Summer 2022 Inside La Marque Volume 19

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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Downtown La Marque Revitalization Plan is Underway!

uly of 2019, Council approved a preliminary budget for a streetscape plan for Laurel and 1st Street intersection in La Marque's downtown Renaissance District. After many hours of surveying and engineering, the project broke ground in March 2022.


This Revitalization Plan will include wider sidewalks, green space and attractive lighting, making downtown more pedestrian-friendly. Along with streetscaping, which La Marque Economic Development Corporation will primarily fund, significant road improvements are planned as part of the $80 million Galveston County bond approved by voters in 2017. Although the COVID-19 pandemic set back construction by a few months, the project officially started in March and will continue through June with crews installing asphalt, signage, backfill curbs and ramps, among other things.


Inside La Marque Summer 2022


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