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Leveraging Bond Funds
Skinner Butte Park Habitat Restoration
Skinner Butte habitat enhancement work began in 2021 and will continue with restoration focusing on establishing a more diverse native understory in the south forest and re-establishing upland prairie habitats in the east, south and west open slopes of the butte through the removal of invasive trees and shrubs. Work has occurred and continues in the riparian forest with blackberry, ivy and other invasive plant removal. Subsequent re-planting of native trees, shrubs and other plants occurred in February 2022 and is planned for December 2022.
By leveraging bond dollars with other funding sources, the number and scope of projects that can be undertaken is greatly increased. It is estimated the $39 million in Parks and Recreation bond funds will be matched with an additional $50 million from other sources. These sources include Parks and Recreation System Development Charges, Facilities Capital, Stormwater Capital, Urban Renewal Funds, Transportation funds, and grants and donations. The ability to tap into a diversity of funding streams indicates a high level of collaboration and projects that address multiple benefits. Grants applied for and received in the last year include:
• A $1.2 million ARPA grant from the US
Department of Commerce, Economic
Development Administration for phase one of Suzanne Arlie Park development, including trails and mountain bike facilities. • $3.3 million in additional ARPA funds for several bond projects including Striker Field, Mattie Reynolds Park, Martin Luther King Jr. Park, Trainsong Park and West Bank Park. • A $528,000 grant from the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, Local Government Grant Program for phase one of Santa Clara Community Park Project. Other grants and partner funding previously received or expected for bond funded projects include:
• A $350,000 grant from Oregon State Parks was awarded to the City of Eugene for the Delta
Ponds Loop Trail. • Approximately $880,000 in partner funding from the Bethel and 4J School Districts for artificial turf field replacement at four fields. • The Eugene Parks Foundation has launched a major capital funding drive for projects throughout Eugene neighborhoods, including several bond projects. This includes spray play at Santa Clara Community Park and exercise stations at Mattie Reynolds Park and Golden
Gardens Park. Learn more about donations at eugene-or.gov/4582.