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Development, The Other Team Sport

During a recent town hall, a discussion took place about economic development. One of the points I made was that everyone can play a role in economic development. In fact, it truly is a team sport. First, we have to understand that economic development is a marathon, not a sprint. Often times, developments take years of cultivation for a project to come to fruition. Sometimes, we solidly establish that there is an opportunity and the business chooses a neighboring community. So to help give ourselves an edge, what are some ways we can compete in economic development as a team sport? I will give a few examples. If you have a good experience somewhere and think the business would be a good fit for La Marque, plant a few seeds with the manager or owner. Tell them about some of the good things you know about La Marque. Mention some of our assets, like we have more I-45 frontage than any city in Galveston County. Feel free to pass my contact information along to them. Some say La Marque’s greatest problem is a perception problem. The reality is La Marque has as much, if not more potential than most communities, but we simply don’t always do a good job of promoting La Marque to others as we live our daily lives. Therefore, speak highly of La Marque and stand up for her when you can. When someone says we have bad water, educate them to let them know we have the same water as Texas City, Galveston, Hitchcock, League City, GCWCID #1, GCWCID #8, GCWCID #12, GCFWD #6, GCMUD 12, Bacliff MUD, Bayview MUD and San Leon MUD. When you hear something negative about La Marque, be prepared to once again educate them in a kind and professional way about the fact that La Marque is the second fastest-growing city in Galveston County. From 2010 to 2019, we had a 30% gain in population. Can you say boom town? People want to be here! Talk about how many of our businesses are thriving. This is evidenced by the over 100% year-over-year increase in sales tax since 2012. In fact, La Marque has had record sales tax revenues for 6 years in a row! These are the type of facts that can help turn the tide on the negative things we hear from time to time and change the negative perception of our great city. We have to promote and be the change we want to see.

Go, team, go! I look forward to hearing success stories! Until next time, God Bless! #ilovelamarque


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