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A Message from the Chief

Dear AmCan Community,

I hope this newsletter finds you in good health and high spirits. As the Fire Chief of AmCan, I am pleased to share that the 4th of July celebrations in American Canyon were a resounding success, thanks to your cooperation and vigilance. We started the day by participating in a well-attended and wonderful parade celebrating the uniqueness that is American Canyon. We were pleased to reintroduce ‘Franny the Firetruck’, our robotic public education tool, which was named after a prominent member of our community, Mrs. Fran Lemos.

As the summer months come to an end, we are still in danger of wildfire. As you can see by big fires occurring all over the nation and world, vigilance is still imperative. Clearing away dead brush and weeds can assist in keeping your home and property safe. Cleaning out your gutters of any debris, and trimming trees are other key components of keeping fire away.

The school year starts August 16th in American Canyon and across Napa County. As students return to class, we would like to remind you to slow down and watch for pedestrians. While we are ready to respond to any emergency, we would prefer to keep everyone safe.

This past month, we had the opportunity to work with the California Cadet Academy. The program is designed to give the students who attend a head start when applying to college and/or attending certification programs to become Firefighters, Police officers, Deputy Sheriffs, Park Rangers, Paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians. Our crews were able to provide hands-on experience in vehicle extrication, allowing the cadets to use our tools, and understand the in-depth process of stabilizing a vehicle before having to remove a patient. We are happy to assist in growing the next generation of first responders. For more information on this program, please visit: calcadet.com

Last night, we had the pleasure of accompanying AmCan PD for the community celebration of National Night Out. This is a great way to get out and meet your neighbors. Knowing your neighbors is a tool that is especially important during a crisis.

Next week, August 8th, 9th, and 10th, Station 211, located at 225 James Road, will be temporarily closed for required safety upgrades. During this time, Firefighters will be relocated to our other Fire Station, located at 911 Donaldson Way E with the priority of maintaining excellent service throughout our community. For additional questions, please call our administrative offices at 707-551-0650 and follow us on social media.


Belyea, Fire Chief

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