” v12 “and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast”. V14 “And he deceives those who dwell on the earth”. v16,17 “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Thus, these passages in Revelations 13 clearly speak of a coming one world government and one world economic system and we are already there (it's just not official on paper yet)
Essential viewing: Invisible Empire - A New World Order Defined.
There is a concerted and organised effort to establish a one world government and economic system. It is a matter of fact, not opinion. Are you sure, you're sure? Or do you just not know, that you don't know? Ignorance in not bliss. (click dvd covers to view)
The Pope called for the “construction of a world community, with a corresponding authority,” to serve the “common good of the human family” (Dec 3 2012). Vatican Council Called For World Government & New Global Central Bank (2010). Pope Benedict XVI called for “a true world political authority” to, among other things, “manage the global economy.” (2009) "By the end of this decade we will live under the first One World Government that has ever existed in the society of nations...a government with absolute authority to decide the basic issues of survival. One world government is inevitable.” - Pope John Paul II (1990) "All nations must come together to build a stronger global regime." “No World Order, That Elevates One Nation or Group of People Over Another, Will Succeed.” "We have to shape an international order that can meet the challenges of our generation..." “The International Order We Seek, Is One That Can Resolve The Challenges of Our Times.." - Barack Obama
The Obama Deception
The view espoused by Peter Rasmussen here is very clearly Preterism - a Catholic eschatological view that interprets prophecies of the Bible, especially Daniel and Revelation, as events which have already happened in the first century A.D. Partial Preterism holds that most eschatological prophecies, such as the destruction of Jerusalem, the Antichrists, the Great Tribulation, and the advent of the Day of the Lord as a "judgment-coming" of Christ, were fulfilled either in A.D. 70 or during the persecution of Christians under the Emperor Nero. Many Emergents hold this Preterist view – let's face it, it is a nice, happy-go-lucky, glass-half-full view to have [albeit an ignorant one which blinds you from the facts and clear evidence of the move towards a one world government and the openly admitted 'new world order' the elites are striving for]
[of course this tweet doesn't necessarily refer to end times, but quite fitting for this discussion isn't it?] Preterist Brian McLaren: Everything Changed in AD 70 - "I believe all predictive prophecies were fulfilled in the destruction of the Jewish Temple in AD 70 under the Roman Empire" Rob Bell also claims that most of the imagery of future judgments in Hell were fulfilled on earth in AD 70 (p. 81 of his book “Love Wins”book review) Mark Driscoll (Former Emerging Church leader) also appears to hold Preterist views : essential viewing (short video): Mark Driscoll On Discernment Ministries & Eschatology Where did the Preterist interpretation come from? Interestingly again all roads lead to Rome: A Jesuit Conspiracy: [Wikipedia] There has historically been general agreement with non-preterists that the first systematic preterist exposition of prophecy was written by the Jesuit Luis de Alcasar during the Counter Reformation. Moses Stuart noted that Alcasar's preterist interpretation was of considerable benefit to the Roman Catholic Church during its arguments with Protestants, and preterism has been described in modern eschatological commentary as a Catholic defense against the Protestant Historicist view which identified the Roman Catholic Church as a persecuting apostasy. Interestingly, Amillennialism is the current view of the Catholic Church. More links: • The Emerging Church: Kingdom of God Here Now • Are Preterism and Amillennial teachings unbiblical?
