2023 Summer Program Guide
Chandler-Newberger Community Center 1028 Central St. 847-448-8252
Clark St. Beach Office Clark St. at the lake (seasonal)
Dempster St. Beach Office
Dempster St. at the lake (seasonal) 847-866-4167
Evanston Ecology Center 2024 McCormick Blvd. 847-448-8256
cityofevanston.org/ecology evanstonenvironment.org
Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center 1655 Foster St. 847-448-8254
Fleetwood-Jourdain Theatre 927 Noyes St. 847-866-5915
Levy Senior Center 300 Dodge Ave. 847-448-8250
Mason Park Fieldhouse Church St. at Florence Ave. 847-448-8254
Noyes Cultural Arts Center 927 Noyes St. 847-448-4311
Robert Crown Community Center 1801 Main St. 847-448-8258
Grab your beach chair and join us for a movie along the lakefront.
Location: Varies
Time: 7:30pm
Admission: Free
Age: All
June 8 Th Lighthouse Beach Moana
July 13 Th Greenwood Beach Pirates of the Caribbean
Aug 4 F Lee St. Beach The Bad Guys
Aug 18 F South Blvd. Beach Little Giants
Celebrate the summer soltice with activities and food, followed by a performance from the Chicago Full Moon Fire Jammers.
Location: Arrington Lagoon
Admission: Free
Age: All
Dates Days Time
Jun 21 W 6-10pm
Get to know Evanston’s most amazing natural sites, as we celebrate Unplug Illinois Day with a nature open house! Participants will receive a map of Evanston’s top nature sites and recommended routes for biking or driving to each location. Each natural site will have fun activities led by the site stewards and Ecology Center staff. Activities will include fishing, birding, scavenger hunts, plant identification hikes, and more!
Information: 847-448-8256
Admission: Free
Age: All
Dates Days Time
July 15 Sa 10am-4pm
Children will gain a solid foundation and understanding of soccer fundamentals in a fun and relaxed environment.
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Admission: FREE
Age: All
Dates Days Time
July 29 Sa 9am-12pm
Celebrate Halloween in July! Sport your best Halloween costume to the beach and participate in Summerween-themed activities.
Location: Lee St. Beach
Admission: Free
Age: All
Dates Days Time
July 30 Su 11am-3pm
Bring the whole family to see a line-up of the best in environmental and adventure short films covering a variety of topics relevant to those concerned about the future of our planet.
Location: James Park
Admission: Free
Age: All
Dates Days Time
Aug 25 F 7-8pm
Say goodbye to summer with live music, food and games.
Location: Clark St. Beach
Admission: Free
Age: All
Dates Days Time Sept 1 F 6-8pm
City of Evanston Parks and Recreation Department
Lorraine H. Morton Civic Center 2100 Ridge Avenue (closed to public)
Evanston, IL 60201
311: call/text 847-448-4311
Follow @ParkRecEvanston
facebook.com/EvanstonParksandRecreation instagram @parkrecevanston
Parks and Recreation Department
Parks and Recreation Director: Audrey Thompson
Parks and Recreation Assistant Director: Michael Callahan
Ecology Center and Outdoor Recreation Manager: Matt Poole
Robert Crown Community Center Manager: TBD
Fleetwood-Jourdain Center and Mason Park Recreation Manager: Kenneth Cherry
Chandler-Newberger Center and Lakefront
Manager: Tim Carter
Levy Senior Center Manager: Amy Kellogg
You will have fun as they learn fascinating tricks from the Magic Team of Gary Kantor. Some tricks may appear difficult but they are quick to learn and easy to perform. Tricks could involve cards, ropes, coins, or mind reading. All materials are provided and each child receives a magic kit. Sign up again and again, new tricks are taught at each session.
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 5-12 yrs.
Fee, 1 session: $22 R/$29 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
222101A3 July 20 Th 6:45-7:40pm
Have you ever squeezed wet clay through your fingers? Do you want to turn your idea for a sculpture into a real piece or art? Students expand their imagination as they create clay sculptures, elbow pots, coils and more. No class June 20,27 and July 4.
Location: Robert Crown Center
Age: 5-10 yrs.
Fee, 6 sessions: $72 R/$94 NR
Fee, 9 sessions: $108 R/$141 NR
A child and parent work as a team to create clay pieces that they’ll always treasure. Registration will be under the child name; enrollment is limited to 6 registrants to ensure individualized. No class June 20,22,27 and July 4.
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 5 yrs. and up
Fee, 9 sessions: $135 R/$175 NR
Fee, 11 sessions: $165 R/$215 NR
You will make sculptures, pots, plates and other items by hand-building and using the wheel. Make gifts or create something for yourself. Fee includes materials, firings and 1 hour of studio time. No class June 19,20,22,27 and July 4.
Location: Robert Crown Center
Age: 17 yrs. and up
Fee, 6 sessions: $90 R/$117 NR
Fee, 9 sessions: $135 R/$175 NR
Fee, 11 sessions: $165 R/$215 NR
Make functional works of art that are uniquely yours! This class will focus on techniques using the potter’s wheel as the primary tool for construction. Students will develop their skills at throwing basic shapes, as well as be introduced to more advanced techniques on the wheel. We will cover skills off the-wheel such as handle attaching, and surface design. All tools and clay provided a sketchbook for planning and recording ideas is recommended.
Pre-Rec: Adult Beginning Pottery or other previous ceramics experience.
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 14 yrs. and up
Fee, 9 session: $216 R/$281 NR
June 11-Aug 6 Su 11am-1pm
Younger pottery students will work with air-dry clay to make wonderful works of art! This class will focus on the tactile experience, while giving the children an opportunity to make more detailed pieces if they choose. Parents may accompany thier child.
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 2-4 yrs.
Fee: $14 R/$18 NR
Fee, 6 sessions: $72 R/$94 NR
Class # Dates Days Time 222604A3 July 20-Aug 24 Th 4:45-5:45pm
Students will learn fundamental drawing, painting, clay sculpting techniques and many creative crafts. Every class, they will explore a variety of art media through age appropriate creative projects.
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 5-12 yrs.
Fee, 5 sessions: $75 R/$98 NR
Class # Dates Days Time 222600A3 June 8-July 13 Th 4:45-5:45pm
Students learn movement fundamentals through dance, games, music, and imagination-based activities to help build coordination and spatial awareness. No prior dance experience or specialized shoes needed. Clothing should be comfortable and non-obstructive.
Instructor: Brendan P. Behan, MFA
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 3-5 yrs.
Fee, 5 sessions: $70 R/$91 NR
Fee, 6 sessions: $84 R/$110 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
221110A3 June 10-July 15 Sa 9-9:45am
221110B3 July 22-Aug 19 Sa 9-9:45am
A friendly class for adults who are new to ballet and for former dancers who have been looking for a welcoming environment to return to their practice. Introduces basic ballet concepts. Includes barre warm-up and across-the-floor exercises. Loose, comfortable clothing welcome; tights not required d.
Instructor: Brendan P. Behan, MFA
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 18 yrs. and up
Fee, 6 sessions: $60 R/$78 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
221111A3 June 7-July 12 W 6-7pm
221111B3 July 19-Aug 23 W 6-7pm
Learn the basics of the popular Latin dances of salsa, meringue, and bachata. Class instruction includes easy, fun groupings getting you out on the dance floor in style. Dancing partner not required.
Instructor: Brendan P. Behan, MFA
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 18 yrs. and up
Fee, 5 sessions: $70 R/$91 NR
Fee, 6 sessions: $84 R/$110 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
223610A3 June 10-July 15 Sa 12-1pm
223610B3 July 22-Aug 19 Sa 12-1pm
An introduction to dance technique in ballet, tap, and hip hop for pre-K for Kindergarten students with no prior dance training. Clothing should be comfortable and non-obstructive. Ballet slippers are optional and tap shoes required.
Instructor: Brendan P. Behan, MFA
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 4-6 yrs.
Fee, 5 sessions: $70 R/$91 NR
Fee, 6 sessions: $84 R/$110 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
221112A3 June 10-July 15 Sa 11am-12pm 221112B3 July 22-Aug 19 Sa 11am-12pm
An introduction to dance technique in ballet, tap, and hip hop for studens with prio dance, ice skating, or martial arts experience. Clothing should be comfortable and non-obstructive. Shoe requirement: tap shoes and ballet slippers.
Instructor: Brendan P. Behan, MFA
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 5-8 yrs.
Fee, 5 sessions: $70 R/$91 NR
Fee, 6 sessions: $84 R/$110 NR
Class # Dates Days Time 221113A3 June 11-July 16 Su 10-11am 221113B3 July 23-Aug 20 Su 10-11am
A high-energy dance class emphasizing hip hop technique, dynamic movement, rhythm, and coordination. Prio dance experience not required. Shoe requirement: clean-soled, non-marking sneakers.
Instructor: Brendan P. Behan, MFA
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 7-12 yrs.
Fee, 5 sessions: $70 R/$91 NR
Fee, 6 sessions: $84 R/$110 NR
Class # Dates Days Time 222622A3 June 11-July 16 Su 12-1pm 222622B3 July 23-Aug 20 Su 12-1pm
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Fee, 5 sessions: $180 R/$225 NR
Fee, 4 sessions: $144 R/$180 NR
Ahoy Matey
Explore the world of pirates as we sail into the depths of art making. Campers will be invited to explore maps, ships, hidden treasure, sea monsters and mermaids using clay, paint, and variety of mediums to complete our adventures.
Class # Dates Days Time
222667B3 June 12-16
Dinosaurs Roar
Dive into the sea to discover the wonder of the depths of the ocean. We may ride along with sea turtles; create colorful fish, or underwater worlds with watercolors, paints, and clay. Let’s make some fun underwater! No class July 4.
Class # Dates Days Time
222657B3 July 3-7 M,W,Th,F 9am-11am
Roam the jungles, woods, and plains to find out where the wild things are! Create an animal you know, imagine a new creature… or maybe the wild thing is you! Explore with paints, clay, feathers, pom poms – whatever you need to make up a wilderness adventure.
Class # Dates Days Time
222653A3 July 10-14 M-F 9am-11am
Squish, Splash, Mix
Young campers will learn all about many types of paints to experience and explore. We will make and mix colors using water, playdough, and chalk. Paintings will be created using your fingers, brushes, feathers, and more! The more messy, t he better.
Class # Dates Days Time 222662B3 July 17- 21 M-F 9am-11am
Marvelous Machines
Put your gears in motion and start tinkering. Will it fly or will it roll, what will it do? What will it be? Campers will learn about different types of machines and create their own using wood, gears, and found objects.
Class # Dates Days Time 222655A3 July 24-28 M-F 9am-11am
All Things Messy
Perfect for young campers who like to explore and get messy. Through enriched art-making experiences, children will experiment with clay, paint, prints and paper to create their own messy masterpieces.
Class # Dates Days Time 222660B3 July 31-Aug 4 M-F 9am-11am
AGES 6-12 YRS.
XX M-F 9-11am
Let’s travel back 2.5 million years and explore everything we can about dinosaurs. We’ll make prehistoric art in a variety of different sizes, shapes and colors and have enormous fun along the way.
Class # Dates Days Time
222658B3 June 20 -23
Cosmic Creations
Tu-F 9am-11am
Let’s use our imagination and blast off into outer space! Using a variety of materials and techniques, campers will create rockets, planets, galaxies and far out space creatures. It’ll be out of this world.
Class # Dates Days Time
222671B3 June 26 - 30 M-F 9-11am
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Fee, 5 sessions: $225 R/$280 NR
Fee, 4 sessions: $180 R/$234 NR
Fantasy Quest
Plunge into the magic world of dragons, fairies, castles, and more. Campers will have the opportunity to create magnificent art such as designing their own crest, shields, pet dragon, castle, and portraits of mythical creatures.
Class # Dates Days Time 222672B3 June 12-16 M-F 1-3:30pm
Learn multiple ways to map real and imaginary locations. Make a treasure chest to stash your secret gems. Explore and make a variety of maps using drawing, stamping, stenciling, and printing techniques. Campers will even design a logo for their own map society.
Class # Dates Days Time
222674B3 June 20-23 Tu-F 1-3:30pm
Ancient Egypt
Investigate and unfold the many mysteries of the dynasties. Learn about pyramids, pharaohs, mummies and more. Campers will make their own Egyptian inspired art through painting, paper, and clay pots as well as design their own hieroglyphics.
Class # Dates Days Time
222676B3 June 26-30 M-F 1-3:30pm
Mixed Media Exploration
Explore a variety of materials and ideas of art making, where if you can imagine it than we invite campers to make and create it. Drawing, collage, painting, printing, plaster, sculpture, fibers, and found objects will be available for campers to make their ideas take shape. No camp on July 4.
Class # Dates Days Time
222677B3 July 3-7 M,W,Th,F 1-3:30pm
Paints & Prints
Explore color, paints, and prints while comparing realistic and abstract art. Artists will learn about the color wheel, press textures in clay, paint on canvas, and experiment with a variety of drawing and painting techniques.
Class # Dates Days Time
222678A3 July 10-14 M-F 1-3:30pm
Deep Sea Diving
Dive deep into the dark depths of the sea. What unusual creature lurks in the depths? Imagine and create magnificent sea life and navigate through the rough seas using glow in the dark paints, textured paper and clay. Explore a variety of natural materials to design your deep sea diving adventure.
Class # Dates Days Time
222680A3 July 17-21 M-F 1-3:30pm
Upcycled Fashion
Upcycle your old clothes into something innovative and funky. Bring in any clothing items or shoes to learn how to cut, applique, hand sew & stich items into something new. Fashionistas will also learn how to paint on fabrics and experiment with texture.
Class # Dates Days Time
222681A3 July 24-28 M-F 1-3:30pm
Buildings & Architecture
Inspired by architecture? Love to create cityscapes? Learn about the world or architecture and design by applying your ideas and drawings to create something new. Develop skills by drawing a city street or designing a fort for your bedroom using cardboard, foam, and other materials.
Class # Dates Days Time
222682A3 July 31-Aug 4 M-F 1-3:30pm
In this program the instructor will teach all aspects and fundamentals of table tennis, which will include covering, serving, strokes, and the official rules in order to prepare participants for competition. No class June 19.
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 8-12 yrs.
Fee, 11 sessions: $110 R/$143 NR
Class # Dates Days Time 222836A3 June 5-Aug 21 5-6pm
What better way to get fit than boxing? Boxing is a great way to get your mind, body and spirit into shape. This program will include training and conditioning, circuit training, and mental discipline.
Location: Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center
Age: 7-17 yrs.
