Parks and Recreation Staff
City of Alabaster
August 11, 2006
Lightning Guidelines
Please disseminate to all youth sport boards, all youth sport coaches, users of City facilities and managers in our adult softball league. Lightning disturbance The purpose of this guideline is to provide a default policy to those responsible for making decisions concerning the suspension and restarting of a contest or practice based on the presence of lightning……….. 1. Criteria for suspension and resumption of play: a. A 30 second or less flash-to-bang count calls for removal of the athletes/participants from the field to an appropriate shelter. b. Thirty-minute rule. Once play/practice has been suspended, wait at least 30 minutes after the last flash of lightning is witnessed or thunder is heard prior to resuming play. Common sense is the best rule of thumb when dealing with lightning. The default decision should err on the side of being conservative – lightning not something that should be taken lightly. Thank you for your immediate attention.