criss angel
Emma Watson
lady gaga
Christina Aguilera
Kanye West
Jared Leto
paul mccartneYy
michael jackson
mila kunis
nelly furtado
nicki minaj
wiz khalifa
U2 and Bono are seen as Icons, Prophets and leaders of the Emergent Church. "The best examples of Christians who are influencing the world can't stand the church and have found their own ways of creating community. I think of Bono of U2, who has for years lamented the irrelevance of organized religion and yet conducts praise and worship services for 25,000 people all the while creating a commercial and culturally viable perch from which he can model a compelling vision of a social gospel. This guy is the leader of the "emergent church" movement... " - Brian McLaren Emergent Church leaders like Rob Bell, Brian McLaren, Doug Pagitt, Tony Campolo, Leonard Sweet and even Mark Driscoll are quoting and exalting Bono - seeker driven church leaders like Rick Warren and Bill Hybels have also forged ties with the musician. 2012 09 23: Life's A Mission - Mission and Me - My Field. U2 quote from 21:46 secs “Friends, we have to realise that the message of the Gospel is not about us and them, it's about Jesus coming, God coming into the world. It's a different message and yet many times we have got a reputation of Church around the world of exclusivity of closing ourselves off instead of embracing. Some are just not in, they're just not in -it doesn't matter how much they try, it doesn't matter how much speak about Christ – they're just not in. I'll give you an example: U2 – so you've got this group of people, 3 of the guys who started the band U2 were believers, Christians. And in fact on their elevation tour when they hit Boston, the fourth guy committed his life to Christ. But here's the dilemma, here's the problem, here's the reason why most Christians don't put them inside the circle, here's the reason why most Christians say 'here's our circle and U2's out there on the outside of the circle': They smoke (some of them), drink and they swear and they say that just doesn't work. Well I want to say this to you: they're from Ireland – smoking drinking and swearing is part of the package – it's part of the language of the Irish” - Peter Rasmussen
In this Mother Jones 1989 Interview, Bono clearly denies that Jesus is the only way: Do you still believe that Jesus is the way? Doesn't that biblical injunction deny that followers of other religions can enter paradise? “I don't accept that. I don't accept that fundamentalist concept. I believe, what is it? "The way is as narrow as the eye of the needle," and all that. But I think that's just to keep the fundamentalists out.... (laughs) I never really accepted the whole "born again" tag. It's a great term, had it not been so abused. I accepted it on one level, in that I loved the idea of being reborn.... I think people should be reborn every day, man! You know, every day again and again and again! At 20 years old, this idea of "surrender every day," this idea of "dying to oneself" ... was so exciting! Then I came to America in 1981, the land of milk and the .357 Magnum. It blew my mind that this word "reborn" meant nothing.”
The Emergent Church and the Bono-Screwtape Connection
Are you sure Bono and U2 are Christians? Or could it be that you just don't know that you don't know? Could the Church have been deceived by them? This video will give you the facts and their smoking, drinking and swearing is the least of the concerns. (Click DVD to view video)
More Links: • U2 Frontman Bono: Emergent Church Icon. Christian or antichrist? • Bono Interview by Bill Hybels (Leadership Summit 2006) – part 1 part 2 (video). • Bono - Sold Soul for Rock n Roll
In addition to the Emergent Church's contemplative and mystical trends, many of which have Catholic mystic roots – the even bigger concern is a move back to Roman Catholicism by so-called Protestant Churches following Reformed theology. (See the earlier quotes from Catholics and Catholic mystics.) A tragic example: So many of the Emergents who quote contemplative mystic, St. Ignatius Loyola (including Brian McLaren and Rick Warren) don't realise that St. Ignatius Loyola is the man who founded the Jesuits in 1540 whose purpose was to counter the Protestant Reformers, to infiltrate them and to turn them back to Roman Catholicism – and the Christian church is blind to the fact that this plan is still in effect today and is working very well indeed! 