Case #23-600-02 LED Electronic Message Center Applicant: Cargo Largo
E. 32nd Street S.
Action: Special Sign Permit
E. 35th Street S.
Surrounding Zonings
Case #23-600-02
Comprehensive Plan
Case #23-100-17
Site Plan
Case #23-600-02
Case #23-600-02
EMC Sign
Case #23-600-02
Color Elevation
Case #23-600-02
Aerial Photograph
Case #23-600-02
BACKGROUND PROJECT DESCRIPTION: As the Cargo Largo project nears completion, the applicant seeks to install an LED Electronic Message Center (EMC) sign on the south elevation of the building below a proposed Cargo Largo channel letter sign. This sign could be used both to advertise, as well as be a public announcement bulletin board. The closest existing EMC is part of the Sonic sign to the southeast near the northwest intersection of E. 35th Street S. and S. Noland Road. Visibility should be fairly good given the area’s flat topography creates straight sight lines.
The sign will be mounted on the 50-foot tall south façade under the Cargo Largo channel letter sign on the new Cargo Largo retail, warehouse and distribution facility. The Special Sign Permit is required given that the portion of the “sign” [channel letters + EMC] that is an EMC will be 41.67 percent of the total sign area. The Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) requires that the EMC portion of the sign may only be 25-percent of a given sign area. The EMC will be 576square feet. The Cargo Largo channel letters currently cover 240-square feet of the area. Total signage will cover less than 10-percent of the south façade.
Analysis Consistency with Independence for All, Strategic Plan: The addition of this sign help ‘Grow retail and commercial business’ in the city.
Comprehensive Plan Guiding Land Use Principles: This sign will help promote quality in the design of new private development. The Guiding Principle most relevant to this proposal is that it could help to, “Adapt retail sector to marketplace trends”.
Looking directly at the Sign Location
Looking to the West of the Sign Location
Looking South of the Sign Location
Looking West of the Property
Looking South of the Property
Looking Southeast of the Property
Looking at the Eastside of the Building
Looking Northeast of the Property
Recommendation Staff recommends APPROVAL of this Special Sign Permit application with the following conditions: 1. Lamp size may not exceed 54 watts of incandescent lighting for daytime use. An automatic dimmer must be installed to reduce nighttime wattage to a maximum of 30 watts. LEDs (light emitting diodes) and magnetic discs may be used, provided that light intensity is no greater than allowed for incandescent lighting; 2. Any display on the electronic message center must remain illuminated and visible for at least eight seconds; 3. Messages displayed may flash only when the displayed message is replaced by another message.