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Arrangement and Description
In 2021, members of the public and city staff made over 200 reference requests and Archives welcomed 29 researchers to review archival material at the Archives. As of November 2021, the Archives was open for drop-ins, Tuesday to Thursday 12-4 pm.
Twenty-three accessions were received in 2021 and 572 archival descriptions were added to Quest. Given the limitations of the pandemic in the first part of the year, staff worked on enhancing and refining existing descriptions to make them more discoverable.
Arrangement and description is a core activity for the Archives. It is the stage where the materials are brought under intellectual and physical control for the purposes of providing future access. This involves determining appropriate levels of description, establishing intellectual arrangement and creating finding aids.
The following fonds and collections were and arranged and described in 2021 and are available in Quest:
• ArtsConnect Tri-Cities Arts Council fonds
• Burquitlam Community Association fonds • Community Planning Library collection • Dr. Thomas G. Caunt fonds
• Hoy Scott Watershed Society fonds • Irene McMillan collection
• Ken Haywood Westwood Racetrack collection • Shyla Seller collection • Walter Bruce MacDonald collection
Top left: Barb Wood Collection
Top right: Coquitlam Archives Reference Room
Above: Coquitlam Football Club, Winners, ca. 1910. Irene McMillan collection (C19-C19.002)
Left: Scrapbook, ca. 1970, from the Dr. Thomas G. Caunt fonds