30 September - Life’s A Mission V - Salt & Light - Peter Rasmussen. Two Quotes from Catholic writer Barbara Nicolosi : “Barbara Nicolosi, she is a scriptwriter in Hollywood and I was reading a little bit of her writings and she is a wonderful christian girl, Catholic – and she talks about this impact on society and she wrote this: “Hugh Hefner spent more on the arts in the last month than the Church spent in the last year or maybe even the last decade. He hired hundreds of actors and models and photographers and writers and designers and directors and we wonder why people like Hefner have cultural power and we in the Church have been relegated to cultural irrelevance. Who is the real “leaven in the lump of the world” here? We've so lost the value of beauty and art and storytelling in the Church” - that we've lost our voice friends - Peter Rasmussen He doesn't quite finish the full quote correctly there, Nicolosi ended this not by saying we've lost our voice but “that we don’t deserve the moniker anymore—“patron of the arts.” We’re not.” The second quote: “We haven't experienced the love of God enough to send us surging into the culture to express our joy. We don’t really care about our neighbors who are languishing amidst the messages of a culture of death.” Despite this whole piece having dominionist undertones about Christians being culturally relevant by getting our voice back, getting our storytelling back and eye for the arts back – the issue here is that Nicolosi's whole article is very "Cathlocentric” and is from an interview by Valerie Striker for the Catholic Magazine “Lay Witness Magazine” and the Catholics United for the Faith website. See the full interview here: The Real Patron of the Arts An Interview with Barbara Nicolosi by Valerie Striker Nicolosi began her professional writing career as a media columnist for the Catholic monthly magazine, also National Catholic Register newspaper and CatholicExchange.com. She won Catholic Press Awards for her media columns in 2002 and 2004. One of her columns was selected for the 2006 Loyola Press release, The Best Catholic Writing of 2005.) [yes, the same Loyola who founded the Jesuits....-Ed]
7th August 2011 - OPEN AND CLOSED HAND - Peter Rasmussen: While talking about church practices that we shouldn't break fellowship over, he uses an example of his visit to St Peter's Basilica in Rome: “I had the privilege last year of sitting in St Peter's Basilica in Rome and I sat in those rows. What an unbelievable building. I'm thinking to myself, the people who built this place must have had a view of God – must have. I'm not sure, all those funny pictures and things all over the place, some of them are really beautiful and some of them are really weird – some really weird stuff going on, little candles being lit for saints that died a long time ago and I'm thinking that's weird to me. But I can sit in that room, the style of worship is totally different, the way things are done is totally different. But I can have a moment with God.. I wouldn't go worship there, that wouldn't be my church. Why? Because I wouldn't want to sit through that every sunday (referring to the liturgy / mass?). I wouldn't sit through the kids being baptised because I couldn't live with that, I don't believe that... but I'm not going to die over it. That's why I'm in this church. You see it's the closed hand vs the open hand and we have to be open hearted friends we cannot stick too much in the closed hand” Sorry wrong answer. Saint Peter's is regarded as one of the holiest Catholic sites and the false gospel of Roman Catholicism is preached there. The correct answer would be that you don't want to go worship in a Catholic church – not because of their worship style but the object of their worship is a different christ. How can we turn back to Rome?! Have we forgotten what our forefathers have warned us about?!
If you haven't ever "We here are of the conviction that the Papacy is the seat of the true and real been Antichrist. I owe the Pope no other obedience than that I owe to Antichrist." explained Martin Luther what Roman Catholics "Some persons think us too severe and censorious when we call believe about the Pontiff Antichrist" John Calvin Jesus or are still not clear, see the "The Papacy is the very Antichrist, the Pope being the below links to son of perdition of whom Paul speaks." John Knox understand how it is a false christ they believe in and we should be "Whereof it follows Rome to be the seat of praying for them: Antichrist and the Pope to be the very • Wide is the Gate: The Antichrist himself. I can prove the same by Emerging New Christianity many Scriptures." Thomas Cranmer VOLUME 2 (Chapter on Catholicism) "Popery is contrary to Christ's • John MacArthur on Catholicism, gospel and is the Antichrist The Pope and The Papacy and we ought to pray • A Woman Rides the Beast - The against it" Spurgeon Berean Call • Another Jesus - the Eucharistic Christ by Roger Oakland (7 part video, 10 mins each) More links: • Why Evangelicals are Returning to Rome + Interview (Bob DeWaay) • The Emerging Church: Another Road to Rome • Evangelicals and Catholics Together • Pierre Teilhard De Chardin: Father Of The New Age Movement
