1 minute read

Adopt a Park

The Adopt a Park program is an opportunity for residents of all ages to become involved in improving the city parks and trail corridors. This is a partnership between you, neighbors, friends, and the city. Groups will work together to accomplish needed park and trail improvements. Activities may range from monthly clean-up activities, to planting flower gardens, to creating new landscape features, or maintaining existing landscape areas. Adopt a Park can involve individuals as well as neighborhood groups or community service organizations. Blaine has 65 city parks. Everything in the parks keeps growing, so volunteer help is vital to enhancing the work of park staff. Volunteering in city parks is a healthy, outdoor activity, in the fresh air and sunshine. Parks can be adopted by one or more groups, as there is always something to do. If you have a park you would like to adopt that is great. Residents who just want to volunteer, city staff would love to help find the perfect park for you.


Volunteers are welcome anytime at the park between 8AM to ½ hour after sunset.


Help with different landscaping and maintenance tasks.


Sign up with parks and recreation staff to reserve your activity. Email AdoptaPark@BlaineMN.gov or call Joy Handt 763-354-4658 to adopt a park. More information is available at, BlaineMN.gov/AdoptAPark

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