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• Adopted local amendments to the International Fire Code 2018.
• An Emergency Operations Center exercise was held to simulate a major flood in downtown Buckeye. The Fire Department and Public Works successfully worked together on response and recovery operations.
• Sworn members began cancer screening through Vincere Cancer Center.
• Pinning & Swearing-In Ceremony
• 4 new sworn members
• 17 promotions
• 6 non-sworn members
• Established the Firestrong Program within the department. The following members completed Firestrong Peer training provided by Public Safety Crisis Solutions.
• Aaron Stone
• Ely Rivera
• Bill Tolmachoff
• Jeff Miller
• Brett Gunsalus
• McKenzie Hess
• Chrissy Yates
• Tim Hodges
• Cory Wenzl
• Tyler Milakovich facilities and provided training to city employees.
• Seven members successfully completed Venomous Snake Training through the Phoenix Herpetological Society. These members will train other department members in the handling, capturing and relocating of these reptiles.
• Awarded 100 Club of Arizona Safety Enhancement Stipend for the purchase of four StormStick Decon Systems. This “decontamination” system reduces firefighters’ cancer risk by quickly and effectively removing toxins from protective equipment.
• The department kicked off the Strategic Planning Process with internal stakeholders.
• The Preparedness Division held an exercise to simulate a storm and power outage in downtown Buckeye with the goal of opening cooling stations and emergency shelters. Each department was assigned tasks to help us better prepare for the response and recovery efforts from the impacts of monsoon storms.
• The department coordinated efforts with Risk Management to conduct a successful fire drill exercise at City Hall.
• The department hosted Tempe Fire Chief Greg Ruiz who gave a presentation on the importance of accurate documentation to defend against claims and litigation.
• Department members completed annual physicals with the highest percentage of Tier 1 employees in a fire department the physician has ever seen!
• Module 1 for Standards of Cover was submitted and is under review by the Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI).
• Completed interview and selection process of 15 firefighters to begin in January 2023. Many of these new hires were members of the department’s Fire Cadet Program.
• By December, a total of 35 AEDs were installed in city facilities and 34 new AEDs were assigned to Buckeye Police vehicles.
• Implemented RQI Training (Resuscitation Quality Improvement). RQI carts are available in the stations and will help members maintain BLS, ALS and PALS cards.
• Adopted the Brycer Compliance Engine for code compliance in commercial occupancies.
• The Preparedness Division participated in numerous training exercises including various hazmat exercises, Wireless Emergency Alert training and Battery Energy Storage System training.
• Presented the Community Paramedicine Program to multiple agencies from across the west as a solution to reduce 30-day hospital readmissions and unnecessary ER visits.
• Updated 12 Continuity of Operations
Plans to ensure each city department can operate during times of emergencies and have backup facilities in case primary facilities become unavailable.
• Members from the Preparedness Division participated in a tabletop exercise with local, county, state and federal partners to exercise the response to radioactive materials.
• Installed more than 20 AEDs in city
• Completed a 3-day tour and training with the Center for Public Safety Excellence (CPSE) in the first steps in the accreditation process for the department.
• Awarded grant funds of $204,450 to enhance fire personnel’s radiological and nuclear detection and interdiction.
• The department participated in several events in honor of the September 11 terrorist attacks.
• Cadet Program began with a total of 21 enthusiastic individuals.
• Secured a UASI Regional Grant (CBRNE) for a Hazardous Materials robot. The robot is set-up with features that allow first responders to analyze hazardous situations remotely keeping personnel safe.
• WVRP partners, including Buckeye Fire, were awarded funds to send 35 members to Fire Officer Training.
• The department becomes the first fire department in Arizona to have a Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Trained Officer in its department. Robert Garza completed 40 hours of training in behavioral health and mental health crisis. This is a partnership effort with members of the Buckeye Police Department with a focus to better assist individuals with a mental illness and/or addiction disorders.