Change - a Paradigm Shift By watching the fore-mentioned documentaries on the Emerging Church, it is clear that this movement is all about: change – a move from fundamental, Orthodox, Biblical Christianity and Absolute Biblical Truth to a new approach, something more “open” – a discussion or conversation. Leonard Sweet Quote - 20th February - CITY OF REFUGE - Peter Rasmussen: "The Dick-and Jane world of my '50's childhood is over, washed away by a tsunami of change....While the world is rethinking its entire cultural formation, it is time to find new ways of being the church that are true to our postmodern context. It is time for a Postmodern Reformation." (from Leonard Sweet's book "Soul Tsunami) 7th August 2011 - OPEN AND CLOSED HAND - Peter Rasmussen: Intro: “This message is an epilogue to the messages on Revelation” “Reason for message: Christians seem to get very tense on their theological positions. Open thought and discussion though part of Biblical tradition doesn’t seem part of Christian tradition. We live in an increasingly polarised world. On the one hand, we have liberalism. On the other hand, fanatical fundamentalism. So let me help you be balanced by explaining the principle of open and closed hand. Some things we believe in are in the closed hand… non-negotiable fundamentals of our faith. Other things we can debate and discuss because they are in the open hand.” Note how clearly this message falls into the Paradigm Shift trend of the Emergent Church (emphasis added) This is a message that focusses on change – it is meant to instill change in the listener, help them to adjust to the coming change that is needed the Paradigm shift the Church needs
to make - to do church in a “new” way in order to reach the post modern society. An example: The prior series on Revelation where Peter introduced his Preterist views (which are widely held by the emergent church): many congregants did not agree with this interpretation and many would not agree with coming future changes, thus a change and adjustment in them is needed. Quote given in preach "Mark Driscoll: Closed hand issues we will fight for… get bruised for. Open hand… we will only take paper cuts for." Coincidentally, Driscoll (Former Emerging Church leader) also appears to hold Preterist views: Essential viewing (short video): Mark Driscoll On Discernment Ministries & Eschatology [note: the Open Hand Closed hand message: in isolation, this message is good. It is good to hold a balanced view of open handed issues. However, this message needs to be viewed from the bigger perspective of trends in the Emergent Church – and the change theme fits right in. It is a “change” message – along with a new church name and vision.] Are “know it all's” or christians with fundamental biblical views polarising to seekers in the church? Rick Warren states that Christian fundamentalism – referring to people who interpret the Bible literally – poses the biggest threat to the emerging church of the 21st century “A gospel proclaimed by “know-it-alls” will polarize, not draw people” (from 13th November 2011 - WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS KINGDOM - Is God Real by Peter Rasmussen) “We can’t become “know-it-all’s” (from 7th August 2011 - OPEN AND CLOSED HAND by Peter Rasmussen) Are you sure? Is there a verse for that? Doesn't the bible encourage us, filled with humility and christian character, to be like the Bereans – to search out the truth, to know as much as you can from the Word?
Or are we to water down the gospel and dumb down biblical christianity in order to be more seeker sensitive? Robert Schuller said of Bill Hybels: “I was the first person to introduce real church growth to the American Church. …He [Hybels] became the first guy to take these principles, refine them, maximize them to the ultimate length of their potential… I am so proud of him… I think of him as a son. I think of him as one of the greatest things to happen in Christianity in our time. …Bill Hybels is doing the best job of anybody I know!” [G.A. Pritchard, Willow Creek Seeker Services: Evaluating a New Way of Doing Church, Baker, 1996, p.56, quoting Robert Schuller] Emergents often accuse biblically sound, “traditional” Christians of being divisive, hateful, etc. In fact what is perceived as a “Divisive” reaction is merely a defense of the true, biblically sound, traditional orthodox christian faith that we are instructed to contend for. Aren't we called to be discerning and seek knowledge? Proverbs 14:6 “The mocker seeks wisdom and finds none, but knowledge comes easily to the discerning”. Proverbs 15:14 “The discerning heart seeks knowledge, but the mouth of a fool feeds on folly.” Philippians 1:9-11 “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ — to the glory and praise of God.”