Fee, 13 sessions: $75 R/$98 NR
Private lessons will be offered at various times throughout the week from June through August. Private lessons are a great opportunity for Intermediate and Advanced fencers to perfect their skills. For those interested in trying out the sport of fencing, an individual or group private lesson can give you just the introduction you need. Try out a trial lesson and work one- on-one with Coach Unger for just $45 for a 45-minute trial lesson (only 1 per household). For more information about fencing email Eric at eeichholz@cityofevanston.org.
Fencing combines balance, mobility and mental flexibility that is often call aerobic chess. Weapons, jackets and masks are provided. Each participant will receive a mask and a fencing jacket to keep for the 1 week class. Masks and jackets will be precleaned and disinfected. Masks and jackets need to be returned on the last day of class, if not a $200 fee will be charged to your household. Weapons will be kept at the facility and disinfected prior to each use. Each participant is expected to purchase an underarm protector and glove, as well as register for a $15 membership with USFA. Please purchase them before the first day of class, visit cityofevanston.org/ fencing for information on purchasing the personal items, as well as the membership.
Location: Chandler-Newber Community Center
Fee: $222 R/$289 NR
We’ll learn basic strokes, rules and etiquette Both feeding drills and point play will be used.
Location: Lovelace Park
Age: 18 yrs. and up
Fee: $133 R/$170 NR
Players are able to perform basic strokes and executes serve with proper motion. Consistency will be emphasized with a more focused sense of footwork and ball placement. Both feeding drills and point play will be used. This class is for players who hit with medium power.
Location: Lovelace Park
Age: 18 yrs. and up
Fee: $133 R/$170 NR
Pickleball Leagues players will compete in a round robin format while getting positive feedback from our instructors during match play. Players who can sustain ball control and are still learning strategy and looking to play more competitively.
Location: Lovelace Park
Age: 18 yrs. and up
Fee, 8 sessions: $183 R/$238 NR Class # Dates Days Time 623840A3 June 15-Aug 3 Th 4:45 - 6pm 623840B3 June 13-Aug 1 Tu 8:30 - 9:45 am
Pickleball Leagues players will compete in a round robin format while getting positive feedback from our instructors during match play. This is an avid player that understands all facets of the game. Use of dink and is willing to use drive in match play
Location: Lovelace Park
Age: 18 yrs. and up
Fee, 8 sessions: $183 R/$238 NR
June 14-Aug 2 W 5-6:15pm
This class is for those who have never played pickleball before or who have very limited experience with the sport. It will focus on pickleball basics such as forehand and backhand shots, serving, and court positioning. Players will also learn scoring and the rules of the game through drills and playing time. The slower pace of this class will give players the opportunity to develop the skills needed to play this fun and energetic game. All equipment will be provided if needed. No class June 19.
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 16 yrs. and up
Fee, 11 sessions: $139 R/$181 NR
Fee, 12 sessions: $152 R/$198 NR Class
We want to get players over forty back into the game they know and love. Basketball Over 40 levels the pick-up basketball environment and brings like-minded, competitive adults together for a good run. In addition, we provide the reversible jerseys, keep time and score. Game on! This class will be every Thursday unless stated otherwise. Last Summer session is August 3. Sessions will resume September 7.
Instructor: Bill Braman
Location: Levy Senior Center
Age: 40 yrs. and up
Fee, per drop-in: $10 R/NR
Dates Days Time
Ongoing Th 6:30-8:30pm
Learn the fundamentals of stance/triple threat and progress through to more advanced skills of dribbling, passing, and defense leading up to playing mini games. Each class is curriculum based and will build upon the skills and concepts learned in previous classes. Children will also learn key basketball rules and terminology.
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 6-8 yrs.
Fee, 11 sessions: $198 R/$257 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
222838A3 June 10-Aug 19 Sa 10-10:45am
This summer basketball class will break skills down to their most basic and fundamental levels for players who are new to the game. Players will be introduced to a variety of drills to establish familiarity with dribbling, passing,receiving, rebounding and shooting. Campers will build confidence to succeed on and off the court and learn to be a better team player.
Location: Chandler-Newber Community Center
Age: 6-9 yrs.
Fee, 6 sessions: $132 R/$172 NR Class
This summer basketball class is for players who have experience in basketball. Camp program includes on-court group sessions that focus on shooting, dribbling, defense, and more. Coaches will tackle the lessons that must be taught by example; attitude,discipline, patience, and teamwork.
Location: Chandler-Newber Community Center
Age: 10-14 yrs.
Fee, 6 sessions: $132 R/$172 NR
Enhance your attack to the basket with sport specific training that will allow you to finish like the pros. Warm-up drills include dribbling in several positions that gets your body moving forward. Lower body drills including lunges, mountain climbers and frog jumps. Basketball finishing drills begin at your own speed andgradually develop through each 90-minute class. Our goal is to build confidence in your offensive skills to score at any time. No past basketball skills needed. Advanced athletes will be challenged with modification. No class July 4
Location: Chandler-Newber Community Center
Age: 11-14 yrs.
Fee: $110 R/$143 NR
Catch, Dribble, Pass! This program will introduce your children to the game of basketball if they are beginners or if they need the know how to get to the next level. Basic skills of dribbling, catching, passing, shooting, and defense will be taught. New individual challenges will be presented to develop the importance of reaching goals. Modified basketballs and a lower net will help reach the next level.
Location: Currey Park
Age: 7-10 yrs.
Fee: $110 R/$143 NR
Pass and cut, screen and roll! This program will advance your children into “game situation” drills and continue to build basketball fundamentals on an individual basis. Advanced skills and drills of dribbling, passing, shooting, and defense will be taught. Pairing games will be played to show the importance of teamwork.
Location: Currey Park
Age: 11-14 yrs.
Fee: $110 R/$143 NR
Let’s play ball! This class is for all levels to improve their game, experience teamwork and break a sweat while having fun. Station style instruction along with multiple scrimmages a day ensures the repetition and experience players need to take the next step in their development. No class June 19 and July 4.
Location: Chandler-Newber Community Center
Age: 7-11 yrs.
Fee: $106 R/$138 NR
Let’s play ball! This clinic is for all levels to improve their game, experience teamwork and break a sweat while having fun. Station style instruction along with multiple games a day ensure the repetition and experience players need to take the next step in their development. Players will compete for coaches awards, hustle awards, and skill challenges for prizes.
Location: Chandler-Newber Community Center
Fee: $329 R/$428 NR
Chandler- Newberger Center
1028 Central St., 847-448-8252
All classes meet in the south gym
Contact Information
Kathryn Dolan, Gymnastics Supervisor
847-448-8252, kdolan@cityofevanston.org
Chandler-Newberger Center
Non-Meeting Dates
June 19 and July 4
Make Ups
Each student is allowed up to 1 make-up classe per session. Make-up classes must be scheduled and completed before the end of the session. Contact Kathryn Dolan at kdolan@cityofevanston.org to schedule.
Progression and Testing
At the end of each session, gymnasts will receive a recommendation from their coach as to which level to register for next. Please do not advance your child without a coach’s recommendation.
Gymnastics with a Grown Up
No experience necessary. This class is loosely structured for tots to work through the curriculum at their own pace.
Preschool Gymnastics
No experience necessary. Gymnasts will participate independently without a parent or guardian’s help.
Beginning I Gymnastics (Coed) & (Boys)
No experience necessary. Gymnasts will progress through basic skills on bars, beam, floor and vault.
Beginning II Gymnastics (Coed) & (Boys)
Coach’s recommendation only. Beginning II is an accelerated class for gymnasts with experience or who demonstrate potential for advanced gymnastics.
Advanced Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Gymnastics (Girls)
Coach’s recommendation only.
For students who consistently demonstrate an extensive and well-rounded skill set, and a strong work ethic. Gymnasts must meet skill expectations on all Olympic events and be prepared to take their advancement seriously.
Private lessons may be booked with any current gymnastics instructor for 30-60 minute sessions. Groups of up to 3 may book a private lesson together.
With a guardians’ and our instructors’ assistance, your tot will enjoy free play on the gymnastics equipment, explore new obstacle courses, and be introduced to various age- appropriate gymnastics skills each week. This class is a great way for your little one to climb and play with supervision. Guardians must attend with their child.
Fee, 4 sessions - 35 min: $30 / $39
Fee, 4 sessions - 45 min: $38 / $49
Fee, 5 sessions - 35 min: $37 R / $47 NR
Fee, 5 sessions - 45 min: $47 R/$61 NR
Beginning gymnastics introduces skills and drills that are fun, safe, and understandable for gymnasts of varying backgrounds, while providing the structure needed to start training and perfecting basic skills on bars, beam, vault, and floor.
Age: 5-13 yrs.
Fee, 5 sessions: $75 R/$98 NR
Fee, 4 sessions: $60 R/$78 NR
Beginning gymnastics introduces skills and drills that are fun, safe, and understandable for gymnasts of varying backgrounds, while providing the structure needed to start training and perfecting basic skills on bars, beam, vault, and floor.
Age: 3.5-5.5 yrs.
Fee, 5 sessions: $56 R/ $73 NR
Fee, 4 sessions: $45 R/ $59 NR
Coed Beginning II Gymnastics
Beginning II Gymnastics focuses on mastering the skills necessary to move up to Advanced Beginning Gymnastics, while working to improve conditioning, flexibility, and balance. Participants must receive a written recommendation from their coach to enroll in this program.
Age: 6-14 yrs.
Fee, 5 sessions: $75 R/$98 NR
Fee, 4 sessions: $60 R/$78 NR
Girls Advanced Beginning Gymnastics
Our instructors will work with campers to improve their coordination, balance, flexibility, and gross motor skills in a fun, safe environment. Camp is structured to start training and perfecting basic skills on bars, beam, floor, and vault. Students will be grouped by age and gymnastics experience.
Age: 3.5-5.5 yrs.
Fee, 5 sessions: $113 R/$147 NR
Fee, 4 sessions: $90 R/$117 NR
Advanced Beginning refines many of the skills learned in Beginning II Gymnastics and introduces the more difficult progressions gymnasts are ready to learn after mastering the basics. This class allows gymnasts to continue to develop their skills while preparing them for the Intermediate Level. Participants must receive a written recommendation from their coach to enroll in this program.
Age: 7-14 yrs.
Fee, 5 sessions: $113 R/$146 NR
Fee, 4 sessions: $90 R/$117 NR
Intermediate / Advanced Gymnastics classes train a variety of advanced skills, while still practicing the drills progressions, and conditioning for even more advanced skills later on. At this level, gymnasts should be able to retain corrections from class to class, have a strong idea of their own skills goals and be self-motivated to better their own gymnastics. Participants must receive a written recommendation from their coach to enroll in this program.
Age: 8-14 yrs.
Fee, 5 sessions: $113 R/$146 NR
Fee, 4 sessions: $90 R/$117 NR Class
622111A3 June 15-July 13 Th 5:30-7pm
622111B3 July 27-Aug 24 Th 5:30-7pm
Open Gymnastics
Climb, play, or practice independently! Open Gym is a great way for new students to try out gymnastics or for experience gymnasts to practice their skills. Please note, a coach will be present to supervise but this is NOT an instructional class. A parent or guardian must accompany children under 5 yrs.
Fee, 1 session: $8 R/ $11 NR
Our goal is to develop self-esteem as well as fundamental soccer skills by creating an environment where each child can succeed. Our enthusiastic Team Evanston coaching staff focuses on developing the whole player through creative and fun games. With 100s of touches on the ball each session, players grow in confidence and learn to score goals while playing with their peers.
Evanston Soccer School is a feeder program for Team Evanston’s Pre-Travel program and Team Evanston travel program.
Location: Fleetwood-Jourdain Center
Age: 4-6 yrs.
Fee, 10 sessions: $125/$162 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
422830A3 June 16-July 28 F 5-6pm
Players and parents will explore the world of soccer. Team Evanston coaches will lead imaginative games designed to develop all players’ fine motor skills while fostering the joy of having a ball at their feet. Parent/Guardian participation required. No class July 8.
Age: 2.75-3 yrs.
Robert Crown Community Center
Fee, 6 sessions: $138 R/$179 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
622833A3 June 17-July 29 Sa 9-9:45am
Leahy Park
Fee, 6 sessions: $138 R/$179 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
622833B3 June 17-July 29 Sa 11-11:45am
Foster Field
Fee, 6 sessions: $125 R/$162 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
422830B3 June 17- July 29 Sa 1-1:45pm
Evanston Soccer School is a soccer development program for children ages 4-6. Our goal is to develop self-esteem as well as fundamental soccer skills by creating an environment where each child can succeed. The enthusiastic Team Evanston coaching staff focuses on developing the whole player through creative and fun games. With 100s of touches on the ball each session, players grow in confidence and learn to score goals while playing with their peers. Evanston Soccer School is a feeder program for Team Evanston’s Pre-Travel program and Team Evanston travel program. No class July 3 and 4.
Age: 4-5 yrs.
Fee, 6 sessions: $138 R/$179 NR
Robert Crown Community Center
Class # Dates
622830A3 June 12-July 24
Leahy Park
Class # Dates
622830A3 June 13-July 25
Players will have the opportunity to work together and learn multiple strategies through competition in three different sports, which will include basketball, soccer and dodge-ball.
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 7-10 yrs.
Fee, 11 sessions: $110 R/$143 NR
Class # Dates Days Time 222844A3 June 7-Aug 23 W 5:30-6:15pm
Participants in this class will learn the proper undamentals of archery from experienced coach Brent Harmon, Director of Chicago Archery coaches, a USA Archery Level 4-NTS and Regional Elite Development Program Coach. Throughout the week, participants will use these fundamentals to progress to more advanced distances and targets. Skills will be honed by playing games and other fun archery activities.
Location: Chandler-Newberger Center
Fee, 4 sessions: $154 R/$200 NR
Class # Dates Days Time Age 622264A3 Aug 14-17 M-Th 8:30-9:30am 7-12 yrs. 622264B3 Aug 14-17 M-Th 10-11am 12-15 yrs.
Beginner Adult Lessons are geared toward the player with no prior tennis experience. We’ll learn basic strokes, rules and etiquette.
Location: Lovelace Park
Age: 18 yrs. and up
Fee, 4 sessions: $123 R/$160 NR
Leagues players will compete in a round robin format while getting positive feedback from our instructors during match play. This is a player that understands all facets of the game. Instructors will hand out new balls and give starting court positions for each match.
Location: Lovelace Park
Age: 18 yrs. and up
Fee, 4 sessions: $255 R/$332 NR
This player has had some formal instruction, is able to perform basic strokes and executes serve with proper motion. Consistency will be emphasized along with a more focused sense of footwork and ball placement. Both feeding drills and point play will be used. This class is geared toward players who hit with medium power.
Location: Lovelace Park
Age: 18 yrs. and up
Fee, 4 sessions: $176 R/$229 NR
Leagues players will compete in a round robin format while getting positive feedback from our instructors during match play. This is an avid player that understands all facets of the game. Instructors will hand out new balls and give starting court positions for each match.
