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Book 40, Pg. –5Minutes of the Alabaster City Council Meeting Alabaster, Alabama August 1, 2011 A regular meeting of the Alabaster City Council was held in the Municipal Annex on Monday, August 1, 2011, at 7:00 P.M., and there were present at said meeting Councilpersons: Present: Sophie Martin, Bob Hicks, Adam Moseley, Rick Walters, Scott Brakefield, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Absent: None. MEETING OPENING The meeting was opened with prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Council Member Martin made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 18, 2011 meeting as read. Council Member Walters seconded the motion. Voting – Ayes: Sophie Martin, Adam Moseley, Rick Walters, Scott Brakefield, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Nays: None. Bob Hicks abstained due to his absence from the meeting. Motion carried. Council Member Moseley made a motion to approve the agenda for tonight’s meeting as presented. Council Member Ryals seconded the motion. Voting – Ayes: All Ayes. Nays: None. Motion carried. MAYORS COMMENTS Mayor Frings announced that Honorable Governor Robert Bentley is scheduled to hold a press conference tomorrow around 1:30 p.m. at Books-A-Million, Colonial Promenade North, regarding the state-wide Sales Tax Holiday. Mayor Frings reminded everyone of Target’s “National Night Out” on Tuesday, August 2nd at 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at Target in the Promenade Shopping Center. Mayor Frings reminded everyone of the upcoming tax-exempt holiday this weekend to help with the purchase of school supplies and other items that may be included. Mayor Frings announced the ADEM Permit for our Waste Water Treatment Plant was received today. COUNCIL COMMENTS No reports were available at this time. RESOLUTION NO. 080111 1. RESOLUTION REGARDING PARKS AND RECREATION HOSTING THE ACCC STATE SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT FOR THE NEXT THREE YEARS. Council Member Brakefield introduced Resolution No. 080111 showing full support and commitment of city resources for the ACCC State Championship Tournament for 2012, 2013 and 2014. The National Junior College Athletic Association has accepted the bid as submitted by our Parks and Recreation Department as host of the tournament for the next three years. Council Member Brakefield made a motion to approve Resolution No. 080111 with Council Member Moseley seconding. Voting – Ayes: Sophie Martin, Bob Hicks, Adam Moseley, Rick Walters, Scott Brakefield, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Nays: None. Motion carried.

ALABASTER CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, 08/01/11, Book 40, Page –6RESOLUTION NO. 080111-A 2. RESOLUTION REGARDING CONTRACT ON COPIER, PRINTING AND DIGITAL DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES. Council Member Walters introduced Resolution No. 080111-A allowing Mayor Frings to enter into a contract with Business Electronics for copier, printing and digital document management services for all departments as listed in Addendum “A” (see attached). Council Member Walters made a motion to approve Resolution No. 080111-A as introduced with Council Member Hicks seconding. Voting – Ayes: Sophie Martin, Bob Hicks, Adam Moseley, Rick Walters, Scott Brakefield, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Nays: None. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 080111-B 3. RESOLUTION OPPOSING THE REDISTRICTING PROPOSAL OF THE SHELBY COUNTY COMMISSION FOR COMMISSION DISTRICTS OF SHELBY COUNTY. Council Member Hicks introduced Resolution No. 080111-B showing formal opposition to the current redistricting proposal released by Shelby County. Under the proposed plan the citizens of Alabaster will be divided into 6 separate and distinct commission districts, thereby fragmenting and diluting the voice and populace of the citizens of the City of Alabaster. Council Member Hicks made a motion to approve Resolution No. 080111-B as introduced with Council Member Walters seconding. Voting – Ayes: Sophie Martin, Bob Hicks, Adam Moseley, Rick Walters, Scott Brakefield, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Nays: None. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 080111-C 4. RESOLUTION REGARDING TEMPORARILY CLOSING OF A PORTION OF GRANDE VIEW RIDGE. Council Member Ryals introduced Resolution No. 080111-C temporarily closing a portion of Grande View Ridge located in the Grande View Estates Subdivision until such time as the developer has completed the additional roads and infrastructure necessary to make the roadway safe, the roadway surface has been seal coated, and the numerous deficiencies and dangers to the general public are remediated. Council Member Ryals made a motion to approve Resolution No. 080111-C as introduced with Council Member Brakefield seconding. Voting – Ayes: Sophie Martin, Bob Hicks, Adam Moseley, Rick Walters, Scott Brakefield, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Nays: None. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 080111-D 5. RESOLUTION REGARDING OUTSTANDING DEBT.