As we have learned that the Emergent movement is a change movement, that moves away sound biblical doctrine – contrast this to the old HCF 'About us' statement that aimed for a change motivated towards accurate biblical truth, not away from it. July 2010 HCF website snapshot [link]
“What are some of the 'flavours' you can encounter at HCF? No. 1: An emphasis on the Bible • We want to be as biblically accurate as we possibly can, in both preaching and practice. • We promote change motivated by a desire to become more biblically accurate.” Are we seeing a shift from a Church that promoted change motivated by a desire to become more biblically accurate to a Church that promotes change to become more seeker friendly at the expense of biblical accuracy? How did this shift happen? Could the following statements and tweets perhaps be a clue? Contrast July 2010 above and December 2010 below: "In Dec 2010 I had the amazing experience of going to a personal mentoring time with Bill Hybels, the senior pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago. It was, In every way a 'mind blowing' experience... one which led to many applications that have impacted my life and the life of CityHill Church, both directly and indirectly over the past year" Peter Rasmussen (Culture Magazine Feb-Mar 2012)
City Creek or Willow Hill? It is clear from this presentation that Willow Creek has had and continues to have great influence over the content preached and mission and vision of CityHill. 2012 01 22: Engage: Enjoy The Ride, Peter Rasmussen In announcing CityHill's new Engage vision, Willow Creek's diagram is used to illustrate the process of turning irreligious people into fully devoted followers of Christ. By viewing the essential documentary videos it is clear that there are many reasons for any Church to avoid Hybels, Willow Creek Community Church, The Willow Creek Association and their Global Leadership Summit, here are a few: (Some include trends in the Emergent Church movement) • Hybels and Willow Creek was instrumental in promoting and endorsing Emergent Church leaders from the very start of the movement • Heretics like Brian McLaren and Rob Bell. You can still buy their resources in the Willow Creek store here, here and here. 2 John 1 v10 “If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them. v11 Anyone who welcomes them shares in their wicked work.” • From the essential viewing documentaries it is also clear that Hybels is a protégé and disciple of New Age universalist Robert Shuller and business guru Peter Drucker with his 3-legged stool philosophy which teaches that a "healthy" society is built upon three sectors: a public sector of government (State); a private sector of businesses (Corporations); and a social sector of community, church and charitable organizations. Does a One World Government, One World Economy and One World Religion ring a bell? The conclusions that researchers are making is that emerging christianity is paving the way and laying the foundations for a universal (one world) religion and an inclusive “universal christ”. [Unfortunately, despite clear evidence theological views like Preterism and
Dominionism might blind one from making these conclusions] • Willow Creek follows the same Saddleback and U2 interfaith initiatives & dialogue. In Addition to Bill Hybels signing the controversial Muslim document “Loving God and Neighbor Together: A Christian Response to a Common Word Between us and You.”, Willow Creek also defended Islam by having an Imam speak there more than once - in an effort to prove that Islam doesn’t teach violence and terrorism. Hybels followed the politically-correct line about Islam and taught his congregation that true Islam has been hijacked by a radical wing of Islam rather than protecting the flock by telling the truth about Islam. Read more. • Bill Hybels endorses and promotes Emergent Church icons Bono & U2. Bono Interview by Bill Hybels (Leadership Summit 2006) – part 1 part 2 (video) • Willow Creek continues to promote contemplative spirituality and mysticism by hosting speakers and selling books from contemplative authors, a few examples: (follow links to their bookstore) Henri Nouwen (He says he is uncomfortable with those who say Jesus is the only way) Richard Foster (tells us all we should practice contemplative prayer) Thomas Merton (wants to be the best Buddhist he can be) Ruth Haley Barton (teaches contemplative prayer to thousands) Gerald May (Teaches contemplative prayer at Shalem Institute for contemplative living) Willow Creek and the New Contemplative / Emerging Spirituality (see link for more info) plus No Repentance from Willow Creek – Only a Mystical Paradigm Shift • Willow Creek is all about “change”. The Fall 2007 of Willow Creek magazine (link to magazine) gives a clear view of the organization's spiritual emphasis. Article titles in this issue certainly make a statement that things are going to change: "Seismic Shifts," "Rediscovering Spiritual Formation," "Stemming the Tide," "The Changing Face of Worship,"
"Shifts in Missional Mindset," and "The Next Great Debate." With such commitment to change, it's no wonder Willow Creek supports Brian McLaren, who had an "Everything Must Change" tour and book of same title. • Willow Creek and Hybels continue to promote Ecumenism and Roman Catholicism. One example: Bill Hybels asked church leaders attending his annual Leadership Summit in 2008 at sites across North America if they could be “fully yielded” to God as Mother Teresa had been. Hybels had more than 50,000 leaders at the two-day conference stand up and repeat some of the proverbs Mother Teresa had lived by for over four decades of her life. Sadly, Roman Catholic Mother Teresa was a universalist and believed there are many ways to God and was quoted saying: "All is God- Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, etc., all have access to the same God." • Willow Creek and the social gospel. The following extract from the Willow magazine fall 2007 (Page 13) make it clear that Willow Creek is promoting the social gospel and an emergent one at that: [link to magazine] [page 13] McKnight, whose award-winning blog, Jesus Creed, has been rated by Technorati.com as the top site for the Emerging Church movement, says, "An important contribution of the emerging movement is that spiritual formation is being moved out of being a purely individual endeavor, and becoming more about transformation of character and behavior, in the context of community. There is a recognition that the focus of the Bible is on the transformation of people in community for the good of the world. As a result, you see a definite trend toward a compassion and caring for the poor. It's changing the face of evangelical Christianity. They used to be afraid of the social gospel. But Jesus was a social gospel kind of guy." Many books that fit into the emerging church category, such as Dan Kimball's 'Emergent Worship', Brian McLaren's 'The Secret Message of Jesus', Shane Claiborne's 'The Irresistible Revolution' echo those sentiments.