Location: Lovelace Park
Age: 18 yrs. and up
Fee, 8 sessions: $245 R/$319 NR
These kids are just learning to play! Lesson plans will focus on basic ball skills, movement, age-appropriate technique, and making sure your child has fun and loves tennis. This is the perfect opportunity for your child to learn the fundamentals of the sport.
Age: 4-5 yrs.
Fee, 4 sessions: $100 R/$143 NR
Our Multi-Sport class is designed to introduce young athletes to a variety of different sports in one setting. For this program we combine Tennis and Pickleball into one fun-filled class. Athletes will learn the rules and essentials of each sport. Players will be grouped by age and ability to learn a variety of skills, drills and play games that focus on the knowledge of each sport while having fun. Wear appropriate clothing and bring a water bottle, sports shoes and sunscreen. Players need to bring their own tennis racquet and pickleball paddle
Location: Lovelace Park
Age: 7-13 yrs.
Fee, 4 sessions: $168 R/$217 NR
This class is for kids who are complete beginners as well as kids who have had some experience but still need lots of instruction. Lessons will focus on eye coordination, balance and movement and basic stroke mechanics. We will also focus on self and partner rallying skills to start fundamental future development. The goal here is to develop control and consistency.
Location: Lovelace Park
Age: 6-8 yrs.
Fee, 4 sessions: $123 R/$160 NR
For tennis players who can rally from the baseline. Live-ball drills and point play help develop shot selection and movement while players continue stroke development. Players have proven skills in mechanics, control, consistency and movement.
Location: Lovelace Park
Age: 9-14 yrs.
Fee, 4 sessions: $123 R/$160 NR
This program will include instruction in the basic skills of serving, passing, setting, attacking and blocking. The class will also cover the tactical skills of volleyball, which includes offensive and defensive play, as well as the rules and scoring. Participants will learn how to compete in a positive environment, while also working together and encouraging each other along the way. Great for current volleyball players who want to expand their skill set
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 11-17 yrs.
Fee, 11 sessions: $198 R/$257 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
222842A3 June 7-Aug 23 W 6:30-7:30pm
Come indoors for extra sessions taught and directed by EVP Academy Professionals. The 4-day class will concentrate on the fundamentals of passing, setting, and spiking. The lesson plan directs the use of self-mastery training that helps each student reach a new level. The knowledge of the instructors will give the participants a head start on their skills in preparation for the next upcoming volleyball season.
Location: Chandler-Newberger Center
Fee, 4 sessions: $109 R/$142 NR
Improve your volleyball skills with drills in setting, passing, overhand serving and spiking. You will learn to overhand serve and develop skills to play games. The lesson plan directs the use of selfmastery training and groups that help each student reach a new level. Instructors organize games at the end of each class .
Location: Clark St. Beach
Age: 18 yrs. and up Fee, 4 sessions: $99 R/$126 NR
Advance players, improve your volleyball skills with drills in setting, passing, overhand serving and spiking. You will learn to overhand serve and develop skills to play games. The lesson plan directs the use of self-mastery training and groups that help each student reach a new level. Instructors organize games at the end of each class.
Location: Clark St. Beach
Age: 18 yrs. and up Fee, 4 sessions: $99 R/$126 NR
Improve your volleyball attack! Spiking 201 is for intermediate players who wish to learn proper arm swing, footwork and jumping technique. Class drills keep player focused on reach and power while plyo-metrics training enhances vertical jump and game performance. The 3-step approach will be taught along with transition attacking.
Location: Clark St. Beach
Age: 18 yrs. and up
Fee, 4 sessions: $99 R/$126 NR
EVP WORK-UP clinics are for advanced volleyball athletes who want to be trained for beach tournament play. Workouts include setting drills for the side-out point and transition setting (setting after a dig). You will learn to cover the entire court and improve your court awareness. Other workouts include jump serving, digging, blocking and spiking. One on one games, will allow each athlete to develop a “short game” and master cuts and roll shots. The EVP training system will prepare you for beach volleyball tryouts, combines and national tournaments. Our coaches have 20 years in beach volleyball coaching.
Location: Clark St. Beach
Age: 18 yrs. and up
Fee, 4 sessions: $99 R/$126 NR
Reach the next level of the game with 90 minutes of drills in setting, passing, overhand serving and spiking. You will learn to overhand serve and develop a good understanding of each position on offense and defense. The lesson plan directs the use of individual training; pairing drills and game situation development that help each player reach a new level. Coaches will organize games at the end of each class. Lesson plans also incorporate leadership and educational components.
Location: Chandler-Newberger Center
Fee, 4 sessions: $99 R/$129 NR
Come play beach volleyball at Clark Street Beach and enjoy our leagues in a fun, relaxed atmosphere! The leagues are formatted for 6-person rec and 4-person advanced. All teams are guaranteed 9 matches. Teams registering must pay the entire fee in order to hold a spot. Rosters are due before the first match, but changes may be made up to the 2nd week. For more details, please call EVP Academies at 312-287-5988. Two matches per night.
Location: Clark St. Beach
Age: 18 yrs. and up
Fee, per team: $250 R/$325 NR
Grandmaster Connelly is Evanston’s most experienced Martial Arts professional. The Grandmaster’s classes are fun, safe, ageappropriate and a rewarding experience on many levels. For over 25 years, his Levy Center programs have had success in teaching and motivating kids to keep growing stronger in body, mind, and spirit. Classes are available for beginning, intermediate and advanced students.
Information: Grandmaster Connelly, 847-568-0912; Connellysacademy.com.
Instructor: Grandmaster Connelly
Location: Levy Senior Center
Tiger Cubs
Designed to be engaging and fun, this class will bring out the best in your child. Students develop focus, agility and strength in this safe, non-competitive, and non-combative class. The traditional Martial Arts values are coupled with modern, age-appropriate games and activities. No class June 19 and July 3.
Age: 4-6 yrs.
Fee, 10 sessions: $149 R/$194 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
522301A3 June 12-Aug 28 M 5:15-6pm 522301B3 May 31-Aug 2 W 5:15-6pm
Young Tigers
This is a fun and exciting, non-competitive class in which your child will progress in the martial arts, develop leadership skills and challenge himself to be his personal best. Building competence and confidence, your child will grow stronger in mind body and spirit. No class June 19 and July 3.
Age: 7 yrs. and up
Fee, 10 sessions: $149 R/$194 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
522302A3 June 12-Aug 28 M 6-7pm 522302B3 May 31-Aug 2 W 6-7pm
Advanced Youth
The class challenges youth students ranked at Red Stripe and higher to take their training to the next level. Emphasizing rank appropriate patterns, techniques and leadership, students will be prepared for advancement, both physically and mentally.
Age: 4-18 yrs.
Fee, 10 sessions: $149 R/$194 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
522304A3 May 31-Aug 2 W 7-8pm
The class challenges youth students ranked at Red Stripe and higher to take their training to the next level. Emphasizing rank appropriate patterns, techniques and leadership, students will be prepared for advancement, both physically and mentally. No class June 19 and July 3.
Age: 13 yrs. and up
Fee, 10 sessions: $193 R/$251 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
523311A3 June 12-Aug 28 M 7-8:30pm
High School Teens and Adults, All Levels
The class provides a safe and non-competitive environment for full-body workout, self defense training and stress relief. This program includes non-contact sparring.
Age: 17 yrs. and up
Fee, 10 sessions: $149 R/$194 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
522305A3 May 31-Aug 2 W 7-8pm
Advanced Teen & Adult - Red Stripe & Higher
This class is designed to provide a challenging Taekwon-do training opportunity to students who are ranked at Red Stripe or higher. The health and safety of our students is our top priority.
Location: Chandler-Newberger Center
Age: 4 yrs. and up
Fee, 10 sessions: $193 R/$251 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
522306A3 June 10-Aug 12 Sa 8:30-10am
All Belt Levels
From beginning to senior belts, this class offers all students of all ages an opportunity to train with Grandmaster Connelly and his experienced instructor team. This class is exciting and fun, providing opportunities to grow in body, mind, and spirit. The health and safety of our students is our top priority.
Location: Chandler-Newberger Center
Age: 4 yrs. and up
Fee, 10 sessions: $149 R/$194 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
522307A3 June 10-Aug 12 Sa 10-11am
Krav Maga is a dynamic and challenging selfdefense system with a focus on real-world selfprotection and fitness. The exciting curriculum includes striking and kicking techniques as well as grappling skills and weapons defense. Beginning and experienced Teen and Adult students are invited to join this non-competitive class. You don’t have to be an Olympic athlete to benefit from this success-based, effective program.
Age: 13 yrs. and up
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee, 10 sessions: $149 R/ $194 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
522320A3 June 8-Aug 10 Th 6-7pm
In this family atmosphere participants will learn self-defense in a healthy lifestyle through improved focus, stillness, muscle strength, stamina and flexibility. Sensai Thomas Sexton has competed in many tournaments and fought on Chicago’s Midwest Circuit. He is now sharing his skills and experiences with the Evanston youth and adult community.
Location: Fleetwood-Jourdain Center
Age: 6 yrs. and up
Fee, 8 sessions: $82 R/$107 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
422805A3 June 10-July 29 Sa 10-11:30pm
This is a “sampler” class for over 60 yoga poses. You will experience relaxation and meditation techniques along with strengthening and flexibility poses in a non-competitive atmosphere. Please wear loose clothing and avoid food for two hours before sessions. Please bring your own mat and a towel or blanket. Blocks will be provided. This class will be held in-person & virtually.
Instructor: Emily Williams-Guthrie
Location: Levy Senior Center
Age: 12 yrs. and up
Fee, 4 sessions: $32 R/$44 NR
Fee, 6 sessions: $48 R/$66 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
523330A3 June 14-July 19 W 6:30-7:45pm
523330B3 Aug 2-23 W 6:30-7:45pm
This class is recommended for those who have prior experience and are able to sustain a higher level of effort. Relax in a non-competitive atmosphere while practicing activities leading to flexibility, strength and balance and meditation techniques. Please bring your own mat and a towel or blanket. Blocks will be provided. This class will be held inperson & virtually. No class June 19 and July 3.
Instructor: Emily Williams-Guthrie
Location: Levy Senior Center
Age: 12 yrs. and up
Fee, 3sessions: $24 R/$33 NR
Fee, 6 sessions: $48 R/$66 NR
This class will work on balance and stretch both muscles and connecttive tissue throughout the body. There are standing pose and floor work all based on the new research in neuroscience and fitness.
Location: Chandler-Newberger Community Center
Age: 18 yrs. and up
Fee, 10 sessions: $75 R/$98 NR Class
Come join us for yoga at Lighthouse Beach. We will be offering different levels of instruction to match your yoga needs. Please bring your own yoga mat or beach towel and beach pass. No class July 5.
Location: Lighthouse Beach
Age: 16 yrs. and up
Fee, 8 sessions: $66 R/$86 NR
Try yoga on a stand-up paddleboard on beautiful Lake Michigan. All levels welcome. Paddleboard rentals are available for this class or you may bring your own. .
Location: Dempster St. Beach
Age: 12 yrs. and up
Fee: $25 R/$33 NR
Fee, w/ paddleboard rental: $35R/$46 NR
AGES 3-6
Program curriculum is designed to teach the fundamentals Hockey Skills both Skating and Stick/Puck work based on the USA Hockey & LTS Curriculum to new participants of the sport. Skaters will learn the necessary fundamentals to be successful in game situations. No class June 19 and July 17,19.
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 3-6 yrs.
Fee, 7 sessions: $105 R/$137 NR
Fee, 9 sessions: $135 R/$176 NR
AGES 7-10
Program curriculum is designed to teach the fundamental Hockey Skills of both Skating and Stick/Puck work based on the USA Hockey & LTS to new participants of the sport. No Class June 19 and July 17,19.
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 7-10 yrs.
Fee, 7 sessions: $105 R/$137 NR
Fee, 9 sessions: $135 R/$176 NR
This is an introduction class to skating and stick/ puck handling. Participants should have some basic skating skills before the beginning of the class. A helmet, stick, elbow and knee pads are required. Equipment is not available to borrow.
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 16 yrs. and up
Fee, 9 sessions: $157 R/$205 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
322510A3 June 18-Aug 13 Su 8:40-9:40pm
If you are looking for good games and great competition come and check out our weekend sessions this in the spring and weekend sessions in the summer. Full equipment is required. No checking is allowed. Drop in schedule subject to change. For program cancellations visit cityofevanston.org or call 847-448-8258. Facility closed July 4.
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 18 yrs. and up
Fee: $12 per session or 10 punch pass for $95
Dates Days Time
June 17–Aug 12 Sa 5:10-6:40pm
Robert Crown Community Center
1801 Main St., 847-448-8258
Non-meeting dates:
June 19, July 4, 21. and Aug 4, 5, 6.
Need to rent skates during class?
Figure Skates rental fee: $2 per class
Registration, Refunds, and Pro-rating
The figure skating program follows the department’s refund policy. Classes are not pro-rated if registering after class begins.
Registration closes after the first week of the session and no make ups are offered.
Progression and
Classes should be completed and passed in sequential order. Progress will be monitored and at the end of the session an instructor will evaluate skills. After passing the evaluation, skaters should enroll in the next level.
Which class is right for me or my child?
Parent Tot class is for parents who wish to skate with their children.
Snowplow Sam 1–4 levels are designed to help the skater develop preliminary coordination and strength to maneuver on the ice. Basic Skills 1–6 are the fundamentals of the sport. See class listing for more details.
Pre-Free Skate and Free Skate 1–6 is comprised of a variety of progressive skating skills, transitions, spins and jumps—all of which build on the previous skill, providing skaters a strong foundation of all elements.
Adults: Skaters 18 years and up who have never skated before begin at Adult 1.
The figure skating program follows the curriculum of Learn to Skate USA, which is supported by U.S. Figure Skating, USA Hockey, US Speed skating and Special Olympics. LTS USA requires a yearly membership fee of $17 per child which is valid July 1–June 30 annually. Summer Session classes will require the 2023-24 membership as a prerequisite to register for any skating class. The Activity number for the membership is 353501 A3. Payment for your membership will be required when registering for your first skating class. Membership fees are not pro-rated regardless of when registering for your first skating class. All figure skating programs require the membership. To learn visit learntoskateusa.com.
If the same individual registers for more than one class a week, the second class is 50% off. The discount is deducted from the lower price class and does not apply to off-ice classes. Register at the office to receive discount. Must be applied before classes begin.
For the true beginner who has no prior experience, and would like an introduction to the world of figure skating or hockey. One family member may accompany each participant on the ice. Adults must be able to skate.
Location: Robert Crown Center
Age: 3-5 yrs.
