Book 39, Pg. –17Minutes of the Alabaster City Council Meeting Alabaster, Alabama April 21, 2011 A regular meeting of the Alabaster City Council was held in the Municipal Annex on Thursday, April 21, 2011, at 7:00 P.M., and there were present at said meeting Councilpersons: Present: Sophie Martin, Adam Moseley, Rick Walters, Scott Brakefield, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Absent: Bob Hicks. MEETING OPENING The meeting was opened with prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Council Member Moseley made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 7, 2011 meeting as read. Council Member Ryals seconded the motion. Voting – Ayes: Sophie Martin, Rick Walters, Tommy Ryals and Adam Moseley. Nays: None. Scott Brakefield and Jim McClain abstained due to their absence at the last meeting. Motion carried. Council Member Martin made a motion to approve the agenda for tonight’s meeting as presented. Council Member Moseley seconded the motion. Voting – Ayes: All Ayes. Nays: None. Motion carried. MAYORS COMMENTS Mayor Frings said the independent auditor’s report for fiscal year 2010 has been received and they reported the best audit standard you can receive. Bound copies of the report were presented to each council member. Mayor Frings gave his six month financial review and stated the City is in good financial standing, especially in today’s economy. Mayor Frings presented Council with twenty-one mid-year budget amendments to review and stated that all would be lateral moves of funds from other budget line items in each department and not new money added to the existing approved 2011 budget. These included money for the catastrophic loss insurance for the Promenade, funds for redistricting project and $32,000 for the school feasibility study. However, fuel expense line items may have to be adjusted before year end due to fuel prices. Mayor Frings also went over cash account balances from several funds. Mayor Frings proclaimed May 5, 2011 as “National Day of Prayer” in Alabaster and urged all citizens to join together in prayer that in the spirit of trust, cooperation and goodwill we may beseech God for the strength and wisdom to make our community an even better place to live. COUNCIL COMMENTS Council Member Walters gave the Library Report for the month of March 2011. RESOLUTION NO. 042111-A 1.
Council Member Walters introduced Resolution No. 042111-A accepting the 2011 MidYear Financial Report and budget amendments as presented previously by Mayor Frings. Council Member Walters made a motion to approve Resolution No. 042111-A accepting both reports which include twenty-one budget changes and two additions, the costs for the redistricting project and the loss prevention insurance. Council Member Moseley seconded said motion. Voting –Ayes: Sophie Martin, Adam Moseley, Rick Walters, Scott Brakefield, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Council Member Moseley introduced Resolution No. 042111 accepting the 2010 Financial Independent Audit Report prepared by Till, Hester, Eyer & Brown, PC as presented by Mayor Frings to the Council earlier in the meeting under his comments. Council Member Moseley made a motion to approve Resolution No. 042111 accepting said financial independent audit report. Council Member Ryals seconded said motion. Voting –Ayes: Sophie Martin, Adam Moseley, Rick Walters, Scott Brakefield, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Nays: None. Motion carried. 3. APPOINTMENT TO HOUSING ABATEMENT BOARD. Council Member Walters said he would like to appoint Mr. Al Hardee to the Alabaster Housing Abatement Board as his representative for Ward 4. Council Member Walters made a motion to appoint Mr. Al Hardee to the Housing Abatement Board with Council Member Martin seconding. Voting –Ayes: Sophie Martin, Adam Moseley, Rick Walters, Scott Brakefield, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Nays: None. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 042111-B 4.
FEASIBILITY STUDY. Council Member Brakefield introduced and read in full Resolution No. 042111-B authorizing the Mayor to enter into a service contract with Decision Resources, LLC to provide a study of the financial feasibility of a separate municipal school system for Alabaster. Council Member Brakefield made a motion to approve Resolution No. 042111-B allowing Mayor Frings to enter into said contract with Decision Resources, LLC. Council Member Ryals seconded said motion. Voting –Ayes: Sophie Martin, Adam Moseley, Rick Walters, Scott Brakefield, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Nays: None. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 042111-C RESOLUTION REGARDING SERVICE CONTRACT ON REDISTRICT PROJECT. 5.
Council Member Walters introduced and read in full Resolution No. 042111-C authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with Alabama State University for technical and professional advice on a proposed redistricting project. Due to the 2010 Census numbers, the city may have to look at changing their district lines to comply with the 5% deviation required in district size. Council Member Walters made a motion to approve Resolution No. 042111-C allowing Mayor Frings to enter into said service contract. Council Member Moseley seconded said motion. Voting –Ayes: Sophie Martin, Adam Moseley, Rick Walters, Scott Brakefield, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Nays: None. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 042111-D RESOLUTION REGARDING CONTRACT WITH SHELBY COUNTY ON 2011 GRANT FUNDS. 6.
Council Member Brakefield introduced Resolution No. 042111-D authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with Shelby County for a grant for 2011 Alabama Community College Conference State Softball Tournament and City Fest 2011. Grant funds of $15,000 for the girls softball tournament and $2,000 to the Alabaster Arts Council for City Fest. Council Member Brakefield made a motion to approve Resolution No.
042111-D allowing Mayor Frings to enter into said contract with Council Member Walters seconding. Voting –Ayes: Rick Walters, Scott Brakefield, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Nays: None. Sophie Martin and Adam Moseley abstained. Motion carried. ALABASTER CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, 04/21/11, Book 39, Page –19-
7. COUNCIL WORK SESSION. Council President McClain announced that a council work session will be held on Thursday, May 5, 2011 at 5:30 P.M. in the conference room at the Municipal Annex Building, 127 1st Street SW just prior to their regularly scheduled meeting. After brief council and audience comments, Council Member Moseley made a motion to adjourn with Council Member Brakefield seconding. All were in favor and said meeting was adjourned at 7:26 P.M. _________________________________ Marsha Massey City Clerk/Treasurer