Council Member Moseley introduced Resolution No. 080111-D authorizing the advance refunding of the Series 2002 General Obligation Warrants and the Series 2003 Taxable General Obligation Warrants, currently outstanding in the principal amount of $6,540,000 and allowing the Mayor to engage a banker/broker and bond counsel in order to proceed in a timely manner with the sale of the City’s General Obligation Refunding Warrants, Series 2011. Council Member Moseley made a motion to approve Resolution No. 080111-D as introduced with Council Member Walters seconding. Voting – Ayes: Sophie Martin, Bob Hicks, Adam Moseley, Rick Walters, Scott Brakefield, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Nays: None. Motion carried.

ALABASTER CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, 08/01/11, Book 40, Page –76. ANNOUNCE FIRST MEETING IN SEPTEMBER WILL BE HELD, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, IN LIEU OF MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 DUE TO HOLIDAY. After a brief discussion, Council Member Hicks made a motion to approve changing the first council meeting date in September to Tuesday, September 6 in lieu of Monday, September 5 due to the Labor Day Holiday. Council Member Martin seconded. Voting – Ayes: All Ayes. Nays: None. Motion carried. 7. SET A PUBLIC HEARING ON RECOMMENDATION FROM HOUSING ABATEMENT BOARD ON 332 PEBBLE LANE. Council Member Martin made a motion to set a public hearing on Tuesday, September 6, 2011 as an appeal hearing by the property owner at 332 Pebble Lane regarding the findings of the Alabaster Housing Abatement Board that said property is unsafe so as to be a public nuisance, and should be abated / demolished by the City of Alabaster. Council Member Ryals seconded. Voting - Ayes: All Ayes. Nays: None. Motion carried. 8. SET A PUBLIC HEARING ON RECOMMENDATION FROM HOUSING ABATEMENT BOARD ON 725 1ST STREET SOUTH. Council Member Martin made a motion to set a public hearing on Tuesday, September 6, 2011 as an appeal hearing by the property owner at 725 1 st Street South regarding the findings of the Alabaster Housing Abatement Board that said property is unsafe so as to be a public nuisance, and should be abated / demolished by the City of Alabaster. Council Member Hicks seconded. Voting - Ayes: All Ayes. Nays: None. Motion carried. 9.


Council Member Brakefield advised the Homeowner’s Association of Silvercreek Subdivision has agreed to pay the expense as invoiced by Alabama Power for installation of two new decorative street lights, if the City will allow the usage fee as an added expense on the streetlight costs. Council Member Brakefield made a motion to maintain the power usage for the two new street lights in the Silvercreek Subdivision on Highway 119 as done for other developments. Council Member Ryals seconded. Voting – Ayes: Sophie Martin, Bob Hicks, Adam Moseley, Scott Brakefield, Rick Walters, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Nays: None. Motion carried. 10. APPLICATION FOR A 050 RETAIL BEER (OFF PREMISES ONLY) LICENSE FOR BRITOS MINI MARKET, 345 1ST STREET SW, SUITE 343. Council Member Martin introduced an application for a 050 Retail Beer (Off Premises Only) License from Britos Mini Market, 345 1 st Street SW, Suite 343. Council Member Martin made a motion to approve said application. Council Member Hicks seconded. Voting – Ayes: Sophie Martin, Bob Hicks, Adam Moseley, Rick Walters, Scott Brakefield, Tommy Ryals and Jim McClain. Nays: None. Motion carried. 11.


Council Member Martin made a motion to go into an Executive Session to discuss pending litigation with Attorney Lauren Baker representing the City from the firm of Porter, Porter and Hassinger. Council Member Walters seconded said motion. City Attorney Greg Morris stated this is a valid and legal reason to enter into executive session. Voting – Ayes: Jim McClain, Sophie Martin, Bob Hicks, Adam Moseley, Rick Walters, Scott Brakefield and Tommy Ryals. Nays: None. Motion carried.

ALABASTER CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, 08/01/11, Book 40, Page –8All City Council Members, Mayor Frings, City Administrator George Henry and City Attorney Greg Morris went into Executive Session at 7:25 P.M. with Lauren Baker of Porter, Porter & Hassinger, P.C. Ms. Baker of Porter, Porter and Hassinger left the executive session and the Municipal Annex building at approximately 7:50 P.M. Council reconvened from Executive Session at approximately 7:53 P.M. with a motion to reconvene by Rick Walters and seconded by Bob Hicks. Voting – All Ayes. Nays: None. Motion carried.

12. COUNCIL WORK SESSION. Council President McClain announced that a council work session will be held on Wednesday, August 10, 2011 at 6:30 P.M. in the Conference Room at the Senior Activity Center, 1097 7th Street SW.

After brief council and audience comments, Council Member Brakefield made a motion to adjourn with Council Member Moseley seconding. All were in favor and said meeting was adjourned at 7:58 P.M.

_________________________________ Marsha Massey City Clerk/Treasurer

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