Fee, 6 sessions: $69 R/$90 NR
Fee, 7 sessions: $81 R/$106 NR
Introductory classes are divided into four progressive levels. Children with no prior skating experience build confidence, develop agility, balance, coordination, speed and learn basic skating skills.
Fee, 6 sessions: $69 R/$90 NR
Fee, 7 sessions: $81 R/$106 NR
Snowplow 1 Skating
The Learn to Skate basic skills are the fundamentals and basic knowledge of the sport. The six levels introduce the fundamental moves: forward skating, backward skating, stops, edges, crossovers, turns and mohawks while progressing at their own rate. Upon completion of the Basic 1–6 levels and after skill mastery is demonstrated, skaters will advance to more specialized areas of skating. Basic 1 is for children with no prior skating experience.
Fee, 6 sessions: $74 R/$97 NR
Fee, 7 sessions: $86 R/$112 NR
Fee, 8 sessions: $98 R/$127 NR
Basic 1 Skating
Basic 4 Skating
5 Skating
Each progressive skill level is comprised of various transitions, spins and jumps, building on the previous skill and providing a strong foundation for high level figure skating.
Fee, 6 sessions: $78 R/$102 NR
Fee, 7 sessions: $91R/$121 NR
Fee, 8 sessions: $104R/$135 NR
There are six class levels. Skaters progress at an individual rate. Based on prior skating experience, adults choose the best matched level.
Fee, 7 sessions: $91 R/$121 NR
Fee, 8 sessions: $104 R/$135 NR Adult
The ice dance program focuses on the components of ice dancing and reviews the basic edges and turns while skating to music. An ideal class for skaters involved in synchronized skating. Skaters must be passed Freeskate 1 level.
Fee,8 sessions: $104 R/$135NR
Class # Dates Days Time
323501A3 June 17-July 29 Sa 11:30am-12:15pm
The U.S. Figure Skating Aspire program is the bridge between learn to skate group classes and U.S. Figure Skating membership. Through the development of athleticism and artistry, skaters build a solid skill foundation that drives success on and off the ice. This program consists of power skills and freeskate level class. Skaters must be passed the PreFreeskate level to participate.
Fee, 10 sessions: $174 R/$226 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
322535A3 June 17-July 29 Sa 8:15-10:45am
These advanced level freestyle classes are in progression beginning with advancement from Freeskate 6. Skaters begin in the Bronze Freestyle level. These classes include combination jumps and spins, double rotation jumps and Moves in the Field maneuvers.
Fee, 7 sessions: $91 R/$121 NR
Each Free Skate level is divided into four sections: moves in the field, spins, dance/footwork sequence and jumps. The levels are designed to give skaters a strong foundation on which to build their skills. The skater can then choose a recreational or competitive approach to figure skating.
Fee, 8 sessions: $130 R/$169 NR
Fee, 7 sessions: $114 R/$149 NR
Public Skate session admission tickets can be purchased up to 1 month in advance online or by calling the Robert Crown Community Center. Annual season pass holders must call the center to reserve their ticket(s). Pre-purchasing will conclude 2 hours before each session. All remaining tickets are sold on a first come before each session. All ticket purchases are non-refundable.
cityofevanston.org; 847-448-8258
13 yrs. and up $9
12 yrs. and under $5
Skate Rentals
Fee: $3 per public skate session.
Figure Skate sizes: child size 8–adult 14
Hockey Skates sizes: child size 8–adult 16
This program features structured learning, highlighted by practice and one game each week! Over the course of the program, children will practice and engage in multiple lessons that include skills, drills, and organized play.
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 7-10 yrs.
Fee, 11 sessions: $198 R/$257 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
222843A3 June 10-Aug 19 Sa 11am-12pm
Get ready for the upcoming flag football season! This camp is perfect for all player levels. Campers learn non-contact football, develop throwing, catching, running and basic defensive skills. In addition, there will be speed and agility training as well as individualized attention to each camper’s skills.
Location: Robert Crown Fields
Age: 9-11 yrs.
Fee: $106 R/$138 NR
Class # Dates Days Time 622252A3 Aug 7-10 M-Th
Take the road to a healthier tomorrow and find a personal trainer who is right for you. You don’t have to be a Levy Senior Center or Fitness Room member to purchase a personal training package. Choose between 5 or 10 sessions in either 30 or 60 minutes lengths.
To receive the discount, you must pre-purchase a package (i.e., no discount if you buy sessions one at a time) and must use the same trainer for all sessions. Personal training passes expire 6 months from the date of issue.
Registration: Levy Center’s office, 847-448-8250
Fee for 30-minute sessions:
1 session, $45; 5-session package, $200; 10-session package, $400
Fee for 60-minute sessions:
1 session, $65; 5-session package, $300; 10-session package, $600.
Improve your stamina, balance and shape when you make a commitment to staying active. It’s easy when you join our Fitness Room with its top-quality equipment and light, bright, cheerful atmosphere. Operating hours are subject to change on holidays; the dates the Levy Center will be closed are posted one week in advance.
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee, Levy Center Member: $115 Y/$10 M
Fee, Non-member Resident: $300 Y/$26 M
Fee, Non-member Non-Resident: $350 Y/$32 M
Daily Fee, all adults: $5
Days Age Time
M-F 55+ 9am-5pm
Our Fitness room is a bright beautiful place to work out, it has what you need to get or stay in shape. The Fitness room has an elliptical, weights, Treadmills and other options available for your workout needs.
Location: Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center
Age: 18 yrs. and up
Yearly Fee: $120
Monthly Fee: $50
Daily fee: $5 Dates
Note: times posted may change due to building rentals. Please confirm the schedule on the website or call the center for cancellation dates, prior to arrival.
Robert Crown Community Center
Schedule: cityofevanston.org/robertcrown; 847-448-8258
Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center
Schedule: cityofevanston.org/fleetwood; 847-448-8254
Chandler-Newberger Community Center
Schedule: cityofevanston.org/chandler; 847-448-8252
This fitness class focuses on functional corebuilding, balance, and flexibility training in the context of a judgment free, energetic, and welcoming environment. Clothing should be comfortable and non-obstructive. Shoe requirement: clean-soled, non-marking sneakers.
Instructor: Brendan Behan, MFA
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 18 yrs. and up
Fee, 5 sessions: $70 R/$91 NR
Fee, 6 sessions: $84 R/$110 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
What’s included? A two-hour party, you supply the cake and ice cream. We will supply the room and a seasoned arts instructor, then do the clean-up when your guests leave. Your party will be held at the Noyes Cultural Arts Center.
Availability: Monday–Saturday, 10am–7pm and Sunday, 10am–6pm.
Information and booking: 847-448-8263
Fee: $285 for up to 15 children
Recommended Age: 6 yrs. and up
Create a medieval village using Lincoln Logs® and our castle, complete a medieval craft, then learn busking skills to entertain the knights and ladies.
Your party will be a slice of our best-selling summer camp theme. Your party friends will paint a miniature, engage in Shakespearean silliness and be on their best behavior dressed in “finery.”
“Arg, me mateys!” Speak and eat as pirates. The Pirate GRRRL will tell you yarns and teach you a salty song. You’ll complete a pirate craft.
Princesses were leaders in training. Pick a favorite Queen from history and we will immerse ourselves in her time and tales from her girlhood.
A custom designed party for young creatives who like a total arts experience.
Need a space to host your next special occasion? There are several rooms available to rent.
Information: 847-448-8258
The Robert Crown Community Center offers private rentals on our rinks for ice skating, hockey or broom-ball. Skates and broom-ball equipment rentals are available; however hockey equipment is not available for rental. Advanced booking is important.
Information: 847-448-8258
Celebrate your birthday, graduation, or office party. Includes 25 admissions/skate rentals for public session.
Information: 847-448-8258
Whether you are looking for a room for a meeting, a gym, or a space for your child’s birthday party, you can find what you need at Chandler-Newberger. Information and booking: Eric Eichholzeeichholz@cityofevanston.org.
Each party includes 2-hours of simultaneous use of a multi-purpose room and half of our gym. Also included in the rental is equipment, tables, chairs, as well as the set-up, take-down and clean-up.
2-hours of simultaneous use of one of our multipurpose rooms, our south gym and our Indoor Playground equipment. Equipment includes hula hoops, dodge balls, climbing blocks, scooter carts and mini basketballs.
Blue Room/South Gym: $308 R/ $400 NR
Orange Room/South Gym: $275 R/ $358 NR
Included in this package is 2-hours of simultaneous use of one of our multi-purpose rooms, half-gym and sports equipment:
• Basketballs and hoops
• Soccer balls and nets
• Floor Hockey sticks and nets
• Dodge-balls
• Batting Cage
Blue Room/Half-Gym: $308 R/$400 NR
Orange Room/Half-Gym: $275 R/$358 NR
For pricing and availability, please contact Kathryn at kdolan@cityofevanston.org.
Preschool Party (2-5 yrs.)
45-minutes of instructional gymnastics and 2 hrs. of multi-purpose room use.
Fee, 15 child max: $263 R/$342 NR
School-Age party (5 yrs. and up)
1 hour of instructional gymnastics and 2 hrs of multi-purpose room use.
Fee, 15 child max: $308 R/$400 NR
Our Blue Room will accommodate up to 45 people, the Orange Room will accommodate up to 30 people. Tables and chairs, as well as the set-up, take-down and clean-up are included in your rental.
Blue Room, per hour: $83 R/$108 NR
Orange Room, per hour: $66R/$86 NR
Full Gym, per hour: $138 R/$179 NR
South Gym, per hour: $99 R/$110 NR
North Gym, per hour: $71 R/$92 NR
The Evanston Ecology Center offers 2 hr. birthday party programs on available Saturdays and Sundays. An instructor will lead a nature or outdoor oriented party. The renter is responsible for decorations and treats. For an additional cost we can customize a party if none of these themes fit your needs.
Age: 4 yrs. and up
Fee: $220 R/$286 NR
Party capacity: 16 child max.
Birthday Topics Include: Animal Party, Birds of a Feather, Reptile Romp, Bug Party, Dino Party, Rocking Rocks, Potions and Concoctions and Geocaching and custom parties.
Our multi-purpose room can accommodate up to 100 people. Tables and chairs, as well as the setup, take-down and clean-up are included in your rental.
Rental fee, per hr.: $125 R/$165 NR
Room availability: Mon-Sun 9a-11p
Several rooms are available, from the cozy Elm Room to the 300-person capacity Maple Room. The lovely garden courtyard is available and the kitchen is designed specifically for catered events.
Rental rooms are available. Bring in your own refreshments or have your function catered.
This center offers its community room and gallery halls on the first and second floor for fundraisers, receptions, parties, lecture events and more.
Schedule a play date with nature. You and your child will explore the wonders of the Ladd Arboretum through games, crafts, stories and outdoor play. This free-style play date allows your child to discover which activities they like best and go at their own pace. Come late or leave early if you please. Each week is a different theme. Caregiver and pre-registration is required.
Location: Evanston Ecology Center
Age: 1-4 yrs.
Fee, 1 session: $8 R/$11 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
122132A3 June 2 F 9:30-11:30am
122132B3 July 7 F 9:30-11:30am
122132C3 Aug 4 F 9:30-11:30am
Come to this program like a moth to a flame, and learn about the butterflies of the night. We will use black lights and bait to attract moths for viewing. Families will learn about the habits of these mysterious nocturnal pollinators. Registered caregiver required.
Location: Lighthouse Beach Foghouses
Age: 5 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: $8 R/$11 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
122143A3 Aug 26 Sa 8-9:30pm
Discover the ecological treasures of Lighthouse Beach in this pirate themed nature scavenger hunt through the dunes. Join us for stories and s’mores by the fire after you solve all the clues. Pirate costumes encouraged. Registered caregiver required.
Location: Lighthouse Beach
Age: 4 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: $8 R/$11 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
122134A3 Aug 4 F 6:30-8pm
122134B3 Aug 5 Sa 6:30-8pm
Come celebrate the wonders of Lake Michigan. Learn about the formation of the lake, creatures that live there, and its role in the local ecosystem. Find out what you can do to help this precious resource. We will do activities outside, so please dress for the weather. Caregiver required to register with child.
Location: Lighthouse Beach Foghouses
Age: 4 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: $8 R/$11 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
122113A3 July 8 Sa 2-3:30pm
Test your nocturnal senses on a guided night hike through the Arboretum. Themed night hike activities, a campfire and s’mores make for a perfect evening. Pre-registration is required. Start time for this course is based on the sunset.
Location: Evanston Ecology Center
Age: 5 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: $8 R/$11 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
123112A3 June 16 F 8-9:30pm
123112B3 July 14 F 8-9:30pm
Tour the Ecology Center’s Farmette and apiary, try your hand at being a farmer, and harvest some fresh produce to taste straight from the plants. Participants will also go on a Farmette, prairie, and food forest scavenger hunt, as they learn to identify a variety of vegetable and prairie plants together.
Location: Evanston Ecology Center
Age: 5 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: $8 R/$11 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
122152A3 Aug 16 W 5-7pm
Celebrate World Sand Dune Day, as we tour the Lighthouse Beach dune and learn about its unique history. We will participate in a dune bioblitz to identify as many types of plants and animals as we can in order to gain a greater appreciation of what makes a dune ecosystem so special. Participants will also help with a stewardship activity, as we learn from a site steward about this special place.
Location: Lighthouse Beach Foghouses
Age: 4 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: $8 R/$11 NR
Class # Dates Days Time 122151A3 June 25 Su 2-3:30pm
Join the Ecology Center staff for fun-filled campfires with nature themes. Each evening includes stories, songs and the ever-popular s’mores. Space is limited; pre-registration is required. Children must be accompanied with a registered adult.
Location: Lighthouse Beach
Age: 2 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: $8 R/$11 NR
Class # Dates Days Time Theme
123104A3 June 23 F 7-8pm Summer Solstice Bonfire
123104B3 June 24 Sa 7-8pm Summer Solstice Bonfire
123104C3 July 28 F 7-8pm Fireflies
123104D3 July 29 Sa 7-8pm Fireflies
123104E3 Aug 18 F 7-8pm Singing Insects
123104F3 Aug 19 Sa 7-8pm Singing Insects
Join us for our popular canal canoe trips, no experience is necessary. Basic instruction and safety is covered before heading out. Register by phone or in person at the Ecology Center only. Program is held unless there is lightning; dress for the weather.
Location: Dammrich Canoe Launch
Age: 5 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: $18 R/$24 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
123110A3 June 18 Su 9:30-11:30am 123110B3 June 18 Su 12:30-2:30pm
123110C3 July 2 Su 9:30-11:30am
123110D3 July 2 Su 12:30-2:30pm
Bring your grandchild to the beautiful Lighthouse Beach for this fun family adventure! We will explore the dunes, play in the sand, and learn all about what makes Lighthouse Beach special.
