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Support Ukraine - British Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal
We have partnered up with Bristol Rainforest to bring a touch of green into our Centres and promote mental Bringing theoutdoors in wellbeing in education.
The Bristol Rainforest places trees and plants in schools and colleges across Bristol, and they are now creating an exciting environment full of plants at SBSA.
It is hoped the tree, which now resides by the Food Hall on the first-floor balcony of the Centre, will get students talking about trees, the rainforests and nature.
Bristol Rainforest said: “We are looking forward to working with the students at SBSA to help them understand how trees can contribute to their wellbeing and that of the world as a whole. We also want to reach out to the community SBSA sits in and make this knowledge available to all.” The installation of the tree is the latest step we have taken on our sustainability journey to create an eco-friendly College.
Read the full story here.
Bristol Clean Air Zone
The city of Bristol is about to become a Clean Air Zone (CAZ) this year in a bid to reduce air pollution in the city.
Our Facilities Manager, Chris Gwynne, attended the meeting where the next steps for the CAZ were discussed, including plans to introduce the zone in September.
The zone will help improve air quality by reducing harmful levels of air pollution caused by traffic. It will make sure everyone in Bristol benefits from a healthy and natural environment. The zone will mean certain cars which enter the CAZ will be charged for entry, a scheme which is already in place in Bath.
So how will it affect you?
As a guide, petrol vehicles older than 2005 (Euro 4) and diesel vehicles older than 2014 (Euro 6) will be charged for entering the zone.
To find out if your car will be charged, visit the Bristol.gov site.