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Mayor Lewis
Place 6 Vacancy Filled
City Council Member Jason Roberson (Place 6) vacated his seat earlier last month to run for the Mayoral position in May. The resignation and the necessary appointment to fill this vacancy for the remainder of the term are requirements per City Charter. The City received 4 applications for Place 6, and City Council appointed Mr. Daniel Efthimiou for the position. Mr. Efthimiou is a 20-year Army veteran employed now by Dallas County. He has children in the Forney ISD system who also participate in Forney's Parks and Recreation sports. Mr. Efthimiou stated in his application that his "desire to serve on the City Council is driven by a passion for community service, a commitment to teamwork, and a dedication to making Forney an even better place to live, work, and raise a family.” Thank you for applying and welcome aboard!
Kaufman County Gang Task Force
The Forney Police Department was approved to assign one police officer position to the Kaufman County Gang Task Force. This new County-wide task force is in its developmental stage and will be integral to responding, investigating, and prosecuting violent crimes within Kaufman County. The Task Force will be working with the North Texas Anti-Gang (TAG) program that was established in 2015 and funded by Gov. Abbott. Police Chief White will serve on the executive committee alongside the County’s District Attorney, Sheriff, and the Precinct 2 Constable.
Forney Brewing Company
City Council approved Forney’s Economic Development Cooperation agreement with the Forney Brewing Company for the development of the building at 203 E. Main Street. The company is bringing a beer garden/ micro brewing venue and the agreement will be a 5-year lease with Forney’s EDC (with the option to buy). The intent is to bring businesses to downtown and start a revitalization with this new concept at the corner of Main and Elm Street.
Annual Water System Maintenance
The City's water supplier - North Texas Municipal Water District - is performing its annual maintenance from March 6-April 3rd. Forney residents may notice a slight change to the taste or smell of their tap water soon. This is due to a temporary change in disinfectant. Although your water might taste or smell different, it is completely safe for drinking and bathing. For more information, you can visit to ntmwd.com