Location: Lighthouse Beach
Age: 2 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: $8 R/$11 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
122150A3 June 7 W 10-11:30am
Join the Ecology Center and the Evanston Public Library at multiple parks throughout the city this summer! Bring a blanket and your favorite snacks and get ready to meet live animals, sing along to family-friendly music, and experience nature in the park through free play activities.
Age: 8 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: Free
Class # Dates Days Time Location
122153A3 Jun 22 Th 5-7pm James Park
122153B3 July 13 Th 5-7pm Mason Park
122153C3 Aug 17 Th 5-7pm Brummel Park
122153D3 Aug 31 Th 5-7pm Lovelace Park
Reconnect with the night sky, as we look through the Chicago Astronomer’s telescope at the ringed planet Saturn and other early fall celestial delights! Come prepared with any questions you have about the night sky, as our guide will give us a tour of the wonders beyond our planet. Then enjoy marshmallows and other festivities around the campfire.
Location: Lighthouse Beach
Age: All ages
Fee, 1 session : $10 R/$13 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
122154A3 Sept 1 F 7:30-9:30pm
Have you ever wanted to learn more about the park spaces that border the North Shore Channel? We will bike along the North Shore Channel Trail and through the Skokie Northshore Sculpture Park together, as we point out and learn about the landmarks along the way.
Location: Evanston Ecology Center
Age: 12 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: $12 R/$15 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
122112A2 July 23 Su 9:30-11:30am
Sunset is one of the most peaceful times to get into a canoe and one of the best times to see wildlife. Paddling at this time of days offers a rare perspective into the natural world, as many creatures become more active before night. We will practice paddling techniques before heading out to see signs of wildlife along the channel.
Location: Dammrich Rowing Center
Age: 5 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: $18 R/$24 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
122155A3 June 30 F 7-8:30pm
Blend science and recreation at Lovelace Park as we learn about the aquatic web of life. Participants will use a variety of tools, including macroinvertebrate nets, microscopes, binoculars, and fishing rods to learn about the variety of plants and animals that live in aquatic environments.
Location: Lovelace Park
Age: 5 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: $12 R/$15 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
123130A3 June 9 F 6:30-8pm
Why do some living things glow? Join us for a glowin-the-dark scavenger hunt in the Ladd Arboretum and make glow-in-the-dark art as we talk about bioluminescence around the campfire. We will also look at some bioluminescent organisms!
Location: Evanston Ecology Center
Age: 4 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: $10 R/$13 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
122107A3 July 21 F 8-9:30pm
Join Certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide Sarah Abu-Absi to learn about the heart-centered practice of Forest Therapy. Through guided sensory meditation and mindful exploration of the dune habitat and grassy areas, we will reconnect to nature and ourselves in ways that support healing and wellness. Please bring a blanket or mat to sit or lay on during the guided meditation.
Location: Lighthouse Beach Foghouses
Age: 18 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: $18 R/$24 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
123135A3 Aug 24 Th 6-7:30pm
This popular free program is a great way to introduce children ages 4 years and up to “catchand release” fishing. Equipment, bait and fishing expertise are provided! Drop by on Saturdays from June 3 through August 26, from 10am–12pm, at Lovelace Park, Gross Point Rd. at Thayer St. Kids under age 16 years don’t need a fishing license, but must be accompanied by an adult. Illinois fishing licenses can be purchased at www.illinois.gov..
Located within the Ladd Arboretum and housing a variety of resident live animals, the Evanston Ecology Center is an ideal place for your Girl Scout or Cub Scout troop to explore! Our educational and interactive programs will engage your troop and meet most or all of the badge requirements. In addition to the topics listed below, the Ecology Center will work with you to meet your troops’ unique needs.
Girl Scouts: Clover Petal (Daisy), Rosie Petal (Daisy) Eco Learner (Daisy), Senses (Daisy-Brownie), Bugs (Daisy-Brownie), Letterboxer (Brownie), Geocacher (Junior-Cadette).
Cub Scouts: Backyard Jungle (Tiger), Tigers in the Wild (Tiger), Paws on the Path (Wolf), Air of the Wolf (Wolf), Fur, Feathers and Ferns (Bear), Weeblo Walkabout (Weeblo), Into the Woods (Weeblo). Programs vary in length depending on requirements and reservations are required 2 weeks in advance. Please call for availability.
Fee: $6 R/$8 NR per scout with a 10-scout min.
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources Division of Education has field packs and resource trunks available for loan to educators. Field packs contain hands-on equipment and reference material to encourage nature exploration. Resource trunks are large plastic containers filled with supplemental items to enhance lessons. The Evanston Ecology Center has 7 packs and trunks available for loan for free to educators. Bins may be loaned for up to two weeks by picking them up and signing them out of the Ecology Center MondayFriday from 8:30am–5pm.
Information and bin availability: 847-448-8256
Trunks and Packs Available at the Evanston Ecology Center:
• Aquatic Illinois
• Field Trip Pack
• Illinois Amphibians and Reptiles Field Pack
• Illinois Insects and Spiders
• Illinois Invasive Species
• Illinois Trees
• Illinois Wild Mammals Scouts Programs
Special Recreation programs are for people with special needs. Programs emphasize individual development in a wide range of leisure areas including sports, culture, social, after-school and special events. For more information, call 847-448-8044 or 847-424-5496
Let your creativity shine with friends as we spend a summer evening at Paint-N-Party! You’ll choose a ceramic piece to paint and design, then, we’ll enjoy an ice cream treat at Touhy Fruity. After strolling through the mall, we will stop back in the ceramic shop to pick our completed projects. Ceramic project is included in the program fee. Bring money for ice cream. Transportation will be provided to and from the Robert Crown Community Center.
Location: Lincolnwood Town Center
Age: 18 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: $25 R/$33 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
825019A3 July 7 F 6-8pm
Join your friends from Special Recreation for a relaxing daytime cruise on the lake in Wisconsin. Be sure to bring lunch money. Transportation will be provided to and from Robert Crown. The registration deadline is August 4.
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 12 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: $40 R/$50 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
825005A3 Aug 20 Su 10am-5pm
Soak up the sun, delight in the view, and unpack your favorite summer picnic foods at Clark Street Beach! After a tasty lunch, we’ll take a stroll and play active games. The beach’s newly added MobiMats and beach wheelchairs will make our time on the sand accessible for everyone! Picnic lunch is included in the program fee.
Location: Clark St. Beach
Age: 12 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: $18 R/$23 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
825018A3 Aug 5 Sa 12:30-2:30pm
Start your holiday with a march down Central Street. Please join us for Evanston’s annual 4th of July Parade. All Special Recreation participants, athletes, friends, and family members are invited to march. For parade details call 847-448-8044.
Location: TBD
Age: 10 yrs. and up Fee, 1 session: $10 R/$13 NR
Class # Dates Days Time 825003A3 July 4 Tu TBD
It’s time to go for Gold at the Special Olympics Summer Games. To participate, you must have received a Gold Medal at the Region or District Meet for bocce, swimming, power-lifting, or track and field.
Location: Illinois State University - Bloomington, IL
Age: 8 yrs. and up
1 session: $187 R/$217 NR
The friendly competition is on! Whether you’re brand new to the game or a seasoned pro, Boccia is a sport with endless benefits. Together we’ll determine which playing style and adapted equipment best enhance your athletic skills. From there we’ll learn the rules, develop confidence, and experience the camaraderie that being an athlete on Evanston’s first adapted sports team will bring!
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 15 yrs. and up
Fee, 7 sessions: $65 R/$85 NR
Class # Dates Days Time 825840A3 June 15-Aug 3 Th 4:30-5:45pm
Let’s get ready to work on hitting, pitching and fielding skills for softball. Depending on the number of people we might split the program into 45-minute practice sessions for each group. No class July 30.
Location: Leahy Park
Age: 12 yrs. and up
Fee, 7 sessions: $77 R/$97 NR
Class # Dates Days Time 825809A3 July 1-Aug 5 Sa 10:30am-Noon
It’s time to work on serving, setting and spiking skills as we prepare for competition. The Modified Volleyball Team will practice from 6:30-7:15pm and the Unified Team will practice from 7:15-8pm.
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 12 yrs. and up
Fee, 9 sessions: $77 R/$92 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
825828A3 June 20-Aug 15 Tu 6:30-8pm
Bocce is a fun and easy sport to play. It is the ease of bowling with lighter equipment. We will work on various skills during game time to prepare for the Special Olympics Bocce Meet. No class July 30.
Location: Lovelace Park
Age: 8 yrs. and up
Fee, 9 sessions: $77 R/$92 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
825801A3 June 18-Aug 13 Su 10:30am-Noon
Now is your chance to put your serving and return skills to the test as you compete against other athletes at the Special Olympics Region B Tennis Meet. You must have participated in the Spring session of Tennis practice to be eligible to compete in this Region Meet. Gold medalists at this meet will qualify for the State Tennis Meet.
Location: TBD
Age: 8 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: $48 R/$63 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
825812A3 June 24 Sa TBD
It’s time to get back to work on puck handling and shooting skills as we prepare for upcoming Special Olympics Floor Hockey competition.
Location: Robert Crown Community Center
Age: 15 yrs. and up
Fee, 8 sessions: $77 R/$92 NR Class
825808A3 June 19-Aug 14 M 6:30-8pm
Here is your chance to roll plenty of spares and strikes as you compete in the Special Olympics Region B Bowling Meet. You must have participated in the Saturday bowling program to be eligible to compete in this Region Meet. Anyone receiving a Gold medal at this meet will compete in the Northern District Meet in the Fall of 2023.
Location: TBD
Age: 8 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: $48 R/$63 NR
Class # Dates Days Time 825802A3 Aug 12 Sa TBD
Are you ready for some football? We will be working on team and individual skills according to Special Olympics competition rules. No football experience required. No class July 30.
Location: Leahy Park
Age: 12 yrs. and up
Fee, 9 sessions: $77 R/$92 NR
We will work on improving physical fitness while also working on serving and return skills. No program July 30.
Location: Leahy Park
Age: 8 yrs. and up
Fee,6 sessions: $77 R/$97 NR Class
Here is your chance to go for aces and win volleys as you compete in the Special Olympics Region B Tennis Meet. You must have participated in the Spring tennis program to be eligible to compete in this Region Meet. Anyone receiving a Gold medal at this meet will compete in the State Tennis Meet in the Fall.
Location: Hinsdale South High School, Darien
Age: 8 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: $48 R/$63 NR Class
You deserve a night out and so do your kids! Parents’ Night Out is the perfect opportunity for parents to take some time for themselves while their children participate in open play, watch a movie, and engage in activities and crafts under the supervision of trained City staff. Kids should be fed prior to drop off. We have enrollment capacity limits, so reserve a spot in advance.
Location: Chandler-Newber Community Center
Age: 6-10 yrs.
Fee: $15 R/$20 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
623001A3 June 23 F 6-9pm
623001B3 July 28 F 6-9pm
623001C3 Aug 11 F 6-9pm
Experience healing in a community through group acupuncture as modeled by the Lincoln Hospital Detox Program developed by Dr. Mutulu Shakur. During the session some history will be shared about the Lincoln Hospital Detox Program, common misconceptions about acupuncture, along with any questions. If you do not want to have acupuncture, you can still benefit from the treatment by sitting with the group or having magnets placed on points as an alternative. Attendees are encouraged to attend more than one session.
Location: Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center
Age: 18 yrs. and up
Fee, 2 sessions: $11 R/$30 NR
Learn the fundamentals with Ms. Bethany’s School of Cooking including recipe reading, knife skills, and cooking techniques. This is a class for students who are eager to learn to cook! The last class will include a cooking competition. Come have fun, make new friends, and learn to cook.
Location: Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center
Age: 14-18 yrs.
Fee, 5 sessions: $285 R/$370 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
422140A3 June 3-July 1 Sa 10am-12pm 422140B3 July 15-Aug 12 Sa 10am-12pm
Levy Senior Center program offerings.
Membership information: 847-448-8250
Registration: Levy Senior Center, 300 Dodge Ave., Evanston.
Levy Senior Center Member (LM), Non Member (NM)
JUNE 19 & JULY 4
Super Senior Day is a convenient, program for driver’s license renewal, including rules of the road classroom instruction, safe driving techniques, Illinois driving laws review and a vision screening exam. The Secretary of State mobile driver services unit will be available for participants to renew their driver’s licenses. No Real ID’s will be issued at this event. An identification card can be obtained for $20. If you are age 65 years or older you may obtain a free, non-expiring State of Illinois photo ID card. Drivers age 75 years and older are required to renew their driver’s licenses and take a driving test at a Secretary of State Driver Services facility. Class pre-register: is required, 847-448-8250; Limited space is available.
Admission: free, registration required. The mobile driver services unit is open to all ages
Dates Day Time
June 9 F 10am-2pm
All 50+ are welcome to attend. This seminar is sponsored and led by Neil Gardner of Edward Jones Financial in Skokie. This program is offered via Zoom only.
Fee: free, registration is required
Dates Day Time Topic
June 15 W 2-3pm Visualize Retirement
July 20 W 2-3pm Responsible Investing
August 17 W 2-3pm Outsmart the Scammers
Join the Levy Senior Center staff members Amy Kellogg, Brandon Taylor, and Connor Schwarz for a round table discussion on topics and center happenings and updates. There will be opportunity to ask questions, as well as, give your input on programs and services held at the Levy Senior Center.
Registration: 847-448-8250
Fee: free, registration is required
Dates Day Time
July 27 M 10:30-11:30am
This two-session class is sponsored by AARP. Understand the current rules of the road, defensive driving techniques, safe vehicle operation for today’s increasingly challenging driving environment and learn to manage common agerelated changes in vision, hearing and reaction time. Present your AARP card at first session for discount. You must attend both sessions.
Registration: front desk or call 847-448-8250
Fee: $20, AARP member; $25, nonmember payable to the instructor on the day of class.
Dates Day Time
July 20, 27 Th 9am-1pm
What is the Benefit Access Program?
Formerly known as the Circuit Breaker. Benefits available are fee discount on license plates and free rides on fixed-route transit for seniors and persons with disabilities. Eligibility is determined by age, disability, residency and income.
Need help applying or renewing your benefits?
Counselors are available through the North Shore Senior Center. To make an appointment call 847-784-6040.
This program is designed to honor our most experienced community members. The Levy Senior Center Foundation will underwrite the Levy Senior Center annual membership fees for program participants who are age 90+.
Current membership rates: $34 for residents who live in postal code 60201 and 60202 $54 for non-residents. To qualify, registrants need only to show an official ID with proof of their birthday when they register at the Levy Center.
Levy Center membership is open to adults age 55 years and older.
The membership fee $40 for residents of ZIP codes 60201 and 60202 $60 for a nonresident.