For years the term "social gospel" was considered a dirty word of sorts in evangelical circles. The thinking was that fighting social ills was not as important as saving souls. But some Christian leaders, especially those in the spiritual formation movement, are hoping that the church is waking up to the fact that those two goals are not mutually exclusive. Stefanie Sawyer, director of extension ministries at Willow Creek, says she believes that she's seeing a shift toward “bringing the social gospel back to the evangelical gospel.” One of Willow's stated goals this year is “unleashing unprecedented levels of compassion into the world” which has raised awareness of justice and compassion issues. • 'Missional' Willow Creek is 'on mission'. We have established that Willow Creek is showing all the signs of an Emergent Church including being missional. See earlier section on missional for more info on the term. More links from the Willow Creek Association blog: - The Missional Church: Q&A - Thoughts on being missional • Dominionism and Willow Creek. "Our dream is really to discover what God is doing and how he’s asking us to transform this planet.” - Bill Hybels Hopes to transform the planet certainly has dominionist language. Willow Creek are now moving to be part of the emerging spirituality, that includes Rick Warren and many other major Christian leaders who believe the church will transform cities and usher in the kingdom of God on earth before Christ returns. Read More Willow Creek’s wants to “transform this planet” [link] (through contemplative and emerging spiritualities that is). “This dominionist, kingdom-now theology is literally permeating the lecture halls of many Christian seminaries and churches, and mysticism is the propeller that keeps its momentum”. “Contemplative spirituality is the vehicle through which the kingdom-now, emerging church, dominionist views draw their strength and momentum.”
As seen from the essential viewing documentaries, It is clear that the emergent movement is following a different gospel and a different christ. The concept of God in the emerging church is rapidly moving away from the Bible’s Triune God to the universal God of all faiths. It is now commonly alleged that God revealed Himself to humanity through all religions – not only through the Bible, Jesus Christ and the Christian church. There is also a clear move away from monotheism to panentheism. The idea is no longer e n t e r- tained that there is a personal Creator-God who is above His creation, but rather an impersonal god who is in everything – in all people and also in nature. That means that people can discover him in themselves and also become little gods." “The postmodern deconstruction of the Person of Jesus Christ is done to make Him conformable to the image of the Antichrist which will ultimately be accepted as the Christ because he will comply with the image of their deconstructed Jesus. That is the final objective with all the deception that is spread in the name of Jesus. This process still continues – after Jesus has been deprived of His divine attributes, He is presented as the cosmic Christ of all faiths. That is in harmony with the view that God is the universal God of all faiths.” - Prof. Johan Malan
conclusion CityHill, continue to be the awesome church with great people and great leaders that preach the Gospel of Christ without compromise – but watch out! You are not in Kansas anymore, Toto - you are surrounded by the enemy and your walls have already been breached. You stand before a fork in the road: on the one side you have the path you are presently embarking on, it is a wide path – many are following it, it is the popular way – call it what you will, it is Emergent. You may not fully understand how you got here, but here you are none the less – many Churches have been swept along this wide road. You can of course
vehemently deny that you are showing signs and trends of Emergent Christianity in your church and that it's just coincidence – but in the sight of God, with undeniable evidence provided in this document – you now have the opportunity to stop, take a step back and look at how your direction fits into the bigger picture. This is your moment, you will have to give account for your leadership to God one day and will be judged stricter because of your position and if you continue in this direction, you cannot say that you weren't warned.
