1 minute read

Combining Statement of Net Position – Nonmajor Enterprise Funds



Under GASB Statement 54 certain funds no longer met the definition to be presented as Special Revenue Funds. Those funds became sub-funds of the General Fund for reporting purpose. For reporting purposes, the General Fund contains the following sub-funds:

GENERAL FUND - The primary operating fund of the City. The General Fund is reported as a major governmental fund. It is used to account for all activities except those legally or administratively required to be accounted for in other funds.

REAL PROPERTY SUB-FUND - The Real Property Sub-Fund has been established to accumulate resources for future real property acquisitions of the City. Financing is provided by transfers of investment earnings from the Hospital Sale Trust Fund.

EDMOND ELECTRIC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUB-FUND – The Economic Development SubFund has been established to stimulate the growth of Edmond's economy by offering services that facilitate the growth and expansion of new and existing businesses and generating opportunities to increase the sales tax base of the City of Edmond.

PARK SPECIAL EVENTS SUB-FUND – The Park Special Events Sub-Fund has been established to account for donations and fees related to culture and recreation events.

SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAY ESCROW SUB-FUND – The Sidewalk and Driveway Escrow Sub-Fund has been established to account for contractor performance deposits held by the City on various City construction projects. The deposits are refunded after the projects have been satisfactorily completed.

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