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Book 39, Pg. –8Minutes of the Alabaster City Council Meeting Alabaster, Alabama February 17, 2011 A regular meeting of the Alabaster City Council was held in the Municipal Annex on Thursday, February 17, 2011, at 7:00 P.M., and there were present at said meeting Councilpersons: Present: Sophie Martin, Adam Moseley, Rick Walters, Scott Brakefield, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Absent: Bob Hicks. MEETING OPENING The meeting was opened with prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Council Member Martin made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 3, 2011 meeting as read. Council Member Moseley seconded the motion. Voting – Ayes: Sophie Martin, Adam Moseley, Rick Walters, Tommy Ryals, Scott Brakefield and Jim McClain. Nays: None. Motion carried. Council Member Walters made a motion to approve the agenda for tonight’s meeting as presented. Council Member Brakefield seconded the motion. Voting – Ayes: All Ayes. Nays: None. Motion carried. MAYORS COMMENTS Mayor Frings proclaimed February 26, 2011 as “Arbor Day” and urged all citizens to celebrate Arbor Day and to support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands. COUNCIL COMMENTS Council Member Martin gave the Police Department Report for January 2011. Council Member Walters gave the Library Report for the month of January 2011. RESOLUTION NO. 021711 1. BIDS ON EMERGENCY LIGHTING & EQUIPMENT FOR NEW POLICE CARS. Council Member Moseley introduced Resolution No. 021711 regarding the bids received back in on emergency lighting and equipment for nine new police interceptors. Three bids were received as follows: Emergency Lighting by Haynes - $28,020.42, Fleet Safety - $30,717.00 and 10-100 Electronics - $34,927.20. Council Member Moseley made a motion to approve Resolution No. 021711 accepting the low bid of $28,020.42 from Emergency Lighting by Haynes for said equipment. Council Member Walters seconded. Voting – Ayes: Sophie Martin, Adam Moseley, Rick Walters, Scott Brakefield, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Nays: None. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 021711-A 2. BIDS ON DIGITAL IN CAR CAMERA SYSTEMS FOR POLICE INTERCEPTORS. Council Member Brakefield introduced Resolution No. 021711-A regarding the bids received on in car camera systems for police interceptors. Three bids and one “No Bid” were received as follows: 10-100 Electronics - $4,578.00 each, Integrated Technology Systems - $4,600.00 each, Brasher Electronics, Inc. - $4,625.00 each and Emergency Lighting by Haynes – “No Bid”. Council Member Brakefield made a motion to approve Resolution No. 021711-A accepting the low bid of $4,578.00 each from 10-100 Electronics for said in car camera systems/equipment. Council Member Martin seconded. Voting – Ayes: Sophie Martin, Adam Moseley, Rick Walters, Scott Brakefield, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Nays: None. Motion carried.

ALABASTER CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, 02/17/11, Book 39, Page –9RESOLUTION NO. 021711-B 3. RESOLUTION REGARDING CONCESSION RFP’S FOR PARKS AND RECREATION. Council Member Brakefield introduced Resolution No. 021711-B regarding requests for proposals (RFP’s) on concessions for our Parks and Recreation Department. Once received the RFP’s were ranked according to criteria identified in the RFP and presented to Council. Council Member Brakefield made a motion to approve Resolution No. 021711-B allowing for Mayor Frings to enter into negotiations with Alabaster Sports and Entertainment Foundation for a non-exclusive concessions agreement and to present a final agreement to the Council for approval. Council Member Ryals seconded. Voting - Ayes: Sophie Martin, Adam Moseley, Scott Brakefield, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Nays: None. Rick Walters abstained. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 021711-C 4. RESOLUTION REGARDING ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE CITY. Council Member Ryals introduced Resolution No. 021711-C regarding engineering services for the City of Alabaster. Said resolution rescinds any outside engineering services for all departments of the City that should be reassigned, as appropriate, to the newly created position of City Engineer. This position has been filled with a full-time engineer designated as the “duly appointed” engineer for the City. Council Member Ryals made a motion to approve Resolution No. 021711-C and Council Member Brakefield seconded. Voting – Ayes: Sophie Martin, Adam Moseley, Rick Walters, Scott Brakefield, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Nays: None. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 021711-D 5. RESOLUTION ON CONTRACT WITH SHELBY COUNTY FOR A TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF ONE HITACHI PROJECTOR. Council Member Martin introduced Resolution No. 021711-D accepting the transfer of ownership from the Shelby County Commission of one Hitachi LCD projector to be used for educational and recreational needs of the participants at the Alabaster Senior Activity Center, and which said agreement is before this Council tonight. Council Member Martin made a motion to approve Resolution No. 021711-D and Council Member Walters seconded. Voting – Ayes: Sophie Martin, Adam Moseley, Rick Walters, Scott Brakefield, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Nays: None. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 021711-E 6. RESOLUTION REGARDING AN AFTER HOURS USE-PLAN FOR THE GARDNER HOUSE FACILITY AND THE NEW SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER. Council Member Martin introduced Resolution No. 021711-E regarding the adoption of a City of Alabaster Rental Policy and After Hours Use Plan for the Gardner House Facility and the new Senior Activity Center. Both the rental forms and rules and regulations for rental of both facilities are all presented before this City Council tonight and attached to the Resolution for consideration. Council Member Martin made a motion to approve Resolution No. 021711-E and all attachments. Council Member Ryals seconded. Voting – Ayes: Sophie Martin, Adam Moseley, Rick Walters, Scott Brakefield, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Nays: None. Motion carried.

ALABASTER CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, 02/17/11, Book 39, Page –10RESOLUTION NO. 021711-F 7. RESOLUTION ON ANNUAL SOFTWARE CONTRACT WITH PHYSIO CONTROL FOR TECHNICAL SUPPORT OF LIFEPAK 12’S FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Council Member Brakefield introduced Resolution No. 021711-F regarding the annual service agreement between the City and Physio-Control, Incorporated. The technical service support agreement provides on-site repair and one on site inspection per year for the four LIFEPAK 12 defibrillators for our Fire Department. Said agreement is before this Council tonight and attached to said Resolution. Council Member Brakefield made a motion to approve Resolution No. 021711-F and Council Member Moseley seconded. Voting – Ayes: Sophie Martin, Adam Moseley, Rick Walters, Scott Brakefield, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Nays: None. Motion carried. 8. COUNCIL WORK SESSION. Council President McClain announced that a council work session will not be scheduled to be held before our next regularly scheduled council meeting at this time. After brief council and audience comments, Council Member Brakefield made a motion to adjourn with Council Member Martin seconding. All were in favor and said meeting was adjourned at 7:25 P.M.

_________________________________ Marsha Massey City Clerk/Treasurer

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