2 minute read
We are Bristol’s vocational college, offering a huge range of technical and professional courses.
If you’re looking at this prospectus, you’re already thinking about your next step in education and training. We live in extraordinary times and I’m very aware of the rollercoaster ride you’ve had. You’ve coped with lockdown and online learning and had to make sense of a rapidly changing world. To help you, we have a wide range of positive and exciting options. We offer A Levels, vocational qualifications, practical and technical courses and apprenticeships. Whatever your starting point, we provide courses at different levels from introductory to advanced to get you moving towards a bright future. We’re not a school. There’s no assemblies, no bells, no uniform. We treat you as young adults, preparing for university or the world of work, and developing the skills employers are looking for not just subject skills, but confidence, communication and initiative. Here’s some thoughts to help you make your choice:
Coronavirus won’t last forever.
Finishing your education and training is the best choice you can make. Do the subjects you like and feel you are good at. Get your qualifications so you can take full advantage when the jobs market picks up again in a year or two’s time.
We want you in College as much
as possible. We’ve made everything Covid-secure so you can come into college safely. There will be some online learning, but we aim to do as much face-to-face teaching as possible to make sure you get a positive learning experience. Boost your social life. College is a great place to meet new people, make new friends and develop your confidence. Employers want to take on people who can get on with colleagues and customers. We will offer you a stimulating programme of industry placements alongside your course. Get where you want to go. Whether it’s university, an apprenticeship or a well-paid job, we will help you achieve your ambition. Don’t settle for second best – put yourself in a position to earn good money and take your future into your own hands. So, have a good look at the courses we offer and take advantage of our Digital Open Days. Talk to our staff and students about college life and what to expect. Above all, whatever you decide to do, keep a positive mind-set and adopt a can-do attitude – it will see you through to success.
Andy Forbes
Principal and Chief Executive
Guaranteed places – terms and conditions Places will be offered for a specific course of study at City of Bristol College, subject to the applicant meeting all course entry criteria. Should the applicant not meet the entry criteria, under the guarantee, the College will identify an alternative course of study, to ensure the applicant is studying at the level that is right for them (this could be a level higher or lower than they had originally planned).
The College reserves the right to change terms and conditions of guaranteed places based on a range of factors, but will honour guaranteed places offered to applicants before any such change takes place. Applicants with a guaranteed place will be asked to accept or decline their offer. Applications from pupils with high needs or an EHCP, will be reviewed by the College’s Additional Learning Support Team to ensure that the College can meet the applicant’s support needs.