Membership benefits
• Member only free programs
• Discounts on other Levy programs
• The fitness room
• Memberships are valid for one year from the date of purchase.
Membership activities
— Knit and Crochet Group
— Duplicate Bridge (bring a partner)
The Dennis Newton Scholarship Fund provides Levy Center members the financial opportunity to attend our day trips.
For more information or to apply for the scholarship, please contact Amy Kellogg at the Levy Center at 847-448-8250
The Levy Family donated a 22-passenger bus to shuttle members, within the Evanston boundaries, to and from the Levy Senior Center.
Bus schedule
9am: North end Evanston Route to Levy begins
9:30am: South end Evanston Route to Levy begins
12:30pm: First return route leaves Levy 3:30pm: Second return route leaves Levy
Grocery shopping: Tuesdays and Wednesdays beginning at 11am from the Levy Senior Center Schedule a pick-up: on the day of ride, during the hours of 7–8:30am, call 311
The Levy Senior Center Foundation will also be honoring members in our community turning 100.
Centenarians will be recognized with a birthday cake in their honor to be shared with other Levy Senior Center members at the Levy Center.
100th Birthday recognition forms are available on the Foundation table in the lobby or at the front desk. Please allow 5 days advance notice.
The City of Evanston offers two enhanced lunch program locations through a grant administered by Age Options, which will offset the fee of each meal. No person age 60+ shall be denied participation due to the inability to contribute.
The sug gested donation: $5, age 60 yrs. and up Fee: $7, age 59 yrs. and less.
Lunch service
Monday-Friday, 11:30am-1pm: in the Garden Café, Levy Senior Center
— Woodcarving (tools and materials are available)
— Drop-in Basketball
— Social Bridge Noon (Come as a foursome)
— Seniors Chat (Current events discussion group)
— Book Club
— Bid Whist
— And much more.
SHIP is a free health benefits counseling service for Medicare beneficiaries. SHIPs mission is to educate, advocate, counsel and empower seniors to make informed healthcare benefit decisions.
SHIP is an independent program funded by federal agencies, managed by the State of Illinois and is not affiliated with the insurance industry. Levy Senior Center staff and volunteers counsel Evanston residents by appointment only.
To schedule an appointment, please contact Connor Schwarz at 847-448-8294
Location: Levy Senior Center
Levy Member (LM), Non Member (NM)
Using a variety of clay, tools, methods and imagination, learn how to hand build. Slab roller and extruder are available for use. Fee includes instruction, firing and supplies. This class in in-person only. No class June 19 and July 3.
Instructor: Vivian Visser
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee, 8 sessions: $121 LM/$157 NM
Class # Dates Days Time
524603A3 June 12-Aug 14 M 9:30am-12:30pm 524603B3 June 12-Aug 14 M 1-4pm
This program is for students who have taken previous clay hand classes and have prior experience working with clay. Students will continue to learn clay building and create with advanced molds. This class in is in-person only.
Instructor: Vivian Visser.
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee, 10 sessions: $162 LM/$211 NM
Looking for some fun people to play ukulele with? If you already know 2-3 strum patterns and 10-12 chords you will be able to have a lot of fun with this group. We play a wide variety of music from the 40s to the 70s and hold ukulele sing-along concerts at the Levy Center 3-4 times a year. (Participation in these concerts is not required in order to be in the ensemble). Class will be held virtually and inperson. Music book purchase is required and is not included in the class fee.
Instructor: Lorraine Williams
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee, 9 sessions: $81 LM/$105 NM
524604A3 June 15-Aug 10 Th 1-2pm
Discover the art of mosaic using stained glass. Learn about basic techniques, tools and materials involved in creating mosaic art. This class covers cutting, adhesives, substrates, design layout, and grouting. Fee includes materials, just bring yourself.
Instructor: Vivian Visser
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee, 10 sessions: $151 LM/$197 NM Class
Have you ever wanted to learn to play the piano? You’re never too old to learn something new. Learn basics, all the way to advanced piano. Piano lesson appointments: 847-448-8250. No refunds for missed appointments.
Instructor: Evelyn Binz
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee, 4, one hr. sessions: $100, payment due beginning of each month Days: Mondays, and Tuesdays
The Shower Singers and Choraleers have joined forces! Have you ever wanted to sing? Join us this great group of talent at the Levy Senior Center. No experience necessary. Shower singers perform at several annual Levy Senior Center events throughout the year.
Instructor: Evelyn Binz
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee, 8 sessions: $40 LM/$50 NM
This is a 90 minute class for 4 students, who will meet in my studio at the Noyes Center, Studio 109. Make art using acrylic paint, water crayon, and oil pastel. All materials are provided. Because of its small size this is a good class for beginners as well as more experienced students.
Location: Noyes Cultural Arts Center
Fee: $Free
This class combines a cardio workout with strength training and stretching. Participants will do low impact aerobics, with the use of the following equipment when available – hand weights, resistance tubing, and balls to build strength and endurance. This class will be held in-person & virtually. No class June 19 and July 3.
Instructor: Marla Lampert
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee, 20 sessions: $160 LM/$220 NM
Class # Dates Days Time
524308A3 June 12-Aug 23 M,W 10:30-11:30am
A class that blends Zumba Gold with light hand weights to enhance muscle strength, tone and endurance. Using easy to follow choreography and fitness moves with and without weights, the class focuses on toning muscles, endurance, range of motion, flexibility, coordination, and balance. All adults are welcome. No experience necessary. Light weights are used in class. This class will be held virtually and in-person. No class August 11.
Instructor: Suzanne Hock
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee: $64 LM/$88 NM
Class # Dates Days Time
524301A3 June 23-Aug 18 F 9-10am
Enjoy a low impact Zumba class with no jumping but all the great music and moves you love for a fun workout. Zumba is a party that is an exercise in disguise. All adults are welcome. No experience necessary. This class will be held in-person & virtually. No class August 17.
Instructor: Suzanne Hock
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee: $64 LM/$88 NM
Class # Dates Days Time
524315A3 June 22-Aug 10 Th 6:30-7:30pm
This active exercise class is a fun, cutting-edge program based on neuroplasticity using 21 gentle, easy to follow physical exercises designed for lifelong optimal functioning. The exercises are done in a chair with some optional standing and are based on everyday movements that focus on balance, strength, stamina, joint mobility, flexibility and range of motion. Anyone, including those with arthritis and other physical challenges, can participate at their own level. This class will be held in-person & virtually. Classes will be recorded and available on-demanded through the week.
Instructor: Susan Mendelsohn
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee: $80 LM/$110 NM
Class # Dates Days Time
524344A3 June 15-Aug 17 Th 10:15-11:00am
This class uses light weights, exercise bands and exercise balls to give people gentle, yet challenging movements to increase strength, flexibility and balance. The class is performed sitting with optional standing so adults at any fitness level will feel comfortable participating. This class will be held in-person & virtually. Classes will be recorded and available on-demanded through the week.
Instructor: Susan Mendelsohn
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee: $80 LM/$110 NM
Class # Dates Days Time
524354A3 June 15-Aug 17 Th 11:05-11:50am
Shake your body into shape in this low-intensity, fun- filled workout. Enjoy the music and company while you get fit
Instructor: Whitney Williams
Location: Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center
Fee: $45 R/$59 NR
Drop-in: $3 R/$3 NR
Class # Dates Days Time
424301A3 June 5- Aug 17 M,W,F 10-11am
This class will “power up” your mind, body, and spirit using various exercises along with a little humor to give an energetic boost to your day! Just like “powering up” a computer, you can turn on your abilities and increase your strength while learning and having fun. The class can be done seated in a chair or standing while we focus on posture, alignment, balance, core, breath, and muscle strength. Weights, bands, straps, and other equipment may be used. All levels are welcome. Shoes are required. This class will be held inperson and virtually. No class July 4.
Instructor: Sandy Nowarita
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee: $80 LM/$110 NM
Class # Dates Days Time
524362A3 June 6-Aug 15 Tu 10:30-11:15am
A low impact Zumba class with easy to follow choreography that focuses on cardiovascular and muscle conditioning, range of motion, coordination, flexibility, and balance. Zumba Gold is designed to be approachable by all populations, regardless of fitness level. Experience with dance is not required. All adults are welcome.This class will be held virtually and in-person. No class July 4 and Aug 15.
Instructor: Suzanne Hock
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee: $64 LM/$88 NM
Class # Dates Days Time
524352A3 June 20-Aug 22 Tu 11am-12pm
Natural, functional whole body movement for developing strength, flexibility and mobility. Movement will be performed from standing, seated in a chair and on the floor. Class ends with a brief guided relaxation. We will be using a small squishy 8-9” ball (small playground ball) and a stretchy band (like a Theraband). Participants should be comfortable getting down and up, and working, from the floor. This class will be held in-person and virtually.
Instructor: Barbara Meyer
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee: $40 LM/$55 NM
Class # Dates Days Time
524361A3 June 14-Aug 12 W 9:30-10:15am
Balance and Beyond is a low-impact class designed to help older adults improve their balance, strength, and mobility to prevent falls and increase overall functional ability. This class will focus on exercises and movements that help to improve core strength, posture, flexibility, and balance. Participants will learn how to move safely and effectively, reduce the risk of injury, and gain confidence in their ability to perform daily activities. This class will be held inperson and virtually. No class June 19 and July 3
Instructor: Maureen Fogerty
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee: $80 LM/$110 NM
Class # Dates Days Time
523323A3 June 12-Aug 28 M 11am-12pm
Stability class designed to help you become stronger and improve balance. The movements taught in class focus on specific exercises to improve strength and power around the ankle, knee and hip joints, while improving your reaction time. This class is designed for fall prevention and is suitable for nearly every fitness level. It can be adapted depending on the skill of individual participants. A chair may be used for balance and support. This class is offered in-person and virtually.
Instructor: Maureen Fogerty
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee: $80 LM/$110 NM
Class # Dates Days Time
524349A3 June 7-Aug 9 W 10:45-11:45am
524349B3 June 16-Aug 18 F 10-11am
Pilates work centers on strengthening the core. This class will improve flexibility, physical strength and enhance mental awareness. We will lengthen, strengthen and sculpt the entire body. This workout includes floor work with optional light hand weights. This class will be held virtually and in-person. No class July 4.
Instructor: Marla Lampert
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee: $80 LM/$110 NM
Class # Dates Days Time 524351A3 June 13-Aug 22 Tu 9:30-10:15am
Decrease stress and increase well being through breathing, relaxation and body sensing practices and the use of imagery. We will start with a few stretches to prepare the body. This class is offered in-person only.
Instructor: Elise Foss
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee: $64 LM/$88 NM
Class # Dates Days Time 524358A3 June 21-Aug 9 W 4:30-5:30pm
Dance and martial arts Nia inspired movement for mobility and endurance, followed by seated/ standing strength exercises (with hand weights), balance and a final mindful stretch. Moderate level with options for adapting movement for higher or lower intensity. Movement can be performed from a chair. This class will be held virtually and in-person.
Instructor: Barbara Meyer
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee: $40 LM/$55 NM
Class # Dates Days Time 524333A3 June 16-July 14 F 10:30-11:30am
Tune into your body’s language through different styles of dancing. Experience varied paces, rhythms, and qualities of movement. Leave the class feeling connected and uplifted! This class is offered in person only.
Instructor: Elise Foss
Location: Levy Senior Center Fee, 8 sessions: $64 LM/$88 NM
Integrate the healing power of Yoga into your strategy to get well and stay healthy. Use breath, guided meditation, mudras and movement to improve your peace of mind while recovering strength and energy. This class will be held inperson & virtually. No class June 24.
Instructor: Shauna Babcock
Location: Levy Senior Center Fee: $80 LM/$104 NM
Silversneakers Yoga will move your whole body through a complete series of seated and standing yoga poses. Chair support is offered to safely perform a variety of seated and standing postures designed to increase flexibility, balance and range of movement. Restorative breathing exercises and final relaxation will promote stress reduction and mental clarity. Some Medicare recipients qualify to take this class at no charge. Please call Levy Center at 847-448-8250 to find out if you qualify. There is no charge for Silversneakers members. Registration is Required. No class June 28.
Instructor: Shauna Babcock (W), Barbara Meyer (F)
Fee, 10 sessions: $80 LM/$110 NM
Fee, 5 sessions: $40 LM/$55 NM
Fee Silversneakers member: Free
524341A3 June 14-Aug 23 W 9:30-10:30am
524341B3 June 16-July 14 F 11:45am-12:45pm
Discover the benefits of yoga postures and controlled breathing – you’ll improve the flexibility of your body and mind! You must be able to easily transfer from standing to sitting and lying down. No previous yoga experience necessary, just an open mind to explore new experiences. Please wear nonbinding clothing; shoes are not needed for class. This class will be held virtually and in-person. No class June 29 and July 4.
Instructor: Betsy Murphy (Tu), Shauna Babcock (Th)
Fee: $80 LM/$110 NM
524303A3 June 6-Aug 15 Tu 9:30-10:30am
524303B3 June 15-Aug 24 Th 9-10am
This class is designed for participants who have previous yoga experience and are comfortable with yoga flow movements. Please wear non-binding clothing; shoes are not needed for class. This class will be held virtually and in-person. No class July 4.
Instructor: Betsy Murphy, RN
Fee: $80 LM/$110 NM
Class # Dates Days Time
524325A3 June 6-Aug 15 Tu 8:15-9:15am
If you are interested in exploring yoga, but are less ambulatory or not able to transfer easily, join this class! No experience necessary, all are welcome. We will explore the mind body practices of yoga seated in a chair or using the chair for support in standing poses. Learn yoga movement, breathing and relaxation practices to increase flexibility of mind and body. Please wear comfortable clothing. Tuesday classes will be held in-person & virtually and Thursday classes will be held virtually only. No class July 4.
Instructor: Betsy Murphy, RN
Fee: $160 LM/$220 NM
Class # Dates Days Time
524339A3 June 6-Aug 15 Tu,Th 10:45-11:45am
Explore a sequencing of traditional restorative yoga poses and stretches to relax, release, reset and rejuvenate your mind and body. The class will help you improve circulation and digestion as well as remove toxins and reduce muscle tension. We will be using chairs, mats, blocks, blankets and straps. All levels are welcome. No experience or shoes necessary. This class will be offered inperson and virtually. No class July 4.
