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Mayor Lewis
Bellagio Development Update
The City provided a status on the Bellagio Planned Development project located next to Forney High School. The project originally approved in January 2021, has Phase I approved plats for 337 residential lots, 63 lots in Phase 1A, and a site plan for 300 multifamily units. The final plans for the lagoon has not yet been approved. The next step is to create and issue the Public Improvement District (“PID”) bonds. The Development Agreement only obligates the City for the annexation of 4 acres, creating the PID, and issuing bonds for the PID.
Street Maintenance Plan
Director of Public Works, Kyle Groves, presented a report on the Planned Streets Maintenance Plan. Last year, the City did a study called the Pavement Condition Index study that reviewed the quality of every city-maintained streets, and as a result, has created a priority list of street improvements. The Public Works Department's current road maintenance budget is $1.5M. This list of city streets can be found here and will also be available in the near future under ForneyTX.gov/streetmaintenance
City Of Allen Interlocal Agreement
City Council approved an interlocal agreement with the City of Allen. Our sister city has a contract in place with Pursuit Safety Inc. for the upfitting of city vehicles. “Upfitting" includes such things as light packages, radar, dash cams, and other electronic components. This interlocal agreement with the City of Allen would allow the City to utilize their contract to obtain good pricing, provide efficiencies in the purchasing process, and help reduce the amount of time vehicles are unavailable due to adding the required features. City Council also approved the purchase of 2 F-150 vehicles for the Fire Department at $96,000 each, which includes upfitting.
Parks And Open Spaces Master Plan
A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for an update to the Parks and Open Spaces
Master Plan was approved. The Parks and Open Spaces Master Plan is out of date with its last update in 2014. The development of this master plan is a very thorough process that involves an evaluation of recreational demands, a youth and adult amenities study, current outdoor asset conditions assessment, a user fee study, and more. During the process, the selected consultant will work under the supervision of staff to gather input from the Parks and Recreation Board, City Council, and residents. The cost is budgeted at $75K.