3 minute read
Lifelong Learning
Seniors Get Social
Learn more about your cell phone, texting, voicemail, email, photos, video calls and more! This program is in partnership with Eden Prairie High School students. Home visits are also available through Senior Community Services. Laptop available for check out. Meets on the first and third Wednesday every month. Register for a 30-minute time slot with the code below.
Enjoy a delicious picnic meal of hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, chips, watermelon, beverages and dessert. Event takes place rain or shine. A portion of this event is sponsored by Elim Shores, Prairie Bluffs, Hear Today and The Key.
Monday, July 17 4:30–6 p.m.
Cost $14
Registration code 371204
Registration deadline July 10
Ifyou'vetakenthestate-approved8-hourcourse, youcanrenewwiththis4-hourcourse.Registration deadlineoneweekbeforeclassbegins.
F July14 Noon–4p.m. $24 379202
W Aug.16 5:30–9:30p.m. $24 379202
F Sept.15* 9a.m.–1p.m. $24 379202 Noon–4p.m. $24 479202

Designedtorefineexistingskillsanddevelopsafe, defensivedrivingtechniques.Ifyou're55yearsor older,completionofthiscoursequalifiesyoufora 10%discountonyourautomobileinsurance premium.Registrationdeadlineoneweekbefore classbegins.
Puzzle Exchange
Leaveone,takeone!You'llnever runoutofpuzzleswhenyoutake advantageofthepuzzleexchange intheSeniorCenterlibrary.
Live Well Health Series: Healthy Living for your Brain and Body
Learn to identify certain behaviors that affect your brains and bodies. Walk away with healthy strategies and tips for healthy decision-making for sleep, mental health, physical activity, nutrition, cognitive engagement and social engagement. Registration deadline July 20.
Monday Funday Wine Club
Gather with other wine lovers to taste and learn about wines. This monthly club is educational and oh so fun! Register one week before event date.

Low Vision Information Group
Low Vision is defined as eyesight without 20/20 vision. Gather with others who are experiencing the same vision loss as you. Knowing what resources are available for you, your friends and other loved ones is key to getting the help you need. Led by Vision Loss Resources, this group meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Registration deadline two days before each session.
Art Classes at the Senior Center
Thursdays, 10 a.m.
Visit edenprairie.org/ArtCenter or call 952-949-8304 for more information.
How to register
Questions?CalltheSeniorCenterat 952-279-8050.
Cancellation and refund policies
A full refund for a program is given if you cancel before the registration deadline. No refunds are issued after the start of a program without approval.
Eden Prairie Parks and Recreation reserves the right to cancel, postpone or combine programs, and change instructors.
For information on cancellations and refunds, visit edenprairie.org/Register.
Coffee with the Cops
The EPPD's Senior Liaison Juliette Glynn discusses police topics and safety in the city. In this session, she focuses on fraud, particularly the McAfee scam that affects many in our community. Learn about the scam and how to prevent becoming a victim, as well as basic credit monitoring and local crime trends. Registration deadline July 31.
Senior Police Academy
Learn all about the EPPD through case studies, crime stats and a variety of police functions. Sponsored by the Eden Prairie Crime Prevention Fund. Registration deadline Aug. 1.
Thiscoursecoversthecurrentapproachtobasic biddingandgameplaythrougheducationand actualplay.Itisdesignedforthosewhohave playedaswellforthosewhohavenotplayedina while.InstructorMignonNearmyerisaSilverLife Master,ACBLCertifiedInstructorandTournament Director.Thebookthataccompaniesthiscourseis availablefromtheinstructorfor$24.Registration deadlineAug.25.
Shuffle, Deal and Play Bridge
Improve your bidding, play and defense in a learning situation. Each class includes a questionand-answer period and approximately a half hour of actual play during which you can ask questions of and receive advice from the instructor.
Prerequisite: Knowledge of the basics of the game or completion of Book One "Bidding" by Audrey Grant. Registration deadline Aug 25.
Live Well Health Series: Dealing with Dementia-Related Behaviors
Learn to identify common triggers and challenging behaviors associated with dementia, and leave with strategies to respond to them. Knowing about this topic can not only help you understand the disease but also be more comfortable and compassionate for those around. Registration deadline Sept. 7.
Learn to Play Mahjongg
This game for two to four players that uses 152 tiles based on Chinese characters and symbols. Learn the rules and strategies to the game. Participants can (optionally) purchase the official National Mahjongg League card for $15 at class.
deadline Sept. 5.
Landmark Travel Tours Showcase

Learn about unforgettable travel opportunities in the U.S. and abroad. Ask questions about trips and increase your comfort with no-stress travel.
Landmark, a local, family-owned tour operator, has inclusive packages featuring round-trip airfare, quality accommodations, enjoyable meal experiences, admission to all itinerary attractions, deluxe motor coach transportation and the services of a professional tour manager.
Registration deadline Sept. 25.
Senior Center Fitness Classes

Getactivewithfitnessclassesdesigned specificallyforolderadults.
Walking Club
May–September Wednesdays,5:30p.m.(Free)

SilverSneakers® Classic Tuesdays,9:30–10:15a.m.
SilverSneakers® Yoga
Zumba Gold Thursdays,9:30–10:15a.m.
Cost:FREEforCommunityCenter members;nonmemberspay$7atthedoor.
Biking Groups
Tuesdays, ride times vary
Old Spokes
Old Spokes is a group that rides approximately 10 miles per hour for 20–25 miles round-trip, with different routes each week. This group stops for a lunch/rest break during each trip. Call us to sign up for weekly detailed information emails.
Short Spokes
Looking for a shorter, slower-paced ride, this is the bicycling group for you. This group bikes about 10–15 miles on local routes within the west metro, at a pace averaging 8–10 miles per hour. Call or text Barb at 612-483-2482 for more info.