Instructor: Sandy Nowarita
Fee: $80 LM/$110 NM
Class # Dates Days Time 523301A3 June 6-Aug 15 Tu 11:30am-12:15pm
Science of Yoga: Using foundational yang and yin poses, this class will improve your balance, flexibility and open up your connective tissue. This class is for every level, since almost every pose can be modified. This unique class is like an owner’s manual for the human body. Participants can add light weights to some of the standing poses but not required. This class will be held in-person and virtually. No class June 19 and July 3
Instructor: Maureen Fogerty
Fee: $80 LM/$110 NM Class
524337A3 June 12-Aug 28 M 12-1pm
Tai Chi is a relaxing, gentle, flowing exercise coordinating movement, breath and mind. Tai Chi benefits people of all physical abilities. You’ll increase your flexibility, coordination, balance and circulation. No registration allowed after week 2. This class will be held virtually and in-person.
Instructor: Evelyn Thompson
Fee: $80 LM/$110 NM
Experience the benefits of Tai Chi in a program specifically developed for people with arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions. The gentle slow movements, upright stance and powerful healing qi gong exercises will help you increase mobility, improve balance, strengthen muscles and release tension in the body without over stressing the joints. This class will be held virtually and inperson. No class July 4
Instructor: Andrew Serlin
Fee: $80 LM/$110 NM
Create a healthier connection between your spirit, mind and body! This class teaches you a relaxing and gentle exercise that increases your flexibility, coordination, balance and circulation. People of all physical abilities will benefit. This class will be held virtually only.
Instructor: Francesca Segal
Fee: $80 LM/$110 NM
Class # Dates Days Time
524306A3 June 15-Aug 17 Th 1-2pm
Using purposeful movement sequences, The Feldenkrais Method offers a gentle, comfortable way to explore your movement patterns and retrain your body to move more effortlessly. The Awareness Through Movement lessons are designed to help you improve your balance and move with greater freedom, flexibility and efficiency so that you can create better quality of movement in everything you enjoy doing. This class will be held virtually and inperson.
Instructor: Robin Sterling
Fee: $80 LM/$110 NM
Class # Dates Days Time
524309A3 June 23-Aug 25 F 10:30-11:30am
We will practice Chi Gong for flexibility, health and well-being. Becoming quiet and being open to the changing nature of Spring will be the focus. This will be held in the Courtyard Garden at the Levy Center rain, snow or shine. This class is held inperson only. No class June 19 and July 3 .
Instructor: Evelyn Thompson
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee: $72 LM/$94 NM
Class # Dates Days Time
524326A3 June 12-Aug 28 M 9-9:45am
Learn a basic Tai Chi form as well as a number of techniques designed to energize the body, reduce and manage stress and improve balance and flexibility. Regular practice of this system of gentle movements can facilitate harmonious energy flow throughout the body enhancing your physical and emotional well-being. No class June 19 and July 2,3.
Instructor: Francesca Segal
Fee: $80 LM/$110 NM
Class # Dates Days Time Location
524327A3 June 12-Aug 28 M 9-10am Virtual 524327B3 June 18-Aug 13 Tu 1-2:30pm Hybrid
If you haven’t danced for a while and would like a refresher class or if you just prefer less complicated choreography - this is the class for you. NOTE: If you have never line danced before you are welcome to attend this class. It might take you a few weeks to get up to speed with the other members of the class but I think you’ll enjoy it and find it is worth it. Basic knowledge of steps and terminology and previous line dance experience would be helpful. This class is being offered in-person only. No class July 2 and August 2.
Instructor: Judith Grubner
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee, 8 sessions: $72 LM/$94 NM
Class # Dates Days Time
524609A3 June 14-Aug 16 W 1-2pm
Designed for dancers who have a solid understanding of basic line dance steps and patterns. Participants will continue to build upon their skills and learn more complex routines and techniques.No class July 2 and August 2.
Instructor: Judith Grubner
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee, 6 sessions: $72 LM/$94 NM
Class # Dates Days Time
524607A3 June 14-Aug 16 W 2:15-3:15pm
BeMoved inspires participants to embrace dance as a lifelong path to health, joy and fulfillment. We believe that movement, expressed through dance and music, has a transformative power that enriches a person’s well-being above and beyond the well-known physical benefits.
No class June 26, July 3,10 and August 7.
Instructor: Heidi Mokrzycki
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee, 6 sessions: $90 LM/$117 NM
Class # Dates Days Time
524624A3 June 12-Aug 15 M 9-9:50am
Introductory ballet technique. This class will overview beginner ballet techniques. Enjoy a classical ballet class format with barre, center adagio and allegro. All exercises are encouraging our bodies to explore grace and strength. This class will be held virtually and in-person
Instructor: Nichola Goss
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee, 10 sessions: $95 LM/$123 NM
Class # Dates Days Time
524623A3 June 15-Aug 17 Th 1-1:45pm
The lesson plan to this course will remain the same for the session, allowing for improved technique. Enjoy a classical ballet class format with barre, center adagio and allegro. This class will be held virtually and in-person
Instructor: Nichola Goss
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee, 10 sessions: $95 LM/$123 NM
Class # Dates Days Time
524623B3 June 14-Aug 16 W 10:30-11:15am
Regain your ballet technique. The lesson plan to this course will remain the same for the session, allowing for improved technique. Enjoy a classical ballet class format with barre, center adagio and allegro. This class will be held virtually and in-person
Instructor: Nichola Goss
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee, 10 sessions: $95 LM/$123 NM
Class # Dates Days Time 524623C3 June 16-Aug 18 F 11:30-12:15pm
This class is great for building your cognitive skills, coordination, balance, and flexibility. Class contains warmups, isolations, progressive movement across the floor, improve from personal response to stimuli, and learn choreography. Clothing with freedom to move, no shoes or socks with grip soles.This class is offered virtually and in-person.
Instructor: Nichola Goss
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee, 10 sessions: $95 LM/$123 NM
You must be a Levy Senior Center member to participate.
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee: Free; Levy Senior Center Members only
Bingo returns to the Levy Senior Center, live inperson select Fridays. Bingo will be held in the gym to allow for greater spacing and social distancing. Masks and pre-registration are required.
Location: Levy Senior Center
Fee: Free, must be a Levy member
Dates Days Time
Ongoing Tu, F 12:30-3pm
This group, facilitated by Charlotte Jaffee, discusses current events and news, often with guest speakers. The program is free and everyone is welcome.
Dates Days Time
Ongoing M Noon-1pm
The nation is in turmoil. Join us as we discuss ethical dilemmas in our lives. Topics include current world trends and issues.
Information: Connor Schwarz, 847-448-8294.
Dates Days Time
Ongoing 1st & 3rd Thrusday of the month 11:30am-1pm
Do you like to knit, stitch or crochet? The group leader will guide you through your projects and teach you about holding needles, yarn, purl stitches, cast on and cast off stitches and much more. This social and yarn swap meets weekly in the Levy Library. Please bring your project to share with the group. New and beginner knitters are welcome.
Dates Days Time
Ongoing Th 1-3pm
The Levy Senior Center is pleased to announce a new partnership with Inspire Through Flowers, formerly known as Random Acts of Flowers. Levy Center members may assist volunteers in creating bouquets. Allfloral material that cannot be used is composted in a sustainable manner. Volunteer space is limited.
Registration and information: Amy Kellogg, 847-448-8250;akellogg@cityofevanston.org.
Dates Days Time
Ongoing W 4:30-6pm Th 9:30am-1pm
All levels of play require side to side mobility and hand/eye coordination. It’s a fun sport, but you need flexibility and coordination. Those who have experience playing racquet sports will enjoy and develop more quickly
Instructor: Carl Rosenthal
Location: James Park
Fee: $140 LM/$190 NM
This workshop consists of 45 minutes of instruction, followed by 45 minutes of open play. After the basics are taught with rules of play, keeping score and positioning, learn to improve your play individually improving your skills and confidence. We will continue to review and practice at a slow and fun pace. All equipment will be provided. Class
This workshop is a continuation of the beginners class. This is for players with some knowledge but lack confidence in hitting the ball consistently. We will reinforce strategy with serves and returns, better shot placements, dinking, punching, lobs, footwork and movement and communicating with your partner. Some may need to repeat this workshop several times before advancing to the next level. Class
For players with more court experience, looking to improve consistency of their shots and game strategy. This clinic will help players to develop and maintain a solid serve and return of serve shots. In addition, we will review stroke mechanics and footwork for ground strokes and volley shots. There will be emphasis on the dink and ways to develop this very important skill. All learning will be reinforced through game play. Class
524802B3 June 7-July 5 W 1:30-3pm
524802C3 July 10-Aug 7 M 1:30-3pm 524802D3 July 12-Aug 9 W 1:30-3pm
This workshop is for the more mobile, competitive and experienced pickleball players designed to improve your play with strategy drills, dinks, better shot placements, punching, lobs, deeper serves and by the end of the clinic, players will understand the importance of the 3rd shot drop and have practiced some of the mechanics of this shot.. 45 minutes of instruction, followed by 45 minutes of open play. Must have previous Pickleball playing experience.
All senior trips leave from and return to the Levy Senior Center, 300 Dodge, Evanston. Trip includes transportation, admission and lunch. The Dennis Newton Scholarship is available for this trip. Registration is required.
Join us on this Chicago became a center for architectural experimentation and innovation, home to many buildings that were at one time the tallest in the world. Chicago became a center for architectural experimentation and innovation, home to many buildings that were at one time the tallest in the world.
Fee: $110 LM/$114 NM Class
Join us for a wonderful spring afternoon of leisurely shopping and sights in the beautiful Lake Geneva. After free-time and shopping, we will head to the Fire Pitt in Trevor, Wisconsin, for an all-you-can-eat lumberjack fish boil and chicken dinner. Dinner includes North Atlantic Cod with no bones and no skin, red potatoes, sweet onions, coleslaw and dessert. Price includes transportation and a 4 p.m. dinner reservation.
Fee: $45 LM/$59 NM
Class # Dates Days Time 554001G3 June 22 Th 10am-7:30pm
Come join us for an afternoon of food, fun, bingo and baseball! Watch the Chicago White Sox take on the Seattle Mariners. Our trip includes an hour pre- game all you can eat buffet, unlimited drinks, bingo in the patio area and a game ticket. You don’t want this miss this day at the ballpark. Go Sox! The Dennis Newton scholarship is available for this trip. Fee includes, ticket, lunch and transportation.
Fee: $90 LM/$110 NM
Class # Dates Days Time 554001H4 Aug 23 Th 10am-6pm
A beach pass is needed for admission to Evanston’s five public swimming beaches.
Dempster St. Beach Office (Open Daily)
May 13–June 9, 10am-6pm
June 10- Sept. 4, 10am–8pm
Dempster St. at Lake Michigan (1251 Lake Shore Blvd) 847-866-4167
Clark St. Beach Office
May 27-June 9 11am-5:45pm
June 10–Sept. 4, 9am–7:30pm
Clark Street at Lake Michigan (1811 Sheridan Rd.)
Beach season:
May 27–Sept. 4 (Labor Day)
Beach hours:
May 27-June 9, 11am–6pm
June 10–July 31, 10:30am–8pm
August 1–September 4, 10:30am–7:30pm
Free Resident Beach Passes
Season passes for Evanston residents who reside in zip code 60201 & 60202 can be procured at recreation centers beginning April 17th.
Proof of Residency Required:
Adults must bring in a driver’s license, state ID with current Evanston address or two of the following: utility bill (no older than 60 days) with name & mailing address listed, valid voter registration card, a valid vehicle registration card, or current lease agreement.
Children do not need to be present. However, a guardian/parent will need to show a current report card, school picture ID, birth certificate, insurance card listing dependents, tax return document, or other form of ID that a guardian/parent may have that proves the child resides with them at the Evanston address.
Season passes can be picked up or purchased in person at the following facilities.
• Chandler-Newberger Community Center, 1028 Central St. (8:30 am to 5 pm, M-F)
• Evanston Ecology Center, 2024 McCormick (8:30 am to 4 pm, M -F)
• Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center, 1655 Foster St. (8:30 am to 5 pm, M-F)
• Robert Crown Community Center, 1801 Main St. (8:30 am to 9 pm, daily)
• Levy Senior Center, 300 Dodge Ave. (8:30 am to 5 pm, M-F)
The ramp is for launching power boats, personal watercraft (jet skis), and large sailboats requiring a trailer to launch. Boat’s that are 28’ or longer, or have a running draft of 36” or deeper, may find launch difficulty. Season launch permits are required for each boat/vessel. Each season permit includes one parking hang-tag, one launch sticker, and a key card for the entrance gate. To receive the resident rate (only zip codes 60201 & 60202) a State ID and matching boater registration must be provided.
Ramp opens: early/mid May—end of October, depending on weather and dredging conditions. Information and online Application: cityofevanston.org/boatlaunches; 847-448-8046
Rates Ev. Resident Nonresident.
Season Permit $360 $600
The facility is for the launching, retrieval and storage of non-motorized vessels, small sailboats (Sunfish, Laser, etc.), catamarans, windsurfing boards, canoes, stand up paddle boards and kayaks for only approved and permitted vessels. It is unlawful to launch any vessel at any swimming beach or other public right of way within the borders of the City of Evanston. Swimming and wading are not permitted at this location.
Facility dates: May 13–October 22, 2023
Daily hours: 7am–dusk
Storage spaces: Storage is currently full and a wait-list is available.
1. Lighthouse Beach 2611 Sheridan Rd. just north of Central St.
2. Clark Street Beach 1811 Sheridan Rd. Clark St. at Sheridan Rd.
3. Greenwood Beach 1401 Sheridan Rd. Greenwood St. at the lakefront
4. Lee St. Beach 1111 Lake Shore Blvd. between Lee St. and Greenleaf St. on Lake Shore Blvd.
Season Beach Passes
Purchased April 17–June 9: Skokie Resident: $35
Nonresident: $60
Purchased June 10–July 31: Skokie resident: $43
Nonresident: $81
Purchased Aug. 1–Labor Day):
Skokie Resident: $24
Nonresident: $31
Skokie residents can purchase daily passes in person only for $10 per visit. Nonresidents can purchase a daily pass through the Viply app for $12 per visit at viplypass.com or in-person at the locations below.
• Dempster Street Beach Office, 1251 Lake Shore Bld.
• Clark Street Beach Office, 1811 Sheridan Rd.
Information and wait-list registration: cityofevanston.org/boatlaunches; 847-448-8046
Rates Ev. Resident Nonres
Single hull sailboat w/locker $358 $466
Double hull w/locker $468 $606
Windsurf board w/locker $358 $466
Kayak, no locker $303 $394
Stand-up Paddle board, no locker $303 $394 Locker $55 $75
Rates Ev. Resident Nonres
Season (Purchased before July 31) $210 $275
Half Season (Purchased after August 1) $105 $138
Watercraft rentals are available by the hour, the day, or the season. Adults can rent one of our day sailing boats; stand up paddle boards or one of our kayaks (single and tandem). Life jackets are available and required for all passengers. You’ll need to show a valid driver’s license or state ID. Fee assistance is not availablefor rentals. Only one person allowed on a paddleboard at a time. Due to the weather, rentals can be cancelled or limited to more capable boaters.
