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Capital Improvement Program
Unlike the City’s operating budget, the capital improvement budget does not conclude at the end of each fiscal year. Many of the larger projects remain in progress for multiple years. As economic conditions and the needs of the Forney community change, it is often necessary to reprioritize which projects receive funding. Capital improvements are defined as facilities and Factors considered in the infrastructure that have a life expectancy of three or evaluation of capital projects: more years and are owned and operated by or on behalf of a political subdivision. Generally, CIP Projects are relatively expensive and non-recurring, have a multiyear useful life, and result in fixed assets. This includes construction and acquisition of new buildings, construction and reconstruction of streets, water and Community Economic Effects Fiscal Impacts Whether an urgent need or opportunity is present Alignment with City sanitary sewer improvements, drainage improvements, Council Strategic Plan and land purchases. Occasionally, studies and master Implications of deferring plans that will impact land use, facilities, and the project infrastructure are accounted for as part of the CIP. Amount of disruption The purchase and replacement of vehicles and and inconvenience equipment are not included with capital projects but Environmental, aesthetic are fixed assets. Information on General Fund fixed assets and social effects can be found in the Capital Purchases Fund. Capital Health and safety effects purchases for the Utility Fund and the Economic Feasibility, including Development Corporation Fund can be found within public support and each of those funds. project readiness Advantages that would accrue from relation to PLANNING PROCESS other capital projects Capital Projects are requested by the Department Directors as part of the annual budget process. Requests are submitted and then reviewed by the City Manager’s Office and finance staff. Projects approved by the City Manager are then presented to the City Council along with the annual operating budget for final approval. The Capital Project Five Year Plan is also reviewed and updated at that time. Occasionally, the need arises to add a new project outside of the annual budget process. When this occurs, the project is presented to the City Council through the regular budget amendment process. The Capital Improvement Program is comprised of four funds: General Fund Capital Improvement Fund Utility Capital Improvement Fund Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) Fund EDC Capital Improvement Fund - The information on the EDC Capital Improvement Fund is included in the Economic Development Corporation section.
The City of Forney separates capital improvement projects into several categories within these funds:
GENERAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS o Roads, Signalization, Drainage o Parks & Recreation o Technology o Facilities o Combination Projects – These are capital improvements to the City’s roadway, water and/or sewer systems that are performed together in order to reduce cost and time spent on the project.
UTILITY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS o Water o Sewer o Combination
The following capital projects were completed during Fiscal Year 2020. o Overland Grove Turn Lanes (Participation) - $197,457 o Council Chambers Audio/Video - $87,593 o Downtown Parking (Sub-Courthouse) - $133,212 o Community Development Parking - $45,301 o Liberty Hill Relocation - $328,495 o Fox Hollow Sidewalks - $46,370 o City Logo in Downtown Pavement - $8,886 o City Hall HVAC - $94,429
FINAL COST Estimated Impact on Operating REMAINING BUDGET (Four Years)
Overland Grove Turn Lanes (Participation) 197,457
This was a participation project and only paid for a portion of the project done on a TXDOT roadway. The City will not be responsible for repairs and maintenance.
Council Chambers Audio/Video 87,593
- The upgraded system will have no significant impact on operating. Downtown Parking (Sub-Courthouse) 133,212 2,500 Additional downtown parking should not require significant maintenance in the near future. Community Development Parking 45,301 1,000 Additional parking at the Community Development Offices will not require significant maintenance in the near future. Liberty Hill Relocation 328,495 - This project replaced and improved on an existing monument and maintenance costs should not be changing. Fox Hollow Sidewalks 46,370 1,000 This added new sidewalk to an area where there were no sidewalks in the past. Significant maintenance should not be necessary over the next four years. City Logo in Downtown Pavement 8,886 1,000 Significant maintenance should not be necessary over the next few years. City Hall HVAC 94,429 - The upgraded system will have no significant impact on operating.
Redbud Repave Trailhouse Road
3,679,073 3,413,082 265,991 2,643,600 2,347,474 296,126 Whaley Road 427,877 - 427,877 Fire Station 2 Drainage Reconstruction 100,000 95 99,905
6,850,550 5,760,651 1,089,899
PARKS & RECREATION PROJECTS Master Turf Softball & Baseball Fields
40,0000 32,414 7,586 Community Park Christmas Lights 600,000 127,132 472,868 Dek Hockey 53,500 41,105 10,895
693,500 200,651 491,349
REMAINING BUDGET Technology Infrastructure 753,500 599,728 153,772 City Facility Security Upgrades 308,000 282,516 25,484 Downtown Lighting Project 189,877 147,877 42,000 NewWorld 600,000 270,737 329,263 EnerGov 97,000 67,974 29,026
1,948,377 1,368,832 579,545
FACILITIES PROJECTS Booker T Washington School 441,565 296,553 145,012
Community Development/ Public Works Expansion 1,650,000 125,492 1,524,508 City Storage Facility 200,000 44,146 155,854
2,291,565 466,191 1,825,374
SEWER PROJECTS Mustang Creek Lift Station 4,560,834 4,277,580 283,254 Kaufman County Regional Sewer 85,231 85,231 - Gateway Sewer 4,000,520 14,842 3,985,678 Weaver Lift Station 250,077 201,874 48,203 West Broad Street Sewer 570,117 512,489 57,628 Clay Pipe Lining 1,070,392 - 1,070,392
10,460,461 5,015,306 5,445,155
WATER PROJECTS South Elevated Water Storage Facility
3,033,054 2,700,670 332,384 Upgrade Pump Station 2 Capacity 7,248,312 6,777,326 470,986
10,281,366 9,477,996 803,370
COMBINATION PROJECTS Trailhouse Utilities 1,444,000 857,462 586,538 Redbud Utilities 1,397,199 1,238,041 159,158 Public Works Garage 60,000 55,674 4,326