1 minute read
Wednesday, April 12, 11:30AM-1:30PM, $5
Volunteers are an integral part of successful programming at the MAYC. There are a multitude of roles our volunteers fill, including but not limited to: leading activity programs and educational sessions, helping with luncheons and evening dinners, driving the bus bringing passengers to and from the MAYC, and a whole lot more!
River of Life Vase
Created and Carved by MAYC Woodcarver
Roger McCullough
The “River of Life” vase shares stories of God’s Word. Roger was inspired to make this creation by a question from Richard Townsend-Anderson in 2006: “Can you?” The butternut wood came from a dying tree in Anoka County in 2010. Roger cut and dried the wood for 8 years. The vase is 43 inches tall, 17 inches wide and weighs 45 pounds. It took over two years to carve the 112 carvings. Roger displayed the vase at the MAYC on a day that boasted close to 200 people in and out of the facility. He was available all day to answer questions and allow people a close up look. Roger installed a light inside the vase to better see the splendor of this beautiful carving. He has since made a glass case to protect the carving, which has been delivered and is now on display at Ottawa University in Ottawa, Kansas next to the library. There are several options for those wishing to get involved in carving at the MAYC. Woodcarving groups are held on Tuesday evenings at 7PM and Wednesday afternoons at 1PM, along with seasonal meetings on the second Sunday of the month for the North Metro area.
For questions and to register call 763-786-9375 or visit BlaineMN.gov/MAYCRegister