Location: Dempster St. Beach Office
Age: 6 yrs. and up
Season: June 12–August 13
Weekday rentals: 4:30pm–7:30pm
Weekend rentals: 9:30pm–7:30pm
Vessel Type Evanston Res. Nonres.
Kayak, single or double $30/45 min. $40/45 min.
$45/1 hr. 45 min. $60/1 hr. 45 min.
$85/3 hrs.45 min. $111/3 hrs. 45 min.
Stand Up Paddleboard $30/45 min. $40/45 min. $45/1 hr. 45 min. $60/1 hr. 45 min. $85/3 hrs. 45min. $111/3 hrs. 45 min.
Barnett 1400 $35/45 min. $46/45 min. $50/1 hr. 45 min. $65/1 hr. 45 min. $90/3 hrs. 45 min. $130/3 hrs. 45 min.
Save with a punch pass
15 punched at 45 min.: $303 R/$394 NR
Unlimited Season Rental: $660 R/$860 NR
Passes are valid only during season purchased. Boat reservations: starting the day before with a max. of 1 hr. and 45 min. reserved on a single day.
Want to get out on the lake but don’t know how to sail? One of our sailing instructors will take you out on a 1.5 hour Hobie Cat ride for up to 5 people.Those under 16 must be acompanied by adult. Evenings and weekends by request only starting June 12. Call 847-866-4167 to register.
Age: 8 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: $75 R/$99 NR
Enjoy a guided kayak tour along the shoreline of Lake Michigan. Stopping points will be the George Morley shipwreck, Grosspoint Lighthouse and Northwestern University. Fee includes kayak rental.
Location: Dempster St. Beach
Age: 12 yrs. and up
Fee, session: $50 R/$65 NR
Fee, w/ own kayak & launch pass: $45 R/$58 NR
A hydrofoil ebike which combines the efforts of the rider with an electic motor to create an easy to access, fast, fun foiling experience. Riders will learn the technique assciated with launching, safety and riding. Multiple ebikes will be available. Experience is for up to 5 people at a time, for aprox. 2 hours. Call 847-866-4167 to register.
Location: Dempster St. Beach
Age: 12 yrs. and up
Fee, per 2 people: $219 R/$285 NR
Fee, per addtional person: $45 R/$58 NR
May 15-Sep 27 M,W,Su 9am May 15-Sep 27 M,W 4:30pm
Learn how to complete basic repairs on your vessel such as fiberglass repairs, sail patching, and more.
Location: Dempster St. Beach
Age: 16 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: $15 R/$33 NR
Fee, w/ rented paddleboard: $35 R/$46 NR
Construct your own boat out of empty drink containers, and race your boat and crew of up to 4 people along our course. Your boat must be made mostly out of empty pop cans, milk cartons, or plastic bottles. Prizes will be awarded for different categories and age groups.
Fee, per team: $25 R/$28 NR
Join us the first Dempster St. Beach sailing regattta for small boats such as Sunfish, Laser, Butterfly, etc.
Open to Dempster St. Launch pass holders.
Age: 12 yrs. and up
Fee, per team: $20 R/$26 NR
Have you aged out of Aquatic Camp, but still want to participate? This class is designed with you in mind!. Water activities include: sailing, kayaking, swimming, tubing, canoeing and water skiing. If there is poor weather, there will be one makeup day the week after the session ends on the same day class was held.
Multiple generations can participate in the same water sports as Aquatic Camp (tubing, sailing, paddling etc.) in a fun, relaxing environment. A swim test is required at the first class. At least one parent must register for every two children and must be present at every class; adults and children must register at the same time. If there is poor weather, there will be one makeup day the week after the session ends on the same day class was held.
Location: Dempster St. Beach
Age: 8 yrs. and up
Fee, per person: $145 R/$190 NR
722214A3 June 14-28 W 6:30-8pm 722214B3 July 12-26 W 6:30-8pm
Enjoy the same water sports as our very popular Aquatic Camp in a fun, relaxing environment. You’ll also learn important safety rules and tips. A 50yard swim test is required at the first class. If there is poor weather, there will be one makeup day the week after the session ends on the same day class was held.
Location: Dempster St. Beach
Age: 18 yrs. and up
Fee: $145 R/$190 NR
Tu 6:30-8pm
The Cook County Animal and Rabies Control Ordinance requires written proof on file with the operator of an examination within the past year for any communicable diseases including current vaccinations or titers for Rabies, Distemper, Hepatitis, Para-influenza, Parvovirus and bordetella, and confirmed by stool sample. The dog must be currently licensed by the local government where the dog’s owner lives.
Question? 311 (847-448-4311)
Cook County Animal Control: 708-974-6140
Located on the east bank of the North Shore Channel, between Main and Oakton Streets. Park Hours: 5am-10pm daily, year-round.
Fee: $50 for the first dog, $10 for each additional dog.
Information: Visit, cityofevanston.org/poochpark or Skokie Park District: 847-674-1500.
Evanston’s Dog Beach is located north of the Church St. Power Boat Ramp, 1631 Sheridan Rd.
Test out hydrofoiling equipment for 1-2 people for 90 minutes. By request only with 48 hour notice, based on availablity. Call 847-866-4167 to register.
Age: 8 yrs. and up
Fee, 1 session: $75 R/$98 NR
Location: Dempster St. Beach
Age: 13-18 yrs.
Fee: $145 R/$190 NR
Information: cityofevanston.org/dogbeach
Fee, resident: Free
Fee first dog: $200 NR Fee each dog after: $75 NR
Classes that don’t reach minimum enrollment level are canceled.
To receive the Evanston resident rate for a Parks and Recreation Department program, you must live in ZIP code 60201 or 60202.
In case of class changes or program cancellation, we’ll notify you in advance by telephone or postcard. Generally, refunds are issued within two weeks. If circumstances arise causing us to cancel a class session, every effort will be made to schedule a make up class.
Payment in full is required at registration (except for summer camps, which allow a $25 deposit per child per camp #/session to hold a space until the balance due deadline). You (or your child) will be admitted to a class or program after full payment is made. If your family has been approved for fee assistance, your portion of the fee must be paid in full before you (or your child) will be registered in the class.
The City of Evanston does not carry hospitalization insurance for program participants. Contact your health care provider for details regarding your individual plan.
Unless the program is canceled by the City, a $5 service fee will be charged for refunds. For classes already in session, refunds will be prorated and issued in the following situations:
1. Written proof of illness or medical problem for the participant or immediate family member prior to or during the program or activity.
2. Written proof that the participant has moved or will move out of the service boundaries of the City of Evanston prior to or during the program or activity.
3. Unusual circumstances which fall into the category of “hardship.” No refunds on Daily, Seasonal or Yearly Activity Passes/Programs
These include beach tokens, ice-skating passes, extended care coupons, fitness passes, season launch permits, leagues, dog beach passes and the like.
Summer camps are covered separately from the refund policy listed above. For more information, please contact the City of Evanston Parks and Recreation Department at 311 (847-448-4311) or refer to the annual camp guide at cityofevanston.org/summercamps.
To initiate the refund process, please mail or drop off written notice of your request, along with written proof of illness, moving or hardship (see refund policy), to the community center where the program is held or the Lorraine H. Morton Civic Center . Information: call 311 (847-448-4311).
Fee assistance is awarded to qualified Evanston residents on a sliding scale according to the number of family members in relation to total family income. Fee assistance is not available for special events or trips. Information regarding the fee assistance application process and the documents needed to verify family income and residency may be obtained at any Evanston Recreation Division community center.
Information and forms may be downloaded at cityofevanston.org/recreationfeeassistance
Parents/guardians are responsible for picking up children promptly at the time the program is scheduled to end. Instructors often have other programs to teach and can’t supervise children for an extended period after the program. Parents or guardians who pick up a child more than five minutes late from a program are assessed a late fee of $10 per child per 15-minute time period. For instance, if the program ends at 4pm and you arrive between 4:06 and 4:21, the late fee is $10. If you call and advise staff that you are running late, we’ll allow a 10-minute grace period, followed by the $10 per 15-minute late fee.
All participants must be toilet trained before beginning a City of Evanston program unless approved by program manager.
Program participants may be photographed or videotaped. These images may appear in future promotional materials.
The City of Evanston’s programs, activities and services are subject to all applicable laws regarding non-discrimination, including the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. The City has established a committee to review its programs and policies and welcomes suggestions from interested individuals. Reasonable accommodations will be made in recreation programs, activities and services to enable participation by an individual with a disability.
To aid staff in making accommodations, please contact them no later than two weeks in advance of the program by calling one of the phone numbers listed below, by writing or in person (three weeks’ notice is even more helpful). The time line for summer camps is no later than 10 days in advance of a program.
If you have any questions about the Parks and Recreation Department policies regarding ADA, please call 847-424-5496 (voice); 847-8665095(TTY); 800-526-0857 (Illinois Relay Center voice transmission).
As the City of Evanston has received federal financial assistance, the U.S. Department of the Interior, under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,
prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age or handicap. If you believe that you have been subjected to discrimination in any program, activity or facility, or if you desire further information regarding Title VI, please write to: Office for Equal Opportunity, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240.
E-mail on Registration Form
Your e-mail address is just another way to communicate with you. It will not be shared with any third parties.
Go online: cityofevanston.org/register
In person: All Evanston Recreation Division community centers see page 2).
By telephone:
All Evanston Recreation Division community centers.
Register with your Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express Card.
The City of Evanston’s Parks and Recreation Department strives to provide you with excellence in recreational programs and services. If you are not satisfied, we request your suggestions, comments, or ideas which will improve our programs.
Questions: please contact inclusion@ cityofevanston.org; 847-424-5496 (voice) or 800-526-0857 (IL Relay Center voice transmission.)
Goals of Evanston Inclusion Services
• To provide opportunities for individuals with disabilities to participate safely and successfully alongside peers in the City of Evanston’s Parks & Recreation programming.
• To provide access to the goals, benefits, and overall experience that all participants in the program receive through reasonable, least restrictive accommodations which do not fundamentally change the recreation program.
• To facilitate understanding, collaboration, and connections within all Parks & Recreation programming and within the community.
Requests for Inclusion Services can be initiated by Parks and Recreation staff or participant and/ or guardian(s).
Parks and Recreation staff must request Inclusion Services by completing the following steps:
• Staff communicates with the participant/ guardian to inform them of any concerns related to safety and successful participation in the program. Staff informs participant/ guardian that they will be contacting the Inclusion Coordinator for support.
• Staff contacts the Inclusion Coordinator to communicate concerns.
• Inclusion Coordinator schedules an observation of participant at program.
• After observation, Inclusion Coordinator provides an observation summary to the staff requesting assistance, which will include a determination about any support/ accommodations needed.
• The staff provides this summary to other applicable staff in the program and to participant/guardian.
• If it is determined that accommodations are needed, the Inclusion Coordinator contacts the participant/guardian to complete an Inclusion Assessment.
• Inclusion Coordinator provides tools to program staff for accommodations as needed.
• If it is determined that an Inclusion staff is needed, the Inclusion Coordinator begins the process of assigning/hiring and training an Inclusion Aide.
• In the case that an Inclusion Aide is not available, the participant will be placed on the Inclusion waitlist.
• Program fees paid will be prorated as needed based on any missed days after the initial observation.
• If an Inclusion Aide is not found by the end of the program season, all fees will be credited back to the participant/guardian.
Participant and/or guardian must request Inclusion Services by completing the following steps:
• Participant/guardian are encouraged to contact the Inclusion Coordinator as soon as possible once determining what program(s) the participant would like to attend.
• Once registered, the participant/guardian completes an Inclusion Assessment with the Inclusion Coordinator to determine any accommodations needed for safe and successful participation in the program.
• Inclusion Coordinator communicates with program staff and prepares tools as needed for any accommodations for the program.
• If it is determined that an Inclusion Aide is needed, the Inclusion Coordinator begins the process of assigning/hiring and training an Inclusion Aide.
• In the case that an Inclusion Aide is not available, the participant will be placed on the Inclusion waitlist.
• Program fees paid will be prorated as needed based on any missed days of the program due to an Inclusion Aide not being available.
• If an Inclusion Aide is not found by the end of the program season, all fees will be credited back to the participant/guardian.
Following guidance from the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), any accommodations provided for safe and successful participation in a Parks & Recreation program will be reasonable, least restrictive, and will not fundamentally change the program.
Accommodations and levels of support needed will be determined on a case-by-case basis and may include:
Inclusion Aides are trained to provide support as needed to help Parks & Recreation staff include the participant in programs. This training includes adapting activities, behavior management, disability awareness, incorporating visual and sensory tools, and other participant-specific tasks as needed, such as assistance with personal care (i.e. changing clothes, eating, toileting, etc.) mobility, or communication.
While every effort will be made, the determination of maximum support and the need for an Inclusion Aide does not guarantee that an Inclusion Aide will be available. Needs will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis and Aides will be assigned based on availability as well as skill level required. Due to the high volume of Inclusion Aides needed citywide, the same Inclusion Aide cannot be guaranteed from program to program. Inclusion Aides will not be provided for programs which do not require pre-registration (e.g., drop-in camp, open gym, and family programs.)
• If an assigned Inclusion Aide is unable to work due to an emergency or illness, every effort will be made to place an appropriate and available substitute with the participant. If a substitute is unavailable, the participant will be unable to attend the program until an Inclusion Aide is available. Applicable program fees will be prorated until an Inclusion Aide is available.
• If a participant is going to be absent, the participant/guardian must contact the Inclusion Coordinator and Parks & Recreation program staff/designee as soon as possible.
• If the participant is absent three times during a single program, the Inclusion Aide will be removed and re-assigned to a participant on the Inclusion waitlist. This results in immediate discontinuation of participation for this participant for the remainder of the program.
Inclusion Services will be re-evaluated as necessary with consistent communication between the Inclusion Coordinator, participant/ guardian, Parks & Recreation program staff, and Inclusion Aide, if applicable. An increase in support will be adjusted based on the needs of the participant as determined by the Inclusion Coordinator.
• Every effort will be made to provide opportunities for a participant with a disability to safely and successfully participate in Parks & Recreation programming. Receiving Inclusion Services does not exempt a participant from the City of Evanston’s Parks & Recreation Code of Conduct as well as program rules and consequences. The modifications/ accommodations are provided to assist the participant in following the rules. They do not, however, exempt the participant from following the rules.
• If a participant is unable to comply with these rules, even with accommodations in place, they may be subject to disciplinary procedures including discussions with guardians, suspension, or removal from the program if behaviors are deemed unsafe for the participant, peers, staff, and/or program environment.
• Please note an acknowledgment form must be submitted to the Inclusion Coordinator before Inclusion Services are initiated.