So what are you to do then? Use this opportunity to stop, repent, turn – swallow your pride, admit your mistakes and go back to God's desired path for you, the less popular one – the biblical one. Is your new vision your unique vision? Or is it in danger of being a carbon copy of Willow Creek and the emergent church movement's social gospel? Seek God and reconfirm His vision and mission for you, are you sure you have it right? Break off your association with Bill Hybels and Willow Creek. Should you be already too
committed, too “all in” on the direction you are on, too stubborn to listen, then this might be the cue for any of the leaders whose eyes have been opened by this presentation to be courageous and question the course you are on because its destination is contrary to the word of God. To Cityhill congregants: don't leave the church, stay! Stay and demand that the issues highlighted by this document are addressed and pray for your leaders that their eyes will be opened to the deception at their door. - - - - -----> He who has an ear, let him hear.
Can you believe everything you read / see on the internet?
Of course not, nor can you believe everything you read / see on any mainstream forms of media. You should be careful not to believe every dissenting voice out there regardless of the form of media it's coming from – that is why you use your brain and your bible plus do your own research and are encouraged to verify the facts and information presented in this document. The Internet is just another form of media – one that is quickly surpassing the mainstream forms of media. What about conspiracy theories or melodramatic alarmists throwing babies out with the bath water? As Christians we know it's not just theory but conspiracy fact there is a great conspiracy against God that began when satan first rebelled against Him and the battle is still raging today and will only intensify until it reaches one final climatic crescendo when our Lord deals with the enemy once and for all in the final battle– as Christians we are called to be awake, not to be ignorant of the enemy's devices and to question the status quo. Are you awake? or fast asleep?
Is there an official office in the Church for a discernment ministry? No, as Christians we are all called to be Bereans but unfortunately most Christians are better at being innocent as doves than being wise as serpents (since we've been sent out as sheep in the midst of wolves). Consequently God uses many different ways to warn His body of present and impending danger. (And no, these ministries are not out to make money by selling books or dvd's – again, use your brain and your bible plus do your own research and confirm how the facts are true)
Do calls for discernment glorify God and is it out of love for The Body? Yes and Yes. We are instructed to contend for the faith out of love for God and His Church and we bring glory to God by being obedient to scripture and His commands. Some would say that calls for discernment like this presentation, do more harm than good – that it can cause division. What does the bible say? What does Jesus say? "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword....”
What is the typical response of Pastors or Church leaders when confronted by congregants about the fact that their churches are aligned with the emergent movement or are going emergent? Most simply shrug off any claims with a smile and dust the matter under the carpet without addressing the real issues or deny any claims completely. The leaders may say, “You’ve misunderstood things" or are “confused”. Often the concerned church member will be asked to leave quietly if they persist in questioning authority.
What is the biggest reason most believers do not leave their Churches? (those churches that have succumbed to emergent spirituality) In one word: Relationships. Many simply can't deal with the loss of their christian friends of many years and choose not to rock the boat or be labeled as divisive. Additionally, some associate pastors or staff may fear losing their jobs in ever challenging economic times and choose to stay quiet. Links: • Preparing For Separation And Loss • What to do if emergent is in your church • My church is becoming Emergent – how do I go about leaving?
What about open– hand, closed-hand issues? Aren't most of these emergent trends open hand issues? How many open hand issues does it take to add up to one huge closed hand issue? If your Church flaunts with emergent trends like Mysticism & Contemplative Prayer, Roman Catholicism, Ecumenism, the Social Gospel, Dominionism, Skewed Eschatology and big “change” - it is not long before your church is in danger of following the emergent false universal christ.
Any link in this document does not necessarily imply an endorsement of that ministry, resource or organisation. The only endorsement that is worthwhile is that which is alignment with biblical truth. Remember to test everything against the word of God (1 Thes 5:21).
.....AND FIGHT! CO-ORDINATORS: The 'who' is irrelevant, it is the truth that is most important - Don't shoot the messenger. DISCLAIMER: Any link in this document does not necessarily imply an endorsement of that ministry, resource or organisation. The only endorsement that is worthwhile is that which is alignment with biblical truth. Remember to test everything against the word of God (1 Thes 5:21).