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Budget Priorities
Buckeye will continue focusing on providing excellent services and amenities for our residents while still meeting our financial goals and Council priorities.
Two key components of this year’s budget that address all five focus areas of the Council adopted Strategic Plan are streamlining internal processes to become more efficient; and to pursue outside revenues to supplement capital projects.
By streamlining internal processes, all city departments that play a critical role in development activity in the city are now housed in one city department, Development Services. This reorganization speeds up the entitlement process and allows the Engineering Department to focus on the Capital Improvement
$2 million for Community Services (Sundance Park)
$5.2 million for Water and Wastewater projects
Program and expanding the city’s Transportation Division.
Pursuing grant opportunities and further streamlining internal services maintains the city’s strong financial outlook and meets the Council adopted Strategic Plan goals of fiscal responsibility, supporting economic growth, being an innovative and high performing organization, creating a safe and sustainable quality of life and investing in the city’s infrastructure.
Streamlining our processes has resulted in a fully funded five-year Capital Improvement Program. Under the direction of the Engineering Department for the past year, all capital projects have been fully scoped and will be completed in the time-frame estimated.
$7 million for Public Safety (Police & Fire)
$7.9 million for the Buckeye Municipal Airport
With a dedicated grants writer now on staff, Buckeye has received over $26 million in grant funding that has been distributed throughout the city.
Our Greatest Asset
Our employees. Buckeye continues to invest in our employees and becoming the employer of choice not only in the West Valley, but in municipal government. Our employees are what makes Buckeye a great place to live and work.
As the city’s population increases along with more retail, services and industries, the city’s workforce needs to grow to ensure we maintain current service levels. A total of 65 new full-time equivalent employees (FTEs) are included in this year’s budget. To maintain our current financial policies, 39 of these positions will open on July 1, 2023, the remaining 26 positions will open in January of 2024.
Public Safety again saw the largest increase in personnel, with nine new FTEs in Fire and 14 FTEs in Police. Water Resources and Community Services each add seven new FTEs and Engineering staff increases by five FTEs.