Five Dock Streetscape Upgrade

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UPDATE FROM MAYOR ANGELO TSIREKAS I am p le a s e d t o ad v ise o n t h e pr o g res s of t h e Fiv e Doc k t o wn cen tre p r o j e c t . Co n st ru c t i on com men c e d i n J a nu a ry 20 2 1 a n d we are o n t r a c k t o c om p l e te th e sta ge two s t re e t s c a p e w orks i n N ove m b e r thi s y ea r . We are a l s o e n h a nc i ng Fre d K e l l y Pla ce a n d u p gr a d i ng th e l a ne wa y con n ect i n g t h e W a te rvi e w Stre e t c a r pa rk an d Gr e a t N o rth Roa d . Than k y ou t o t h e c om m un i ty m e m b e rs wh o m e t wi t h m e d uri n g m y l i ste ni ng po s t at Fr e d K e l l y Pl a c e on Sa turd a y, 20 M arc h 2 0 2 1 . M ay o r A n g e l o Ts ire ka s Cit y o f C a n a d a B a y



In addit io n t o o ur t o wn cent r e upg r ade,we ar e under t aking a numb e r o f o t her pr o ject s in t he F ive D o ck ar ea. T hese include: • Co nco r d t o t he B ay Run — East -West Reg io nal Cycleway $7millio n • Char les Heat h R eser ve co mmuni t y and play space - $3.2millio n • T imbr ell Par k Amenit ies Upg r ad e $2millio n • Halliday Par k new public t o ilet $475,000 • King s B ay Par k co mmunit y g ar d e n - $20,000 T he NSW Go ver nment is also under t aking wo r k in F ive D o ck, wi t h a met r o st at io n t o be co nst r uct ed a s par t o f t he Met r o West pr o ject . F o r fur t her info r mat io n o n t hat pr o jec t please visit sydneymet r o .info o r pho ne 1800 612 173. Image: Five Dock Streetscape Upgrade Stage One

1a Marlborough Street, Drummoyne 2047 9911 6555

PROJECT SNAPSHOT Background: public domain improvements to activate Five Dock Town Centre were an outcome of the Five Dock Urban Design Study. Project timeframe January 2021 to November 2021. Contractor QMC Group. Who is involved • City of Canada Bay • NSW State Government • Transport for NSW, owner of Great North Road • Sydney Metro West • Power, gas and telecommunication utilities.

DRAFT STAGING PLAN (Subject to change) Works between Garfield Street and Queens Road Extent of works

Extent of works

Existing restricted parking retained


City of Canada Bay City of Canada Bay restricted Existing 1a Marlborough Street, Drummoyne 2047 1a Marlboroughparking Street,retained Drummoyne 204 7 Customer Service T: 9911 6555 Customer T: 9911 -6555 Monday toService Friday 8.30am 4pm Monday to Friday 8.30am - 4p m General Council Enquiries General Council Enquiries council@canadaba

Low planted garden beds along no-stopping zones


Section A


Sign the eNewsletter eNewsletter 3 Sign up up to to the atat Channel reinstated Extent of works to improve drainage Retain existing ramp at RSL

2 New wider footpath

New gutter bridge

Works between Henry Street and Garfield Street Existing restricted parking retained


What we are delivering • Planting street trees and shrubs • Installing high quality pavements and street furnishings • Improvements to the drainage system • Upgrade to the laneway linking the Waterview Street carpark and Great North Road • Fred Kelly Place enhancements.

Retain existing annual planting

Laneway upgrades

Fred Kelly Place enhancements

Median island extended and new street trees planted



Extent of works

Extent of works

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January-April Completed

May-August Current


By Sydney Metro West

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