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City Council
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About the cover: Rendering of future streetscape in downtown Concord, NC
The Concord City Circular is produced quarterly by the City Manager’s Office to provide Concord citizens with information about current activities of the City of Concord It contains items that will help make it easier for you to do business with the City Your comments and questions are welcomed . Please send them to:
Concord City Circular
P O Box 308, Concord, NC 28026 or call 704-920-5210 or e-mail publicaffairs@concordnc gov designed by Granite Sky Civic
24th Annual Mayor’s Golf Tournament Benefiting Youth Programs
Rocky River Golf Club hosted the Mayor’s Golf Tournament
The event raised over $12,000 for youth programs in our community.
A special thank you to the sponsors that help make the event possible, as well as city and golf course staff members who organized the event and volunteered their time and effort.
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