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ReLeaf - Replant, Regrow
One of the most devastating impacts left by the storm was the destruction of the tree canopy. The trees that framed homes and outdoor living spaces and served as the background for neighborhoods, twisted, snapped, and fell. What had taken generations to grow, toppled in minutes. The structural loss in Cedar Rapids is significant, with more than 65 percent of the tree canopy affected.
Trees are extremely critical to the community and provide many necessary benefits for the environment. They help prevent water and soil erosion, clean the air, cool streets, provide oxygen, combat climate change, and increase the population of pollinators and birds. The City has a long-standing dedication to trees, holding the longest Tree City USA designation in the state of Iowa. Recovery and regrowth of trees will not be quick, but the City has made replanting a priority for the next ten years.
“While we grieve the loss of so many trees in Cedar Rapids, we are optimistic about the reforestation opportunity that will build a strong urban forest and help address environmental challenges in the future,” said Scott Hock, Parks and Recreation Director and ReLeaf team member.
A ReLeaf team has been formed to lead both public and private reforestation efforts. The team is comprised of an experienced, dedicated coalition of partners to help the community replant and regrow. The ReLeaf team is in the process of reviewing plans from other cities across the United States, analyzing information that is available about the impact to the tree canopy, and identifying resources available to assist. Trees Forever will develop a comprehensive, multi-phased plan to lead the city through reforestation over the next decade.
ReLeaf Team
Trees Forever, Non-profit Environmental Organization
Jeff Speck, Nationally Recognized Expert in City Planning
Confluence, Landscape Architecture and Planning Firm
City of Cedar Rapids
Contribute to Replanting Efforts
The Cedar Rapids Parks Foundation has set up a fund dedicated to replacement of trees in Cedar Rapids parks. Find information about their efforts and how you can contribute at https://crparksfoundation.org/projects