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New Starters/New Pastures
You can keep up to date with events on our website. Here are some we would like to highlight:
During the event you’ll be able to: • Speak to tutors and lecturers about
College programmes • Get support with your application • Speak to specialist staff about your career options • Find out about financial support available to you • Take a tour of one of our Centres and see our amazing facilities, including our new £9m Advanced
Construction Skills Centre
You’re invited to the City of Bristol College
pen Event
We hope you’ll be able to join us. City of Bristol College10am - 1pm Saturday 26 June
0117 312 5000
This is your opportunity to visit our Centres, hear more about our wide range of courses and talk to us about your next steps. To book your place visit cityofbristol.ac.uk/events
Open Event:
Saturday 26 June 10am – 1pm
All Centres will be open, showcasing facilities to prospective students. Thank you for the activities you have planned. We have lots of advertising taking place including:
• postcards posted to all applicants • outdoor billboards • back of buses • radio • digital • ad van If you are able to attend the event and provide support, please email christina.watson@cityofbristol.ac.uk Thursday 20 June 6.30pm

We had a whopping 97 nominations this year, compared to 80 last year. Thank you to all staff who have nominated students. The shortlisting will take place this week and we will advise you if your nominated students have been selected. Due to space, attendance at this event is by invitation only. We will invite all staff who nominated the award winners.
Bristol Pride:
10 July This year we are delighted to support Bristol Pride. We are working with students on our parade activity and will be sharing the love with City of Bristol love hearts. Want to get involved? Get in touch with christina.watson@cityofbristol.ac.uk
Guaranteed place for 16-18 year olds
Apply now
Jubilee 25th Birthday Celebrations
Thank you to staff who responded to our request for any old photos, please keep them coming. We now have our working group and they will be making special celebratory plans for the new academic year.