1 minute read
Recipe: Dylan Martini
Yield: 2-4 Prep Time: 30 mins Cook Time: 25 mins Difficulty: Easy
· 5–8 fresh curry leaves · 1 tbsp mustard seeds · 1 tsp tamarind paste · 1 tsp turmeric · 1 pinch salt · 2-3 fresh chillies (sliced lengthways) · Fresh coriander (for seasoning) · 400ml coconut cream · 2-3 large barramundi fillets (cubed) · 1 brown onion (diced) · 2 cloves garlic (crushed) · 1 peeled knob of ginger · ½ stalk of lemongrass · 100g snow peas · 1 red capsicum (sliced) · 100g cherry tomatoes (halved) · 25g lime juice (2 limes) · 2 tbsp vegetable oil · 1 ½ cups basmati rice
1 . Heat vegetable oil in large non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Add curry leaves and mustard seeds and sauté for 1 -2 mins. 2. Add onion, garlic and cherry tomatoes and fry for 5 mins or until softening. Add snow peas. 3. Meanwhile, cook basmati rice in separate pot according to packet instructions. 4. Add tamarind paste, turmeric, coconut cream and salt. Reduce for 5 mins with lid off. Later on you can add more spices to get the desired flavour/colour. 5. Add barramundi pieces and fry with lid on. Curry should be yellow and have desired flavour. Cook barramundi until it starts to flake apart when touched. Add lime juice. 6. Once cooked, season with coriander and fresh chillies. Serve hot with rice.
" Growing up in Darwin I got to enjoy amazing Asian street food at the weekly Markets . The flavours were strong and the food was fresh , and nothing beat the local Barramundi . This dish is a homebrew, influenced by my childhood memories of the Darwin Markets . " - Dylan