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Annual Public Work Citizens' Academy

Top Picture: Members of the 2017 Public Works Citizens’ Academy on their visit to Guanella Reservoir.

Come find out how our crews are keeping Golden’s streets clear, the water flowing, and the city beautiful! This year’s participants can expect equipment demonstrations, presentations by Public Works staff, and tours of City facilities including a field trip to the popular Guanella reservoir near Empire. Check out what past participants have said about the academy:

• “The instructors were so knowledgeable and confident. It made me proud to be from Golden.”

• “It went far beyond what I could have ever imagined.”

• “I’ve encouraged others to do it next year because it was so interesting and well done.”

• “Staff members were eager to give us the benefit of their knowledge and experience.”

Starting Aug. 25, this free 20-hour program will continue Wednesday nights and two Saturdays throughout September. This Academy is designed for adults and can be particularly helpful to residents who occupy spots on Golden boards and commissions. For the full syllabus and to sign up, visit the City of Golden website at www.cityofgolden.net/ PWCitizensAcademy. If you have specific questions about the program, please contact Shauna Paulson at 303-384-8152 or spaulson@cityofgolden.net.

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