1 minute read

Current Pain Points

• The cost and time lag in having custom changes made continues to increase.

• There is a need for a system that is more agile and customizable by City staff.


• LDO does not easily integrate with other systems, especially GIS, from which a large amount of the data is needed.

• The current vendor has become ineffective at maintaining and customizing the software.

• The lack of modern functionality is impacting the business units' performance.

• Does not meet industry standard security requirements.

Desired Business Value

City of Durham’s Strategic Plan Goal: Innovative & High Performing Organization

Initiative: Develop and implement a continuous improvement model that includes evaluation and process improvement to analyze and improve City services

• Put in place a new permitting and application system, which increases efficiencies and effectiveness across the enterprise.

• Improve overall compliance value at the City by managing permits and applications more effectively, accurately, and securely.

• Increase efficiency and responsiveness to requests and provide better customer satisfaction.

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