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Enterprise Funds
Enterprise Funds account for the City’s utilities (water, wastewater, stormwater) and liquor operations, which are run like businesses, relying on fees and charges for revenue to cover expenditures.
Eden Prairie’s water, wastewater and stormwater utilities serve approximately 20,000 residential, commercial and industrial accounts. The City’s water storage capacity is 12.5-million gallons and is supplied by a system of 15 wells with a capacity of 28-million gallons per day.
Water Utility Financial Results
Water usage decreased from 2.43-billion gallons to 2.41-billion gallons due to a larger amount of rainfall in 2022 versus 2021. Rates also increased 3% in 2022. Total operating expenses (excluding depreciation) were 143% of the $7,244,444 budgeted, and $1,110,266 more than 2021 due to costs associated with the Citywide water meter change out project, increases in the City’s pension liability, cost of gas and electric, and cost of chemicals used to treat water.
Wastewater Utility Financial Results
In 2022, wastewater revenue increased $56,721, or 1% versus 2021. Total operating expenses (excluding depreciation) were 112.9% of the $5,927,568 budgeted, and $892,347 more than 2021. Disposal charges are the largest expense, totaling $4,159,931. Metropolitan Council Environmental Services establishes monthly disposal costs on a metro-wide basis. For 2022, the disposal fee increased 2.7%.
Stormwater Utility Financial Results
In 2022, stormwater revenue increased $139,193, or 3.8%, due to a rate change. Total operating expenses (excluding depreciation) were 97.2% of the $2,060,535 budgeted and $313,726 more than 2021.