As the years go by, I must say one of my favorite times of year is fall. So much excitement. The new school year, cooler weather, the holiday season, football! It's a magical time of transformation; in our great city, it is our birthday!!! We were born in 1953 on October 10th. And this year, like every year, it's time to throw a party!! Be with us this year for our annual birthday bash, a.k.a. Bayou Fest. This year as always, will be an amazing time for both children and adults. Please stay tuned to your local sourc es of information about Bayou Fest. See you there!
Dec. 15 LIGHT
Mayor Keith BellStarting in Spring, crews have been hard at work improving our streets! This Various Roads Project involves constructing an asphalt overlay with isolated base repairs for twelve roads. Be prepared to use alternate routes while crews continue to make our city beautiful.
The La Marque water tower near Gulf Greyhound Park is getting a makeover! Along with welding repairs and containment removal, the water tower is also getting a new paint job and a new logo. Throughout the fall season, crews will be seen disinfecting the tank and water blasting the interior and exterior of the water tower. The project is expected to be complete in November 2022.
The La Marque Economic Development Corporation’s (LMEDC) mission is to as sist in the development of a strong, diversified economy for the City of La Marque. Ac complishing this takes a multi faceted approach that consists of efforts that help to pro mote business retention, busi ness expansion, and recruitment. LMEDC is 100% funded by sales tax collected from purchases made inside the city lim its of La Marque. Therefore, when a qualifying purchase is made, sales tax is collected at the point of sale and is sent to the Texas Comptroller’s Office. LMEDC can use sales tax funds to incentivize develop ment projects that create jobs in our City. Several types of in centives and tools are available, which can be found by going to incentives@lmedc.com. The grant is sometimes referred
to as the crème de la crème of economic development incen tives. A grant, in this case, is an investment by an economic development corporation in a business for agreed-upon spe cific improvements and perfor mance. Once awarded, a grant does not need to be repaid if the requirements are met. That’s a pret ty good deal!
An agreement must contain a schedule of additional pay roll or jobs to be created or retained, the capital investment to be made by the business enter prise and the terms for repay ment of the EDC’s invest ment if the business fails to meet the specific requirements. LMEDC is currently look ing for opportunities to assist businesses. Working together to improve and diversify the economy in La Marque bene fits everyone!
• Have an initial meeting with the EDC director to discuss your project (goals, objec tives, timeline, budget, etc.). A predevelopment meeting may be recommened.
• The applicant then completes the application and returns it for an initial review; to ensure all the required and pertinent information is included.
• Once complete, the item can go on an agenda for EDC board review at a monthly board meeting.
• Applicants are strongly encouraged to attend that meeting to answer any ques tions the Board of Directors may have.
To discuss in greater detail the process or current oppor tunities in La Marque, contact:
Alex Gettty, Executive DirectorLa Marque Economic Develop ment Corporation agetty@lmedc.com 409-938-9258
The La Marque Fire Department will provide residents with an “Exit Drill” kit that includes graph paper and a guide to creating a plan to escape your home in case of a fire. To pick up your free Exit Drill Kit, call 409938-9267. Supplies are limited and available during October 9-15.
This year’s Fire Prevention Week campaign, “Fire won’t wait. Plan your escape,” works to educate everyone about simple but important actions they can take to keep themselves and those around them safe from home fires. Today’s homes burn faster than ever. You may have as little as two minutes (or even less time) to safely escape a home fire from the time the smoke alarm sounds. Your ability to get out of a home during a fire depends on an early warning from smoke alarms and planning. The La Marque Fire Department encourages all residents to embrace the 2022 Fire Prevention Week theme. The LMFD will visit schools to educate students on the importance of having a plan and fire safety. For more information, please visit fpw.org.
Teens and police service (TAPS) places at-risk teens on equal footing with police to ex change ideas and learn from each other. The program will bring together the best of La Marque policing and lessons learned from educational programs that seek to prevent the use of con trolled drugs, gang membership, and violent behavior. With at-risk teens being the least-partic ipatory group in the community, officers appointed to the TAPS program will visit La Marque High School during regular hours. "There is a need for our city to provide programs to ensure that our teens acquire insight on enhancing their quality of life, as well as that of their families, neighbors, and peers," says Chief of Police Randall Aragon. "At-risk teens will receive training and guidance from our officers on why crime exists and how it may be prevented and controlled. It will foster a genuine partnership between the participants and the police department."
Do you know someone in our community that has a beautiful yard?
The Keep La Marque Beautiful Commission would like to recognize homeowners and businesses that go the extra mile to make their property shine. To nominate someone in our community, cut out this door hanger and place it on the doorknob of that homeowner or business.