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Notes to Financial Statements
Water Renewal Fund
The Water Renewal Fund is used to account for the activities related to the operation of the portion of the sewer system owned by the City. Three independent sewer districts collect sewage within the City and contract with the City to process it in one of the two City operated plants.
Solid Waste
The Boise Solid Waste Program is used to account for the City’s refuse disposal service. The disposal service is contracted by the City with an independent firm and Ada County landfill facilities.
Housing Rehabilitation
The Housing Rehabilitation fund is used to account for the activities and operations to provide housing and homeless prevention.
Boise Municipal HealthCare Trust Fund
The health insurance trust is used to account for the City’s self-insured health insurance. Plan assets are dedicated to providing health benefits to current and retired employees.
The City reports the following other fund types:
Non-major Governmental Funds
The non-major governmental funds are a combination of special revenue, debt service, and capital project funds.
• Special revenue funds are primarily operating funds that account for revenue derived from specific taxes or other revenue sources, which are committed or legally restricted to finance particular functions or activities.
• The debt service fund accounts for and reports financial resources that are restricted, committed, or assigned to expenditure for principal and interest on long-term debt of governmental funds.
Non-major Proprietary Funds
The non-major enterprise funds are a combination of geothermal, and municipal irrigation.
Internal Service Funds
Internal service funds account for vehicle maintenance, risk management, and arboretum services provided to other departments of the government or other government entities on a cost reimbursement basis. Activities conducted by the internal service funds are mostly related to governmental activities. Therefore, residual amounts of the internal service funds are consolidated and presented in the governmental activities column of the government-wide statements.
Permanent Fund
Permanent funds are used to account for and report resources that are restricted to the extent that only earnings, and not principal, may be used for purposes that support the reporting government‘s programs—that is, for the benefit of the government or its citizenry.
Use of Estimates
The preparation of the financial statements requires management to make a number of estimates and assumptions relating to the reported amounts of assets, deferred outflow of resources, liabilities, and deferred inflow of resources and the disclosure of contingent items at the date of the financial statements. Preparation